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Baby Boomer

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Everything posted by Baby Boomer

  1. i think that you did not tagged the right Baby Boomer, because the guy you tagged his last visit was april 26, so it can't be him and i did the recruitment.
  2. 9.5/10 Wow!! it is very well written and nice to read, the space between all your topic is very nice and your descriptions of your team is great. Also, i like the fact that you include everyone on the team to make the emphesis on how ALL your team is contribuating to the victories.
  3. 8/10 The story is very good and it is fun to see how you describe it. Although, maybe you should make some space and make paragraphs, not just a big wall. It is more easy and fun to read it that way.
  4. Hello everyone, Welcome to the fourth chapter of Baby Bob's life story. In this life story we will talk about the life of Baby, when he was young, his thoughts and his impressions before the drafts, during the seasons and during the playoffs. Baby Bob will also respond to questions from the fans, from the Gms and from the leaders of the VHL and the VHLM. In this chapter we will talk about the start of the season. What does he think about how he plays, how the team plays and how the team could play. Thursday the 20th was the first day of the VHLM season and the expectations were high for Baby Bob and for the Mississauga Hounds, because of the last season run. Unfortunately, the season didn’t start the way they wanted, with zero defencemen and only seven forwards, the team was not at its maximum. The team started the season with nine losses in a row where Baby did not do terribly with four goals and four passes. The Mississauga Hounds are now at two victories, fifteen losses and one loss in overtime for a total of five points. That makes them last in their conference and in the league. The season is not over and they still have time to stand up and win some games. Baby Bob was not expecting much at the beginning of the season in terms of points, but now that the season began and that he started accumulating some points, Baby is now believing in a point per game season. In fact, he is now at eight goals and eight apples in eighteen games, which is very good for a rookie. On the other hand, his defensive side of the game is kind of struggling, he has a plus/minus of -25 which is the worst of the entire league. However, Baby does not take a lot of penalties, he only has three since the beginning of the season. Furthermore, he has 27 hits and six shot blocks. Because of the little number of players the Mississauga Hounds have on their team, Baby Bob gets the opportunity to play more than the average player of his level. Effectively, he is playing a little bit more than 30 minutes per game which makes him the second most used player on the team. Baby is playing in all the aspects of the game, in power play, in penalty kill, in 5vs5, in 4vs4 and even in overtime. Even though the team is not doing great, Baby Bob is happy on the ice, he plays a lot and the chemistry begins to set in and he strongly believes that the situation will improve over the course of the season. Baby believes in his GM and his teammates and according to him, it's the only thing that matters right now. I wish him the best for the future and hope he can continue to progress. Thanks for reading and see you next week for more of the life story of Baby Bob. 508 words 24-30 may
  5. I have been drafted 28th overall by the Mississauga Hounds during the last VHLM draft. Last season, the Mississauga Hounds finished first during the regular season to win the Prime Minister's Cup and to finally made it to the playoff final where they lost again the Miami Marauders. When the season started, I thought that we would be great, but when we lost our first nine games, i knew that we would not be as good as i thought. Even tho the team is not doing great, i am still scoring goals and making some points. I am currently at twelve points in thirteen games in my rookie season, which is a lot more than i expected, but i also have a differential of -20. This is the worst differential of the league. I believe that we can do a lot better than what we are doing right now, but for now i am playing my game and i continue to be better and improve my skills. I am still a rookie, so i will still be there next season to help the team be better and make it to the Cup. 164 words
  6. 1. During the off-season i was training a lot and i was also waiting for the draft, because i was very excited to see who would draft me 2. I think the Yukon Rush are the favorite for the Cup right now with zero regular defeat and based on our start of the season, i think that we will finish last, but we still can finish fourth in our conference. 3. I would like to be drafted top 10 overall in the next VHL draft. 4. Last year, the team did really good, so i was excited to play for a big team. 5. I will definitely go with Minion, he is obviously the guy who want to win the most. 6. Clearly the HC Davos Dynamo logo, because the logo does not mean anything, you can not really identify to this logo.
  7. 9/10 This article is very good, i like the fact that you mixed the descrption of the games and the commentary of the player. Each part of your text is very well separated, so it makes it very easy to read.
  8. 9.5/10 Wow, it was a very good article, it is really fun to see the point of view of the player regarding the draft, how his draft went and even giving advice for the future player who will be drafted.
  9. Hello everyone, Welcome to the third chapter of Baby Bob's life story. In this life story we will talk about the life of Baby, when he was young, his thoughts and his impressions before the drafts, during the seasons and during the playoffs. Baby Bob will also respond to questions from the fans, from the Gms and from the leaders of the VHL and the VHLM. In this chapter, we will talk about his reactions from the S78 VHLM dispersal draft, which took place last Sunday, and his impressions on the season which will start on Wednesday may 19. Last Sunday, it was the VHLM dispersal draft. Five teams approached him before the draft including the Las Vegas Aces who contacted him only two days before the draft. I made my own calculations to try to know where he would be drafted and considering his number of TPE and the fact that he only played two games in the VHLM last season, I thought that he would be picked during the fourth round, around the 40th pick. Finally, when the Mississauga Hounds drafted him, we were only in the third round, 28th overall to be exact. He was very excited and surprised, because he was only at 77 TPE and a lot of players with more than 100 TPE were drafted after him. Furthermore, he was only the fourth player under 100 TPE to be drafted after Poopy Peepants (10th overall) with 96 TPE, Bob Beach (24th overall) with 86 TPE and Jakub Brozik (25th overall) with 97 TPE. He was also very happy to know that he would play for the Mississauga Hounds, which is a very great organization. Last year, they won the Prime Minister’s Cup and made it into the final, but finally lost to the Miami Marauders. He can not wait for the season to start. This year will be his first season ever in the VHLM or the VHL, so he doesn't really know what to expect, but he still has goals that he wishes to accomplish. At the moment, he is at exactly 88 TPE, but he believes that it is realistic to think that he can be at 180 TPE before the S79 VHL draft. With that amount of TPE, it is realistic to think that he will play second line or first line minutes all season long. As he said before, he doesn’t really know what to expect in terms of points for his rookie season, because he doesn’t know the level of difficulty in the league. Although, he hopes to do a season of 40 points and 20 goals which is kind of good for a rookie in his opinion. Even if the Mississauga Hounds do not have the team they had last year, Baby Boomer thinks that they still can compete for a playoff spot and maybe go back in the Founder’s Cup final and win it this year. Thanks for reading and see you next week for more of the life story of Baby Bob. 506 words 17-23 may
  10. Last sunday, it was the S78 VHML dispersal draft and it was also my first draft ever. It is my first player and I created it just after the trade deadline, so I was not eligible for the S78 VHL entry draft. Before the draft, I was at 77 TPE, so according to my calculation, I was supposed to be drafted around the 40th rank, but finally I was drafted 28th overall by the Mississauga Hounds. A lot of players with a higher number of TPE than my player were drafted after my player, which surprised me a lot. The Mississauga Hounds approached me before the draft and I really liked the interview with them, so I was very excited to know that I would play for them. I am really looking forward to start the season and see what it is like to play on a team and try to help them win the Founder’s Cup. 161 words
  11. 1. I think it is he hockey sense, cause it is easy to say that a player is awful, because he doesn't produce, but on the ice this player always makes the good play, the good passe and the good back check. 2. I will go with The Teddy Bear Trophy. 3. I am new to the league, so i don't really the names of the players so i really don't know. 4. The season hasn't started yet, but my guess would be Angel Wachiure. 5. Christmas, because this the time of the year when you always see your family. 6. Quebec, because i believe that they deserve a professional hockey team.
  12. At the beginning of the tournament, Team Canada had the best offensive and the third best defensive. For their goalie, they have the third best one. They started the tournament with four losses in a row against Team Europe and Team Asia. They finally had a win at their fifth game against Team USA by the mark of 4-2. They only won one other game and it was also against the USA where they won 6-2. But they lost against the same Team USA in the quarter-final which eliminated them from the tournament and made them finish last even with the great team they had. In the semi-finals, Team USA played against Team Europe and Team Asia played against Team World, but only Team Europe and Team World made it into the final where Team Europe won the tournament. Team Asia won the bronze medal to close the top three of the tournament. 153 words
  13. 1. I was watching a youtuber on youtube and he made a publicity of the game, so i was curious and i went on the site and i really liked the game, so i started a player and the more i play, the more i like it. 2. Being drafted in the VHLM to finally be on a team and start the season. 3. Not really, i try to be a sniper that can do good passes, so maybe a Patrick Kane. 4. I am very excited, i really like the game and i start to fully understands the game. 5. Definitly the Montreal Canadien, I am a french canadian from Quebec, so I always cheered for them. 6. Yes, i always wanted to find a sim league, but this is the first time that i like it.
  14. 1. I really enjoy controling my player, made him become better and decid what I want to do with him. 2. I don't have a specific team i would want to play for, but i want a team that will make me play and develop myself. 3. I need music when i prepare for the game, but i also need to talk, i can't stay in my bubble and don't say a word 4. I Don't have only one music that i listen before the games, but i have a playlist. I listen mostly to David Guetta, Avicii, Pitbull and a litle bit of Flo rida 5. I played a lot of sports in my childhood, but i think that the second sports i loved the most was handball. 6. I never had i big injury due to hockey, but my ankles are litle weak, so i need to be careful.
  15. Hello everyone, Welcome to the second chapter of Baby Bob’s life story. In this life story we will talk about the life of Baby, when he was young, his thoughts and his impressions before the drafts, during the seasons and during the playoffs. Baby Bob will also respond to questions from the fans, from the GMs and from the leaders of the VHL and the VHLM. In this chapter we will talk about his impressions and his feelings before the draft and where he hopes to play and with who. Baby Bob will be drafted in the S78 VHLM draft and in the S79 VHL draft, because the scouts only started to notice him after the trade deadline so he could not be drafted in the S78 VHL draft. As soon as the scouts of the VHLM noticed him, they started to contact him to make him play with them for the rest of the season and maybe for the playoffs. After four very good offers, Baby decided to finally sign with the Mexico City Kings. Advantage, the Gm of the team, and Baby Bob had some really good talk and Advantage helped him a lot and gave him a lot of advice to know how the league works and to become a good player. Because the team wasn't having a good season, they didn’t make the playoffs so Baby only played two games where he didn’t get any points, but was +1 and had one shot on goal and one block shot. At the end of the season, Baby Bob was released by the team, because of the upcoming draft. After his extraordinary season in the QMJHL and his two games with the Mexico City Kings, Baby Bob has been approached by four teams of the VHLM for the S78 draft, the Philadelphia Reapers, the Yukon Rush, the Houston Bulls and finally the Mississauga Hounds. He had good conversations with all the teams and he would be very happy to play for all of them. The VHLM draft is Sunday, May 16th at 8:30 EDT, so Baby still has time to be approached by other teams. Baby Bob will probably be a second or a third round pick due to his late arrival under the radar of the scouts and his inexperience in the league. No matter which team drafts him, Baby Bob will be very happy to help them be a good team during the season and a contendant for the Founders Cup. The only thing Baby really wants is ice-time, he doesn’t really care about where he will play, whether it is on a fourth line or a second line, he wants to play and have time to develop himself. It is sure that he has goals, he wants to be better and be a big player in the VHLM and eventually in the VHL. For the team who will draft him, I can assure you that you did the biggest steal of your life and that you won’t regret it. Baby is very invested in his teams and he learns fast. So, I wish you a good draft and I hope that you will think about Baby when it will be your time to select. Thanks for reading and see you next week for more of the life story of Baby Bob. 557 words 10-16 may
  16. Hello everyone, Welcome to the first chapter of Baby Bob's life story. In this life story we will talk about the life of Baby, when he was young, his thoughts and his impressions before the drafts, during the seasons and during the playoffs. Baby Bob will also respond to questions from the fans, from the GMs and from the leaders of the VHL and the VHLM. In this chapter we will talk about his childhood, where he was born, when did he start hockey and how he got where he is now. Baby Bob was born on April 10, 2003 in Lévis, Quebec. He lived in a very normal family with a father, a mother and a sister in a very basic house. He was not poor, but not rich and he lived a happy childhood. He started playing hockey when he was 7 years old. He played single letters almost all his childhood until he arrived midget. This is at this moment that he started to play with his full potential. During his first year, he played midget AA and had 20 goals and 40 points in 40 games. At his second year in the midget, he played in the AAA. That's the season where he started to be really productive in terms of points. He scored 38 goals and 34 apples in only 42 games. With these stats, Baby Bob was drafted first overall in the 2019 QMJHL draft by the Saint John Sea Dogs at the age of 16. Baby Bob made the team in his first season where he had a good season of 42 goals and 31 assists in 68 games. These stats made him finish 2nd in the trophy race for the rookie of the year behind Zachary Bolduc from the Rimouski Oceanics. The Saint John Sea Dogs made the playoffs, but they lost 4-2 in the first round against the Cape Breton Eagles by the scores of 5-1, 4-3, 5-7, 5-4pr, 1-2 and 3-2. During the 2020 draft, the Sea Dogs drafted 3rd overall and they selected Leighton Carruthers. He is a very good center that helped Baby Bob a lot with his offensive and defensive aspects of the games. Next season, the Sea Dogs had a really good campaign where they finished 2nd in the league with a record of 45-20-3 for a total of 93 points in 68 games. Baby and Leighton had both an incredible season, Baby scored 46 goals and 51 assists for 97 points and Leighton had 27 goals and 37 assists for 64 points. Baby Bob finished 3rd for the most points in the regular season and made the 1st star team of the QMJHL and the 2nd star team of the CHL. In the first round of the playoffs, the Sea Dogs defeated the Oceanic 4-0 to make it into the 2nd round where they beated the Victoriaville Tiger 4-1. They also won the semi-final against the Chicoutimi Saguenéens by the score of 4-1 to win their spot in the final of the Coupe du Président against the islanders where they lost 4-3 with a defeat of 5-4 in prolongation to stop them from going to the Memorial Coupe. Baby Bob had an outstanding post-season where he had 19 goals and 22 assists in only 21 games. Thanks for reading and see you next week for more of the life story of Baby Bob. 568 words 3-9 may 2021
  17. Hello everyone, Welcome to the first chapter of Baby Bob's life story. In this life story we will talk about the life of Baby, when he was young, his thoughts and his impressions before the drafts, during the seasons and during the playoffs. Baby Bob will also respond to questions from the fans, from the Gms and from the leaders of the VHL and the VHLM. In this chapter we will talk about his childhood, where he was born, when did he start hockey and how he got where he is now. Baby Bob was born on April 10, 2003 in Lévis, Quebec. He lived in a very normal family with a father, a mother and a sister in a very basic house. He was not poor, but not rich and he lived a happy childhood. He started playing hockey when he was 7 years old. He played single letters almost all his childhood until he arrived midget. This is at this moment that he started to play with his full potential. During his first year, he played midget AA and had 20 goals and 40 points in 40 games. At his second year in the midget, he played in the AAA. That's the season where he started to be really productive in terms of points. He scored 38 goals and 34 apples in only 42 games. With these stats, Baby Bob was drafted first overall in the 2019 QMJHL draft by the Saint John Sea Dogs at the age of 16. Baby Bob made the team in his first season where he had a good season of 42 goals and 31 assists in 68 games. These stats made him finish 2nd in the trophy race for the rookie of the year behind Zachary Bolduc from the Rimouski Oceanics. The Saint John Sea Dogs made the playoffs, but they lost 4-2 in the first round against the Cape Breton Eagles by the scores of 5-1, 4-3, 5-7, 5-4pr, 1-2 and 3-2. During the 2020 draft, the Sea Dogs drafted 3rd overall and they selected Leighton Carruthers. He is a very good center that helped Baby Bob a lot with his offensive and defensive aspects of the games. Next season, the Sea Dogs had a really good campaign where they finished 2nd in the league with a record of 45-20-3 for a total of 93 points in 68 games. Baby and Leighton had both an incredible season, Baby scored 46 goals and 51 assists for 97 points and Leighton had 27 goals and 37 assists for 64 points. Baby Bob finished 3rd for the most points in the regular season and made the 1st star team of the QMJHL and the 2nd star team of the CHL. In the first round of the playoffs, the Sea Dogs defeated the Oceanic 4-0 to make it into the 2nd round where they beated the Victoriaville Tiger 4-1. They also won the semi-final against the Chicoutimi Saguenéens by the score of 4-1 to win their spot in the final of the Coupe du Président against the islanders where they lost 4-3 with a defeat of 5-4 in prolongation to stop them from going to the Memorial Coupe. Baby Bob had an outstanding post-season where he had 19 goals and 22 assists in only 21 games. Thanks for reading and see you next week for more of the life story of Baby Bob. 568 words
  18. Hello everyone,


    Welcome to the first chapter of Baby Bob's life story. In this life story we will talk about the life of Baby, when he was young, his thoughts and his impressions before the drafts, during the seasons and during the playoffs. Baby Bob will also respond to questions from the fans, from the Gms and from the leaders of the VHL and the VHLM. In this chapter we will talk about his childhood, where he was born, when did he start hockey and how he got where he is now.


    Baby Bob was born on April 10, 2003 in Lévis, Quebec. He lived in a very normal family with a father, a mother and a sister in a very basic house. He was not poor, but not rich and he lived a happy childhood. He started playing hockey when he was 7 years old. He played single letters almost all his childhood until he arrived midget. This is at this moment that he started to play with his full potential. During his first year, he played midget AA and had 20 goals and 40 points in 40 games. At his second year in the midget, he played in the AAA. That's the season where he started to be really productive in terms of points. He scored 38 goals and 34 apples in only 42 games. With these stats, Baby Bob was drafted first overall in the 2019 QMJHL draft by the Saint John Sea Dogs at the age of 16. Baby Bob made the team in his first season where he had a good season of 42 goals and 31 assists in 68 games. These stats made him finish 2nd in the trophy race for the rookie of the year behind Zachary Bolduc from the Rimouski Oceanics. The Saint John Sea Dogs made the playoffs, but they lost 4-2 in the first round against the Cape Breton Eagles by the scores of 5-1, 4-3, 5-7, 5-4pr, 1-2 and 3-2. During the 2020 draft, the Sea Dogs drafted 3rd overall and they selected Leighton Carruthers. He is a very good center that helped Baby Bob a lot with his offensive and defensive aspects of the games. Next season, the Sea Dogs had a really good campaign where they finished 2nd in the league with a record of 45-20-3 for a total of 93 points in 68 games. Baby and Leighton had both an incredible season, Baby scored 46 goals and 51 assists for 97 points and Leighton had 27 goals and 37 assists for 64 points. Baby Bob finished 3rd for the most points in the regular season and made the 1st star team of the QMJHL and the 2nd star team of the CHL. In the first round of the playoffs, the Sea Dogs defeated the Oceanic 4-0 to make it into the 2nd round where they beated the Victoriaville Tiger 4-1. They also won the semi-final against the Chicoutimi Saguenéens by the score of 4-1 to win their spot in the final of the Coupe du Président against the islanders where they lost 4-3 with a defeat of 5-4 in prolongation to stop them from going to the Memorial Coupe. Baby Bob had an outstanding post-season where he had 19 goals and 22 assists in only 21 games.


    Thanks for reading and see you next week for more of the life story of Baby Bob.

    568 words

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. McWolf


      St-Nicolas born and raised

    3. Baby Boomer

      Baby Boomer

      Can i ask you your real name and your age, maybe we know each other.

    4. McWolf


      DM me lmao

  19. 1. Well it is my draft year, so i am very excited to be drafted and play with a team next year and gain a lot of experience. 2. i would like to have 100 TPE by the end of the next season and play on a 2nd line. For the amount of points, i really don't know what to expect, because i don't know the level of difficulty in this league and the average of points for a rookie. 3. Clearly the arena, I was'nt there for a long time so i did'nt visit a lot, but i had a great time at the arena with the boys and the fans. 4. I am new to the league so i did'nt see the other logo, but this one is very nice and i like it. 5. This year is only my VHLM draft year, my VHL draft will be next year, but i think that i will be drafted in the 3rd or the 4th round, because i joined the league only 3 weeks ago. 6. Even if the Mississauga Hounds had an incredible season this year, i think that the Miami Marauders will take the playoffs, they had almost a perfect post-season and i think that they will continue that streaks.
  20. Player Information Username: Baby Boomer Player Name: Baby Bob Recruited From: YouTube Age: 18 Position: RW Height: 70 in. Weight: 180 lbs. Birthplace: Canada Player Page @VHLM GM
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