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Head of PT
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Everything posted by v.2

  1. Also I approved a bunch of shit while loaded last night but I sorted by type and didn’t get to pressers. Sorry for bringing minor inconvenience into your life mr ruutu pls don’t h8 me
  2. #AbolishTheE Problem fucking solved.
  3. Super sad story, glad they were able to make the most of his short life. RIP Ben!
  4. Max earners who commit to 8 seasons with an NTC.
  5. In the future try to post the direct link of the image so it embeds into the forum!
  6. Highest score overall. Come at me
  7. Not a bad first attempt at all! Keep at it and you will definitely improve.
  8. The fact checkers are out to get you
  9. idk how I missed this til now but what an amazing media spot. I have it bookmarked to finish reading later lol.
  10. LA Star gonna melt u. Fun article Rory I liked the part where you called London a dumpster team. You nailed most of these tbh, I would have liked to see more members tagged though to trigger the weak on a nonsense article. The use of your imagination for TPE gain in a fantasy piece such as this is pretty smart!! Next time you should do which mascots you would go out to dinner with, part 2 perhaps? Fuck marry kill even?? Overall 9.5/10
  11. Great little history piece here, perfect for the theme week. You filled in a lot of gaps for me that I missed during my time away from the league and its great to hear about the implementation of things like the portal, the #1 QoL feature that def helps for retaining members. Also sad I missed the whole Beavis era but I wasn't aware how vital he was for recruitment! You should write more historical pieces like this outside of theme week, they are fun. Overall rating 9/10
  12. There has to be some level of maintenance for historical stat preservation, if we decide to switch to the newer version and the stats inflate we'd almost need to restart the league at a Season 1.2 etc, or else the HoF doesn't maintain relevance for season by season comparison. My opinion anyway.
  13. 1. I think NHL jerseys are nice and clean and brand logos would ruin them, but I wouldn't be overly mad if they incorporated one or two like the NBA. 2. Sidney's Golden Goal, or that insane end to end goal scored by Makar this season. Also the 2011 Canucks playoff run, as much as it pains. 3. Realistically speaking I'd put a team back in Quebec, one in Houston, or one in Portland. 1. Have you done many "summer" activities this summer? Or travelled? 2. What is your favourite sports jersey? 3. If you could have any athletes job for a day, who's would it be and why?
  15. Your own fault for screaming about being an FA before the season was out lol
  16. Proof that the E has become a failed concept. #AbolishTheE
  17. Oh wtf. Vancouver Water Adventures I assume?
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