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Brock Hampton
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mediocrepony reacted to a post in a topic: VHLE Poll #1: Pick Your Favourite Cities
Vkobe-v reacted to a post in a topic: One With the Boat, A Brock Hampton Tale (Part I)
Spartan reacted to a post in a topic: One With the Boat, A Brock Hampton Tale (Part I)
Weekly Press Conference - Halifax 21st - Week Ending May 30th, 2021 1: Halifax 21st currently rank 1st place in the VHLM after an impressive 11-0-0 start. How did the team celebrate while keeping this hot streak alive? Well we aren't anymore lmao. But during this time, it was joy all around! Mostly sailing on our boats. 2: Do you believe in superstitions or traditions? Any important ones you had during the start of the season? I believe in jinxes. I don't talk about the upcoming game at all until we get into the arena. 3: Say that Halifax was looking to reinvent itself with logo, color, jerseys, everything, What would YOU like to see the team wear and represent? Not sure, but I really enjoyed the Yellow in the old color scheme so I think i'd be down to bring that back. 4: With the creation of the VHL Europe League entering, what are you the most excited about with it? A potential Italian team! 5: Say there is going to be a VHL All-Star Skills Challenge this season, what competition would you like to be put in? Not really sure- All around skill, probably? Target shooting, I suppose? 6: What is your favorite on the road snack to have while traveling? Cheez-Its. The greatest snack food of all time.
One With the Boat, a Brock Hampton Tale Part I: Brock Hampton Almost Fucking Dies Halifax is well known for one thing- boats. Hell, they have an entire hockey team devoted to it so... they must really enjoy it over there. Halifax is also known for their VHLM hockey franchise- the one and only Halifax 21st. Also known as... the Boat Gang. Now, as a member of the Boat Gang, thsoe who play for the Halifax 21st get their own boat, free of charge, once they join the team. Naturally, Brock Hampton is a member of the 21st- so he has a boat. But Brock did not use his boat much over the course of his rookie year, opting to focus much more on hockey instead of boating around Nova Scotia. But alas, Brock was now in his second season as a VHLMer! He could afford to loosen up a bit! And thus, Brock ended up boating much more during the offseason and on off-days when he was back in Halifax. Now, usually, Brock would go out on his boat with some of his teammates- guys like Tyler Steel ( @tylerwest) and Miroslav Tsarov ( @PadStack), or former 21st members like Leroy Johnson ( @Vkobe-v). But on this particular day, Brock wanted some alone time. He wanted to sail around Halifax on his own, with nothing but a map. He wanted to be unplugged for the day- and relax on the sea. So, Brock did exactly that! He woke up, had some lunch, and drove to the port, where he got on his boat and set sail. Clear skies all around- Brock was in the clear. Or... so he thought. Brock lifted the anchor and started sailing. He planned to be back at the port by around 6 PM, which gave him a solid 6 hours to sail around Halifax. For a while, everything was great! The waves were low, the current was good, and Brock was enjoying himself. It really seemed like he was unplugged and relaxed. Hockey was not on his mind... he was focused on sailing. The first hour of sailing was great. The second one was even better! But the third hour is when things got a little... wackier. Suddenly, clouds started to form. And the waves started to pick up a little. Despite this, Brock was undeterred. "It's nothing," Brock thought to himself. "The clouds will clear up eventually." But alas, due to Brock's unplugged-ness from the outside world, he didn't know that the weather had changed. A major thunderstorm was coming right up. And then, it hit. The clouds turned from light grey to black. The waves raged. Thunder rumbled. Brock tried to rush back to the port, but it was too late. He was in the middle of nowhere. The nearest port, from his map, was around 15 minutes away, however. If he could just traverse the waves and make it back, he'd be fine- he'd be just fine! Just fine. Just fine. Those words kept echoing in Brock's head, bouncing inside his mind, as he tried to find this port. He didn't want to die. He wanted to live. He wanted to play hockey, and he wanted.... to win a title. But all that seemed like nothing. Brock tried his hardest, and his damndest, to make it to the port. But... he only lasted about 5 minutes (that's what she said) before becoming fatigued. Brock's muscles couldn't take the immense pain anymore. He was trying to stay concious, but he just... couldn't... In a fatigued state, Brock, all of a sudden, fell off the edge of his boat. And before he realized, it was too late. Brock screamed, but nothing happened. Nobody could hear him in the water. He tried to swim, and was able to get gasps of air every so often, but Brock knew that he just had to make a mad swim towards the port. It took him 30 seconds before he felt a strange feeling. It wasn't a wave, nor was it thunder or lightning. It felt like his feet were getting sucked in. Brock started spinning. It seemed as if he was in a whirlpool. The spinning got faster, and faster, and faster. Brock screamed, yelling for help- help he knew he wouldn't recieve. "HELP! HELP! HELP! HELP! PLEASE!" Brock shrieked. But the whirlpool sucked him in. His screams became mere bubbles underwater. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Brock desperately tried to breathe, tried to see what was under the Halifax waves. But it was only blue. And he was falling. Falling down, somewhere he didn't know. "Is this hell? Am I going to hell?" Brock thought. And he thought that this was it. A perfectly reasonable assumption. But you know what they say about assumptions. After fighting the urge, Brock finally succumed to himself. He... fell asleep. Everything went black. At this point, Brock was truly just waiting to die. He was ready. ~~~ Now, for years, many believed that there was such thing as Atlantis. A Metropolis that was at the bottom of the Ocean floor- a hustling and bustling city, waiting for anyone under the sea. But many disproved of this idea, and in today's society, Atlantis is nothing more but a myth. And... society is correct. There is no metropolis that resides on the sea floor. But there is a house. This house is a cottage. It's tiny and cozy. It's one of those houses you'd see at the top of a hill somewhere. One that catches your eye- one that makes you wish you lived there. This cottage is a place of great mystique and refuge. Usually, those who end up in this house are stranded or lost at sea- they are taken in, mend and heal for about a week, and are then sent up to the surface world, as if nothing happened. Now, of course, there is an Owner of this House. Someone who has the duty of helping their "family members" mend and heal. Every 200 years, a new "Owner" is found, and gains the title of The Operator. As Brock Hampton's life faded to black... The Operator heard a thump on his front doorstep. It was Brock Hampton, falling to the ocean floor. Right infront of his house. The Operator dragged Brock into his living room, and waited for him to wake up. ~~~ Brock finally awoke. To his left, he saw a fireplace. To his right, a kitchen. And right in front of him was a man. "Am I dead?" Brock said to the man. "Who are you?" "I am The Operator. Welcome to your home, for a while." End of Part 1 [870 Words I think]
SamTwoSix reacted to a post in a topic: VHLE Poll #1: Pick Your Favourite Cities
mattyIceman reacted to a post in a topic: VHLE Poll #1: Pick Your Favourite Cities
STZ reacted to a post in a topic: New Captain
Dom reacted to a post in a topic: my best graphic so far!
Is this the best graphic you've done so far? I don't know. This is my first time viewing one of your graphics. But HOLY FUCKING SHIT THIS IS AWESOME! Really love the aesthetic and theme of the graphic, I'm a super big fan. The jersey swap is quite clean as well, and I really enjoy the text! I really enjoy this! 10/10
Spicy! There's a lot to love about this graphic. The jersey swap is clean and I really enjoy the effect you put on the background. It draws more focus to the swap. I also really enjoy how you implemented the text- I always find that adding text can either make an image vastly better or kinda ruin its quality. In this case, it's definitely the former. Top tier work, 10/10
Weekly Press Conference - Halifax 21st - Week Ending May 23rd, 2021 1: Season 78 of the VHLM is starting up in a few days, what are your goals for this season? I want to have the best season I can have, and hopefully be capped by the end of it. 2: Is there other sports you enjoy to play or watch? Or is hockey all day, every day in your life? Hockey is probably like my third favorite sport. Baseball is definitely the sport I'm most into (followed by Auto Racing), but I love me some good ol' hockey! 3: There are only a few Canadian teams in the VHL and the VHLM, if expansion we're to occur would you prefer more Canadian teams to rival against or spread out more around the world? Well I mean since expansion is occuring now lmao... I mean it'd be nice. Considering that, y'know, Canada is the birthplace of hockey. 4: Any special hockey rituals you have before a game? Lots of listening to music. 5: What is one thing you love about your team that you'd be willing to share? I really enjoy the locker room environment that Halifax has! 6: Name three items you always carry with you while traveling between games. Phone, AirPods, Drumsticks.
that guy on the bottom right looks pretty gosh dang good if you ask me
rory reacted to a post in a topic: Team Asia Roster Announcement!
Alex reacted to a post in a topic: Team Asia Roster Announcement!
Ledge reacted to a post in a topic: Semi Finals: Games 3 & 4
rory reacted to a post in a topic: Semi Finals: Games 3 & 4
to quote DaBaby, "let's go!"
Praise be There is literally nothing that I can criticize here. Like... nothing. The colors, the swap, the background... everything is on point. 10/10
I really love the style! The jersey swap is nicely done, very clean- and the logo looks quite natural as well. I like the text as well, but I feel like this graphic needs a bit more jazzing up. Maybe add some stocks along with the background to make the render stand out a little more. 8/10, keep it up
1. No, we are the best team ever of all time and we will win everything that there is to win for all eternity 2. The power of the beans that Bryn bestowed upon me 3. Billiam the Boat 4. Halifax 21st's Kyle Glass bb 5. Not sure. Only two have scouted me so far, so either Malmo or Seattle. 6. I don't really pay attention to the food, I just inhale it like the human vacuum I am
As the title states, for @Vkobe-v In retrospect I coulda done a lot more with the graphic, but I like this style so I'll prolly make more in the future
Well... we're here! After a whole freaking season, we're here. The grandest stage. Where the best teams in the VHLM go to duke it out for the Cup. The playoffs! It truly is a great time. I'm extremely excited to get my first playoff opportunity in my first ever season. It's been a whirlwind of a year with the Boat Gang, but I couldn't think of a better team to go into the postseason with. From getting drafted extremely late, to earning the Alternate Captain honor before even playing a game, to now... it feels like such a long time. We've all grown as a team, and as people. No matter what happens throughout the playoffs, I know that I'll be at peace. Peace... that's something that I haven't gotten in a while. I need peace. And soon enough, I will. The playoffs are coming. The Boat Gang is coming. To quote our captain, Hadrian... "Cup." ~BH (156 Words)
1. I mean yeah we're in Canada so the obvious choice is French... but lmao nah probably something like Spanish that I could use whenever I go back home 2. None because beans are weird and sometimes wacky 3. I feel like with a can-do attitude we can make it all the way. We just can't lose confidence in ourselves along the way- no matter how tough times are. 4. Lmao joke's on them, I actually bought a personal boat just in case my team provided boat was broken or stolen. I'd pursue the thief with great poise as we traversed the open sea. And then I'd probably just launch the robber into the sun somehow. I'll find a way. 5. 10 duck sized Rorys, easy 6. This is an easy yes, DILLNO DILLNO