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Daniel Janser

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Daniel Janser last won the day on January 30

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About Daniel Janser

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    Callum Gary Yannick Janser
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  1. He looks like he has plenty of access to... ahem... recreational substances, though...
  2. 'Hun, I am home and I finally know what I am going to study.' CGY could not stop himself asking 'Already? Only took you two or three years?' 'I love you, too. Wanna guess or should I tell you?' 'Let me have it.' 'Maybe later, darling.' The Scot winks suggestively. 'I will tell you first my intentions to study medicine.' 'That's great. I am glad you found a topic that you are passionate about.' 'So am I. You know, you kind of inspired me to pick this topic.' 'I did? Well, I suppose I get home sometimes a little beat up and could use some TLC.' 'Love, the level of TLC you need after matches, I could provide without a degree, believe you me, you big oaf. No it was more the people that 'ran into you' on the rink and the ones you beat up that I was thinking of. You would be a perennial source of income. Just slip them my business card after you are done putting them through the wringer.' Callum laughs: 'Lass, with that kind of business plan you do not need to take economics on the side. By the way, I was thinking to have BBQ for dinner, are you game?' 'Is the pope catholic? Sure I am game for some barbecue. I can do the dessert. You fancy trifle.' 'You know it.'
  3. now that makes much more sense
  4. Well, Frederic is a French name (or rather the French version of a German name (Friedrich) which translates to 'rich on peace') I will probably unimaginatively stick with the Janser brand for my players.
  5. If I were to hazard a guess it is his dog's name 'Zara' and 'Wolf' just sounds more terryfying than 'Dog'/'Dawg' or any of the other names for a pup...
  6. that would be a reason not to, duh...
  7. I think there was a raise of goaltenders in the early hybrid era, because they were not subject to the hybrid attributes, so 1 TPE spent was indeed 1 TPE on the stat sheet, unlike the skaters. So it kind of tipped the scales towards goaltenders, as even mediocre TPE goalies (no offence) put up saving rates that are borderline HOF-worthy. There has been a tweak a couple of seasons back (some slider adjustment) and that should have addressed this imbalance. So maybe Goalies are just more susceptible to 'mood swings' of their users than skaters. If we consider that skaters are generally speaking interchangable (position switches are possible from D to F and vice versa) the lack of a certain position is not so apparent as GMs and players figure these out with said pos changes. Which is not possible for goalers...
  8. I mean the Players will still receive the same salary as before. Teams just cannot afford to have as many starplayers in their roster as before... So I do not see the connection, but maybe I am missing something here (if I do, please enlighten me, I would like to follow your train of thought)
  9. and a conveniently placed, climatized baggage compartment at the front...
  10. Dude being degraded from a Howitzer to a shot gun (I was artillery once)...
  11. It is the off-season and while Americans' GM Vince Wong is working the phones to make the New York blue line even more freightening by adding 100-point-defender Guntis Gavilrovs to the mix, Callum gets ready to participate in the annual ProAm Tournament. This time his dad did not join, but as a first, uncle Marcel will be dressing for the Wheelbarrows. CGY was drafted into the Beavers' ranks instead. They already had some encounters and acquitted themselves most recommendably. On one of the rare off-days, the Swiss defender takes Hannibal and Eilidh for a walk. The young Staffordshire is very excited and tries to catch butterflies, birds and chases squirrels up the trees. From the looks of it he enjoys the hunt more than the prey as he is more casually hopping towards the target of his attention. Like he wants to make sure the respective critter has ample time to flee before he arrives there. Whenever he successfully let an animal escape, he returns to his hoomans for a good belly rub. Because belly rubs are the bestest. Some of the other park visitors find the dogs antics adorable and asked to pet Hannibal as well. The couple allowed it put only one by one and with guidance as to avoid misunderstandings. Hannibal will come back to this park where so many hoomans wanted to give belly rubs and ear scratches...
  12. Player name or player page: Callum Gary Yannick Janser Who is your player render: Moritz Seider What team do you want their render to be wearing: New York Americans Full player signature or a card: Signature Do you want a GIF? Yes, please. Do you have any specific GIFS / Renders / Elements included (no guarantees I can make it work!): Maybe something related to Switzerland? But I am also ok, with a no. Any other comments / requests / questions: Would be smashing if you could swap the jersey number to 7.
  13. PMB topscorer of the top Swiss League in 2015/16 with 67 points in 49 games.
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