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pxzero last won the day on December 26 2014

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About pxzero

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    Dirk Firkley
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  1. Finally. Putting in the work Dirk promised!
  2. umm.. what the hell just happened.
  3. That penalty though.
  4. Wild Watchmen Rush Watchmen
  5. Meute Titans Americans Reign
  6. Content: 3/3 I like the way it's written, and Merica seems like he'll be a class act. I'm trusting your week 2. Grammar: 2/2 For some reason, your opening quotation marks all go the wrong way. Not strictly speaking a huge issue, but it's definitely weird on the eyes. Also, there were a number of missing commas and whatnot, but I can't be bothered to write them all out. Not enough to warrant any lost marks. ”Here you go,” says the - missing a comma the counter. "That’s - missing a period Appearance: 1/1 Lotta black & white, but it works.
  7. Content: 3/3 Good luck! Hopefully Esposito isn't a flash in the pan. We can always use more VHL superstars. Grammar: 2/2 I got to you last so I didn't look too closely, but I didn't catch any blaring issues. Appearance: 1/1 Dry but effective.
  8. Content: 2/3 I'm glad to have you back! Amusing, and pretty well written. However, I hate to do it, but you didn't hit the word count. Minimum is 450, you've got 317 including the title and caption on the photo. Just one more paragraph and you'd have had full marks. Grammar: 2/2 not bad however, due to his state of mental depreciation, - missing commas having ran out - having run out, one of the weird English verbs. stated: "We're glad to have - you have closing quotation marks, but no opening ones Appearance: 1/1 Looks good Overall: 5/6
  9. Content: 3/3 Amusing read, nice play by play. I really loved the spreadsheet. Grammar: 2/2 Nothing wrong, per say, but you did have a tendency to have exceedingly long sentences. its toll however, and after being in the ring for 15 minutes, - missing comma Appearance: 1/1 Effective
  10. Content: 3/3 Another solid interview Grammar: 1.25/2 I marked this section a little harshly, because I have warned you before that you have had a lot of proofreading errors. Many times, you had words that didn't make sense or leftover words from rewrites. I know it's a long one, and about halfway through it gets a little better, but I'm going to stress it's quality over quantity. You only need 450 words, and you've got almost double that, but there are just too many errors again to give you a pass. he'll go he's not too sure - homophone, wrong to he's done and, luckily for the GM's who are picking early, - missing comma (without it, it's a run on sentence) general managers, scouts and players - agreement error. gotta keep it all plural want to give the viewers a basic - wrong word (get the viewers a breakdown doesn't make sense, since you're supplying the breakdown, not taking one) born in Denver, Colorado, and - When both a city's name and that city's state or country's name are mentioned together, the state or country's name is treated as a parenthetical element. it's the reason his favorite all-time goalie, Patrick Roy, had worn - wrong word. It's the NUMBER he wore, not the reason. Also, commas. cheetah - not a proper name, no reason to capitalize been absolutely outstandings as - s does not belong. weird typo Obviously It's still fairly early - no need for capital, obvious proofing error stated above - word choice. This is an interview, so they would have stated before, not above. (there is no written interview, and I'm giving you a lot of grammatical leeway in later paragraphs because this is 'dialogue') One time has contacted - wrong word. one TEAM has contacted They're powerful, amazing, strong creatures that in my opinion and truly - that in your opinion what? possibly "are truly" but it's either missing a point or a word choice error. Appearance: 1/1 Looks good, but you lost the green/blue colour scheme halfway through, only to bring it back. Overall: 5.25/6
  11. Content: 3/3 Another tough year for the Legion, but you're right that things are looking up! Grammar: 2/2 With their league-worst playoff drought extended to three seasons. - not a complete sentence De - not sure how this captions the photo defensive game perfectly and, with the chemistry - missing comma Appearance: 1/1 Yep
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