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Baby Boomer

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Everything posted by Baby Boomer

  1. Press conference #16 end of the season 1. Are you happy with how your player played during the season? 2. Are you happy with how the team played durimg the season? 3. What do you eat before an important game? Why? 4 Who do you think will win the Cup in the VHLE? Why? 5. Who are you planning to play with next year? 6. Are you happy with the management this season?
  2. Recap game 433 : The game was between the Chicago Phoenix and the Malmo Nighthawks. It ended by the score of 6 to 4 for the Malmo Nighthawks. Considering the fact that Chicago is dead last in the league, this is not a really good game for Malmo. On the other side, Sunrise van de Schubbekuteveen had a really good game for Chicago as he scored two goals and added two assists for a total of four points. He participated in every single one of his team's goals. Recap game 445 : The game was between the London United and the Calgary Wranglers. Calgary and London are currently 4th and 5th in the league with both 71 points in 56 games. The game was really really important for the two teams and this is why we call these type of game, 4 points game. In the victory, Nathan Perry and Phil The Rock Johnson both scored 4 points. Nathan, 2 goals and 2 assists and Phil, 4 assists. At the moment, Prague, London and Calgary are tied in 3rd place in the league with 71 points in 56 games.
  3. Welcome everyone, The trade deadline is today at 3pm EDT, so 1 hours from now, the moment I am writing this article. In the last couple of days, the Rome Gladiators completed two trades with the Geneva Rush and Istanbul Red Wolves. The first one happened five days ago and the Gladiators received Raihan Heavems @RstortonYT in exchange of a S84 2nd round pick, a S83 3rd round pick and Jarno Lappi @aksuko. The next one, two days later, involved Rome and Geneva. Rome traded a S84 3rd round pick in exchange of Geneva's defenseman Matty Live @Mattylive3k. The two new players played a couple of games since they joined the Gladiators. Indeed, Matty Live has already 3 points in 6 game as a defenseman and Raihan Heavems has 1 goal and 1 assist for a total of 2 points in 8 games. I want to welcome the two new Gladiators and wishing good luck to Jarno Lappi in Istanbul. Thanks everyone, see you next week and let's go Gladiators!!!
  4. Press Conference #15 1. What do you think about our chance of finishing first in the league. 2. What do you think about our chance of winning the Cup. 3. What do you think about our most recent acquisitions? 4. Are you happy with what your player is doing right now? 5. What would you add to make the VHLE better? 6. What is your favorite thing about this team?
  5. Hello everyone, This week is theme week and the subject is VHL dream team. In this article, I will do my own S74 dream team. Indeed, I will only take players from the S74 draft class to make my dream team. On my team there will be three forwards, two defenceman and one goalie. S74 was in my opinion a very very good draft class and I needed to choose only six of them, so obviously some players will not be on the team. *The players on my team are not necessarily the best players of their draft class in everyone’s opinion, but they are the players that in my opinion did the best during theirs careers. Forward - Aloe Dear @Renomitsu(4 individual trophies and 1 Continental Cup) (VHL drafted : 1st overall by Warsaw) Aloe Dear is by a lot the best player of his draft class. Indeed, the one who played with the Warsaw Predators, the D.C. Dragons and the Vancouver scored an impressive amount of 329 goals and 455 assists for a total of 784 points in 576 games. Aloe Dear won the Victory Cup in S77 and the Contiental Cup in S78 with the Warsaw Predators. S78 was a really good season for him as he won four individuals trophies and the Continental Cup with the Warsaw Predators. Additionally, Dear had 5 seasons of at least a 100 points 6 seasons of 40 goals and more. Aloe Dear was not only good in the regular season, during the playoffs between S75 and S81 Dear scored 112 points in 96 games. Forward - Lee Xin @Blazzer (1 Continental Cup) (VHL drafted : 17th overall by Chicago) Lee Xin is probably the biggest suprise of this draft class. Indeed, Xin was not even drafted in the first round, but he is the second player with the most point of this draft class with a record of 277 goals and 440 assists for a total of 717 points in 576 games. Lee played his entire career with the Phoenix and won the Continental Cup in S76 and the Victory Cup in S78. Even if he never won an individual trophy, Lee Xin had four seasons of 100 points and six seasons of at least 30 goals. Lee did not play a lot in the playoffs, but he still scored 67 points in 60 games. Forward - Venus Thightrap @BladeMaiden (1 Continental Cup) (VHL drafted : 3rd overall by Vancouver) Venus Thightrap moved a lot in the VHL as he played for 4 teams in 8 seasons during his career. Indeed, he played his first three seasons in Vancouver with the Wolves. After, he played one season with the Helsinki Titans and another one with the Seattle Bears to go play with Prague for two seasons. He finally went back to Seattle to finish his career. Venus won his only trophy during his rookie season with the Vancouver Wolves as they won the Contiental Cup. Overall, Venus Thightrap had a pretty good career with a record of 292 goals and 370 goals for a total of 662 points in 576 games. Although, Thightrap only had one season of at least 100 points, but six seasons of a point per game. Defenceman – Kasper Kankkunen @Zack(0 Trophy) (VHL drafted : 12th overall by London) Kasper Kankkunen did not play a lot in the VHL as he only played for 6 seasons with three different teams. He started his career with 3 seasons in London with the United before being traded to the Seattle Bears where he played 2 seasons. He finally finished his career with the Chicago Phoenix. Kankkunen was a pretty offensive player for a defenceman as he had a record of 93 goals and 352 assists for a total of 445 points in only 432 games. Even though Kasper Kankkunen never won a trophy, both individual and team, he was easily the best blue liner of this draft class. Indeed, Kasper had 4 seasons with at least a point per game. In addition, he only 52 games in the playoffs, Kasper Kankkunen scored 44 points. Defenceman – Lucifer Olivier Leveque @InstantRockstar(1 individual trophy and 1 team trophy) (VHL drafted : 20th overall by Seattle) Lucifer Olivier Leveque was really loyal to the team who drafted him as he played 6 of the 7 seasons of his career with the Seattle Bears before finishing it with the Calgary Wranglers. Lucifer Olivier never was a really outstanding player, but he was a really really constant one. Indeed, Leveque never had a season with more than a point per game, but he was always putting up between 58 and 70 points during his seasons. He finished his career with a total of 104 goals and 341 assists for 445 points in 504 games. Lucifer Olivier Leveque won the Continental Cup in S77 with Seattle and the Ryan Sullivan Trophy with Yukon in the VHLM in S74 for the best defenseman in the league. Goalie – Doug Dimmadome @Esso2264 (0 trophy) (VHL drafted : 5th overall by Los Angeles) I talked about Lucifer Olivier Leveque being a loyal player, but I don’t think that you can have a more loyal player than Doug Dimmadome. Indeed, Doug played the entirety of his 7 seasons with the Los Angeles Stars and he never left. There was not a lot of goalies that played more than 2 seasons as the starter in the VHL in this draft class and Dimmadome was by a lot the best of them. He has not been very lucky, because the Los Angeles never were a really really competitive team during the entirety of his career. This is one of the reason why he never won a trophy, but other than that, Doug Dimmadome was a really good goalie. He had 208 wins in 455 games played and he has maintained a save pourcentage of 0,916% and an average of 3,21 goals against per game. In conclusion, they were a lot of good players in this draft class, the choices were not easy and I want to congratulate everyone who were tagged in this article! Honorable mention : Luke Thornton @Jtv123Isabella Campbell @BanackockChristion Mingle @QuikLexi Glass @AW13Matt thunder @Matt thunderChris Reynolds @Crstats23Rhynex Entertainment @Rhynex Entertainment 1000 words + 21 february - 27 february 28 febtuary - 6 mars
  6. Welcome everyone, This week is the last one before the trade dealine and we just passed the mid-season. After exactly 42 games, the Rome Gladiators are second in the league with a record of 28 wins, 10 losses and 4 others in over time for a total of 60 points and only 3 points behind the Cologne Express who are first in the league at the moment. A lot of players are doing well on the teams, but better than others. Indeed, Arthur Kimura @FBR has 55 points in 42 games and Pekko Viitanen @Xdjk93 57 points in 42 games and finally Artair McCloud @Hoopydog with 48 points in 42 games which is very good for a defenceman. I also want to mention our two rookies, our goalkeeper Boris "the legend" Tsezar @comrade catwho has 19 wins in 32 games and DB III @wcats with an impressive 40 points in 42 games as a rookie. Finally, I really believe that this group of players have evrything they need to win everything this season. Thanks everyone, see you next week and let's go Gladiators!!!
  7. Review game 319 The game was between the Warsaw Predators and the Chicago Phoenix. The Warsaw Predators who are currently 11th in the League defeated the last team in the league, the Chicago Phoenix, 7-3. A lot of players of Warsaw had an incredible game, but one of them just did an awesome peformance. Indeed, Bogdan Trunov scored 5 points and earned the first star. A hat-trick and 2 assists for 5 five points in a single game is in my opinion a really really good performance.
  8. Press Conference #14 1. Are you gonna do the theme week and if yes, what are you gonna do? 2. The trade deadline is next week, what trade should the team do? 3. Who is your favourite player in the VHL? 4. Who is your favourite player in the VHLM? 5. Who is your favourite player in the VHLE? 6. What do you think about ours chances of winning the Cup?
  9. Welcome everyone, Last week when I wrote the article, the Rome Gladiators and two others teams were tie in first place in the league, but now the story is completely different. In fact, the Gladiators are all alone in first place with an incredible record of 20 victories, 6 losses and 2 overtime losses for a total of 42 points in 28 games. The Cologne Express are following them very closely with a record of 19 wins, 7 losses and 2 overtime losses for a total of 40 points in 28 games. Since the beginning of the season, Rome is very active on the trade market and last week was not an exception. Indeed, Rome concluded a trade with the Istanbul Red Wolves sending their 1st and 4th from S83 in exchange of the defenceman Drakon Zabastovka @DarkSpyro. Drakon is doing very good since he joined the Gladiators with a score of 5 points and 13 assists in 18 games. Thanks everyone, see you next week and let's go Gladiators!!!
  10. Press Conference #13 1. Who do you think will win the Cup in the VHLM this season? Why? 2. Who do you think will win the Cup in the VHL this season? Why? 3. What do you think about the most recent aquisitions? 4. Who is currently the best forward of the Rome Gladiators? Why? 5. Wh0 is currently the best defencemen of the Rome Gladiators? Why? 6. Who do you think will win the Cup in the VHLE this season? Why?
  11. Welcome everyone, the 82th season and the third one for the VHLE is officialy started. Before the beginning of the season, the team had an intern vote to decide the team's captain and assistants and the vote ended up on Boris Tsezar @comrade catas the captain! Russel Dixon @Rjdixon01and DB III @wcats are going to help our goalie captain lead the team to the Cup. The team is doing incredibly, but they are not the only team who is having a good season. In fact, three teams are tie in first place of the standings with an identical record of 8 wins, 2 losses and 2 overtime losses for a total of 18 points in 12 games. There are a couple of new players on the Rome Gladiators and one in particular is doing great, Pekko Viitanen @Xdjk93, 8 goals and 9 assists in 12 games for a total of 17 points. Also, he is second in the league for the most goals since the beginning of the season just behind Julien Bernier @Julien_Bernier. Thanks everyone, see you next week and let's go Gladiators!!!
  12. Press Conference #12 season 1. Are you happy about how the team is doing right now? 2. Are you happy about how your player is doing right now? 3. What do you have to say about the team's captain and assistants? 4. Are you happy about the activity in the locker room this season? 5. What is your favourite name of all the players in the team? 6. What should be the next move of your GM and AGM?
  13. Hello everyone, Welcome to the twenty-seventh chapter of Baby Bob's life story. In this life story we will talk about the life of Baby, when he was young, his thoughts and his impressions before the drafts, during the seasons and during the playoffs. Baby Bob will also respond to questions from the fans, from the GMs and from the leaders of the VHL and the VHLM. The season started a couple of days ago and we can already see the pace of the season. In this chapter we will take a tour of the performances of the beginning of the season. Before the beginning of the season, Prague did a couple of trades to improve the team now and in the future. First, the Phantoms traded their star defencemen Battre Sandstrom to Riga in exchange of their first round pick from the upcoming draft. Second, Prague went to get Darth Kaprizov from the HC Davos Dynamo in exchange of the prospect, Hayden Rain and the second round pick from S83 and the third round from S84. Kaprizov is doing pretty good currently with the Phantoms as he got a total of eight goals and as much assists in 16 games. Unlike Darth Kaprizov, the Prague Phantoms are not doing really well. Indeed, Prague are 12th out of 16 teams, with a record of 4 wins, 5 losses and one overtime losse for a total of 9 points in 10 games. In addition, the Phantoms are second to last in their conference just in front of Warsaw. « We really need to do better as a team, I mean the plan at the beginning of the season was to make the playoffs and win the Cup, but if we continue to play like that, we won’t even be close to make the playoffs » said Baby Bob after the last game of the Phantoms. Prague are aweful, but I think that Bob is not really helping. In fact, in 10 games Baby only got 5 goals and 7 assists for a total of 12 points. Also, Prague’s forward has a differential of –3 just like the whole team. At the beginning of the season, Baby Bob told us a little bit about his individual objectives for the season and after winning the Cup, the most important one was to reach 100 points this season. « I know that the team is not doing great, but I need to improve my individual performances first if I want the team to make the playoffs. Offensively, even if I think that I can do a lot better, I believe that I am doing good enough, but defensively, this is where I am doing very very awful. I am a –3 and it is inacceptable. I need to do better and I am really looking forward to do what I did last season. I don’t believe in bad second season, so I don’t have excuses ». Thanks for reading and see you next week for more of the life story of Baby Bob. 508 words 31 January – 6 february @Darth Kaprizov@Rain
  14. Game #45 recap : the game was between the HC Davos Dynamo and the Riga Reign and it finished 7-5 for Riga. Luc Tessier earned the first start with a 4 points game ( 3 goals and 1 assist ). Isau DaMoose won the second start also with a 4 points game ( 2 goals, 2 assists ). Before the beginning of the season the Prague Phantoms and the Riga Reign traded Battre Sandstrom for the 1st of Riga this year. Sandstrom is having an incredible season with 3 goals and 11 assists for a total of 14 points in 6 games. Game #47 recap : the game between the London United and the Warsaw Predators ended by the score of 3-2 for the Predators. Zach Kisslinger II, who finished second for the most points by a rookie last season, had a great night yesterday where he scored 2 goals in the victory. In the entire game, London shot 61 times and the Warsaw's goalie, Tater Tot, stopped 59 of them for a save pourcentage of 0.967%. On the other side, Cole Pearce stopped 37 of the 40 shots that were directed at him.
  15. Sorry I was at school, but thanks for the pick, and you better be good ahahah
  16. Welcome everyone, Two episodes ago, we talk about one of Rome's prospects in Alex TheGreat @Alex Thegreat and this week we will do another episode like that, but this time we will talk about, what he seems to be, the starter of the Gladiators, Boris Tsezar @comrade cat. Boris played last season with the Mexico City Kings where he had a record of 23 wins, 45 losses and 2 over time losses. In addition of that, Boris Tsezar had a save pourcentage of 0.896% and a 3.48 goals average per game plus 4 shotout. During the off-season, Tsezar played in the WJHC with team Asia where he won 3 games out of 8 with a save pourcentage of 0.922% and a goal per game average of 3.34. The goalie will start the season with the Rome Gladiators has the starter and depending on how the season goes, the team will adjust when the times come. I just wanna say good luck to Boris in Rome and to all the players. Thanks everyone, see you next week and let's go Gladiators!!!
  17. Press Conference #11 beginning of the season 1. What are your objectives for the team this season? 2. What are your objectives for your player this season? 3. Who do you think will have the best season in the VHLE? Why? (don't name a Rome player) 4. Who do you think is the team to beat this season in the VHLE? Why? 5. What do you think your GM and AGM should do to make the team better? 6. Who do you think should be the captain of the Rome Gladiators this season? Why?
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