I think it was Draper a while back who said that outside of Ahma, we had a long time where first gens did not take on prominent roles in the league, leaving the old guys to take on the slack. Luckily, our recruitment has picked up some of late, and we have some great first gens such as @ADwyer87 and @Daniel who have taken on important roles of VHLM GM and grader and have become great members of our community. Even quiter guys like @Tim are updaters and just don't talk as much because they play silly league of losers when they are on chat. Speaking of chat, chat is a great spot and we should encourage new members to check it out more. Anyways, hopefully this recruitment drive brings us the next round of Adwyers and daniels and such, because as @ADwyer87 knows, I need more people to ban
Even bringing out farts back like @StevenStamkos91 and @Victor can be important, because even old farts can sometimes be loud and get the job done.