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Everything posted by thadthrasher

  1. Dynamite is of course going to go hunt some wolverines with a freakin' 12-gauge. Well, due to league-wide policy changes, Dynamite is going to work on everything in his game, including passing! It was an amazing team chemistry that helped us out. Especially between Dynamite and @InstantRockstar in net. How wild things get! I would say it would have to be New Zealand. Dynamite is looking forward to being drafted and hopefully being one of the most impactful centers in VHLM history!
  2. The seasons for the VHLM, the VHLE, and the VHL have all come and gone now. As the leagues start to shift their focus into the realm of S83, a few players are still celebrating a hard fought S82 season and post-season. Members of the Saskatoon Wild (VHLM), the Rome Gladiators (VHLE), and the Vancouver Wolves (VHL) are all riding the high of victory. But, as they celebrate, the league looks ahead. Given some recent controversies around the leagues regarding training protocols, there has been an adjustment for all three leagues. For a considerable amount of time, teams were working hard at finding trainers who were elite goal scorers. They passed down their knowledge to many, but the consequence of that was a large number of players who could score goals, but never passed and could hardly skate. Among many other deficiencies at the hands of this training focus, the Board of Governors who oversee the entirety of the VHLM, VHLE, and VHL decided to implement a new rule. This new rule states that teams must not only hire 1 trainer, but trainers for every main part of the game. This way, players have more variety to their game, making the game of hockey not only more fun to play, but more fun to watch. Feeling the effects of that change is one of the champions from the Saskatoon Wild, Napoleon Dynamite. Throughout the playoffs and regular season, there wasn’t much to be impressed about regarding Dynamite. Sure, he could shoot and rocket in some nasty goals, but that was about it. His skating was average, his defense was okay, but his hitting, discipline, and even overall awareness was lacking. Despite that, he earned his first career hat trick in Game 7 against the Houston Bulls. But, with this new rule change in place, Dynamite is going to forced to approach his training very differently. “You know, I was freakin’ irritated at first. I thought, ‘this league is filled with a bunch of IDIOTS! Gosh!’ But, then I started to see what these freakin’ idiots were talking about and it started to make sense. While my time is up with the Wild, I did see them starting to pull in new trainers who were eager to teach the players what to do. Right now, as I wait for this freakin’ draft to hurry up and get here, I don’t have anyone helping me train. Luckily for me, a lot of the people from my home time are willing to help me learn more. I know my hunting wolverines with a freaking 12-gauge will really help me out. I’m just ready for the draft.” On the ice, following his championship victory, Dynamite has been seen putting in even more hours. Instead of constant shooting drills, Dynamite has been working on his skating, face off ability, his toughness, and even some more passing drills. While his shooting is still something to be envied by many other players, this change in league policy is already starting to prove helpful to Dynamite. Hopefully, for Dynamite’s sake, this will help with his appeal come draft time. --- 521 words, claiming week ending 3 April 2022
  3. The time had finally come. The Saskatoon Wild were to face the Houston Bulls not just for another game, but for THE game. After 6 well-fought battles on the ice, it all came down to this final one. Feeling low, being behind by 3-1, and tying it up to 3-3, the Wild were seeking to claim victory. And no one else was feeling the pressure and lowness like Napoleon Dynamite. While Dynamite came to the team late in the season and only played a fraction of the games that the rest of the locker room had, he was feeling low about his own personal performance. He was ecstatic going into game 7 against the Bulls, but he knew that this was it. He had to make his presence known on the ice. Before the game even began, and before anyone else arrived, Dynamite found himself in the locker room, alone, eating tater tots. As he crunched down he told himself, "Gosh, freakin' idiot! You gotta do better!" And, it worked. In the first period, within 4 minutes of game time, Dynamite scored not one, not two, but three goals. This was his first career hat trick, and a natural one at that. Those were the only 3 shots he took the entire game. For the rest of the game he worked on puck movement, and because of his overall performance in game 7 of the Founder's Cup Final, Dynamite not only left the arena as a Founder's Cup champion but as the 1st star in the most important game of his career.
  4. Not gonna lie, I’m just now looking at that game and holy cow… a natural hatty?!
  5. Well looking at how each of my players did for their respective cups I have to say that I feel better about Sales' performance. Dynamite added some okay depth, but did nothing special. Sales grabbed 1st star of the game for 2/4 games against Moscow. Games 2 and 4.
  6. Donation for S83 Transaction ID: 20970214327293174 Doubles Week (claiming whenever rollover happens lol) 5 Uncapped $1 Million
  7. Haha exactly! I hope I don't end up on the couch tonight! But, in all reality, at the end of last season she was automatically pulled up to the VHL. Then regression hit and she was under 400 TPA, so I was able to sign her as a FA for one season. So, I HAD to release her
  8. Dynamite is feeling incredibly excited. He certainly didn't expect this during his first season ever! Well I think having a solid core is helpful, and adding the likes of Dynamite has helped establish that. Napoleon will be draft eligible, so he's hopeful that a cup win will help bump up his stock! He's only played a handful of games in the VHLM, but in that course of time, and especially in the playoffs he has grow exponentially. His scoring and passing have really increased! I mean, just looking at the numbers for the regular season it has to be Minou Lambert. For the M he has no preference, and for the E he'd like to play for Stockholm. He heard the GM there was
  9. Napoleon Dynamite continues to perform very well on the ice, just not so much during games. One of the newer additions to the Saskatoon Wild, Dynamite is currently playing as the team's 3rd line center, and his performance during games shows why he is still on the 3rd line. His skill is still very evident throughout practice sessions and individual training sessions, but he's having a difficult time producing during games. When asked why he thought this was the case, Dynamite stated, "I think I'm just trying to adjust to playing with actual professional hockey players. I still don't look at myself as one, so it feels like I'm just this kid doing nothing right. But, I'm confident in my ability, and in my desire to grow and get better at what I do. I'm hoping to work on my scoring chances, taking shots when it counts and making sure to set up my teammates for the opportunity as well."
  10. Honestly, I don't think we did anything necessarily wrong. It just seems to be that we were not in favor with Simon! I am! I thought we advanced well, established a solid foundation, and we proved that we are a team to be feared. My plans are to keep an eye open for upcoming prospects, especially that Napoleon Dynamite kid! Well, as a manager I felt like we had a real shot. However, that's not what Simon thought. I am, but as a manager I'm also a bit nervous. I have no idea what this is going to look like as a whole, and it may change a lot of how we run lines and strategies. No. To be "wet" is to be saturated with water. Water itself cannot be saturated, therefore it is not wet.
  11. Is Thadius Sales a Hero or a Villain? Find out here!

  12. In a weird twist of fate, Thadius Sales, the goaltender for the Vancouver Wolves, was deemed both the villain and the hero in the same city in the same night. The Villain For three straight seasons, the Vancouver Wolves have been one of the most hated teams in the VHL. This is a hatred that has stemmed from the pure, unadulterated talent that finds themselves playing for Vancouver. It’s much like when people say they hate Alexander Ovechkin or Sydney Crosby from the National Hockey League, it’s simply said out of raw jealousy. This hatred also comes from the fact that Vancouver has led not only the North American Conference for those three seasons, but they have dominated the entire league, winning back-to-back cups, and possibly even a third. One of the players on Vancouver that finds themselves hated by other players is Thadius Sales. It’s not due to his personality, in fact, he’s a great guy. But, it comes from where he’s come from and where he is now. Coming from the rather mediocre New York Americans, Sales was traded to an already dominating Vancouver team and excelled where many thought he would flop. This led to a heated rivalry between Sales and Seattle Bears’ goaltender Kunibuni UnGuri @Berocka, who joined the league around the same time as Sales. For many season, even before the move from New York to Vancouver, UnGuri has been very vocal about their disdain for Sales. This disdain was then picked up by the Bears fanbase. Coming into Game 6 of the Semi-Finals, Vancouver and Sales found themselves in Seattle, for a heated rivalry game. There was pure aggression not only between the players on the ice, but between Sales and UnGuri, both of whom offered a few slashes at one another during the pre-game warmups. The heat in the arena was almost unbearable as the fans echoed chants of “Sales Sucks” and “Meta!” The chants rang heavy, often distracting players on both sides. Yet, despite it all, Sales and the Wolves pulled off a 5-2 victory which caused for a chorus of boos from the crowd as the Wolves celebrated. Despite the multi-season long rivalry, UnGuri and Sales shook hands at the end, knowing it would be the last time the two would face off. At this, the crowds screamed in loud protest. Sales was truly a villain in Seattle. The Hero After the game, and after a bit of celebration, the Wolves decided to head back to Vancouver. Being that the drive was under 3 hours, Sales decided that he was going to drive himself home instead of catching a flight. It was something he often chose to do throughout his career, especially after a big game when possible. However, his whole night changed as he pulled out of the underground parking complex of the arena. He became a Seattle hero. As Sales waited for traffic to slow down so he could pull out into the street, witnesses saw an unbelievable scene unfold. A 2022 Lincoln Navigator, travelling at a high rate of speed, barreled into the side of the arena, missing Sales by only a few inches. Without skipping a beat, Sales jumped from his vehicle and ran toward the car that was now beginning to smoke. A crowd of onlookers saw as Sales pulled hard on the stuck driver-side door, trying to open it in a frenzy. The crowd soon saw the flames growing at the front of the car. Sales screamed out, “get over here, help me!” A few onlookers ran to his aid, helping him to force open the car door. Sales pulled the unconscious man out of the vehicle and with the help of another in the crowd they carried the unconscious person to the street and away from the flaming vehicle. Pretty soon the bystanders recognized who Sales was, and who the other man was. The unconscious man, whom Sales was performing CPR on, was none other than Seattle’s mayor, Bruce Harrell. With quick thinking and proper training, Sales not only risked his own life to help another, but he pulled the highest ranking government official from a flaming wreckage and rendered life-saving CPR. Continuing CPR until paramedics arrived, Sales quickly parked his car and hopped into the ambulance with the still unconscious Harrell. Still, unaware of who it was that he just saved. It wasn’t until he was at the hospital, waiting to hear back from doctors, that Sales found out who it was that he just saved. Harrell’s family rushed into the hospital, followed by a myriad of paparazzi, and ran to Sales with tears in their eyes. After embracing him they revealed who they were and who it was that Sales had saved. Now that his family was there, Sales left the hospital to head home. Given that it was now late into the night. Sales grabbed a room and decided to leave early in the morning. The next day Sales received a phone call from the now awake Mayor Harrell, who requested that Sales come to the hospital before heading back to Vancouver. Now, standing in the hospital room, Sales learned that Harrell had been at the game the night before, and as he was driving himself home he had a massive heart attack, causing him to lose control of his car. After explaining this all to Sales, Mayor Harrell nodded and a small army of reporters flooded into the room. The last into the room was Washington’s governor, Governor Jay Inslee. Governor Inslee stood next to Mayor Harrell and Sales, saying, “On behalf of the State of Washington, the city of Seattle, Mayor Harrell and his family, and myself, I would like to present to Mr. Thadius Sales the Washington Medal of Valor, for acts of bravery that resulted in the saving of another human life while putting your own life in direct danger.” From that moment on, Sales will be known as a hero in the city of Seattle and the state of Washington. ---- 1003 words, claiming weeks ending 20, 27 March
  13. Awesome! Of course I instilled fear into the hearts and minds of my opponents!
  14. May we both have better luck this time around!
  15. It's been a while since I've posted in here! So, I used to really enjoy Avi Kaplan, and I loved his music even more after he left Pentatonix. I first listened to some of his other-than-Pentatonix stuff a little while back and first fell in love with this rendition of Hey Ya Recently he released a song with Joy Williams that I CANNOT STOP LISTENING TO!
  16. Not long after announcing his interest in playing for the VHLM, General Manager @BrutalBoost of the Saskatoon Wild reached out to Dynamite, expressing interest in adding him to the roster. Of course, without much thought, and out of pure excitement, Dynamite jumped on the opportunity. He was immediately placed as the 3rd line center and began doing work. Playing only 14 games, it was clear that Napoleon had some work he still needed to do. In that time he only put up 2 points, which happened in his first two games. To this point, he has not been much of a producer. However, he has won over half of his face offs, ending the season with 51.30% FO average. Dynamite learned quickly that his natural talent will not be enough to make him great. He'll have to put in a lot more work if we hopes to make an impact on the ice. His biggest hope right now is to help Saskatoon win it all in the playoffs and mark himself as a valuable asset for next season.
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