Over the past say 5 seasons, recruitment has been sky high, so hats off to the recruitment team for using ads, posting on reddit, etc and getting so many people in here. It has really livened up the VHL and made it a really fun place to be again, as many of the league's core members were becoming older and busier with work/life, so getting a healthy mix of high school / college / kindergardeners is great.
20 seasons or so back, we were begging people to take over VHL and VHLM GM roles. I remember wanting to step down from Calgary GM and having to wait many seasons, as there was just no option to replace me until the incompetent Brovy took over and I re-took the position for a bit. Now we have tons of VHLM GMs, AGMs, World Juniors, etc chomping at the bit which is outstanding.
I think one key was making recruitment team a full time job for 12 tpe, as that makes these members put in quality work for quality pay, and they have done great at fulfilling this role so far. I hope the replacement to the recruitment team can keep up the good work!