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Posts posted by NSG

  1. Game 301: Philadelphia Reapers vs Halifax 21st


    When 2 Eastern Conference rivals, first-place Halifax and last-place Philadelphia, met up on a rainy night, the Reapers noticed an unfamiliar face in goal, none other than Henry Tucker Jr, who was making his first-ever VHLM start that night. Having been created just a few days ago and possessing just 87 TPE, the 21st squad knew that they needed to limit shots on goal, and they did just that. The first period was a success for Halifax, as Jeremy Davidson punched in a goal after 15:33 of play to go up 1-0.


    The second period, however, did not go according to plan. After Otis Boudreaux got sent to the box for holding, Philly’s 1st first line bot defenseman landed a shot in the net to tie it 1-1. Tucker Jr was very frustrated during the intermission, and for good reason: It was a tie contest even though the Reapers had been outshot 42-11. It didn’t seem to work, however, as just 36 seconds after the horn sounded, β-PHI LW2 2 got another goal in to make it 2-1. Finally, Halifax listened, and 2 minutes later, Doug Britton tied it up. Just over halfway through the period, Bordeaux redeemed himself with the go-ahead goal, and with 3:21 to go, Davidson scored again to put the icing on the cake.

  2. 13 hours ago, JardyB10 said:

    :hfx:✨HALIFAX 21st PRESS CONFERENCE ✨:hfx:

    1. How's your eyesight?

    2. What's the best thing that's happened to you in the past week OR what is something you're looking forward to?

    3. What's your best theme week topic idea? What would you do for it?

    4. Do you think that there are more wheels or doors in the world?

    5. If you were to start a [media] club, what medium would you choose? (e.g., tv shows, movies, books) & why?

    6. What's your prediction on the DC Halifax record for this season (W - L - OTL)? What teams do you think have the highest chance of throwing a wrench in to that prediction?



    |@barryst @jpdavidson8787 @Juhnux @Mitz @Jayrad28 @Fergie @Bryce @jsdeac @Jack Johnson @Azjha_59 @Oatex @Otaznik @Sam_19 @Yahtzee @Ian Kingston @william77 @CrlineDijohn14 @LiningPolecat @samthemancub @NSG @Trunkxolotl|

    1. My left is a little nearsighted and my right’s a shade farsighted so I don’t need glasses. I think it’s like 20/15 and 20/30 or something like that.

    2. Honestly just looking forward to school ending on Thursday. Finals aren’t my vibe tho.

    3. DRAFT BUSTS! And I’d write about all the players picked ahead of Tucker in the S76 VHL Draft (VHLM would be too hard cuz I was 73OA) and see how bad they did compared to me :) 

    4. Tough choice, but I say doors. Unless you’re counting wagon wheel pasta as wheels as well.

    5. Honestly, baseball cards. I have a lot of them and I’d like to just like talk about it every once in a while.

    6. I think we win out and go 50-17-3 thanks to some Tucker Jr heroics off the bench. Beating Miami’s gonna be a toughie, however.

  3. On 5/17/2022 at 11:37 AM, Gustav said:


    I actually might. There's no team where I live or where I will be living, so it might be hard to keep up with, but I know the rules and it could be cool.



    This isn't physically possible, but I wish I could have played for myself from the player perspective. I always wondered how I was perceived as a GM because I seemed generally respected despite never winning, and knowing why would be really helpful both in this league and out of it.



    What if we had like...temporary TPE boosters? Young players whose builds haven't been completed yet can make an investment in a 100-TPE bonus for one season or something. It probably isn't feasible but I think it would be interesting (and would certainly lead to increased demand for money/contract talk getting interesting/probably some added level of drama).



    1. With the VHLE and the introduction of hybrid attributes being two HUGE changes over the past few seasons, what's next? Don't be afraid to get wild with it.

    2. What's your useless talent?

    3. Doctor Strange is out! Marvel movies can be somewhat polarizing--what are your thoughts on them in general?

    Oh yeah I like Gustav pressers


    1. The Sim Gods will decree, “The last shall be first, and the first shall be last,” and as a result, all the inactives in this league will ascend to VHL leadership roles while the commissioners will rot in Inactivity Hell forever! (Don’t know why I came up with this, I’m just a little bored lol)

    2. I’m a little out of shape in this regard, but if you show the front of a Topps baseball card from 1953-1971, I can identify which year it’s from pretty easily.

    3. Since I don’t watch Marvel movies all that often, I can’t say much. However, if I had to be honest, there’s too many movies that have “Spider Man” and “Home” in them (next thing we know, it’s gonna be Spider-Man: Home Alone) and “Black Panther” is a good movie.


    1. Of all your favorite sports teams, which one is the most hopelessly incompetent of them all?

    2. What’s the weirdest dream you ever had?

    3. If you had to choose between sweating mayonnaise or having spaghetti hair, which one would you take and why?

  4. Well, it’s semi-official: Henry Tucker is no longer a VHL player. Except he is. Mid-season retirements are really weird, so for a hot second, I’ll have 2 VHL players legally, and since Henry Tucker the Elder isn’t done playing, and Henry Tucker Jr hasn’t appeared in goal yet, we shall continue to do Vancouver records for a hot second.


    Games: 490 (4th) - Now he’s only 14 from tying for 3rd all-time!

    Goals: 238 (1st) - He’s 12 from 250, can he do it? That is the question I (and maybe someone else) am asking, but he does have the record with a cushion.

    Assists: 282 (5th) - No way he makes it to 4th now, but top-5 is a plenty fine consolation prize. 300 is hard to reach, but in theory I could get there. It’s just very very unlikely.

    Points: 520 (4th) - I doubt he’ll get 24 in the next 14 to take 3rd place, but I suppose it’s not unreachable!

    PIM: 838 (1st) - The only goal here is to make it to 850 by season’s end. Hopefully nobody ever breaks this record.

    Hits: 1656 (1st) - This is the other record I sincerely hope nobody breaks because hits and penalties are the defining aspect of my career. 1700 is my target here.

    Shots: 2523 (1st) - Zolnek is about 35 shots behind, but that’s a safe cushion. Would like to have him 50 shots behind by the end of the year, but 1st place is 1st place, guys.

    Game Winners: 33 (2nd) - Unless Tucker gets 8 game winners in 14 games, he stays in second. Very unlikely possibility since (a) we’d have to win at least 8 games and (b) I’d have to score all 8 game winners. It’s kinda tricky.


    As for Tucker Jr, he loves Halifax! The management team is comprised of 2 podcasters in Sam and Jardy, who are both rad, my favorite stats nerd, Shindigs, is in the LR, and the starting goalie, Sam Tombstone, is also pretty legit. However, the real highlight of this team is defenseman Tater Tottingham, whose dad, Tater Tot, played with Tucker Jr’s dad on Vancouver and VHLM Minnesota, and these 2 are also gelling really well so far. So go 21st guys!


    378 words



  5. 19 hours ago, Zack said:


    Honestly thought this was a joke article... Just wanted to say that you can have fun by yourself and many do that nowadays, back in the day the teams I were part of exclusively only talked to their teams, this isn't a social networking site xD

    Maybe it was and if it was then I apologize for blowing up, however, Ruutu and I have had multiple, er, disagreements over the past couple seasons and so with that in mind it didn’t feel like a joke.


    19 hours ago, v.2 said:

    league's softies about to fold if jruutu makes another "hate" post 🤣

    I never woulda guessed that I’m a softie but good to know ig /s



    7 hours ago, Daniel Janser said:

    I do not think that Ruttu's article was unreasonable or even overly critical... he stated for the most part facts and questioned the decision of an AGM to leave the 'sinking ship' so to speak. And while there are a plethora of valid reasons to do so, which I will not venture further into, it is imo legitimate to ask the question about the timing of the resignation...


    I think NSG overreacted a bit by getting triggered that his name was not mentioned explicitly. And then saying that he did not have much of an influence in the management of the team (which I will take at face value)... and in this case Ruttu even commended NSG for stepping down and open the position to people who would like to take on the task with more vigour than NSG apparently had recently (according to his own statement)...

    I definitely agree that it was a legitimate question to ask. If someone randomly abandoned a bad team I’d be asking these questions too. If we’re gonna be honest here, I made that post because I realized I’d earned like 3 or 7 of 12 TPE on a Sunday night and I was tired, burned out, and stuff so I just kinda said that and thought I meant it (which I did until the next morning when I saw his comment on my status update)


    I spose I did overreact. Guess what I was tryna say was that I wanted to be pinged somewhere so that I could know that people were t talking about me which would enable me to respond. I apologize for that. Understand the commendation for my stepping but for one thing I interpreted it as at least partially sarcastic and another thing it said that I had “put it all out on the line” for the last 3 seasons. No, I didn’t. That was Nyko. I was hired to sit on my ass and do nothing a while back and that’s what I’ve done.


    @jRuutu pinging you here so that you can respond to this post as you see fit.

  6. 42 minutes ago, jRuutu said:

    I don't know why you did that, I guess nobody is perfect. 


    "..I did nothing."  This seems to be a trend among assistant general managers nowadays, but bit too good to be true.

    Well I do know why I did that, and it wasn’t an accident. My “excuse” isn’t to good to be true, it’s too true for you to handle

  7. 3 hours ago, jRuutu said:

    I did not want to get reported for harassment. I'm on thin ice with the mods, even the smallest of errors could lead to sanctions.


    Assistant GM not doing the pressers - that is surprising to hear. As far as I'm concerned, you are one of the masterminds behind the meta.  What you wrote is just an attempt to deflect my attention away from the fact that you indeed are one of the masterminds behind the meta.

    Ah OK I understand


    If I’m a mastermind behind the meta, why. the. hell. would I make my player a PIM monster and why. the. hell. would I have 70 PA? I understand you won’t trust me either way, but @Nykonax and the Reinharts can confirm that I did nothing. What you wrote is just an attempt to deflect my attention away from the fact that I did not build meta.

  8. First off, why tf are you not mentioning me by name? Reminds me of how I used to call the Commanders “the football team from Washington” instead of their racist slur of a name. Hopefully my name isn’t a slur these days.


    Second, you completely overestimate my role as an AGM. I made pressers, but then I stopped doing that and continued to hold the role. I never made any management decisions and the most talking I ever did in our war room was about Nyko’s irl friend. So I actually have very little knowledge of the VHL scouting, can’t submit lines (iPads suck guys) and never caused the team to be succesful. Honestly I kinda feel like spiting you and making a player do well without the meta cloud over my head so if I stay in the league props to you.

  9. On 4/11/2022 at 8:43 AM, KC15 said:

    1. What's your least favourite part of vhl

    Right now it's the new attribute list.  Probably will be best in the longterm, but right now I'm just kind of lost.

    2. Do you like the VHFL

    It's a nice opportunity and I've done it in the past, but giving it a miss this season.

    3. What are you watching atm?

    Bridgerton.  One episode to go.


    1.  How good can you skate IRL?

    2.  If you could be a pro athlete, what sport would you play (and position if that is appropriate)?

    3.  How many languages can you get around with?

    1. I can’t lol. 
    2. If I was good, I’d be a shortstop in baseball cause they’re just so cool.

    3. I can say a few things in German, and obviously I know English. Nothing else though.


    1. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter(s), and did you enjoy it?

    2. What’s your least favorite sport and why?

    3. If you got to choose what type of hair you’d have (curly, straight, etc.), what would it be or why? Can include color if ya want.

  10. Didn’t do this last week so I need to do it this week. Wolves winger Henry Tucker continues to play hockey, as he has 22 goals and 16 assists in 39 games, as well as 149 hits, 55 shots blocked (already a career high), 3 game winners, 4 power play goals, and 20 PIM. Here are the leaderboards, cause @Shindigs


    Games: 471 (4th) - Won’t get any higher than tied for 3rd, but that ain’t half bad.

    Goals: 233 (1st) - It is done! Henry Tucker is the best Vancouver scorer to ever exist! Zolnek has faltered and Tucker only does goals and not assists, thus he holds a comfortable margin over Zolnek that he will likely keep.

    Assists: 276 (5th) - Little to no chance of making it to 4th, but whatevs, I guess. Top 5 is pretty damn good as well.

    Points: 509 (4th) - He needs a point a game this season to take 3rd, and he’s not on track for that… Get on track, stupid. Change the Strats so I score @Nykonax.

    PIM: 825 (1st) - I continue to be good at being a bad boy. Clearly Vancouver hasn’t drafted enough dumbasses in its time, so ez dubs for me.

    Hits: 1585 (1st) - As Tucker has a resurgence in hits, it remains to be seen whether he can get to 1750 before he hangs up his skates. It’s doable, but old age is really stinging him.

    Shots: 2459 (1st) - Now a record-holder in 4 categories, Tucker is simply focused on a very easy-to-achieve 2500 shots!

    Game Winners: 32 (2nd) - Hasn’t got one in a while, maybe he just needs to score more goals? Could help a bit if ya ask me.


    That’s it, see y’all next week.

  11. NOTE: If ya don’t like cussin and fussin, don’t read this


    Glad to see this thread is still alive and well


    Week to date has been a mixed bag for sure. Band continues to be a whole lot of fun, at least. The music is mostly fun (we’re playing Party Rock Anthem in jazz band!) and it’s really nice to be good.


    At this point, I don’t ever feel like anything happens in a day, the day just kinda happens, save for band. At this point, it just feels like wherever I go, schoolwork and/or homework gets thrown in my face. I have a whole lot of stuff I have to do Sunday (day after I get home from Orlando) and it’s not fun. All this real life tires me and makes me lose time and makes it much much harder to find any motivation to do PTs. At least I get 12 TPE off of 4 EFL jobs (I actually have like 5 or 6, but I only get , but ofc I actually have to do lots of other things in other leagues to get any sort of meaningful TPE. 2 of them I wish I could quit, but I don’t want to go IA on them. If I were to do that, I’d let them know well in advance. Not sure if I should pull the trigger.


    Soccer isn’t super great either. The coach isn’t terrible at coaching but I do hold some serious reservations, which I will list

    1. He has one of the kids’ dads be a de facto assistant. Problem is, the dude sucks at coaching, I’m not sure he ever played soccer, he and his kid show up to like half or less of the practices, and nobody signed up for someone’s daddy to tell em what to fuckin do on the soccer field when he doesn’t fuckin know what to do either.

    2. He puts me in goal all the time, which I also fuckin hate. I signed up to play center back in 11v11, and now I play and practice goalie in goddamn 7v7 for most of the time cause nobody wants or apparently can play goalie (though when I play center back we do better, because unlike the other defenders, I can actually run fast)

    3. He’ll just randomly invite players who played for him in the fall to practice, and he’ll also just add people to the team as the season goes along. Most of the guys are fine, but having people practice with us who wont’ play does bad things. For one, it shows how much faith he has in us to actually play well (fuckin 0). It also completely destroys our already non-existent chemistry by just sticking these random assholes in our practices. 

    Plus, the team is a bunch of people who I don’t know, and it’s a more toxic vibe than I’ve ever had a on a team. These types of hellholes are why people quit sports, guys.


    Home life isn’t all that good, either, not because of my parents, but because of my sister. She’s just downright mean to everyone in the house ‘cept for the cats and she’s sposed to go to bed (to a lesser extent in the morning but there’s still problems there), she spends 2 hours doing nothing and then yells at whoever tries to tell her what to do and says all sorts of hurtful things. Obviously she’s not thinking rationally and I have no idea why, which pains me and everyone else in our house (except, of course, for the cats). So that isn’t super great either.


    On the brighter side, the band trip begins tomorrow at the exceptionally healthy time of 4 AM. Can’t wait.

  12. 11 minutes ago, Dom said:

    1. I don't know really, it's something I actually searched up but every engines have their issues and I feel like we might have found a good balance with the new attributes.


    2. Maybe Tom Hanks as Forest Gump


    3. I'd say ultimate Frisbee, we used to play that when I was in high school and that was pretty fun actually.




    1. Two NHL legends passed out this week, where would you rank them among the NHL greatest players?

    2. What is the best way to start a day?

    3. What is your favorite board game?

    1. For one, I had no idea that two legends died. Second off, I don’t have enough knowledge to properly rank anybody. I think Gretzky GOAT tho?

    2. Imma go with a real controversial answer and say that waking up generally helps.

    3. Personally, I love Monopoly. Great way to absolutely waste a day in a fun way.


    1. What was your least favorite part about growing up?

    2. Do you think anyone will find a “new meta” in the current way ratings are set up?

    3. Do you like mainstream, alternative, or classical music more?

  13. Well, another week has passed, and thus it is time to update @Shindigs and maybe a few other people on my stats! At the moment, Tucker remains one of the league’s elite goal scorers, with 8 goals (5 of which were in one game) and 5 assists (so 13 points, for those who cannot add) through 10 games. He also has a +3 plus/minus (surprising for a 4-5-1 team), and has 10 penalty minutes, 30 hits, 13 shots blocked, 2 game winners, and 2 power play goals, so not bad for an old man like myself. And now, time for a stats update as Tucker tries to climb the career leaderboard for Vancouver!


    Games: 442 (5th) - Playing 10 games was enough for Tucker to break the tie for 5th in this category, and in 17 games, he’ll be in sole possession of 4th! By the end of the season, he’ll be tied for 3rd so woo!


    Goals: 219 (2nd) - Thanks to that 5-goal game, I have passed Zolnek (hopefully for good) as well as the long retired Julius Freeman. Now, I’m only 5 goals away from Andrew Su’s record so I may yet be able to be the all-time leader here.


    Assists: 265 (6th) - 5 assists this week got me up 1 spot, and I sit 5 assists away from the top-5, where I will likely stay since I’d need another 50 assists to get to 4th. It’s a long shot.


    Points: 484 (4th) - No motion on the leaderboard here, however, I am on pace to slide into 3rd by season’s end.


    PIM: 815 (1st) - PIM slightly down without fighting to help me, but I’m in first now, so it’s all good.


    Hits: 1466 (1st) - Also a little slow but I already lead in everything in that regard, so ha. Just 34 away from 1500, which could be easily achieved this week.


    Game Winners: 31 (T-2nd) - 1 more and I’ll be solely in 2nd, however, that’s likely where I’ll stop, since I’d need another 10 to take the all-time lead.


    And that’ll do it, stay tuned for next week!

  14. 21 minutes ago, JardyB10 said:

    I consider Henry Tucker as well

    Hype (honestly the good start is because of that 5 goal, 1 assist game ngl)


    As for me, I picked almost entirely Vancouver players. Never really feel like trying that hard, and it’ll show when I get 1 whole TPE

  15. 1 hour ago, fishy said:

    yooo, what do you play?! i played alto sax for like 7 years!

    Trombone! Alto saxes are pretty cool tho and I mighta been one if my dad hadn’t played trombone as well


    24 minutes ago, Berocka said:

    Will it be hard to understand 25 with not having 22-24? Like will you miss a lot of plot points?

    I think you misunderstood. The name of the 2 albums are “21” (which she released at age 21) and “25“ (released at age 25). There is no 22, 23, or 24


    8 minutes ago, Gustav said:


    Definitely look further into the artist then! Most of his stuff is instrumental and absolutely filthy if you're a fan of good chord progressions.


    What do you listen to in general? I love to talk music.

    Ooh nice, will do :) 


    For me, it’s a fair bit. Mainstream country music is generally what I listen to, I like Taylor Swift as a singer a lot, but I do like also listen to a lot of pop (especially synth-pop and 80s inspired popfor some reason). Honestly my favorite type of music though is a little more on the folksy side (Taylor Swift’s 2 pandemic albums are what got me into this sort of thing, but I do very much enjoy Gillian Welch and Dolly Parton’s debut album is also very good). I do have some other random selections, too, though, all inspired by my parents (Will Smith, ABBA, and Green Day, but also dance music since my mom taught Zumba for a good while). My horizon of music still isn’t amazingly broad but it’s definitely more diverse than it was a year ago.

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