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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. you posted the titans game noob
  2. wow 15 shots to 8 what a defensive match
  3. 40th overall
  4. 1) Any wild offseason predictions? 2) Did you know ahma is a robot? 3) Are you secretly a robot?
  5. Thanks for podcasting with me it was a fun time peace out bebs
  6. Pronounce these words in Finnish - Squirrel - Anemone - antidisestablishmentarianism - pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
  7. Ahma what kind of robot are you?
  8. looks good to me 1 more leggo
  9. good stuff i love Calgarry 9-1 victories
  10. Kesler never comments on game threads that his team loses. Which is why I haven't seen him post in a VHL game thread in a while. 

  11. I'm glad you like Tebow. That means I have to draft you :3
  12. I think it would be able to draft a few bench players you could sub in if people weren't doing well
  13. CAL RW with the assist
  14. Wooooooo Thank God for WinGod
  15. idk what the young kid terminology for that word is
  16. wow double sweeps. I thought Riga would be better tbh but congrats to Davos
  17. GG to everyone not named Kesler Now onto beating Kesler again I love it
  18. I wasn't serious lol
  19. lol now we have a better chat and better website, cheers to Driggins!
  20. New chat is great, you're welcome everyone :3
  21. Higgins what kind of bagel was it

  22. Ps4 for me, game looks swag
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