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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. 1. Do you like the VHL's 12 days of Christmas? Do you think you'll post in every daily thread? some nice TPE, thanks. and I won't be surprised if I'll forget about one or even more days. 2. What are you hoping to get as a gift this Christmas irl? don't care bout x-mas 3. If you had to pick a Moscow teammate to get into a bar fight with, who would you pick and why? randomizer chose Gritty. ok, let it be. 4. What's the last movies you watched and how was it? not watching them 5. How many players do you think Moscow will be sending to the S69 All-Star Game? three or four maybe. the first three scorers should be a lock and then maybe some more. 6. Does your player need a new forum sig? If so, what render (NHL player) would you like it to be? I'm forgetting to put them into my sig anyways, so nah
  2. 1. 60 games into the season, we're neck-and-neck with Seattle and Vancouver in the top three spots. Who between those two is our top competition? Vancouver is a slight favorite comparing to following three teams (us, Moscow and Seattle) 2. The EU playoff teams have a healthy lead over Davos and Prague - who do you think misses the playoffs in NA? DC and Calgary. 3. Corco recently posted the all-time IIHF team for the USA. Who are you most surprised about seeing on the team? Where's John Locke? 4. Which old/regressing player are you most impressed by this season? Can't pick yourself! Any of the star oldies besides Jake Davis. 5. On the other end of the spectrum, which young player has outperformed expectations? Can't pick yourself! Nobody tbh. some of Prague youngins are nice, but that's all. 6. Moscow has the most goals in the league (189) but currently sits in the middle of the standings. How much does that turn around in the last third of the season with Finn Davison? They sort of turned it around already with Finn. But he's still inconsistent for some reason. 7. Toronto has been on a huge slide in the last dozen or so games. What's your theory on their fall? Will they recover? Idk if they will recover. Might not if they're gonna flop in countless games against Prague. 8. The GM landscape changes every few seasons. Which user would you want to see get a shot at GMing in the big leagues? Idk, some of hella active VHLM GM's out there. They could try at some point, 9. Who's your top candidate for most improved player this season? At this point either HHH or Cricket. Right now I jinxed both so expect Randoms to win the scoring race and Kallis flop in last 12 games. So Red Guy from NY will be the most improved player. 10. In your opinion, who's the VHL GOAT? Alexander Thrower. the goat inactive 300 TPE defenceman.
  3. @Bushito this is not the way how you can get both Tagger and Beketov.
  4. 320 Vancouver Wolves 3:1 Malmo Nighthawks
  5. 319 HC Davos Dynamo @ New York Americans 320 Vancouver Wolves @ Malmo Nighthawks 321 Toronto Legion @ Seattle Bears 322 Prague Phantoms @ Helsinki Titans
  6. 1. Finn Davison is the newest member of the Menace! Give him a warm welcome with some advice for playing in Moscow! Be good except against Riga. 2. It's team photograph day, and the photographer asks you to do an action pose. What's your go-to hockey pose? Some random pose. 3. The EU conference is still pretty much wide open. Who is your preference to play in round 1 between Helsinki, Riga, and Malmo? Malmo. Their offense isn't what it used to be and I'm not sure if it's gonna change in playoffs. Especially when Davison is on Moscow side. 4. Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen has not only been dominating on the offensive side of the puck, but he's also on the verge of leading the league in PIMs as well. Has he gone mad with power? Should Smitty slow down or keep busting heads? Nah he's fine. 5. Victor sent a S70 1st round pick to Davos for Davison to beef up our cup run. How likely do you think it is that the player Davos takes with that pick will be a bust? Some chances. The first round is fine though. 6. Are you interested in asking team presser questions one week? If so, please provide an answer to this question....... Just kidding, but if you want to do it, just @ me in the LR or PM me or something................................................... Lord of the Rings or Indiana Jones trilogy? I'm not even interested to answer questions let alone asking them.
  7. 1. Moscow made a trade to get goalie Finn Davison out of Davos and into Russia. Are they the front-runners now? A hella expected move by Moscow. And yes, they're gonna be tough since they adressed their main flaw. 2. Elias Dahlberg recently made an announcement with intentions to retire. With both him and Rauno Palo -- major contributors to our team -- retiring, how will we fill their shoes at forward? Guess it's time for young players to make a name for themselves. 3. Let's suppose you're the new owner of the Riga Reign. How would you re-brand our fearless felines? Need 2 TPE so I'll try to answer this question. But it's impossible tbh. And nah, the logo is fine enough. 4. We're a little more than halfway through the season. Who's your pick for rookie of the year? Cinnamon Block. Never watched her stats, but I'm pretty much sure she has good defensive stats cause of a rebuilding team. 5. If you picked someone from our team for #4, who would you pick not on our team for RotY? Not sure if I understood this question tbh... 6. What's the deal with Malmo defenseman Jerry Garcia sending us pints of ice cream all the time? He's begging us to cool down I guess. Not gonna work. 7. Which team mascot is the weirdest? Davos. A mountain...the hell? 8. Tell me about your most memorable fan interaction. I'm hiding all the time in my den so there's none of them. 9. Everyone remembers their draft day. When did it first really register that you were a pro hockey player? Not sure if I understood this question tbh (x2)... 10. You're fighting Hulk Hogan and prime Ryuu Crimson in a 2v2. Which player would you take them on with? Roll Fizlebeef, he's the current VHL heavyweight champ.
  8. what a trash game all around at least Randoms could've scored, but nah. irrelevant ass result
  9. 1. Who wins Gold? USA 2. Who wins Silver? World 3. Who wins Bronze? Europe 4. What player will be named tournament MVP? Jerry Wang
  10. what he said. in sim leagues the draft position doesn't matter as much as activity. It's not an easy task to jump over two high TPE defs, especially as a rookie. So we'll take your solid defensive play, the rest will come later. and we do need to feed the puck to Hackett so he can continue to score his pass-goals amirite Reno
  11. ayye you back for some reason I thought you'll name him Vedro Pomoev
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