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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. 1. We've heard VHL locker rooms can get pretty vulgar. Who talks the most smack in your experience? Need to poke Gorlab, I've heard he is praying to be banned. 2. Our wonderful AGM Tate very quickly earned his management spot on the team. How'd he do it? I gave him this spot. Ez. But yeah, he was expressing interested on taking a management position sooner than later and we had this free spot. Ez. 3. Who's the most superstitious member on Riga? Hackett is still talking about that referee. He really believes he will get more PIM's with this ref than with other one. lmao. 4. Who's the most beloved member on this site? Boubabi 5. Which member gets more hate than they deserve? Boubabi 6. What change would you suggest to improve your experience with the VHL? unban Boubabi. yeah, forcing this meme just because. 7. Seattle has 7 overtime losses this season. What gives? Well, Davos has 8 now. Seattle had no business in being in the playoff race and Davos prolly some unlucky team. And they can continue to take L's and overtimes cause I need wins and playoff streak. 8. The Wranglers just made a trade swapping Joel Ylonen and Maxim Kovalchuk. What does this do for their championship aspirations? Not sure. Seems like they became a bit better as a team, but still no big difference so far. Gonna see at the end of reg season how are they looking. 9. Provided how deep many VHL teams are, what do you think will happen to all of the draft picks? Does New York really need 10 picks in the first 3 rounds this year? They really going 12/9. Big oof for active NY draftees. They really need to hope for an expansion lol. 10. The Titans sit at 21-10-3 -- an excellent record, but still a whopping 14 points behind Toronto. Why are they so far behind with all of the talent on their roster? Devise back at it again. The playoff miss last season really made him a monster once again. first 6 question aka 2 TPE goes to Kallis another 3 q's aka 1 TPE goes to Randoms
  2. I really needed to make some clickbait ass article name for everyone to check it, isn't it? However, this is indeed about to be about Boubs. Since S60's, the VHL was growing up with taking a lot of new members. The activity is booming and things are looking bright. Even some old-schools members are trying to give it another shot cause the league is more fun. So it wasn't such a big ass surprise when another prominent member was contemplating to make a recreate. Aka Higgins. I mean, nothing is very unusual here, eh? Well, except for one thing. I assume you all already know under which condition he could make another player. I'm not sure if he's just trolling just because or he is really interested bring back his duo with Boubs. Probably more serious than trolling considering that he had a nice time in S50's Helsinki with the Angry Frenchman of the VHL being of the main reasons. Ok, so my opinion on this? 1. Moreso, my opinion on boubabi himself? Not sure, to be honest. Kind of indifferent, I guess. We were poking fun of each other players at some point, but I can't say I had much interraction with him to have a strong feeling on him. I know he was a center of attention in the late stage of his ''VHL career'', but none of them happened involving me. If I recall correctly, majority of conflicts were based on sim related things. His team or his player's performance. Or the award thing, like that S59 Slobo(?) thread. I never saw or just don't remember his debacle with Bana, but I guess he indeed crossed the line there. Which prolly was still less harmful than the reason why Andersson was banned once again, but yeah. Talking shit to a man who lost a family member is meh thing to do. Then he had a long fight with Bek. I also have no idea where did his long-time rivaly with Kendrick began, I just know it started to happen in mid S40's or so. So I don't know what am I typing. But as I said, I'm really neutral on him if we're just talking about me. But there is no surprise that some other members would not be happy if he gets unbanned cause they had more tense convo(s) with him. And he prolly was a nuisance to members. Not for me. But yeah, can't be mad at these members either. 2. Could he change his behaviour if he gets unbanned? Say what you want, but I don't believe a person can change his long time behaviour in one year. It's possible, but unlikely. So I would expect more controversy once there is a thing he doesn't agrees with majority. Or his player becomes good, but getting somewhat snUubbed. I really don't believe he could do 180. Unless he already has another acc and has a player. And he manages to lay low so far which could be very impressive lol. TL;DR: I'm very neutral on this guy. Not gonna be upset if he gets unbanned. However, if this causes more problems (like members going away or too much controversies) - yeah, that would suck. And I assume more members are not big on Boubs so yeah. rip Higgins recreate. That's it and I'm out. 6 TPE goes to Randoms
  3. I wasn't supposed to make the part 3. Since Kastelic moved into C, we went 5-1 and things seemed or still seems hopeful. However, I just can't be calmed down until we lock the playoff spot and the last game of today's sim just made it even worse. This game really pissed me off and reminded me how stupid this sim engine is. It's not secret that we're fighting with a couple of teams for the remaining playoff spots. There are 7 teams that are really competing for the post-season and one of them is about to be eliminiated before even playoffs start. One of our closest rivals is none other than Davos. Which makes it worse is that we're just being unlucky against this team. We could've been closer to Helsinki than to Davos, had we not dropped almost all games against them. And boy, lately these games are being dumb as fuck. Especially when we outshot them by 12 and still lost. It's really dumbass result and I do think the result should've been our win. It's a rarity when we're outshoting opponents by that much so this loss isn't making any sense. And how about the last matchup. 14 shots? Just fuck yourself stupid nonsense spitting dumpster named STHS. This is really a facepalm worthy moment - we beat Toronto (not even for the first time) and then this happens. Three 850+ and one 700+ TPE forwards - all of that for fucking 14 shots. Aha, ok. Get this shit outta here cause this is a total nonsense. So we're now at 51 points. Very close to Calgary and Vancouver. Davos being at 46 so they're still somewhat close too. I just can't stop thinking that these games against Dynamo was our chance to be much closer to top 2 EU teams and be more confident in our chances. Instead, we're about to have 25 games full of uncertainity and stress. It's one of my goals - to extend the playoff streak. And who knows, maybe we have a shot at the ultimate goal this season. But we gotta have more luck and get Davos outta here. I'll lose any hope in STHS as the legit sim engine if we end up out of the playoff zone. Cause you can say what you want, but this roster is better than that. So this thing better do not make some fuck shit and get us in playoffs before I type 35 article about how broken Simon T is. At least Seattle is about to hop off and slowly go back to rebuild-tier teams. We were tied at points a couple days ago. Which obviously was ridiculous and was making zero sense. Moving Kastelic to C probably helped us, but need more wins. Other than that, nothing more to say. The next week will be huge for us. Either that position change is really helping us and pretty much locking us at playoff spot. Or the part 4 will come out next Sunday with yet another complaint that we're too close to Davos/already out off the playoff zone. Stay tuned. 6 TPE goes to Kallis
  4. bitch ass game, I can't stand davos anymore fuck em
  5. 231 Moscow Menace @ Seattle Bears 232 HC Davos Dynamo @ Riga Reign 233 Calgary Wranglers @ New York Americans 234 Toronto Legion @ Helsinki Titans
  6. Isn't a lot of players having 99's one of reasons why this sim engine is spouting nonsense results too often? If so, I could be fine with the update scale change. Like even a solid but not a TPE whore can get 99's without too hard work.
  7. 1. Who has impressed you most from the S66 draft (can't pick yourself)? What about the S67 draft? S66 - you. For real, nice steal at 16th tbh. I also like that Bloos and Park didn't fell off and still are being somewhere at TOP 10 area in terms of TPE. S67 - some Seattle guys are hella active, MGS is same tier as well. Tate is making me happy, it's not like I decided to take him #1 without a reason. 2. Are 90+ member draft classes the new norm? I hope so. Imagine if VHL is gonna have like 20 teams. And then I'm gonna be fuming at our performance once again cause another 15 teams are also trying to hoist the cup. 3. Everyone has a role on this team. What makes you feel accomplished as part of the Reign? I'm the current GM. The longest tenure in Riga history. The most cups during one tenure in Riga history. Also a GM who probably fell off and doing garbage lines that makes us underpeforming. smh. 4. What kinds of hobbies do you have outside of hockey (answer as a member or player!)? Being mad everytime. 5. Go back to your VHL draft night. What were you doing when you got the call? Nothing cause I was the one who was calling youngsters up. Ok, not in every draft cause some unknown sleepy reasons, but you catch my drill, aight? 6. What would you like to see covered by a podcast or article? How I'm gonna have the longest GM tenure record after that grandpa Bana is finally stepping down. 2 TPE goes to Kallis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. What's the secret to becoming a VHLM GM? Being 24/7 in the site. The thing that I can't do so I can't relate hehe. 9. Similarly, what's the secret to becoming a VHL GM? Not being 24/7 in the site and even sleeping during the draft while you have the #1 OV pick. And some basic STHS knowledge cause the luck > everything else. 10. Shout-out time. What's one person or piece of media you want to let everyone know about? free Boubabi 1 TPE goes to Randoms
  8. For the first time since S64, Riga isn't the only team I'm watching closer than other teams. It's not like I care that much about Moscow right now, but it's still interesting to see yet another underperforming season from Randoms... ...wait, what do you mean he is not underperforming? He was master of it and suddenly he has decided to use all of his skills? Wait there is more?! He is fighting Thompson for the Boulet award?!!? Ok, the season is only about to hit the half point so the 193 EXP guy is about to get away for another two-way award anyways. But this is soooo out of the blue. Especially when Randoms wasn't very noisy at the start of the season. Suddenly he remembers that he is coming from a member who had Guntis Petenis. Why this player? I don't even know...ok, I'm lying. I know why Gunča. Petenis had a very mid career in Seattle and only thing he was good at is hitting players as much as possible. One of main reasons why this happened is my meh build, but then the trade to Riga happened. And then the update scale change happened. And then a TPE relocation. This was the turning point as Petenis managed to grab four awards in two seasons, including MVP and MOP. What does Randoms has common with Guntis? Mid ass performance before a trade to my team - CHECK; Trade to Riga - CHECK; TPE relocation while being in Riga - CHECK; Breakout year in Riga - CH...ok not really. It appeared that Moscow's offensive magic is really doing wonders with players. Even some mid, like Randoms. We only can guess about his chances on better stats, had the Menace less forwards. Nontheless, good to see him doing fine even with non max 21-23 minutes per game. And not so good at the same time cause it affects our team, Riga Reign. Moscow might or not fall away before a conclusion of regular season and Randoms is one of the most important figures there. It could be interesting to give a scare to @Beketov and even trying to steal away his award. But if this means Riga could miss the playoffs...meh, not worth it. Keeping the playoff streak is more important thing than a sidekick player having a success unless Moscow somehow wins the cup. That could be sort of a season saviour for me, but still with a sour taste in my mouth. I guess I don't have anything else to write about. Moscow the offensive juggernaut, Randoms stops to be underwhelming, Riga is still trying to find the offense. Toronto is dominant, Helsinki is likely taking the EU regular champ crown. Vancouver, Calgary, Davos and us are inconsistent. Seattle is overperforming a bit. NY and Malmo are where they should be. By the way, another interesting fact. There are only two teams in the league with the better home record than away. Davos and Riga. Teams really be sucking at home, what a shame. That's it and I'm out. 6x2=12 TPE (VHL b-day doubles and I hope this can be applied for both players) is going to Randoms
  9. Ok, I'm not that mad anymore. I was about to put another 500 word that is full of complaint and crying. But Devise once again has decided to pull an early sim. The difference between last and this week is today our team got two last place opponents and we won both. So my mood is a bit better. And we had a nice scoring. But even with these two last games, our scoring is still being a subject of concern. Before today, we still were second worst in goals for, only behind Seattle (once again). And even now, it's a very close fight. A couple of bad scoring games - and we're back to Seattle-tier offense. Which makes it more depressing - two out of three point leaders are defencemans, Kastelic and McWolf. By looking at our forward lineup, you could figure it out that too much is going on in our team. Dahlberg wants to score, Svoboda wants to score, Preencarnacion wants to score, Aaltonen wants to score and there's HHH as well. It probably makes so much sense when one of our point leaders is none other than the pass first Chico Smeb. He is also one of few plus players alongside with Dahlberg, McWolf and...Nielsen? Ok Simon T. Actually there is some unluck that is surrounding Elias Dahlberg. He is close to 200 shots, but only 6.74% of his attempts were successful. That sucks. Could've been much better if he had at least 10%, there would be way less questions about our offense. A lot of our players are having decent shooting ratio, but not a guy who is supposed to be our points leader. smh Simon T. Do your job properly. There would be some questions about my lines. Cause I'm sending them every day to see if this sticks. And of course it doesn't so I'm trying some other strategy and then another one, then another one. And then I'm getting confused and making total dumbass lines just because. This led us to 3-1 record so far, but two wins were against Malmo and NY. So I guess this thing also isn't working. I'm mad about that. Kallis is still being decent. Pepper probably is about to get both goalie awards, but this is the least of my concerns. Our team needs WINS, this is what I want. I'm mad we don't have that much wins and the playoff race is too close. I guess Moscow is going to slow down at some point and Davos is inconsistent. But NEITHER ARE WE! I'm mad about that. You can tell already that games against aforementioned teams are very important for us. If we're fumbling majority of games against them, we're in big trouble then. So this sim engine better not to make me mad and give us some valuable points. And more goals. And better shooting percentage for Dahlberg. In conclusion, I'm still being mad. But not that mad like I was supposed to be cause Devise brought us some good news and gave me a bit of relief since we're 5 points ahead of Davos. Probably won't last for long and there is going to be a fight to death and I'm going to be very mad about it. 6x2=12 TPE (from VHL b-day doubles) goes to Kallis
  10. ...and then for some lil boxing matchup for fun
  11. you really wanted to avoid this situation
  12. 143 Seattle Bears 2:4 Calgary Wranglers
  13. 141 HC Davos Dynamo @ Moscow Menace 142 Toronto Legion @ Malmo Nighthawks 143 Seattle Bears @ Calgary Wranglers 145 Vancouver Wolves @ Helsinki Titans
  14. could be big if sths isn't deciding that their roster is too stacked
  15. wtf @Beaviss went inactive rip VHL



    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. BluObieZ


      Let's be real here. The day I leave is the day the league dies. 

    3. Beaviss


      I survived the Alpine!

    4. Dil
  16. 1. what made you to sign with the Kings? 2. are you happy being a 1C on the team? 3. do you think the team needs more active players? 4. 3 points in 8 games. is this good enough for you? 5. is there any hope to make the playoffs? 6. your first impressions on VHL? @73MPL4R
  17. 1. Positivefan036 recently pointed out that bot goalies have different stats. RIG G has the best overall of any of the bot goalies; what's his secret? He was just working so hard to impress me. I guess I should've put him in the next last playoffs against Davos so all of our games went into OT from 0-0 and then win all four games there. 2. First several games of the season are going rough; we're 4-3-0 on the season, good for fifth place. Was this where you expected us to be? Now 10-10-1 which doesn't makes it better. I was expecting a bit better performance and I'm not really sure why is this happeneing. I do hope this inconsistent sim engine will do the right thing and gives us a lots of wins later in the season. 3. What can we as a team do to improve our performances in game? Something needs to be done with offense. We went cold on this one. 4. Who's the most surprising player (on or off our team) this season so far? Kallis Kriketers isn't sucking. WTF. Smeb had a nice run too, but went on 4 games pointless streak. But maybe he will be able to come back again. 5. Who'd you pick for Most Improved Player (in your predictions), and why? I was putting Matthews in it cause I was hoping he could find a chemistry with Dahlberg and Svoboda. It turns out that he's feeling better with Smeb and Aaltonen. Other than that, idc. 6. Of the players on our team, who acts way older than their age? HHH is acting like he's 50 or something. And then I realized he's actually 49 now. oof. 2 TPE goes to Kallis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. McWolf recently returned to the VHL. What did our hedgehog manager do to make him return? Hedgehog brought him to a non mediocre team and he came back. Ez. 9. Motzaburger gave his opinion on where a North American expansion team could be. Where would you put the next VHL franchise? Idk, wasn't thinking about this a lot. Portland ot St.Louis maybe. A lot of good places here. 10. Of the current VHLM GMs, who would you want to give a shot at a major league management job? NYKO FOR GM!!! I'm for real. He's our unofficial AGM so he's ready for VHL ok thanks. A lot of members are vouching for Blade and I guess they have a point as well. 1 TPE goes to Randoms
  18. I just got to my second home in Riga and was about to write easy articles and then send lines. For some reason Devise has decided to do games earlier than I was anticipated. This was not what I wanted, but that wasn't even the worst part. The results proved to be the another level of how fucked this shit engine is. I don't even want to look at that game again, but 22-48 or something shot total? Fuck off, ok? And then the ''pinnacle'' of that - a loss to FUCKING NEW YORK! Really? Even with a backup goalie? Dumb ass shit. And yeah, some of you gonna tell that Helsinki is struggling even worse against Seattle. Well, they're still can be safe about their playoff spot (at least at this moment). What about us though? We're about to lose a third spot to Davos if this shitshow continues. And Vancouver isn't that far anymore. Like, all of these trades and doing all these lines almost every day is resulting in this? Get your fucking shit together sths. I get it, our peak will likely be in next season when Dahlberg and Svoboda might hit 900+ TPE and HHH 800 plus. And the depth could be somewhere at 500 something TPE. But I definitely expecting more this season. Even at the 21 game mark although we still have 51 games left. You know what's even worse? I can't really blame Kallis on that. He isn't performing lights out, but he rarely sucks either. He's more being a constantly a .910 - .930 performer which is fine. That is enough to not letting a lot of goals. But what is going on with offense? I don't believe that this forward lineup is the second worst offense in the league. And yes, 56 goals for is the second worst, only ahead of Seattle. So GET YOUR FUCKING SHIT TOGETHER STHS. Sometimes I'm wondering if it would've been easier for me to not have a flashy, but a decent enough roster to fuck around against some more top heavy teams. The S54 was one of examples when our team was making fun of eventual champs in Helsinki. That thing is fun, but likely won't lead me to a win anyways. This could be fun for like 1-2 seasons and then I would be searching for options to compete for real anyways. By the way, I'm also wondering how many chances I have to break the NY record of consecutive playoff appearances. The number is 11. We're now at 5 and I really hope we could make it 6. Otherwise there could be another series of me blowing up with trying to improve my cursing lexicon. I'm not sure what else I can type about. Today's sim really fucked up my mood and I'll have to settle with one 500 word article. This probably has to do with summer time as well, but the sim is the part of problem. I do really hope we can turn it around before I could be suspended for my constant whining about this thing. That's it and I'm out. 6 TPE goes to Kallis
  19. just fuck yourself stupid ass pile of pish fucking trash tier so called sim engine. I hope you choke tf out just like in our last playoff appearances you useless trash and this early sim is not what I wanted either
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