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The Domino Archives

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Posts posted by The Domino Archives

  1. On 1/19/2021 at 7:58 AM, hedgehog337 said:

    1,)  What will our team’s role going to be in S76 (Euro Conference) ?  (e.g. winner, spoiler, etc.)

    2.)  How can we make our LR more attractive ? (no lavender candles, please!)

    3.)  Our trainer needs to know what your pre-game rituals are.  Please advise.

    4.)  What, in your opinion, should be addressed in terms of our team’s needs ?

    5.)  What do you do during your off days...down time  ?

    6.)  Any cultural shocks on Moving to Latvia ?

    7.)  have you learned how to pronounce “Es spēlēju hokeju Rīgas valdīšanas laikā”.

    8.) We signed 4 undrafted free agents. Is this going to be a new trend in this league?

    9.) Milk before cereal or other way around?


    *first 7 questions are made by @Eynhallow*

    1. Prospect here, but last time I knew that we were the spoiler. Don't be a spoiler.

    2. I don't know

    3. For Vegas, i like to just sit around. Nothing special

    4. Check number two

    5. Rubiks Cube solving

    6. No.

    7. Check number 6

    8. I dont think so

    9. Other way around.

  2. So, Nexber has the highest amount of TPE on his team, and is most likely going to be the captain of the green and black team. Here is a question,

    How in the world did we get here?




    Oh look, a hockey simulation app! Im going to download it cause why not.


    Make a player name? I want it to be close to my real name so... Oh wait! I have an idea!



    And that's where it all began. A curious Domino Draws downloads an app about hockey and mindlessly makes a player, not realising he might be the overall scoring leader in S76 based on his massive amount of TPE. 




    *long hiatus intensifies*


    Alright what changed in the VHL while i was gone- hoooly crap!


    I was drafted to Vegas as a 6th rounder, and thought i was stupid, stupid, stupid because of it.




    Doo, doo, doo, time ro earn TPE doo, doo, doo


    That's it. That's all i did during those two months.




    Holy crap! I'm actually going to have a chance at getting an assisstant captain! LETS GOOOO- 


    I didnt get it. I mean, we had Its Gucci, Zetterstrom, McCloud, and many more! And because of that, Nexber eventually learned that he was on the fourth line, almost being on no lines, and being on the PK, which sucked.





    Well, here we are now. You could call this the lifetime of Nexber. But it isn't, so yeah. Here are some of the events that happened in January for me.


    - Sort of long hiatus

    - Reaching 250 TPE

    - Getting SC and DF to 80

    - Getting PH and SK to 75


    There we go! My rookie experience (sort of).

  3. 5 hours ago, JigglyGumballs said:


    :veg:Las Vegas Aces Press Conference :veg:

    18/1 - 24/1

    Answer these questions for 2 Capped TPE


    1) The VHLM draft is done and over with! Vegas, of course, had a limited amount of picks. How well did we do?


    2) So as we're heading towards the new season, how excited are you to play for Vegas?


    3) Are we going to compete this season? Or is Vegas going to be a basement team?


    4) What's your favorite genre of music? Do you have a favorite artist?


    5) What other teams do you think will be top competitors this season?


    6) So I'm heading into my 3rd season as an AGM. Does that qualify me as old for VHLM AGM standards?

    1. Ok, I guess

    2. Very.

    3. I hope we are going to be a playoff competitor.

    4. I don't really listen to music that much anymore.

    5. Miami, Philly, Sasky, Mexico.

    6. IDK


  4. 6 hours ago, JigglyGumballs said:


    :veg: Las Vegas Aces Press Conference :veg:

    1/11 - 1/17

    Answer these questions for 2 Capped TPE


    1) The champions have been decided! This season's champions are Philly for the VHLM and Malmo for the VHL. What are your thoughts?


    2) New GMs have taken the reigns of San Diego and Mississauga! How do you feel about our Vegas boi @thadthrasher rising up to become the new GM of San Diego?


    3) It's offseason time, meaning draft time. What do you think we should do with our first rounders? Do we trade em for futures or do we actually use them?


    4) Today's the first day of WJC sims!! Which team are you cheering/playing for and do you think they'll win?

    5) Are you looking forward to moving up and playing in the VHL?


    6) So how are you doing lately?

    1. TBH, I'm not surprised with Philly, but with Malmo...

    2. Eyyyy

    3. Use. Now.

    4. I'm playing for World. But you already knew that you smarty boi (not a compliment)

    5. Uh.... Are you talking about next season? If so, yes.

    6. fine, hbu

  5. On 1/4/2021 at 9:00 AM, JigglyGumballs said:


    :veg: Las Vegas Aces Press Conference :veg:

    1/4 - 1/10

    Answer these questions for 2 Capped TPE


    1) I'll...put it bluntly. We got our asses kicked by Mexico after a scare from Saskatoon, how do you feel?


    2) How's your Vegas experience? How well did you think me and @Spartan do this season?


    3) Looking forward in the postseaon, Spartan has graciously left us draft picks! Even a first rounder! So what do you think we'll do this draft?


    4) How do you feel about a good chunk of LVA players being Riga Reign prospects?


    5) Do you think 2021 will be a good year?


    6) So big news around the VHLM. InstantRockstar, SDM's GM is stepping down after a good long 10 season career as a VHLM GM. As a player looking from afar, what do you think of his tenure and what he's done?

    1. I wasn't active around that time, so... I felt sad at the start but I forgot about it.

    2. Good, same as last season.

    3. Try not to fuck it all up.

    4. Good, (me included, LETS GOOOO)

    5. To all those people saying yes, don't jinx it.

    6. He did good...

  6. 2 hours ago, JigglyGumballs said:


    :veg:Las Vegas Aces Press Conference :veg:

    12/28 - 1/3

    Answer these questions for 2 Capped TPE


    1) It's the playoffs!! We currently have a 3-2 series lead against Saskatoon. Will we finish them off or will they force a game 7?


    2) Since Christmas is now over, what did you get this year? Or if you didn't get anything for Christmas, what was a gift you gave to someone else?


    3) With the new year on the horizon, is there any resolutions you plan on making? If not, what do you hope for 2021? (Also you can't use no more COVID as an answer because we all want that)


    4) It's time for the World Juniors again! Which team are you rooting for? Do you think you'll be make it to a roster this season?


    5) Do you think we'll make it to the finals? If so, which team do you think will be our opponents?


    6) Would you like to see a pair of great tits? (Please click the link embedded in the text before you answer)


    2. Clothes and two hockey pucks.

    3. not being broke :)

    4. Europe, I'm the AGM. I don't think fromtheinside would pick me for tram Canada.

    5. Idk, I hope it's  a bad so that we could beat their ass.

    6. Those tits are unreal.

  7. you did not know this was going to come, yet you needed it so much.



    Halifax 21st



    I know this is a bit of a curveball, but hear me out. Elsa's parents died (damn that escalated faster than the Flash), and what were they on? A ship. And what is in the 21st's emblem? A. Mother. Fucking. Ship. Coincidence? I think not...


    Houston Bulls


    Butcher the Pitbull

    The biggest curveball in the history of the world. There are no Disney characters with pet bulls, or are bulls. So a pitbull is the best that I can do! plz dont hate me...


    Las Vegas Aces


    Alice (from Alice in Wonderland)

    Ok, ok, ok, ok, I can explain this. So you know how that are these cards with a queen that is a whore? those are blackjack cards (yeah no shit sherlock) , I wonder if all the Black Jacks in the movie gamble? Could be a possibility. also I think that Alice's dress has like card symbols. Remind me if I'm wrong.


    Mexico City Kings



    So, Pocahontas is an Aboriginal people (IN CANADA WE SAY PEOPLE EVEN IF ITS ONE PERSON) and I think the guy in the Kings' logo is Aboriginal as well. If so, my respect for them went:



    Miami Marauders


    Captain Hook

    I know cappy hook is a bad guy and the entire Marauders organization might hate me for this but, who else do you want me to put? That one guy who wears flip-flops and basically is just weird in general? plz dont hurt me @Ricer13


    Minnesota Storm



    I think good ol' "Zero to Hero" here would be a perfect fit for the Storm (cuz thunder and all that good shit hahah) but ngl, their logo looks like that one superhero that was in a show about but- 

    litteraly everybody: don't go there you stoopid bitch




    Butcher boi back at it again

    ayyyy butcher's here again. And if you don't agree with me @ColeMrtz, you can go beat up Houston to claim full closure of butcher. I'm sorry cole, pls don't kill me


    Ottowa Lynx


    That one cheetah that killed Tarzan's parents even tho a cheetah isn't a lynx

    Why I chose this? I don't know. There are no lynxs in Disney in history so this is the closest i can come up with.


    Philadephia Reapers


    pretty much every scary guy in Disney history

    you know, google isn't on my side here so... every scary af guy in Disney. Tell me if there are any reapers in any Disney movie.


    San Diego Marlins


    That one crab from The Little Mermaid

    Under the sea, Under the sea, oh I'm sorry, I chose him because come on, UnDeR tHe SeA, and he's a fish-like-thing with fish-like-qualities like living underwater


    Saskatoon Wild


    any wolves or raccoons in Disney movies

    I know there is a little amount of those types of animals in Disney movies but... raccoons are kinda cute but they are like Satan if they are with a garbage can.


    Yukon Rush


    Any quick boi in Disney movies (I wish the Roadrunner was from disney)

    because they are the rush, and rush means fast, and quick is another word for fast, and I had a sandwich for breakfast, and licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets.



    This media spot took a long time, but thanks to my friends @Ledge_and_Dairy and @Spartan for encouraging me to push harder and make this Topic be longer.



    576 words









  8. 15 hours ago, JigglyGumballs said:


    :veg:Las Vegas Aces Press Conference :veg:

    12/21 - 12/27

    Answer these questions for 2 Capped TPE


    1) It's the end of the season! We finished 5th overall in league standings and 4th in the Western Conference. What do you think of our regular season performance?


    2) What do you think we need to do/improve on in order to do well in the playoffs?


    3) What's your favourite Christmas movie? Why?


    4) What's something that not too many people know about you?


    5) On the first game we had against Miami since swapping goalies, we won against them 5-2. How did that make you feel knowing that Sovick was the goalie for Miami in that game?


    6) What's one of your favourite holiday memories?

    1. Could be better, could be worse.

    2. I don't know, maybe we could put Thad in for 5 games and Asku for 2 games

    3. Home Alone, the fact that the kid could go shopping when he was eight, and ledge can't even cook anything other than scrambled eggs and Mac and Cheese in a box.

    4. I solve rubiks cubes

    5. pfffft-

    6. Can't think.

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