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Everything posted by CowboyinAmerica

  1. Let's say this: I'd argue against Clardy going so high more than me going so low. Totally possible. Nice work.
  2. Is there a "As long as the commissioners can guarantee that the sims will be on a regular schedule" option?
  3. Blades Royals GLADIATORS BITCHES Storm
  4. Even better: The only thing that had happened in the game previously is Cote being hit by Savage. BUT STILL NO FIGHTING.
  5. Hans Wingate (Minot Gladiators) Goalie Everything!
  6. It's another subtle way to discourage tanking too though. Most teams that tank are going to load up on picks in 1-2 years, and that gets you into trouble down the road. That's why Helsinki had cap trouble - all of their guys were hitting their primes at the same time. To use a real-life example, that's why the Blackhawks aren't a juggernaut, because they had to pay guys like Toews, Kane and Crawford all at the same time, and those crucial role players like Dave Bolland and Nick Leddy are the price. That's exactly how the cap is supposed to work. On the other hand, to use a fun example given arguers here that isn't New York, look at the mid-30's Davos teams. They blended older players (Brovalenko, Linguini) with prime players (Tordahl, Landry, Davey Jones) and younger players (Bentley, Moher) to get a mix of all strong guys that still fit under the cap. Given the recent success of Davos and New York (and Calgary's impressive playoff streak), I'm surprised more teams don't do that.
  7. If I get drafted to a team that has cap space (*cough*Calgary*cough*), consider this my official attempt to usurp GM authority and get you to not retire so you can play for my team. I'll slash players in front of the net to get them angry and everything, then you can fight to your heart's content.
  8. I'd argue that having stronger top teams (this season: New York, Quebec, Helsinki) with an increased cap would cause lower activity across the league as a whole because those middle teams (Cologne, Seattle, Toronto) would have less of a reasonable chance.
  9. As if I didn't want to win this year before, I really, really do now.
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