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Everything posted by v.2

  1. Nice logo swap and render placement. A bit heavy on the brushing on the right side, and it could have been blurred a bit less. Font choice and text placement is great but I think making it a bit bigger would look slightly better. The lighting here is great and overall the sig really comes together. Overall 8/10
  2. Love the gold theme of this, really screams "champs" and makes sense. The logo swaps are great too, and as mentioned by other reviewers the decision to include each teams full roster and management was standout compared to the others in the comp. Overall 9/10
  3. hey @ajwllmsnmind removing me from the league? Sorry but I don't think I'll have time for this one along with the paid leagues im in.
  4. v.2

    Games: 84-100

    Trouble in Davos???!?!?!?!
  5. Gonna pick since Frost doesn't need an F. F - Duncan Idaho @Spartan
  6. the goalie thing is really gonna be a problem for a while
  7. Logos are sick, big fan of the golden nighthawk to represent our big dub. I think these could have been better suited as individual .com's as they look like they didn't require much effort, but I respect the fact that you posted both together to make up for that lol. Overall rating 8/10
  8. Super smooth sig here, the simplicity is great. I love the lighting, and the text is interesting and different. Only knock is perhaps the text would look better up a bit more to take away some negative space. Overall 9.5/10
  9. I've always wondered how you pulled this off
  10. @TXCon the clock, tag spartan next to make a pick as Bohannans time has expired for a 3rd time sadly.
  11. Stick with it man, your time will come!
  12. Alright, we'll keep it rolling for now since you've fixed the ping issue. If @Spartanagrees im cool w it.
  13. Unfortunately 12h has expired for the 2nd time and @Mr Bohannanhas been disqualified. @Spartan F - Aloe Dear @FrostBeard
  14. Quoting you incase you don’t get a ping, you’re up next now F - Gunnar Odinsson @Mr Bohannan
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