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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. awesome stuff molholt, you thoroughly recapped birdman's domination. and there are probably some other wrestler too
  2. nicely done gents
  3. I'm only here for Phil's gifs
  4. loving the character lol @StevenStamkos91 get rekt @Phil would probably appreciate that tebow like comeback thanks for hosting @Molholt @Draper be my tag team partner
  5. Wranglers Titans Americans Vikings
  6. 4-2 calgary
  7. Philadelphia isn't an option? R igged
  8. lol if chat doesnt work ima spam it so higgly is happy
  9. hum
  10. Wat
  11. nice work :3
  12. it sounds like hway hway hway
  13. Of course both of these players are now on Calgary huehuehue
  14. lol i miss you
  15. Phil how much time do you spend to get these glorious gifs? Knight why does your profile say you are a VHL rookie? Growing up how much brotherly competition did you have and do you still fight each other over NHL games? how mad will I be when we have the third Calgary-Helsinki finals and Helsinki wins again
  16. Inb4 Phil's tebow gif
  17. so that is 7pm real time EST
  18. bernie has been on a good streak of late
  19. TOR G MVP
  20. Nice job everyone! #FeeltheBern
  21. yay team
  22. what are you having for dinner today?
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