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Everything posted by N0HBDY

  1. No you know what. What's on your mind?

    1. mediocrepony


      the sabres 9 game losing streak

  2. Vegas baby I'll apply for sure
  3. We're the favorites the win the cup this upcoming season!

  4. team world cause we gonna take it over this year.
  5. I think that would be very cool if we did and with me leading the league in penalty minutes I think we can do it. Mid-season was kind of up and down especially in the standings but I hope we can make a last minute run and finish strong. Bringing the championship to LA or whatever team I'm playing for. Lots of activity and joking around. Panera bread soup, salad, and sandwich. London because it's always a cool change of culture/scenery.
  6. If I could rebrand in anyway I would maybe try out different logo's just to try and bring a newer image to it. Hulk Hogan Jr Anyone who shit talks us in the discord. I'm might make an image but it's a secret. Trampoline park, good workout for abs and also tons of fun. Sleeping for sure.
  7. What next, the Scotty Campbell fan club?
  8. Pump most of it into Checking and then level it all out, would become and absolute goon, not that I'm not that already. Get an extra good stretch in and if there's some other games going on, watch them. It's great for what we have on the team, lot's of rookies and the future is bright for us. I'm surprised hulk hogan jr didn't break into the top but we have lots of stars so we'll see. Brass monkey, love that song. I think they're doing great right now, the team is going to need time to develop to be able to compete, but otherwise it's just a waiting game right now.
  9. Nope because I'm a player and don't need to worry about that yet Pistil Stamen If you mean career then 500+ (Total guess) I haven't looked much into the VHL teams, been very focused on my recent year with the Reapers and winning the cup Whatever team Rory manages Penguins
  10. It was great for us, we need something to get us started in our playoff run and a sweep may be what we needed. The hypeness of the crowd. It will be a tough series but if we can beat them I think there's nothing that can stop us. They are very notable players in the league and are no doubt good competition for us so it will be a true challenge for us. Socks Seven nation army would maybe be cool.
  11. The league should supply him with a better tie next.
  12. Going skiing with my family. My family makes popcorn bars with m&m's in them and I love them. Sadly no, it'll be the first time since 2011 that we don't get snow. I'm boring and would say that Home alone would be my favorite. I celebrate Christmas. I've never been one to do the work but I like to put up the tree every year.
  13. I think this will help us because we know that we have a great team and management knows that too and we want to go all the way. We don't lack much on this team but the get a small boost like adding him to the roster will probably help us in the long run. It's always a good game against them and It's usually back and fourth no matter how good or bad each team may be. As soon as I can get one I'll probably try and get one. It's made the team much moire confident knowing that if we need them to hold up the back end they are fully capable of doing such. Grilled cheese and Tomato soup, I'm not very cultured, I don't eat much "variety" but that is my go to meal.
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