You guys are getting this a little mixed up. Draper sent a pm to all playoff gms involved saying he would sim the 3rd and 4th games at midnight if there was no objections Toast agreed and expected to have till midnight to put in lines, but then jardy simmed early before toast sent lines
So it was a miscommunication between draper and jardy but a pm was sent out. So Riga still got the short straw but it happened in a different manner
Nice work Wranglers! Onto defeating New York!
Good series Seattle, you guys have a good young team and I expect you will be back in the playoffs and possibly further next season
Americans were in 1st in the regular season in S46 and S45, Quebec was in 1st in S44. Didn't matter. Regular season records mean nothing come playoff time. Do I think New York has better odds of winning? Yes, but it's not a gimme like you think