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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. It's gotta be the first time my player got 7 points.
  2. Ikr. 21 shots in this match, 2 hat tricks in a row. Let's just hand Riga a ring already, there's no antidote against him tbh. @Will
  3. jfc @Tyler trade DeGrath please.
  4. I remembered that I can get 2 TPE for Petenis for this lol. I was drunk today, but for now I can try to type something. I don't know what though. Well, the Riga Reign team is leading the league for now, which is great. Everybody are doing their job good and I hope we can do the same in playoffs. But dayum, the second line terror from Locke and Krīgars. I thoguht Fred won't be able to repeat the 119-point success, but I see he wants to pass this mark too. Not sure if he will be able to keep this up, but it's interesting to see your player scoring so much points when you didn't do much PT's to update him. The VHL sim loves centers lmao. Also, there's Thrower who somehow wants to get a top D award, but we all know he just benefits from Locke-Krīgars duo. Well, I hope we can help him to get at least the Beketov award or whatever it was called for having more assists than others. So yeah, I don't have anything more to say, so I'll finally go to sleep, aight? 2 TPE goes to Petenis.
  5. After our recent game against Helsinki I will disagree with this.
  6. lol Calgary lol Seattle lol every other VHL team also fatality
  7. Liverpool - Maribor 7:0 Spartak - Sevilla 5:1 (!!!) From the same group lmao.
  8. Yeah right, this world team was better than some previous ones and still no medal? gtfo, fuck world cup in general.
  9. Updated with some re-draft shit for 2000 words.
  10. *Franchise Cornerstone being happy with the #1 pick* Recaping the drafts are one of the easiest way how to make TPE here. Especially if this draft was stacked and has more than 10 active players in it. And I'm going to take a chance and do this once again, like I did with S42 and S50 drafts for an obvious reasons. And if you don't know why - I'm presenting to you a S53 draft - a draft where my player was drafted, like in S42 and S50. Now we can say that all of S53 players are being on their peak so it's time to look at their careers so far and summarize some things. 1. Franchise Cornerstone, TPE: 839, @boubabi Nobody ever had doubts who is going to be a #1 pick because Boubabi is a TPE whore, just like that. And maybe he's not going to reach Lord Karnage's level, his current TPE count is more than enough for completing the deadly Helsinki first line. As about going to HoF, I'm not sure for now - he had <90 point performances in his first two seasons so it depends on his future level of sucess. But no matter what, he's an offensive dynamo who likes to score a lot and that is always great. 2. Lukas Müller, TPE: 682 @solas Lukas is another player who is gunning to HoF after his exceptional last season when he took multiple awards, including Slobodzian and Continental cup. However, for Solas it's just another good season as he had them a lot with his previous and current players. Probably the biggest concern for him is when his player will be picked first. If I'm not mistaken, Muller is his fourth player who was drafted second and now it's an intriguing question if his recreate Morozov will finally break this curse. 3. John Locke, TPE: 447 @Will It wasn't a surprise when Stockholm took Locke so early - a commish's player, after all. It's safe to say we were expecting more hard work from him as there are still players who earned more TPE. However, despite of his average count of TPE Locke is still a very reliable offensive guy who likes to collect points and shoot from everywhere. He had a breakout season with Quebec in S56 when he amassed 105 points and now he continues to terorize goalie in Riga. 4. Roman Sokolov, TPE: 451 @Beketov I thought he earned more TPE than he actually did. Nevertheless, he's still a pretty fine defender and he also is considered as a defensive cornerstone for the Legion. Roman never won an awards by this moment, but he always was somewhere close with his outstanding shot blocking skill. Now he started with 9 points in 6 games and there is a chance he's going to fight for the Labatte if he keeps going this way. 5. mist4ke, TPE: 571 @Strtlght I remember him being livid about being drafted by Davos as he wasn't believing in Goon's GM skills. At the end, he signed a contract with the Dynamo, but he needed to wait 4 long seasons to finally competing for the cup, thanks to the Seattle Bears' management. He posted a very solid 92,6% in last season so we're expecting him to be a consistent netminder for the Bears before he hits the first stage of regression. 6. Motherfucker Sharpe, TPE: 469 @JardyB10 Here's another player who is reliable on his own way. He's actually a first pure power forward in this list and that means the point count is a secondary thing for him. I don't remember his exact stats, but he is a consistent player when it comes to penalty minutes, hits and fights and nobody is surprised anymore when they're seeing Sharpe among leaders in these stats. He also can score sometimes, but as I said, it's not his first priority. 7. Xander Finn, TPE: 390 @Jericho It's always to see a veteran members creating successful players. Jericho was about to do the same thing, but his activity was slowly fading on Summer and it's ironic that Finn posted his best season to date while Jericho was already inactive. Xander was known as just a second line center in Stockholm before he was traded to Toronto. Now he has one 100+ point season on his resume already and perhaps this is going to be another successful season for the still second line center. 8. Astrid Moon, TPE: 660 TPE @KGR There were some doubts about this pick as DT a.k.a. KGR always was known for retiring his players very early. However, this pick was a bingo for Higgins as Trifecta not only didn't retire Moon early, he is still playing while already polishing two Continental cups. Another interesting fact - this is his second goalie who is having or had a long live, with the first being Mikaelson. I guess he's in love with goalies. Does he stands a chance for HoF? 50/50 for now - his brilliant S54 and S55 were overshadowed by mediocre S53 and S56 (although he woke up in playoffs against Davos). He has 4 seasons left to put his name into the list of best goalies ever. 9. Marc-Alexandre Leblanc, TPE: 513 @Pandar This player was drafted as BPA because Toast wasn't even participating in that draft. As time went by, he became a nice asset for the rebuild of my team while he went to Calgary. As much as Pandar isn't a really vocal member, MAL never was an outstanding player until Leblanc-Savard connection wrecked Toronto in S56 NA semis. Then he didn't back down against Quebec which makes us understand he isn't playing any games anymore. Looking forward to see more from this player as Eagles brought even more offensive power in Gretzky. 10. SkateFast McChunky, TPE: 145 @The Bread Man Probably the most tragic pick in this draft. Not for Stockhom though - shortly after being drafted, Chunky was traded to Quebec. Knowing Adwyer's dedication to sim leagues, people were expecting to see another solid, if not superstar player. However, AD87 wasn't able to handle the pressure that was going in this league and decided to retire not only Chunky, but his main player Podarok. What could have been... 11. Fredinamijs Krigars, TPE: 466 (?) No matter which position I'm holding, I'm still a second round dude (Petenis says hi, though). I was a VHLM GM when this draft happened, but this OV still makes sense - everybody knows I'm not shy of claiming welfare or not even claiming anything if I have no desire to do so. He never played a single game in Quebec before becoming my GM player and now he's about to spend his whole career in Riga. He had some good seasons already - 83 points in S54; 63 points in S55 and then a breakout with 119 point performance in last season which resulted in a Funk Trophy. I see centers are having a good time in VHL. 12. Apollo Aho, TPE: 105 @iRockstar No matter how Rockstar is trying to bring himself back in, it seems like his peak days in VHL were already gone after Ruutu. This player is no different from his last players, even though he managed to pass a 100 TPE mark. 13. Jakub Pastrnak, TPE: 187 @mpclardy I can't name this pick as a steal, but Jakub is having a decent career as a deep depth so far. First, he left Helsinki to try his luck in Riga, now he's trying to catch his first Continental cup with Calgary. By the way, the Wranglers is the team of last Clardy's player before he retired from all sim leagues. Time to fix the mistake he made with his first player, I assume? 14. Kai Abendroth, TPE: 55 @InciteHysteria Davos wasn't lucky with their second round picks. IH started nicely, but it didn't last long. All we can say about this player - inactive scrub. 15. Diego Jokinen, TPE: 342 @Ahma Higgins got another bingo with this pick. There were some doubts about Ahma's activity level as he told us from very start he won't do weekly PT's and welfare is the only thing for him. But it didn't stop Diego from being a reliable depth D and winning a Continental Cup two seasons ago. Now he's waiting for better days in Davos and maybe he'll get another chance for the cup before his career ends. 16. Chet Manley, TPE: 128 @GoodLeftUndone I think he could've had a good career because the S53 was the last season before the goalies started to fill this league. But no matter how many players GLU had, all of them were just a VHLM level dudes and Manley falls under the same category. The VHL is definitely not his league. 17.-18. @GordonBombay66 & @beaverNBFD Marty McDouglas, TPE: 54 & Beaver Beaverton, TPE: 50 These two players have two things in common: they both were drafted by Davos and before that, they were playing in Bratislava. I think I did what I could to keep them in, but no sucess at the end. For now they're inactive scrubs. 19. Luigi Linguini, TPE: 57 @Spangle There were three members creating players at the same time: Spangle, Titty and Kit and only one of them managed to make a relevant player. Luigi is not that player. 20. Luigi De Rossi, TPE: 241 @KitRas The last steal of this draft. Perhaps nobody expected Kit to make a decent depth player, but for this time he managed to do just that. De Rossi spent his first VHL season in Stockholm, but he is more known for his performance in Riga when he posted 91 points which is pretty surprising for a 241 TPE player. Now he's trying to repeat his success in Toronto. So far he has 5 goals in 6 games - I think this is fine as much as his career in general. The other picks were meaningless so I'll stop here. This was a S53 draft sort of recap. Now players have 4 or less seasons left to impress us even more, but it's safe to say this draft players are looking very solid so far. Not much superstars, but lots of solid second line guys. That's it and I'm out. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wait, no. I'll continue this article. Last time, when I was making an article about the S50 draft there was another thing - a re-draft by the current TPE count. So I'll try to make 2000 words here by doing the same thing: 1. Franchise Cornerstone 2. Lukas Muller 3. Astrid Moon 4. mist4ke 5. Marc-Alexandre Leblanc 6. Motherfucker Sharpe 7. Fredinamijs Krīgars 8. Roman Sokolov 9. John Locke 10. Diego Jokinen 11. Luigi De Rossi 12. Jakub Pastrnak *I think we can stop here and look at this re-draft. Franchise and Lukas are staying on their respective teams, but then things are getting interesting... *...I don't know how DT thinks of Stockholm right now, but he had a sort of beef with the Pajodcast trio when they were active. *Then goes another goalie, mist4ke...I think DAAD is happy with his goalie though. *MAL goes as the #5 pick - I remember when I was offering him to @Smarch, but once again I was hesitating as I wasn't sure about the S55 draft. *Sharpe stays as the #6. *Also, Fred still would've been drafted by Quebec, just by higher pick. *Sokolov falls to Helsinki. Would've been a fine pick, but I think Higgins likes Moon better. *And look at Locke and his current team. It was bound to happen imo. *Jokinen is going to Stockholm according to this re-draft. Ahma would've been mad if that happened in reality. *De Rossi goes to Quebec. A nice comeup from #20. *And Pastrnak goes to nowhere if we're looking at his current team. And now I'm done. That's it and I'm out. For real lol. 6x4=24 TPE goes to Petenis 9.10-15.10 16.10-22.10 23.10-29.10 30.10-5.11
  11. Guntis Petenis and STO D3 fight to a draw at 10:23 of 1st period Petenis became a bag of bones.
  12. Slava Aleksei is D now, fix it asap.
  13. They won't even win a draft lottery amirite
  14. Let' kick Cologne Express as well. I googled it and it appears that team plays on some VHL league. wait...
  15. This is the case when I haven't much to say because we will have the same captains we had last season. The S56 Riga Reign Captains: C - Markus King @Kendrick A - Essian Ravenwing @der meister A - Phil Shankly @Phil But still, don't forget to congratulate them!
  16. Player Name: Fredinamijs Krīgars VHL Team: Riga Reign Cash you have: 5M Purchase Name: Triple Predictions Cost of Purchase: 5M Cash Left: 0 Player Name: Guntis Petenis VHL Team: Davos Dynamo Cash you have: 13,75M Purchase Name: Pont Task upgrade + VHL.com upgrade +Two Attribute points Cost of Purchase: 2M+2M+5M Cash Left: 4,75M
  17. And then verify the phone number. pff
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