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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. 1. Moscow will be playing Helsinki in round 1 of the S69 playoffs. Who's your favourite player on Helsinki and why? Not much to say here. If only Aston Martin, he's one of main reasons why Helsinki was successful in regular season. Underrated player. 2. How many games do you think the Moscow / Helsinki series goes? Tough to say, I believe Moscow takes it in 7. 3. Now that the regular season is over, which NA team would you like to see make it to the finals and why? Don't care much, but would be interesting against either Vancouver or Seattle for different reasons. 4. The VHL recently announced a new annual charity drive. This year we are donating to Make-A-Wish. Do you know any other good charities the VHL can use in years to come? No idea tbh. 5. Smitty is battling to hold onto the point lead for defencemen with 1 game to go. Give him some good encouragement. YOU BLEW IT! 6. Playoff Hype!! Do you have any VHL Playoff superstitions? I personally will not wash my genitals until the Menace are eliminated or cup winners. Nice way how to scare opponents away and take the championship.
  2. 1. Yikes. Calgary just blew up. Any thoughts you can say publicly? ...and they got back together, except of Flashback and LeBlanc which won't be a big loss for Calgary imo. Just Dil doing his thing, nothing new. 2. Let's suppose (again, entirely hypothetically) there were to be a changing of the guard in Calgary. Who would you recommend for GM? Whoever from VHLM, I guess? I believe it was supposed to be Blade at some point, but idk how about now. 3. Regardless of whether our series has finished or not, who meets up in the finals? Need to believe in our team, so Riga and Vancouver. 4. This season, we've had multiple players call it quits before their career was maxed out. Who's the next player you think might retire before their eighth season? From our players? I hope nobody lol. League wide, idk. Probably some middle ground S64-66 players who won't have enough TPE to fight the depreciation. 5. Which VHLM player's future pro career are you most excited about? Patrik Tallinder. 6. What's the best VHL player name in the league? Best username? Can't really name em right of the bat and I'm too lazy to research stuff. 7. Say you couldn't do hockey for a career. What sport would you have tried to go pro for instead? Cricket obv. 8. Mint in desserts: amazing or too close to toothpaste? Indifferent tbh. 9. Of the four teams that didn't make the playoffs, which one has the brightest future? Calgary? They were a good team this season and thy also have two lotto pick. They'll be fine. The only problem is Wahl too old, but that's for the later moment. 10. As an agency, do you/will you prefer to make players all of one position, or do you prefer to branch out with successive players? Trying all positions, but I prefer a forward/center.
  3. 12. Cinamon Block my team: F - Elias Dahlberg F - Rauno Palo F - Joel Ylonen F - Pat Svoboda F - Randoms F - Dan Wilinsky D - Apollo Hackett D - Lincoln Tate D - Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen D - Cinamon Block G - Kallis Kriketers G - Rayz Funk draft done
  4. my team: Randoms 1. Elias Dahlberg 2. Rauno Palo 3. Apollo Hackett 4. Kallis Kriketers 5. Dan Wilinsky 6. Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen 7. Pat Svoboda 8. Lincoln Tate 9. Rayz Funk 10. Joel Ylonen @Jubo07
  5. my team: Randoms 1. Elias Dahlberg 2. Rauno Palo 3. Apollo Hackett 4. Kallis Kriketers 5. Dan Wilinsky 6. Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen 7. Pat Svoboda 8. Lincoln Tate @Jubo07
  6. my team: Randoms 1. Elias Dahlberg 2. Rauno Palo 3. Apollo Hackett 4. Kallis Kriketers 5. Rauno Palo 6. Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen @Jubo07
  7. so basically ex Riga player and current players makes sense
  8. my team: Randoms 1. Elias Dahlberg 2. Rauno Palo 3. Apollo Hackett 4. Kallis Kriketers @Jubo07
  9. oh never even realized this thing started already my team: Randoms 1. Elias Dahlberg 2. Rauno Palo @Jubo07
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