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Everything posted by KRZY

  1. Congratulations to @axtron and @Brodie_Landry it was a pleasure having you guys on Oslo your contribution to the organization will not be forgotten also congratulations to @TheNeonShaman @ScottyP @Subject056 we couldn’t have picked a better group to lead oslo this season!!
  2. @Ktoms22 reply here confirming I recruited you
  3. G - Art Vandelay @LastOneUp your up
  4. After making the Renaissance cup final for the third consecutive season Oslo was dethroned by by their longtime rival , the Cologne Express. In what was one of the most exciting playoff series the VHLE has seen in recent memory. @JB123 has been hard at work trying to bring Oslo back to the promised land in S88 , and so far he’s assembled quite the talented team this year after seeing some prospects ready to come up and contribute this season . Oslo added a lot of good pieces in the Draft and free agency . Let’s take a look at how Oslo will look this season. FORWARDS Keno Akara @Keno Akara will lead the charge up front especially since Vinny Lecavalier has recently been traded. Keno was one of Oslo’s top forwards last season and honestly he has the potential to be one of the top forwards in the entire VHLE this season . This will be Keno’s coming out party. Swinsola @Swinsola After 2 Outstanding seasons in the VHLM Swinsola signed in Oslo as a free agent this past off season. Swim brings a ton of excitement and talent up front and was heavily recommended by former player Ben McLaughlin @Ben mclaughlin . Swinsola will tell nicely and bring some scoring to Oslo’s lineup this season. Grizz Tazzo @xslapxshotsx Another exciting VHLM graduate joining Oslo this season . Grizz has been highly touted ever since oslo picked him in the S86 draft . Like swinsola he has major offensive upside , with the addition of being a solid 2 way player. Grizz should enjoy success this season as he finds his footing . Braden Panarella @ThatCasual Rounding out Oslo’s trio of VHLM grads from Oslo’s prospect pool of forwards Is Panarella , panarella looks like a solid 2 way winger with defensive upside , but don’t sleep on this guy he can put up the points aswell . Another exciting Addition forsure . Gregger Mckeggegger @TheNeonShaman The first player from the S88 draft class Gregger is a big power forward that can and will produce offence , the early onset has him looking like a goal scoring winger with some bite to his game . Rip Wheeler @ScottyP Rip took a leave of absence from the Yellowstone ranch to pursue a career in hockey . He will bring Grit toughness and scoring to Oslo . I’m most interested to see if he will have the same no nonsense attitude on the ice as he does at the ranch . One things forsure it’s better to have him on your side then against you. DEFENCE On Defence this year Oslo will be having a changing of the guard with alot of promising defenders coming joining oslo this year. Jordan Bennett @Plate Bennett is a great puck moving defenceman coming over from Cologne. Bennett will be looked at to lead the charge from the backend. As the Veteran of the group . If he can play like he has in the past that shouldn’t be an issue at all !! Admir Bala @Tyler Bala is coming up to Oslo , Bala is a 2 way defenceman looking to bring his strong positional game to Norway ! 2 strengths Bala possesses is the ability to block shots as well as Hit like a train . Those are 2 qualities Oslo will love to have this season. Winston Dixon Jr @Rjdixon01 The towering Dixon Jr Will bring a shutdown puck moving style to the Storm . The heavy hitter will likely form a physical shutdown pair with Bala . Dixon will bring some stability to Oslo’s backend for seasons to come ! Liv Slater @Subject056 the promising first gen defender was very highly touted . Oslo was lucky to get her in the draft . Slater will grow into a dependable all around defenceman as she continues to progress in her career. GOALIES Tadhg Byrne @teknonym The veteran goalie Comes to Oslo and will provide some stability in the crease this season. Olivier Gauthier @fonziGG this exciting young goalie from this seasons draft class will push Byrne for the starters spot all year ! Excited to watch him progress as the season goes on ! Overall Oslo is looking very promising with a TON of promising players that earn at a very good rate . If everything can come together and Oslo can put a good product on the ice . I believe Oslo can and will once again be a competitive contender in the VHLE
  5. Transaction ID: 8MS987201F573200P 5 tpe PT Doubles week $1 mill player store cash
  6. April , 20th will be my 2 year anniversary, but I didn’t commit to making a player I was committed to until march/April of last year
  7. F - Vinny Detroit @LastOneUp
  8. Callum Murray @LastOneUpsorry I had a brain fart @kelvi your up
  9. The season is about to get underway and LA Stars Centre Todd Cooke is looking to have a breakthrough season where he can really establish himself as a top tier player in the VHL . Last time we spoke about Cooke we outlined his S88 Goals and expectations and boy he was shooting for the moon this season . This Off Season Cooke really pushed hard in his training to breakout as a top player and 2 way centre. Yes you heard that right folks Cooke is finally going to play his natural position in the middle after playing his first 2 seasons in LA on the wing . Cooke’s been putting the work in , in the fa off dot improving on draws . Aswell as getting into the swing of things position wise . With the big changes LA has mad this season Cooke is excited to see it all content her and the Stars make a push for the Continental Cup after coming up short in the first round of the playoffs last season against the Wranglers. “ I’m ready to go I’ve put in a lot of work , the teams looking great we’re in a great spot here to make something happen , let’s get er going !” Cooke was quoted saying as he arrived in LA last week at the start of training camp .
  10. Oslo press conference Week Ending 04/09/2023 1. The S88 draft recently took place how do you think we did with our picks ? 2. Oslo has in exciting rookie class this season with lots of hungry young players looking to make a name for themselves, who are you looking forward to playing with most ? 3. @JB123 is thinking about making vending machines cost 2.50$ a pop in the locker room and all team facilities , what are your thoughts ? Should pop be free the players and staff ? 4. Rookie Rip Wheeler has taken a leave of absence from the Yellowstone ranch approved by me Dutton to pursue hockey . How do you think his rough and tough style of play will translate in oslo ? 5. What are your expectations this season ? 6. We’ve experienced a mild cold snap as of late , how are you adjusting to the frigid Oslo temperatures this time of year ?
  11. I’ve been a heavy duty mechanic in mining in northern Alberta for the past 10 years work on electric shovels and other mining equipment
  12. Well illl shoot for most improved next season I suppose !!
  13. Also I know it’s only midway through most careers in this draft but a S84 redraft would be awesome aswell
  14. Review this is an excellent review of the draft class for this year and where you’d pick them if the same draft took place today. I feel like I got a good accurate description of each player and their strengths, along with what they’ve accomplished so far in their careers. This also could be great insight when a lot of these people recreate in the near future as to what they are capable of in terms of the players they create
  15. Well after racking my brain the last few days I finally came up with this idea for an article , what makes a good leader . Now there are tons of good leaders throughout the VHL there’s a ton of people who are looked up too and people respect . I think to be a good leader you need to lead by example and be one of the hardest workers if not the hardest working person in the group at all times . If you lead by example people will respect you . Leaders also know when they need to speak up to get their team rolling but they also know when to keep on the quieter side , really it’s a skill in my opinion. Good leaders are hard to come by but they are worth their weight in gold when you find them . that’s just a few qualities that I believe make a good leader as well as what makes them stand out as great leaders in a group . Leaders are huge parts to the puzzle when trying to build a successful team and franchise.
  16. Todd Cooke is well into his off season training and has set his goals for the upcoming S88 season . Cooke achieved and ultimately surpassed the goals he set out for himself in S87 . Even when at the start of the season it looked like he was going to come up short . Lets review his goals from last season . First off he came into the season looking to double his assist , goals , and points totals . Not only did he do all three of those he more then doubled his assists and points. Cooke also finished the season +17 on the year which was miles better then the -27 from his rookie year . Todd also only took 1 minor penalty last season and nearly doubled his shot output , meaning he was a very responsible player that could create offence and play good defensively. Now heading into Season 88 Cooke is setting a lofty goal of doubling his goal output from 20 to 40 , he’d like to reach 50 plus assists , and if possible break the 100 point milestone . While maintaining a good plus/minus and staying out of the penalty box aswell . Cooke has all the tools to make it happen , and this season he should be able to jump into that higher echelon type of player that he so badly wants to be . How does he achieve these goals you ask ? Cooke shoots the puck a lot so first off capitalizing on the opportunities will be key this season , He will need to continue his strong two way playmaking game as well in preset to contribute and meet the high expectations put on himself . ” Do you consider yourself a top player in the VHL yet ? “ Cooke was asked at a summer hockey tournament interview in his hometown this off season . Everyone wants to be a top player and help their team get to that next level . I think I took huge steps last season getting to that level , I’ve put in a lot of work and effort this season to break through to that next level . I’ve said all along I want to be a top player in this league and I know I can be 1 . It’s just on me to perform and continue to put in the work to get there . “ @InstantRockstar picked up your player option and resigned you to a big ticket contract this season how does that make you feel seeing the potential that others see in you ?” it awesome our Management has been awesome helping me grow and progress as a player in this league . It’s now my turn to show my appreciation for both their patience and faith they’ve put In me . I’m getting paid well I might aswell perform right ? “ LA has made quite a few moves this off season , have they done enough to return to the playoffs and go farther this season ?” I think so far we’ve made great moves to help us achieve the ultimate goal of winning a Championship here in LA , I think we could use a few more pieces to fill out our roster. But that being said I think we’re a competitive team and we’ll be in the hunt this season .
  17. Oslo Press Conference week ending 04/02/2023 1. How’s your off-season training going so far ? 2. Is it better to build a team through the draft? Or trades and free agency ? 3. We have 4 picks in the first 3 rounds of the drafts what positions do we need most ? 4. This year looks to be more of a rebuilding year for us , how do we get back in the Renaissance cup picture ? 5. What are you’re career goals for your player ? 6. Who do you have winning the NCAA mens basketball tournament ?
  18. The Off-Season ProAm draft has come and past , meaning the tournament will be getting underway within the next couple of days . Let’s take a look at the team that has to be one of the early favourites to win the ProAm. The Atlantis Apocalypse. Led by GM @vincentlg2007the Apocalypse are very well put together from top to bottom ! Up Front they are led by VHL Vet Nico Pearce @Spartan Pearce should be able to put together a solid performance in this tournament especially given the talent he’ll be playing with ! Molly the Cat @JCarson was an absolute steal in the third round , and gives this team another high octane forward that should be able to create and have success offensively Landon Wolanin @jacobcarson877 is a scoring winger that will match up great with the other forwards on this team . I’m personally excited to see him play with Molly the Cat . Todd Cooke is a two way centre who plays the game the right way in all situations and areas of the ice . Vincent Laroche-Gagnier is a young up and coming forward who plays with spark and will bring energy and excitement to the lineup . Adam Rage @MrMom is another young forward that will play in an energy and checking role for the apocalypse , this tournament will give Rage an opportunity to showcase what he can do in the VHL in the future . Up front this team has loads of talent and it will be interesting to see who plays with who , with so many intriguing line combos available this team will be very very exciting up front . On the Backend the Apocalypse will rely on Returning veteran Reylynn Reinhart @Ricer13 . Reinhart will be looked upon to provide a stabilizing presence and some veteran leadership to the team. Quinn Clark @axtron With Clark you get an Offensive d man that plays the game with an edge . Clark will be relied on to really bring his A game to this tournament and put a good showing forward. Juan Cason @dylanjj37 VHLM Legend Juan Ceson brings a hard nosed style of game to the table and will look to bring that to the ProAm , Ceson is a player that any team would want to have on their roster . And the apocalypse are lucky to have him ! Liv Slater @Subject056 Slater is a young player looking to make a name for herself. She’s energetic and plays a fast energy filled game . Overall on the Backend this team might seem like they are lacking but I think the mix they have will make them a successful unit and contribute to the team success I see them having overall ! Let’s not forget In the crease ! Lachlan Summers @kirbithan After a standout rookie year in Davos Summers will take over the starting role this coming season . Summers will give Atlantis a chance to win every game in this tournament! Overall VLG has assembled a very good talented team that I think will be very exciting to watch . My pick to win the whole thing (yes I’m slightly biased) but even if Cooke wasn’t on the roster they’d be my early pick !
  19. Centre Todd Cooke has resigned in LA and the Stars have picked up his player option meaning he will be returning to LA in S88 to try and help the Stars win a championship after a quick exit from the playoffs this past season . The off-season ProAm will serve as a tune up for Cooke this year , Cooke will play for the Atlantis Apocalypse. At first glance the Apocalypse look like an early favourite to potentially win the tournament as they are strong at forward , defence , and goaltending. We will see how the tournament plays out once it gets underway in the next couple days . This all serves as a starting point in a season where Cooke is looking to make a statement. A statement where he could potentially get noticed and put himself on the radar to be selected to play for team Canada at the upcoming World Cup this coming off season . Stay tuned and find out if Cooke can make his dreams a reality!!
  20. Oslo Press Conference week ending 03/26/2023 1. Well we came up short in game 7 losing by 1 goal , where do we go from here ? 2. @JB123is working hard to build another competitive roster , what do we need right away to stay competitive? 3. Overall how would you rate your experience this season? 4. What’s your off-season looking like ? 5. What’s your plan for your player next season ? 6. Who do you got winning the Stanley Cup ?
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