Rumor has it from high up in Calgary headquarters that the Wranglers are planning on drafting stud goaltender Sven Wolf. Rumor also has it the team may be trading down, knowing he will last to a further pick. When asked what he liked about the goalie, this is what Calgary GM had to say, "Wolf's sparkling personality will forever dazzle upon the sunshine. We know he will remain loyal to us his entire career if we draft him, as he definitely does not have any other opportunities for a higher up position." But seriously, Calgary has a need at goalie, and Wolf is a great goalie prospect and they have lots of 1st round picks that are higher than a team that will be in hibernation until a certain pick of the draft. Or perhaps the Wranglers will become the boy who cried Wolf. We just want to be at the head of the pack one day. Ban Phil.