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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. I translated this. Ahma is leaving because boubabi has too much tpe and he is upset shitholm made the finals and he is on a quest to get a new pet lizard but he will return in a few weeks
  2. I thought it was past your bedtime
  3. you make some great sigs young buhl
  4. Thanks to @XaviYEAH! Woods for the quick and painless neogotiations, and thanks to @diamond_ace for your Calgary devotion after all this seasons as GM and player. It will be weird seeing you sporting a different uniform.
  5. To Calgary: New York S49 2nd New York S50 2nd To New York: Kerkko Hyvarinen
  6. congrats to new york glad to see NA master race take control again
  7. no
  8. Reddit ads start tomorrow, everyone prepare yourselves
  9. What kind of narcissist views his own profile page? That's a bannin imo

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    2. sterling
    3. sterling
    4. BluObieZ


      I do it all the time. So that answers the question of what kind of narcissist views his own profile page

  10. Thanks for your time doing this molholt! Perhaps more time for VHL Wrestling pretty please?
  11. I think it was Draper a while back who said that outside of Ahma, we had a long time where first gens did not take on prominent roles in the league, leaving the old guys to take on the slack. Luckily, our recruitment has picked up some of late, and we have some great first gens such as @ADwyer87 and @Daniel who have taken on important roles of VHLM GM and grader and have become great members of our community. Even quiter guys like @Tim are updaters and just don't talk as much because they play silly league of losers when they are on chat. Speaking of chat, chat is a great spot and we should encourage new members to check it out more. Anyways, hopefully this recruitment drive brings us the next round of Adwyers and daniels and such, because as @ADwyer87 knows, I need more people to ban Even bringing out farts back like @StevenStamkos91 and @Victor can be important, because even old farts can sometimes be loud and get the job done.
  12. well I am also a professional spammerwolf as everyone knows
  13. It is. Hit cntrl v on any NHL 16 related youtube video, that's how I've gotten most of mine
  14. You picked us in free agency but we did it via sign and trade
  15. Thats a bannin
  16. little do you know i am planning on drafting jim, caillean, and jala to create team inactive 2.0
  17. I'm glad you've found your way over here! One of my favorite things here is the awesome community, as most people here are very friendly and laid back. The commishes (Draper and Higgins and Jardy) are some of the coolest members on here. As the VHLM Commish (VHL Minors) , I guess I should inform you on what will be going once you create your player. We are currently in the finals of both our VHL and VHLM playoff series, which will end in a few days, and after that we have the offseason which will be about a week and a half. During the offseason you be will drafted to a VHLM team during the VHLM draft, where your player will spend his first season. The following offseason, you will be drafted by a VHL team and either move up to the VHL or stay down for another season of training depending on how much tpe you have earned. If you have any questions I'll be happy to help!
  18. Sorry Jim, I would call it a good career but it wasn't For whatever reason your tpe just never matched up with your player production. While you never expected to be a tpe whore top goalie, you had some poor numbers in the regular season considering your tpe, with the only bright spots being occasionaly doing well in playoff series. Best of luck with the new player!
  19. I'd argue it's everyone>Draper>seth tbh
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