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Baby Boomer

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Everything posted by Baby Boomer

  1. 1. We did not have a bad start of the season, but not a good one either. However, We are currently third in the league with only one point behind the first in the league. I feel like we are now playing like we should be. 2. The team is playing good, but i think that we could improve our offensive side of the game. We does not score as much goals as we should. 3. It obviously feel good, but it is weird at the same time. It is the first time this team ever existed and we are a part of it. 4. It is strange, but i will say the Bratislava Watchmen, even though they are last in the league, i feel like they are the team who beats us the most. 5. Our offensive. Effectively, we are the team with the least goals for and i believe that we should improve that aspects of the game. 6. Simple. Ban him.
  2. 8/10 Very good article. The text is really nice to read and it is well written. I like the fact that you chose one player that you like for each, but i would maybe elaborate a little bit more about why the player is the best of his team. Other than that, great article and keep up the good work.
  3. 9/10 Wow great article, this is very helpful and nice to see. We can see that you did a lot of research and that you spent a lot of time doing this text. It is very well written and nice to read.
  4. Thanks for the review, I will see if I can show more of his impressions in the next article
  5. Hello everyone, Welcome to the fifteenth chapter of Baby Bob's life story. In this life story we will talk about the life of Baby, when he was young, his thoughts and his impressions before the drafts, during the seasons and during the playoffs. Baby Bob will also respond to questions from the fans, from the GMs and from the leaders of the VHL and the VHLM. Last week, three drafts happened and Baby Bob got drafted in one of them. In this chapter, we will talk about this draft and the beginning of the season. Exactly nine days ago at the time I am writing this text, the 20th of september, it was the first ever VHLE draft. There are only six teams in the league right now, so only six players each round were selected. There were 14 rounds and a total of 84 players drafted. Baby Bob was one of them, effectively, Baby was drafted in the third round, 17th overall by the Rome Gladiators. Rome was the only team that contacted him before the draft. The AGM of the Gladiators, Minion, was the former teammate of Baby Bob in the VHLM with the Mississauga Hounds. Maybe it played a role in the selection of Baby in the third round. We reached out to Baby Bob to see his reactions about being drafted in the third round by Rome : « When the draft started, i had the goal of being drafted between the end of the second round and the beginning of the fourth round and i reached my goal as i was drafted in the third round. I was very happy to be drafted and when I heard that it was by Rome I was even more excited. At the time, I knew that Minion was the AGM and my other former teammate Otto Numminen had been drafted in the second round, so I was happy to see faces that I already knew. In addition, they were not the only ones, Russel Dixon, Luke Spinelli and Sigard Petrenko, all former teammates with the Hounds were going to be drafted by Rome ». Last Wednesday, the season started and Baby decided to stay in the VHLE instead of going to the big league to play with Prague. There are not a lot of forwards on the team, seven to be exact, so Baby is playing a lot. He told me that he had high objectives this season, like finishing in the top 10 of the leagues in points and in goals. Baby Bob is currently at 9 goals and 19 points in 14 games with a differential +/- of 0. He is not in the top 10 in points, but he is tied in seventh place for goals. Baby Bob is also tied in first place for the most game winning goals with three. The season is just starting, but Baby is already looking to do better and help his team that is currently sitting in fifth place. Thanks for reading and see you next week for more of the life story of Baby Bob. 516 words 27 september - 3 october
  6. No one can predict who will win the Cup in the VHLE S80 is the first ever VHLE season and no one knew how it would go. There are currently six teams in the VHLE right now, the Gladiators, the Red Wolves, the Iron Eagles, the Vikings, the Watchmen and the Express. My team, the Rome Gladiators, is sitting in last place of the league with five wins, five losses and two overtime losses for a total of twelve points in twelve games. To show you how the standings are very tight, there is a tie at three teams, the Red Wolves, the Iron Eagles and the Vikings with fifthteen points in twelve games. This is only three points more than the last place in the league. The first three teams are at 15 points, the fourth team is at 13 points and the last two teams are at 12 points. I know that it only been 12 games, but i can see that this first ever season will be a great one.
  7. 1. I was very excited to be drafted in the first ever VHLE and especially by Rome 2. Be in the top 10 in the league for points and goals 3. Nothing less than win the Cup. 4. Yeah i am, i know there is not a lot of player available in the VHLE, but i think that it is the only thing i would do. Recruit new players. 5. The team we will face in the final. 6. I am not very active in the locker room, so i don't know which emote we could had.
  8. G- Artem Tretiak F- Cabe McJake @Josh
  9. D- Reylynn Reinhart F- Red Lite @Josh
  10. My favorite banners and who did I vote for in the Banner poll? I will start with my third favorite, the third banner. I really love the edit of this banner, because it is well done and it really represents the cup champions. However, I think that it misses some colours. Effectively, the banner is a little bit too dark, the banner is supposed to show how happy the team are and I don't think that these colours really fit the mood. Second of all, the first banner. I know that this banner is currently the most popular one in the poll on the forum, but it is not my favorite. For the simple reason that the colours are too vivid. They are too flashy and I don't find it really beautiful. And finally, my favorite, the banner number 5. The colours are beautiful and the banner is very well edited. I know i can be very critical, but i really want to just congratulate everyone who work on all the banner. I want to tell everyone that all the banners are beautiful.
  11. F- Groovy Dood D- Kasper Kankkunen @Josh
  12. 1. I know it is not a trilogy, but Harry Potter's is the best series even made in my opinion. 2. We did not have a lot of pick, but i am very happy of our selections. 3. I am currently playing with Rome in the VHLE and i really believe in our chance to win the Cup. 4. I am an Habs fan, so i will obviously follow Cole Caufield and i hope that he will do good this season. 5. Sugar 100% 6. I am happy that i got drafted in the VHLE, but other than that the off-season was pretty quiet for me.
  13. Canada made the biggest comeback of history to win bronze!!!!
  14. Hello everyone, Welcome to the thirteenth chapter of Baby Bob's life story. In this life story we will talk about the life of Baby, when he was young, his thoughts and his impressions before the drafts, during the seasons and during the playoffs. Baby Bob will also respond to questions from the fans, from the GMs and from the leaders of the VHL and the VHLM. This chapter will be a special one, we will not really talk about Baby Bob. Effectively, in this chapter we will talk about the multiple drafts that will come in the next week. The VHL draft, VHLE draft and the VHLM draft, but more in particular the VHL and the VHLE drafts. We now know the dates of both of the drafts and today, 19th of september, is the VHL draft at 8PM EST. As you may know, Baby Bob was drafted last season by the Prague Phantoms in the first round, 9th overall to be exact. Prague made the playoffs, but only the tiebreaker series. It was a 3 out of 5, so the first team to win 3 games would win and the Phantoms lost in four games. With this loss, the Prague Phantoms will draft 7th overall with their first round pick. I know that I am not diamond_ace or Lilmar, but I will still give my opinion on who the team should draft. The team needs prospects at each position, but they definitely need a defenceman more than anything. Of course Corey Kitson would be my first choice and by far, but when you look at his stats from last season and his number of TPE, i doubt that he will still be available at the 7th pick. In a more realistic world, two players should be taken into consideration, Hari Singh Nalwa and Alessandro Nano. Hari was drafted 9th overall last year by the Miami Marauders. He had 71 assists and 102 points in 72 games, he also won the Founder’s Cup and had 23 points in 18 games. Hari Singh Nalwa is currently playing with Team World in the S79 World Juniors Championship and is at 7 points in 8 games. For his part, Alessandro was drafted 2th overall also by the Miami Marauders. He made 58 points in the regular season and 16 points in the playoffs. He is playing with Team Europe and put up 4 points in 8 games. Now that we talked about the VHL draft, it is time to talk a little bit about the first ever VHLE draft. Baby Bob is eligible and I will make my prediction on where he will be drafted and by who. Two teams reached out to him, the Rome Gladiators and the Bratislava Watchmen. I do believe that one of these two teams will draft him. We need to take in consideration that there are only six teams, so only six players will be drafted each round. With that being said, I think that Baby Bob will go out between the end of the second round and the beginning of the fourth round. Thanks for reading this special edition and see you next week for more of the life story of Baby Bob. 537 words 13 - 19 september
  15. How did we lose again against Miami in the Final? For the second time in the last three seasons, the Mississauga Hounds Finished First in the league and participated in the final. Both times, Their opponents were the Miami Marauders and as you may know, the Hounds lost both finals. They lost the first one in four games and they lost the second one in five games. Both S77 and S79, Mississauga was first in the league and Miami was third in the league. For the ones that don’t think the situations can be worse, think again, the Mississauga didn’t go in the final and lost in four or five games against the Miami Marauders only two times, but they did it three times. Effectively, the Hounds lost in four games in the S74 against the Marauders. I don’t know what that means, but I can definitely say that the Hounds are not meant to win against Miami in the finals.
  16. where can we see the standings
  17. 1. Disappointment, we worked very hard all season long to finally lost in 5 games in the final. Also sad, because it was my last season in the VHLM and my last chance to win the Founder's Cup, but i didn't. 2. A little, event though Seattle is a very good team, Malmo is just too good. They are a very good team with a lot of great player. 3. I think i will go in the VHLE to be a part of the first ever VHLE season. 4. Article all day long, because i don't know how to do graphics and i my i am not really good to speak in english, so i am not doing podcast. 5. I played with the Watchmen during the tournament and i really liked the atmosphere in the locker room, so i wouldn't mind playing with them again. 6. I don't think they will be contender next year, but depending on what N0HBDY will do, i can see them being good again in two season.
  18. Hello everyone, Welcome to the thirteenth chapter of Baby Bob's life story. In this life story we will talk about the life of Baby, when he was young, his thoughts and his impressions before the drafts, during the seasons and during the playoffs. Baby Bob will also respond to questions from the fans, from the GMs and from the leaders of the VHL and the VHLM. In this chapter, we will talk about the playoffs. How did the team do during the postseason? How far did they go? How did Baby Bob do? At the end of the season, Mississauga was at the top of the standings. With 56 wins in the season and 116 points, the Hounds had 11 more points of their closest competitors. Because the team finished first in the league, they faced the San Diego Marlins. The Mississauga Hounds scored eight goals in their first two games to win the series 4-1 and make it to the next round. In the second round, it was the time of Mexico City to play against the Mississauga Hounds. This time, the Hounds scored six goals in their first two games to win the series in seven games. A big game seven that the Hounds won by only one goal, by the score of 5-4. It was now time for the last and final round, the final of the Founder’s Cup. The Mississauga Hounds faced the Miami Marauders, the same team that swept them in the final two years ago, during the S77 playoff. The series did not start the way the hounds wanted it to go, Miami won the first two games 5-4 and 5-3. Mississauga won the next game 6-5, but lost the fourth game 6-3 to make the series 3-1. At this moment, The Hounds couldn’t lose another game, they needed to win the next three games if they wanted to win the Founder’s Cup. Unfortunately, Mississauga lost game five 5-2 to lose the series and the final in five games against Miami, again. The team went pretty far in the playoffs even though they did not win the final. This is a reason why Baby Bob had a lot of games played and also a pretty interesting amount of points. Baby finished with 8 goals, 12 assists and a total of 20 points in 17 games. With that total of points, Baby Bob finished tied in second place on the team for the most points and tied in sixth place in the entire league. He also finished fifth in goals and ninth in assists. Mister Bob played well offensively, but he did not only do that, he also played very well defensively as he is +7 in the plus/minus category. In the entire league, Baby Bob is ranked third, tied with four other players. During the past season, Baby Bob reached the 250 TPE mark and will quit the VHLM to go either in the VHLE or in the VHL. Thanks for reading and see you next week for more of the life story of Baby Bob. 513 words 6 - 12 september
  19. 9/10 Woow!! Incredible article, i love how you described each season of Mikko Lahtinen and tell which seasons were his best and why. I can see that you did a lot of research for that text and it is very nice to see. Keep up the good work and i hope to see more of these article.
  20. How are the Mississauga Hounds doing in the playoffs this year? At the end of the season, the Mississauga Hounds were alone in first place of the standings with 56 wins 12 losses and 4 overtime losses for a total of 116 points. The first opponent of the Hounds were the San Diego Marlins. Mississauga scored 8 goals during the first two games of the playoffs and won both of them. They also won the third, but lost the third game by the score of 3-2. The series was 3-1 and the Hounds were determined to close the series in five games and that is exactly what they did by winning 4-3. In the second round, the Hounds are playing against the Mexico City Kings. Mississauga again won the first two games, but lost the third one. After that, the Hounds and the Kings exchange one win, one win to make the series 3-2 for the Hounds. The sixth game of the series is today and we will see if the Hounds decide to finish the series now or play a seventh game.
  21. 1. I will definitly miss Z even if i am leaving the Hounds, but i am sure that N0HBDY will do an excellent job 2. We will win, obviously. 3. My player is only 18 and he doesn't have one. He is trying, but it doesn't work. 4. Last year was very difficult, because we finished last and won only a few games, but this year we are doing very great and i really love to play with my teammates and how we are performing right now. 5. Almost every player are leaving the team, so i don't really know, but i think that Hogan 6. I won't be on the team anymore, but no matter which GM i will have to play for, i will give my 100%.
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