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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. I think that's what I heard
  2. If I'm being frank, I think @Frank is a great guy Happy birthday broseph
  3. VHL GMs still get drafted in the VHLM silly
  4. Part I - Pick em' (Pick the correct winners of all three games for 1 TPE) 45 Legion vs Titans 46 Legion vs Titans 47 Titans vs Legion Part II - Predict the Score (Predict the correct score of this game for 3 TPE) 47 Titans vs Legion 2-3 Part III - Player Predictions (Predict the correct player for each category, 1 TPE for each correct answer) Series leader in points: Max Molholt Series leader in goals: Max Molholt Series leader in assists:Max Molholt
  5. interesting lots of scoring
  6. Thank you for recognizing the glory that is Tim TebowGow. I made him after Tebow because while his name or stats may not always be super pretty, all he does is win! Also I am happy to see he has turned it on this playoffs. It really sucks to retire my best player in the prime of his career, but that's the cost of being a GM
  7. yay 2 tpe
  8. also while you are here we need to get mom a present for her birthday
  9. I want to draft you soley for the Thor gifs
  10. lol @StevenStamkos91 I have 3 1sts this draft i will try to trade them all beforehand
  11. I'm not sure what you mean haven't had much success with the Gow's. I never drafted Jimothy and when I traded for him we made it to the cup and lost to the cup winner in 7. It's not like I am going to take him 2nd overall Also Flyersfan is probably the safest pick in the draft for me because I can always bug him to do point tasks
  12. way to go toronto boys! Let's finish this :3 good series seattle i am glad we were finally able to conquer clegane
  13. i like seeing these low scoring playoff games
  14. congrats to helsinki Hopefully the good guys can stop overlord draper from getting his 3rd cup
  15. you are a good guy goon i am sorry you have to deal with him
  16. I forgot you were on calgary lol Funny story, way back when before the s44 draft bushito had offered me rhinehart, some other player I forget, and a 1st to try and trade up for wingate No offense to rhinehart but I am glad I declined that :3 Glad you had fun with this player and hopefully you enjoy the next one too!
  17. I liked episode 2 better.... no dorne was probably a good reason why Roose being the smart and calculating guy he is you would think would be a little more cautious with Ramsay especially since he just told him he no good with Sansa gone and then he goes and has his boy. Ramsay ruling the Boltons makes them a wildcard as they will be much more aggressive but I think Ramsay will overextend the Boltons. Then that weird Greyjoy bridge scene, I suppose book readers probably know who that other guy is or something, he his brother. Why are these leaders just going around with no guards or protection or anything? And why do they travel over some garbage bridge like that in a storm? So Tyrion is apparently friendly with the dragons, no longer in captivity I wonder what they do Jon Snow lives woo woo! Lastly, still no LittleFinger after 2 episodes. The games biggest player is still missing, last said he was going to invade Winterfell and become Warden of the North. I bet he comes in and does something crazy eventually
  18. happy birthday stamkos and higgins happy 40th!
  19. 1st overall duh
  20. of course higgins won also i didnt do bad for once hooray
  21. Even though Calgary did not win the lottery, I am perfectly okay with it. I don't think there is a consensus number one that is way better than the rest, but instead a top few people who are pretty neck and neck with each other. Calgary still kind of won the lottery because we get to pick 2nd instead of 3rd as we had the 3rd worst record. Plus, an out of conference team getting 1st is better than Quebec getting it imo. So yeah, I am happy with 2nd and pretty much have my waiting list narrowed down for who I want. Will I tell you my list? No because I don't want other GMs to know it. I will be happy with either of the top 2 that fall to me though. In fact, Toast has told me who 1st overall will be. Will I spoil that to you. No. The question is do you believe that Toast told me or that he told me the truth. This brings me to one of my favorite youtube clips. I don't even know what movie this is but I like the clip.
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