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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. While I have made my hatred of New York quite clear on here, I do wish to share the very few things in my life that I hate more than said team. 1) Oatmeal Raisin Cookies - There is no such thing as a healthy cookie, yet people will eat this because they are marginally more healthy than chocolate chip. If you are eating cookies you are not doing it for your health, so just get chocolate chip cookies which are 10x more better than oatmeal raisin. 2) Unnecessary Pizza Toppings - Personally, I think a plain pizza already tastes great, and all toppings do is just mask the taste of the great pizza. If you want to argue for having one topping of either pepperoni, sausage, or some other meat I can handle that if necessary. But things like vegetable toppings, pineapple, etc once again mask the taste and make the pizza marginally healthy at best. Throwing a few pieces of broccoli on your pizza does not balance out the fact that you are eating pizza, stop making yourself feel better and enjoy the taste of your pizza. 3) People Who Abuse Handicap Privileges If you are legitimately handicapped and need to park closer etc due to old age, and accident, whatever then by all means please use your pass, that is what it is there for. What annoys me is non handicapped people who think they are special and park in a handicapped spot at a grocery store because it's too cold / rainy / snowy out for them to deal with walking an extra 20 feet. Also, an add-on to this is people who get to go to the front of the line at Disney world because their handicap is their fatness that results in them having destroyed knees or hips by the age of 35. You weighing 400 pounds should not qualify you for getting to the skip the line.
  2. I pretty much solely use that button, which explains why i never see it lol
  3. Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you'll live, at least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all of this from this day to that for one chance, just one chance, to come back here, and tell our enemies that while they may never take our lives, they will never take our freedom!
  4. Yes I've heard. He kills men by the hundreds. And if he were here, he'd consume the Americans with fireballs from his eyes, and bolts of lightning from his arse. I am Gritty! And I see a whole army of my countrymen, here in defiance of tyranny. You've come to fight as free men, and free men you are. What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?
  5. Sons of Vancouver...... I am Gritty!
  6. I give homage to Vancouver. And if this is your army, why does it go!
  7. For presenting yourselves on this battlefield, I give you thanks
  8. I considered writing some trash talk for when we sweep New York, but no one on their team would be active enough to notice

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Esso2264


      if you dont sweep us i'll be dissapointed @Positivefan036

    3. Matt_O


      you better sweep them. I feel like they are going to win it all but no one will care because no one on their team will even know since they are inactive

  9. No mention of Gritty Also, is @Devise actually going to stick through with this rebuild, or is he just gonna peace out again? It would be kinda unfair to dump that on a new GM
  10. 1) Would you ever want to go into FA at the same time as me and both pick the same team? 2) Looks like the playoffs are going to be Davos vs Vancouver. Would you like to make a friendly wager on it? 3) Compare the Swaggy Sniper's left winger to a player on here 4) Do you remember when you were GM if you lived by any certain sets of strategies or line combos, or did you just copy what previous successful teams did? 5) Have you warmed up to the real life Gritty some? I remember before you told me you thought it was dumb 6) I think Vancouver is in the same place as Davos, with a worrisome chance to be stuck in mediocrity as a lower tier playoff team, but will never win the cup. Do you agree with this assessment? 7) @ShawnGlade's player was traded to Vancouver, and now he is playing himself in the 1st round of the playoffs. Do you agree this is stupid? 8) What would make you consider leaving from the VHL for good, if anything? 9) Will you ever make a goalie again? 10) Did you see @Munk logged in here again recently? If you had to guess, how old do you think he is?
  11. This Shawn Glade trade looks great
  12. Bob the Builder
  13. I've decided I'm going to be a good boy from now on because I want to be a VHL Gm again

    1. Motzaburger


      Hire me as your AGM and we will make history. 

    2. Victor


      GMs don’t step down anymore they just die on the job.

  14. Back in the day people had to kind of be begged to do this, great to see so many applicants already!
  15. Pretty much this. I used to be a very meaningful contributor
  16. It's been a while since I had super meaningful contributions on here, but let's look at the list of many of things I did to help this great website. I will try to do this in chronological order: 1) Grader - I think at least a year. This was way back with the old grading system old people will know what I mean 2) VHLM GM - Extremely active GM with Yukon, go back and look at my posts with them around like S35 I think it was. I won back to back cups with Yukon and made it to the finals 3 seasons in a row 3) VHL GM - I was initially an extremely active VHL GM, won the cup with Calgary in S44, made it to 3 straight finals (S44-S47). After that I was just a decent GM but still was with Calgary for a very long tenure 4) VHLM Commish - I spent I believe 2 real life years as a VHLM Commish, and really helped reform the VHLM by constantly keeping a watchful eye on my GMs making sure they were active, popping into locker rooms, consistently posting game threads, hosting drafts, etc. Worked with many fine people in this role such as Smarch, Flyersfan, and Adv and was the consistent presence there the whole time. Led some VHLM reforms such as firing DT for refusing to play his active player over a higher tpe inactive, implemented the 3 game thread posts for practice facility change (led to way more discussion and caring about the games). 5) BoG member - I don't remember how long I was in there, pretty sure it spans over many years. I would like to rejoin the BoG at some point, but I understand why I haven't been put back in considering how trolly I have been lately. 6) Led many recruitment iniaitives - I wasn't ever head of recruitment per se, but I did organize us having ads on Reddit and maybe Twitter, posted all sorts of new member guides that are still available, spammed lots of youtube comments, etc. I also used to try to chat up and help out new members as much as possible. 7) My regression articles - probably my most meaningful contribution as of late. I know that aren't game changing or anything but the numbers are pretty cool to see. My point is, I have a pretty comparable track to @flyersfan1453 and @diamond_ace, as they have taken on many of the same roles as me. And while they overall have made more good players than me, I have made some pretty solid ones in the past in RGIII and Tim TebowGow, and Gritty looks to be on that track too.
  17. @Victor why are you doing the results so early. I always do my VHL stuff Sunday night, and if you do it before midnight real time (USA East) then you are screwing over us Americans you commie bastard
  18. 1) I was told in the Vancouver LR I was being too negative, and I sort of agreed to I decided as a spoof on that I would remain positive this entire season 2) Certainly not good players as I've never really had near a HoF player. Mostly interacting with all the members, and chaos is fun like S43 Seattle big upsets and DT having meltdowns about timezones 3) Unfortunately not, I am unable to replicate @Munk's unique sense of humor. 4) @flyersfan1453 usually is the one to initiate sim league conversations with me. His current sim league flex is telling me to join the SBA, which just isn't going to happen as I am barely on here. 5) That would be a lot of fun. I think he might have been Riga GM when I was Calgary GM so that could have happened. I also think it would be fun for us to have real life negotiations with each other. 6) From @Beaviss - My stats are about where I expected, Gritty has become a useful player at around 400 tpe but is not yet a stud. Stud won't come for a few seasons yet I am fine being a supportive role player for now.
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