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Everything posted by v.2

  1. As someone who mainly does GFX I find it hard NOT to RP when doing any form of writing (like the career tasks or a .com article). Only time I break character is in pressers.
  2. Applying.
  3. LA STARS PRESS CONFERENCE JANUARY 5TH, 2022 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 1. Well that was fast. After getting bounced in the wildcard round by Toronto, what are your final sentiments on this season with the Stars? 2. Do you believe this team/core can come back stronger next season? Or do you think the best bet would be for management to blow it up? 3. Were you pleased with your players contribution efforts in the Toronto series? 3. Are you happy with how your player finished this regular season? 5. It looks like the Vancouver Meta are ripping through their first series.. do you think they'll be repeat champs? 6. What is your favourite song right now? ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  4. It’s Vancouvers meta and we’re just livin’ in it.
  5. Great idea, it keeps people engaged with the actual sims which like you mentioned should be the focal point of the league.
  6. V Lamb already confirmed better than D Lamb?
  7. Sweet sig. The use of blurs and sharpens were executed perfectly to make this look extremely clean and high quality. Love the creative text as well. My only suggestions would be to maybe tone down the texture effect a bit and add some more shadows but those are minor things. Overall 9.5/10 Also hi Kendrick! Been a while
  8. 1) Some people rly suck even when they try 2) Your group was decent 3) Nilsson was 2nd in Assists, Chara was 4th in Assists, T.Reinhart was 10th in Points 4) No, just bank it for whenever (if ever) you recreate!!
  9. v.2

    Games: 545-561

  10. Congrats winners!
  11. Great listen! Was nice to finally hear the voice behind the board game. Very cohesive, and I'm glad you felt the need to reveal yourself because you've always been a mystery to me lol. A smart user that seemingly came out of nowhere with this mysterious player/character. I support the decision to rebrand/create a new account when making a new player, or changing your username to keep things fresh and exciting. Reminds me of how I decided that rebranding was the move in S6 when I made my 2nd player Josh Vestiquan and changed to v2 lol. My OG forum name in S1 was my real name. Looking forward to future podcasts from you, and good luck with your player going forward.
  12. What house would @Horvat98be
  13. If you leave just give me your pw so I can update your player
  14. 2 I can understand but 3 is a bit much in this specific case if you compare it to others of similar/worse nature.
  15. v.2


  16. LA STARS PRESS CONFERENCE DECEMBER 26TH, 2021 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 1. What is your favourite pass time/activity during the holidays? 2. We recently passed the trade deadlined without one single VHL transaction. Why do you think no teams made moves? 3. The playoffs are quickly approaching, who do you think would be our ideal first round matchup? 3. Recently we have seen a bit of an uptick in bans for users multi accounts/players. Why do you think people are driven to do this? 5. Would you rather spend your holidays in the Switzerland, or Egypt? 6. Did you monitor your diet during the holidays or will you worry about that when back with the team? ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  17. No the twist was that this guy had multis yet still wrote this MS
  18. Also just a bit of a "welcome to the internet" moment lol
  19. Best VSN article ever created? Probably. Thank for this @Alexandreand @Alex!
  20. Yeah this is straight up a mental health crisis.
  21. Canucks. And surprisingly I just landed in Vancouver for the first time in my life.
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