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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. dis shit [click to be disappointed hehe]
  2. I think the record is 356 PIM. so no, Komarov didn't break anything.
  3. considering that a bot goalie is playing better vs Helsinki than Kallis, maybe. brb after a first round loss to Davos
  4. I assume attys will be updated soon?
  5. didn't want to pull @Beaviss and start the playoffs with a backup what a shame, ain't it?
  6. 2 L's at the end of the season. I'm not feeling good about the playoffs.
  7. this is such a good result. bring Wahl's % down even further
  8. so uhmm I'm the only guy left. this is how it should be. I literally used a random.org to determine a player for ASG cause reasons: the random really hates Matthews oof C - Hunter Hearst Helmsley from Riga. @Beaviss HAPPY?
  9. ok this is how it looks when we're mad. even Randoms and Sigurdsson scored, dam.
  10. We really want to give Shaw to Wahl smh
  11. nah LET ME IN!! making GM's happy out here since the NHL engine ASG exists
  12. voted for guys that never gm'ed an all star team. so Glade and Quik
  13. got Wahl's save % down. very nice Edwin the late season MVP
  14. Bren got so happy with the Blues winning that he joined a sim hockey league
  15. we're giving Toronto a chance for a three peat
  16. imagine staying home during this weather. we have a half year to do after summer hah
  17. these comments made me think we got spanked hard we actually managed to get a point here.
  18. Of course I forgot to send lines. Helsinki got lucky here cause been known that RIG G > Kallis.
  19. 1. Is overtaking Malmo in standings more important than personal stats? 2. are you worried that your prodcution might go down once Moscow gets star players to compete? 3. how much did Paolo Nano help once he joined Moscow? 4. do you actually think you're not good enough at D considering that you're +11 player? 5. do you think Moscow is too crowded right now? 6. fav place in Moscow?
  20. 1. do you think you could reach 200 TPE? 2. why goalie? 3. do you want to be drafted by Toronto? 4. do you hope to be a starter in VHL? 5. are you glad VHLM is more active? 6. how's VHL portal?
  21. 1) Trade deadline's approaching. Who do you think is most likely to be traded AWAY from their team to a legit playoff contender in exchange for picks? Well, I'm too late to this party. But that trade was kind of unexpected and I think this will work for Vancouver. Nothing happened after that cause the cap and roster size. 2) We just had a couple of dominant wins over Malmo after a rough few games vs. Helsinki. Which of your teammates have been most important in this stretch? Every guy did something. the first line woke up, Kallis did shit and our team won. Yay! 3) Helsinki beat us with their bot goalie in, and we beat Helsinki with our bot goalie in. What gives? So we just found a formula how to win it all. CPU goalie against Helsinki will do it. STHS so STHS. 8 ) Is it true that Riga has a team dog? We apparently have a full zoo here in Riga. we have hedgehogs, cats, dogs. Even racoons since @ShawnGlade forgot to take them to Davos. 9) We heard the league (and some responsible media members) have the ability to ping/call/text players, like so: @hedgehog337. Is this system annoying for you? For some reason I'm ok with that. This makes me feel important [insert :mjcry face here] 10) I'm out of questions. Uhhh, would you rather learn 5 new languages or have your lifespan extended by 25 years? Of course I will be a cheater and rather have both things.
  22. I saw last week that VSN guys want more attention to their articles. I need TPE for my guys so here are some while I have mood for that. Seasonal TOP player article. Idea stolen from SHL(?). I don't know, maybe other leagues had this before, but I saw this thing first in that league. SBA also was trying to do that, but it's members couldn't do this on consistent basis. So VSN guys could do that, like TOP 50 players of S66 and something like that. Don't think we need more than 50 players, maybe we could do even less since we don't have that much players yet. VSN crew also could hire experts who will rate players or just do it by themselves. I think it could be fun to see your player being mentioned among the tops. History thing. I know Matt likes to write history related articles. How about updating this section and make VHL 50 in 50 and VHL 60 and 60? I'm a fan of these ones and it's a shame that members stopped doing these after the fourth decade. So this is another thing VSN members could do. And while all of these writings won't be under the VSN section, this should make themselves even more relevant in people eyes. Hot takes. I mean, everybody can do these, right? So why should VSN writers focusing on these? I don't know, just want to reach 500 words. But for real, they could provide a detailed writing about a certain topic. Like Kallis Kriketers is shit. And then I'll say this article is irrelevant since this is some freezing cold minus 270 degrees ass take. But then, we have way more relevant topics. Like why NY is so inactive? Does Helsinki stands a chance in playoffs? Or are Devise's GM skills overrated since he isn't known for rebuilding teams? Or is Discord bad for this league? I don't know, maybe this can generate more replies and views too. Hire more podcast'ers. How podcast guys this thing has? I know Uphill was making these at some point, but for now it's empty as fuck. So why not revive this radio sub-section? @K1NG LINUS was doing this rink-side chat series with GM's. [And now I remember I haven't done this although I said I will do it like a month ago. Cause I'm a lazy 'hog and will continue to be busy and lazy at the same time. And I don't know what I was meaning with lazy and busy at the same time stuff so let's continue this article.] The point is, King [or other VSN radio guy] could make this as a podcast. And not even with GM's only. Any prominent or just an interesting persona who has mic and is interested to do this will do it. You could even do these hot takes in radio section too. You know, we see some words in forum, but how about add some more emotion to these? So yeah, this is my article and so called ideas which very likely won't be implemented anyways. Cause it's not like these were some valuable stuff, just some random thoughts in my head. But I'll still tag them to be an annoying guy. And then they probably will write 2000 essay about why Kallis Kriketers is shit. And the I'll say this article is irrel...I'll just stop here. @VSN That's it and I'm out. 6 TPE goes to Kallis.
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