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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. 1. Do you know TheFlash irl? 2. How's Yukon? 3. Not too cold there? 4. Are you happy with your performance so far? 5. Are you worried about a surplux of goalies? 6. btw, is that a coincidence both you and Flash were in same draft class before? S42. 7. and how about me who was drafted in same draft class too? hue hue 8. Do you hope to become a starter in VHL someday? 9. which name do you like more? Cap'n Crunch or Clayton Park? 10. ...or Paul Ready?
  2. *does it even makes a sense to put Swiss flag into the article? yes.* Older members know that I liked to talk about my first major trade for a while and how weird it was in the first place. That trade took place in S53 off season between my team and Seattle. However, this is not the last trade with this team that deserves a mention. I'm sure that you already read the name of this topic. Yes, another RIG/SEA trade. This happened in S60 when the VHL wasn't poppin yet, but already implemented the welfare affiliate stuff. This trade wasn't a big one and at the first glance, that thread doesn't even deserves to be even opened. Let alone taking a look at it. But it's indeed a notable trade for two reasons. First, this is the last deal between Riga and Seattle. No more trades happened between me a 'Cock after that. But this is not the most interesting thing. I'm not even sure, maybe some other guys already took a look at the trade tracker and figured it out what am I talking about. But I only managed to realize about this fact like two weeks ago, hence this media. So let's take a look at this trade: To Seattle Verner Reinholdt Augustus Gloop To Riga S61 SEA 3rd S61 SEA 4th Nothin special, isn't it? Some players newer members defnitely won't recognize and minor picks. But this trade turned into something special for me. But before I'll name the reason of this. Let's take a look at the background of this deal. What happened? Riga. My team was coming off from a slightly disappointing S59 when we couldn't get past the wildcard round. It also appeared that I couldn't compete anymore since majority of players weren't young anymore and I've decided to pull the trigger in favor of rebuilding. However, by the S60 our team wasn't looking like a true rebuilding team with a couple of solid players + Krīgars still playing his last season. Calgary also helped me with sending three lesser TPE players that still were capable of not sucking. Also, aforementioned Renholdt was still in Riga as well. So we were more like a fringe wildcard team than a bottom feeder. And who knows, maybe Riga had a chance to dump one of Davos/Calgary out of the wildcard spot...to just maybe get away with a lucky win in a wildcard round and getting wrecked by New York then. But I've decided to think about the future instead. First of all, I sent Finn to Calgary. And then this trade happened. At the end of the day, our team finished sixth and grabbed a S61 draft third pick. Which was used to take Podrick Cast. The rest is history. What happened? Seattle. Unlike my team, Seattle was a defending champion. However, they also weren't young anymore so this season was labeled as the last hoorah before going into the rebuild. It was clear they needed more bodies in the team for making another cup run. And their GM picked a perfect moment when to pick players - it was a mid-season when the team didn't have to pay a full contract to players so he could make moves. As the result, he took three players - Bourdon from Quebec and Gloop+Reinholdt from Riga. How it turned for Seattle? Well, it didn't end up as nice as in season prior. Their back to back dreams were cut short in semi-finals. They were trounced by Helsinki in five games and they went into the rebuilding. But the Bears didn't lose much either - it's not like the S61 third or fourth were worth much at that time. Ok, now here is the real reason why I made this thread. To see how it ended up for my team. And won't name winners or losers. Because this thread isn't about that. ...One last thing. I'll name users behind both players: Augustus Gloop: @evrydayimbyfuglien Verner Reinholdt: @Devise And now let's see my picks in that draft. The fourth round pick actually was forfeited. As I told you earlier, the S61 draft wasn't as deep as the next four (soon to be five with the S66 draft). But what about the third rounder? To (S54) RW - Verner Reinholdt (S56) D - Augustus Gloop To S61 SEA 3rd (C Mikka Pajari) S61 SEA 4th (Forfeited) What goes around comes around. That's it and I'm out. 6 TPE goes to Kallis.
  3. imagine not using 3-5-1-1 formation
  4. It's not like I really wanted to make a goalie. It was just a positional need at that time.
  5. Idk. Can't say I'm very familiar with either Kayfabe, SwagSloth or Toasty. These three were drafted late and may break 300 TPE at some point. And yes, any late pick that makes the big league and still updating consistently (even if it's a welfare) is a steal in my eyes. So maybe they won't be considered as steals for you. To be fair, you with Pajari could fit into the ''member relation steal'' category. other than that, fair enough.
  6. I mean, we already are having some teams running with two and half lines (7 or 8 forwards) cause they can afford it.
  7. I forgot to mention that Devise teams don't count when it comes to draft picks.
  8. *someone caught me...smh* Don't worry, there would be no negative thing mentioned in this article. I just want to type some of my minds here. I don't know BoG plans since I'm not among them so I can only guess what are they thinking about. So this is the only thing I can do now - raise some questions about the future of this league. 1. How much expansion teams? Let's be honest, it's hard to imagine there would be no expansion happening. The S66 draft is about to become the deepest in whole VHL history (maybe). And I can't see that teams could afford to have all of them. Only if Moscow and maybe Calgary. Unless commishes are going to raise a cap, which could be a possiblity. But I guess it's better to have 10 teams again than forcing majority of S66 draftees to take 10-12 minutes per game cause they have no good spot in the team. 2. The cap raise? I already mentioned this possiblity. That could be good news for competing teams that have multiple players with a heavy cap. Like Riga and Vancouver. I'd imagine rebuilding teams won't care about this since they will have enough money for draftees. But the competing teams? Because the another question might be - are all immediate call ups be ok with taking the minimum money? 3. Three/four lines? This was a big topic back when boubabi was unbanned for the first time. In fact, the first signs of this happened in his thread about Franchise Cornerstone. @jRuutu was the member who mentioned about this. At the end of the day, boub's thread hit 300 post mark because this indeed was a very hot topic for a moment. Ruutu even had an alercation with Kendrick in discord about this. He was comparing our league with SHL that indeed has a three or four line system so he was interested in cutting even more teams for implementing this thing in this league as well. In my opinion, that wasn't the best decision to do this back then when we didn't have so much new members coming in. But what about now, with these deep drafts? Is that possible? How older members are going to react on this? How about the cap? Are members going to be ok with playing max 20-25 minutes per game? There are so much questions about this, but this definitely becomes a more viable option for the future. 4. Latvian takeover? Not really related to this topic, but interesting thing for me. Apparently, there are few Latvians who came here either from reddit/youtube or other member brought him. At this moment, we are four or five: me, @FrostBeard, @DoubleCarl, @GRZ and... @hejta? I wasn't sure about the last one. But first of all, he recruited GRZ. Second, his player is from Latvia so I assume he's also our fellow. One way or another, we have so much Latvians for the first time since @Prikulis5 and @Paramorise days. So yeah, this is nice. End of article. That's it and I'm out. 6 TPE goes to Kallis.
  9. Another one. This time, it's more about the complaining. Because apparently I don't understand this STHS engine. How it comes that a 720 TPA goalie with a good build is doing way worse than some 400-500 TPA guys? How it comes that a 92 rebound goalie is still trash at rebound control? How it comes a 720 TPA goalie is also doing worse that a goalie with a bit weird goalie build? Is this engine normal? Before Kallis made a first appearance at the VHL ice, I was a bit afraid he could have a Torstein Ironside type of a career. A good regular season, but garbage playoff stats and no wins. Well, it appears that my goalie managed to grab a championship and even the Clegane award. I gotta stay thanks to a team more though than to Kriks. Cause he never changed. He was inconsistent back in S63 and he continues to be worthless in most times this season. Some of members and I were making fun his trash performances, but right now this is not funny anymore. I'm being a bit afraid that he could ruin our chances at the championship again. Cause I felt like we had a good chances at making a two-peat in S64, but this dumbo couldn't stay consistent. I'm real mad now. 2 TPe goes to Randoms.
  10. I won't wait for 2 TPE from trivia and just do some writing again. I checked once again at that S66 draftee pool and I'd like to congratulate GM's who are banking in this draft by taking as much picks as possible. And yes, I'm one of them. Moreso, I want to take more this off-season. Cause I'd say the S66 youngins might be the future of Riga since I have no intentions to rebuild. Like why should I with these drafts. The only thing that might concern me is the lack of defencemans in TOP 15. I could use one at least tbh. Perhaps there are some that are currently behind and are gonna catch up at the end of the season. About this season. Riga is currently is sitting third and probably going to fight with Vancouver for #2 spot. Maybe with Seattle for the Victory Cup too, but their offense is going hard at this moment. And knowing who our goalie is...I'm not sure if getting that #1 spot is possible. I'd rather see us consistently beat some lower seed teams and hope for some luck against either SEA or VAN. As a whole, I'm happy to see our players doing good. And what's more important - both lines are working. I had problems with making a second line more relevant last season. I hope I won't have to experience the same problem now after I put Crimson and Glade together to second line/pair. 2 TPE goes to Kallis.
  11. 1. Do you plan to apply for GM'ing an expansion team (if the expansion happens)? 2. Were you excited when you got the RoTY? Like you won much before with different players. 3. What's the reason of NY's so-so start? 4. Do you feel like Twinger is underperforming for some reason? 5. Do people still confuse you with KO? 6. Do you watch wrestling nowadays? 7. How's New York LR? 8. Which LR is more active - forum or discord? 9. Are you afraid NY might miss the playoffs? 10. Can Devise be put as the TOP 5 (at least) GM after the last season?
  12. 1. So MU actually managed to throw PSG out. Surprised? 2. Do you think Liverpool still has a chance at the title? 3. Looks like Riga is now a solid second-third place team. Can we fight for the Victory Cup though? 4. The most important question that pisses me off - why my goalie is so inconsistent? 5. How is it to come back to do VHLSC rankings? Like the draft is hella deep. 6. Do you think we need to raise a cap cause of an upcoming draft?
  13. 1. Another slow start. the remake of S64 incoming? 2. How many seasons left for Slipher? 3. Do you still plan make a goalie as a recreate? 4. who is more fav player - Stoyanovich or Waldron? 5. Which city you want to see as the next expansion team? 6. How it comes that Vesto only posted 15 hits with 70 checking?
  14. 94 Vancouver Wolves @ Calgary Wranglers 95 Moscow Menace @ New York Americans 96 Seattle Bears @ Helsinki Titans 97 HC Davos Dynamo @ Riga Reign
  15. right! 2-3 players in a team and other losers can play in some shield or whatever tournaments
  16. it's too early to tell, but this draft potentially has prolly two rounds of immediate call ups lol. I'm wondering if BoG and commishes are talking about the next season cap.
  17. well, we have another retired team which was supposed to be MOSCOW. Latvians are so influental here that Moscow is being deleted
  18. I mean, you're talking about non existent team at least Riga exists
  19. he's being retired since he was born. He is playing like a retired player all the time
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