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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. oh wow, never expected this. Thanks for the trust.
  2. Swiss Central Gazzette (goalscorer/assistant) As our esteemed readers already know, Daniel is representing Team Europe in the WJC, which is in full swing already. The team is off to a good start as it could win the first three matches against Team USA, Team Asia and Team World. The first match was against Team USA and Europe came out of the gate on fire and scored two power play goals within a little more than one minute (Nano (Ablar, Kotkakoivu) and Kotkakoivu (Ablar, Eightnine)). With seven seconds left in the first Remy (Mulds, Karjalainen) put the score to three nothing before the first horn. In the second period, Team USA pulled two goals back and kept the hope alive. Same was crushed by Godlander (Mulds, Karjalainen) as the Americans were not able to react anymore. The finals score was 4-2 for Team Europe. The three stars of the match went to Detroit (0g/2a), Mulds (0g/2a) and Remy (1g/0a). Lindbergh had .913 save percentage and was bested by Booberry (.939), who had to face almost triple the shots that came the Swede's way (66 vs 23). Europe's penalty kill was exceptional (4/4) and the power play respectable (2/9). Our Swiss delegate recorded 0g, 0a and -1 In the second game, this time against Team World, Daniel clashed with fellow Reapers Jones and Ixazaluoh. The match ended with 7-2 for Europe. Again, Daniel's team had the better start and lead 3-0 after the first period. Mulds (Remy), Ablar (Nano, Kotkakoivu) and Karjalainen (Mulds) scored for the European squad. World pulled scored a goal early in the second which was answered by two back-to-back goals by Remy (Godlander, Mulds) and Kotkakoivu (Ablar, Lindbergh). This MO was duplicated in the third period, when Pearce (Kotkakoivu, Nano) and Karjalainen (Remy) sealed the deal. This time, Lindbergh (.966) bested not one, but two goalies. Davis (.792, 24 shots against) and Jarvinen (.946, 37 shots against) shared the workload, while Lindbergh faced 59 shots all by his lonesome. It surprises probably no-one that all the place in the lime light were taken by the Europeans. Remy (1g/2a) was followed by Karjalainen (2g/0a) and Kotkakoivu (1g/2a)on the podium. The special teams performed more or less at the same level as in the previous match with 5/5 in the penalty kill and 1/5 in power play. Daniel recorded 0g, 0a, +0 and 2 PIM (Hooking, obviously no goal scored against in the ensuing penalty kill) The third game against Team Asia ended with 6-3 for Europe. Again it was Europe who was first on the scoreboard when Ablar (Kotkakoivu, Eightnine) opened the proceedings in power play. However, before the period ended, the Europeans allowed three unanswered goals. Other team's morale may have been broken after this first period, but not so Team Europe. We assume that Leblanc has had her say about the team's atypical defensive non-chalance. Accordingly, Team Europe was all business and no fun (for Team Asia that is) and came back with four consecutive goals. Ablar (Nano, Kotkakoivu), Kotkakoivu (Ablar, Nano), Remy (Mulds, Karjalainen) and Brozik (Remy, Chara) succeeded for the European outfit. Asia could not recover from this barrage and conceded another goal (Pearce (Eightnine)) in power play before the final horn. The three stars were Kotkakoivu (1g/2a), Ablar (2g/1a) and Remy (1g/1a). Lindbergh saved .909 of the shots fired at his net while Chiester saved a respecable .906 but was hosed down by the opposition (64 shots against). The penalty kill was okay (3/4) and power play was excellent (2/5). Daniel logged 0g, 0a and +0. Team Europe is presiding the WJC so far and there are a few numbers to explain why: 191 shot attempts in three matches (best of the tournament, leading by 42 shots) 2nd best power play (26.32%) only Canada is better best penalty kill (92.31%) most goals scored (17) least goals conceded (7) least shots allowed against (115) goal keeper with the best saving rate (.939) as well as lowest GAA (2.33) 6 out of the 10 best scorers are from Team Europe (with Kotkakoivu being the top dog with 3g/5a for 8pts) the best goalscorer (Kotkakoivu, Ablar and Remy with 3 goals each) This are but a few of the impressive statistics available for this amazing team. Stay tuned for further updates. https://vhlforum.com/topic/110350-a-tale-of-two-brothers-final-countdown/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110417-a-tale-of-two-brothers-due-north/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110476-a-tale-of-two-brothers-playoff-round-1/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110524-a-tale-of-two-brothers-final-curtain/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110586-s80-reaper-awards/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110590-a-tale-of-two-brothers-after-the-season-is-before-the-season/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110829-s80-wjc-team-europe-roster/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110919-a-tale-of-two-brothers-downtime-or-is-it/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110780-s80-fredrik-elmebeck-memorial-trophy-nominations/?do=findComment&comment=884099 https://vhlforum.com/topic/111038-a-tale-of-two-brothers-in-the-outer-circle/
  3. Swiss Central Gazzette As our regular readers may recall, the Jansers are back in their native Switzerland for much needed R'n'R (no not Rock'n'Roll, the other one). Marcel is nursing his bruises and prepares to return to Philly, while Daniel will stay in Europe to have a closer base of operations to move to whichever VHLE organisation is going to pick him in the upcoming draft. He will also be closer to the OYM in Cham, where Team Europe will have its training camp. Daniel suggested the state-of-the-art venue to prepare for the WJC and GM Ms Leblanc @Horcrux jumped at the opportunity. Normally one would not be able to book the facilities for a full Hockeyteam on short notice, but Dan played for the club which is the main user (and whose CEO is the Owner)of the OYM (Own your Marks) and could pull some strings and cash in some favours to make it happen. At the World Championship he will face some people he met when playing for the Reapers (Ixazaluoh, Jones), or the Brigade (Karjalainen, Towbaker) and many others he played against. We were able to get in touch with him and asked him for a statement. Daniel: 'About half of the organisations in the VHLE stretched their feelers via my agent to see whether I am willing to play for them. To all of them I replied in the positive. I will wear the Jersey of whoever will elect me in the draft with pride and will do anything in my power to help the respective team to succeed. I do not have any favourites and for me it is part of the excitement to see who will pick me. I am also aware that I will not be played to the same extent as with the Reapers, where I was playing first line, power play as well as box play. I have no credit when I report to my new club and will have to earn my spot. And that is completely fine with me. It will be up to me to prove that I am worth my salt and that I can compete with the best, given time to adjust to the new role, team and system as well as developing myself.' When we asked Daniel whether the rumours of him being nominated for one of the most prestigious awards, the 'Fredrik Elmebeck Memorial Trophy', he was embarassed: 'Yes it is true that I was nominated as a potential recipient of this distinction. However, there were more suitable candidates available and I did not make the inner circle. This is entirely okay with me, since I was surprised to be in the race at all. I am proud though that the Reapers GM @Alex_J32 as well as AGM and Captain Mason Jones @Masu Chan and Vasile Lamb @dlamb are amongst the nominees who are in the final, so to speak. That just shows what great people the Reapers have to offer when four of them are nominated for a prize given away for 'great work ethic, passion for the VHL, and/or made some notable contribution which in your eyes made them stand out'. And best of all, you are nominated by your peers, not some self proclaimed comittee that may or may not be the victim of nepotism. It is the people you work with (or play against for that matter) who will nominate you and that makes it even more precious in my eyes. I am honoured to be a nominee for this award after only one season of professional hockey. Sorry, to cut you short but this weights don't lift themselves. Take care.' Please find related articles linked below: https://vhlforum.com/topic/110314-a-tale-of-two-brothers-dirty-deeds-done-dirt-cheap/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110350-a-tale-of-two-brothers-final-countdown/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110417-a-tale-of-two-brothers-due-north/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110476-a-tale-of-two-brothers-playoff-round-1/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110524-a-tale-of-two-brothers-final-curtain/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110586-s80-reaper-awards/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110590-a-tale-of-two-brothers-after-the-season-is-before-the-season/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110829-s80-wjc-team-europe-roster/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110919-a-tale-of-two-brothers-downtime-or-is-it/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110780-s80-fredrik-elmebeck-memorial-trophy-nominations/?do=findComment&comment=884099
  4. As a newbie I think one of the key problems is that not all GM's have the same agenda in the VHLM (this is no criticism, just an observation). Some embraced the 'build up' function of the VHLM (i.e. getting players acquainted with the mechanics, how to earn TPE, encourage them, giving tips for builds etc.) and accepted that the VHLM is only a thouroughfare for the player's ultimate goal the VHL. Others prioritised success (i.e. winning the Founder's Cup) and traded draft picks for seasoned veterans in order to get the final push over the hump. For example, the Hounds were in the final for the Founder's Cup in S79 and did not succeed. The GM changed and the new kid on the block was left with a wiped roster (literally) and the earliest pick being an early round three (7 picks in total), three of which turned out to be duds (stopped updating shortly after being drafted) and had to be released... midway into the season and after many, many defeats, @N0HBDY traded my brother and me (who were two of the more active members in the LR) for some picks to Philly in order to try and rebuild (at least that is my assumption). So in my opinion reducing the league by two teams does at least partly address this, as there are as many players to go around for less teams... I for example maxed almost every week on the TPE and reached the 200 threshold within one season, and I am surely not the only one (take all the 2nd+ generation players for example). Therefore the turnover is relatively high and rosters may not be sustainable with only average 7 players per team available in the draft.
  5. Go the full nine yards... Berlin Rush
  6. No Gold rush as far as I know... but the mountaineous tourism started in the Alps notably Switzerland where a lot of boarding schools for English kids were located. And apparently, they had nothing better to do then to climb mountains in their spare time (and go down on wooden boards)....
  7. Thanks Vice, it is always encouraging to read your reviews. They inspire me to try to do one better. I do get the impression that you are genuinely interested in the series and that you enjoy same. Thanks for the support and your time to read my little essays.
  8. Swiss Central Gazzette We were able to contact the Jansers in their hometown, where they stayed with their family and caught up with them on the latest developments on their career. They received us in their garden for tea and cake. Marcel started: 'I am still recovering from the injuries I suffered through last season and it will take some time until the effects are gone. I started to exercise on a low level intensity and am working on the muscles which were not affected. I should be golden for the start of next season. Needless to say that the upcoming draft is always on our minds and we are excited to see where we and our eligible teammates land up.' Daniel continued: 'We were taking a swim on the lake to cool off after the workout, when my cell phone rang with an unknown number. At the other end was a unfamiliar female voice, telling me that I was selected to represent Team Europe in the upcoming WJC. I thought 'That cannot be, there are so many talented players to go around'. So naturally I suspected that this was a practical joke by one of the Reapers. Therefore, I replied to the unknown caller 'Ah come on George, cut the crap. And if you pull a prank like this, you could as well say you are GM of Team World. You know, to be more plausible.' The person on the other side insisted however that she was indeed Leblanc @Horcrux and that I have to pack in order to meet the President of the EU as well as the Queen of England. So I started to get worried and signalled my brother to call George to verify or dispell my suspicion that he is behind this. He did and I must confess, I was shocked when Marcel had George on the phone and I could not hear him on the other end of mine. So I stammered an excuse and tried to explain Ms Leblanc that the Reapers play this kind of jokes to each other to pull each others legs and that I legitimately thought her call was one of them. She was a good sport and shrugged it off, saying that was exactly what she understood from the Reapers' GM from whom she had my number and that I should not worry about this. The only worry I should have at this point in time is to perform at the World Cup. I told her that it will not be for lack of trying and assured her that I will give it my all to help the team succeed. She then warned me that I will be a bottom six player and not in the top line as in the VHLM. I replied that this won't be an issue for me, as it is a big honour for me to be nominated at such a young age and with that little experience and that I actually prefer the role of grinder/secondary scoring and that no complaints in that respect will be heard from me. She then mentioned that this is exactly what she was expecting to hear from me, having talked to some of my former coaches and team mates and finally gave me all the details about the flights and when to be where. I must admit, times have not been as exciting as that since this dude in basic training dropped the safety pin of a live handgrenade. That excitement did not last that long though, as the drill sergeant ripped the grenade out of the bloke's hand and threw it in an empty foxhole...' Exciting times indeed and almost no time for Daniel in particular to wind down. https://vhlforum.com/topic/110141-a-tale-of-two-brothers-climbing-the-ladder/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110250-a-tale-of-two-brothers-payoffs-in-sight/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110314-a-tale-of-two-brothers-dirty-deeds-done-dirt-cheap/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110350-a-tale-of-two-brothers-final-countdown/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110417-a-tale-of-two-brothers-due-north/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110476-a-tale-of-two-brothers-playoff-round-1/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110524-a-tale-of-two-brothers-final-curtain/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110586-s80-reaper-awards/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110590-a-tale-of-two-brothers-after-the-season-is-before-the-season/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110829-s80-wjc-team-europe-roster/
  9. 1. Yukon 2. I really do not know, I do not have a preference... 3. Yes, Team Europe ftw... I hope I can do some shut downing against the opposing teams top lines (and maybe score the odd goal) 4. It is time to but some muscles on this frame and to pay tribute to the physical aspects of the game we all love 5. 30-40 would be ok for the role and ice team I am expecting to get. But will see, under the right circumstances I could also consider a 20 goal season a success. 6. see number 3 7. Most of the Rockstar titles, and some other open world ones (Fallout 4, Far Cry, AC, Days Gone etc.) 8. There are so many, at the moment I fancy 'Thunderstruck' by AC/DC 9. No, this record will belong to the 1993 Sharks/1975 Capitals for quite some time (maybe forever)
  10. I really like the idea of making a graphic for this occasion. The colours match very well and are in line with the clubs colours. The logo swap could do with some 'crumpling' as it looks slightly (but I cannot really put a finger to it what exactly does not look right). All in all great effort. 9/10
  11. Logo and Jersey swap look very well executed to my untrained eye. The fonts are challenging to read, a more contrasting colour would be helpful in this instance. Or alternatively, put it smaller somewhere else and fill the letters. 8/10
  12. Hi JB123, Even though relatively new to this community I would like to give it a shot as your assistant. Obviously no experience in the field, but ready to learn. Also in case that matters I am in the central European time zone. Cheers, Daniel Janser
  13. We will miss you, too Cadmael, but who knows, maybe in the future, we will be in the same club again. Take care and all the best, see you in the grave yard ;)...
  14. Swiss Central Gazzette After the smoke has cleared on the triple-OT loss against the Storm, it is now time for the Jansers to focus on the next season. What to do and where to go. So our east coast correspondent Saratoga Steele has made her way to Philadelphia to snare some information from the brothers on their plans for the future. Marcel: 'Played the last third of the season with an injured wrist and I cracked some ribs as well a while ago, when a puck caught me between the shoulder pads and the pants. This is also one of the reasons, why I did not perform to my own expectations. I was still able to play solid in defense, but my production dropped. I think it is best to stay in the VHLM for the time being, and further hone my skills. Also, Cadmael and George will probably try their luck in the VHLE. In addition, AL was only signed for this season/playoff run and will go through the draft in a couple of weeks. This trio were playing a lot of minutes and rightfully so. Said minutes need to be redistributed and I hope I will get a share of it. If the Reapers want me to stick around, that is.' Daniel: 'We will take a week off to fly back home and catch up with our sister and family, before I start exercising again. Marcel will do so as well, within the limits set by the doctors. He will hate it, but I will keep on talking sense into him to not overdo it and risk a more and/or lasting injury. After that, it will be back for the draft. My agent has already told me that some VHLE organisations showed interest in drafting me. As usual, I will not spill the beans and neither confirm nor deny any specifics, so please do not even ask. We also had a little party in the clubhouse, when the winners of the Reapers Awards were announced. I was honoured and humbled alike when I found out that I was nominated for two out of five awards. The Risible Reaper as well as the Resilient Reaper award. The former is given to the Reaper who is a good spirit in the locker room and helps new players to settle in and answer any question they might have. This season it went to Mason Jones @Masu Chan, and I could not think of a more fitting choice. The latter is for players who step up to the plate and perform under pressure. I was flabbergasted when the GM called up me to enter the stage and receive the trophy. I mean, Alex @Alex Thegreat and Dylan @dpowers49 (the fellow nominees) perform every shift of every match we play and win face offs for our team. I am really honoured to have played alongside them and to have received this trophy. The three other Trophies were the Reserve Reaper which goes the player who punched above his weight (i.e. played like a first liner in a bottom six role). This competition was won by Alessio @Alesime but he had also stiff competition with JP @WhiskyJack and Julian @Julien_Bernier. The Rough Reaper goes to the player who excelled in the physical aspect of the game and it was no surprise to me that George @SpicyGecko took the price there with over 200 checks and almost a hundred blocked shots. His competitors were JP @WhiskyJack and Mikael @pallosiili. The Righteous Reaper award is given to the player with the best overall performance and again, for me it was clear that it must go to Cadmael @Vice, as he was topscorer as well as a physical player (and blocked almost as many shots as my brother, Cadmael you owe me a sixpack) the whole season. Shoutout to his co-nominees Mason @Masu Chan and Mikael @pallosiili, who also massively contributed to our success this season. If indeed my career will lead me to Europe, I will leave with a smiling and a weeping eye, because this team is a great bunch of people and well managed to boot. I have no doubt that next season they can do great things, as they have now a good core with already a season (or more) under their belt and can draft new talents as well (no first round pick though). I will surely keep an eye on their further performance. On top, it will be the first season ever, that I will not play with my brother, but this was inevitable in my opinion and who knows maybe one day a GM is crazy enough to re-unite us.' We thank the Jansers for their statement. Please find below related articles on the matter: https://vhlforum.com/topic/110105-daniel-janser-scouting-report/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110113-a-tale-of-two-brothers-getting-there/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110141-a-tale-of-two-brothers-climbing-the-ladder/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110250-a-tale-of-two-brothers-payoffs-in-sight/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110314-a-tale-of-two-brothers-dirty-deeds-done-dirt-cheap/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110350-a-tale-of-two-brothers-final-countdown/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110417-a-tale-of-two-brothers-due-north/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110476-a-tale-of-two-brothers-playoff-round-1/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110524-a-tale-of-two-brothers-final-curtain/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110586-s80-reaper-awards/
  15. 1: Let's get this question out of the way first. We were eliminated in the 1st round, which team do you think will win the VHML Championship? Yukon 2: The Reaper Awards will be held tonight. Are you excited? Very much so 3: Which attribute of your player are you going to focus on most in the off season? Once I can apply points again, I will bring the defense up 4: Are you excited for the drafts? Yes, my player drew some attention and I am giddy to see who will draft him. 5: How many points do you intend to get next season regardless of what league you play in? Since I got 80 last season and I do want to get better, I'd say seventy but with a better +/- rating 6: Your most memorable game of this season? The shutout we had in the playoffs. 7: I recently chose the Portland Winterhawks as my favorite WHL team. Do you have a favorite team in that league? Nope, I do not follow the WHL 8: What's your favorite hockey trick? (Example: Between the Legs shots, Michigan, Datsyuk Flip?) The Forsberg 9: Who's the most underrated NHL Goalie? Merzlikins
  16. I like the colour scheme as it is in line with your new team and also the idea of making a graphic for the occasion of your free agent signing. The cut out looks well done and you give all the info an unknowing bystander would need, to get up to date. 10/10
  17. Even though not a big Halloween fan, I like this graphic. The main thing I would have changed is to put the text on the boards, as I think it interferes with the spooky background. all in all solid work. 7.5/10
  18. Swiss Central Gazzette (goalscorer/assistant) The Reapers' season is over when the lost 4-1 in the series. However, they were close to make it 3-2 and everything would have been possible from then on. The events in sequence: The first home game in this series was won by the Philadelphian team with 4-0. Ixazaluoh opened the score at 10:39 minutes in the first, assisted by Simeoni and Sanderson. In the second period Laperriere (Jp) and Lamb (AL, Ixazaluoh) increased the lead. Last, but not least Moinet (Laperriere, Bernier) was responsible for the final score. The three stars were completely made from Reapers with Laperriere (1g/1a) taking the first place followed by Arpa (shut out) and Ixazaluoh (1g/1a). The penalty kill was perfect (1/1) and the power play desastrous (0/8). The Reapers played very disciplined and took almost no penalties and at the same time defended their net to a tee. Needless to say that Arpa outperformed Grubauer's .889 saving rate. Marcel was noted with 0g, 0a and +0 Daniel had 0g, 0a, +1 and 5 shots (second of the team) to his name The fourth match of the series went 6-3 to the Storm. The Minnesota team commenced the proceedings after 3:07 in the first period. Two minutes later, Bernier (Jp) tied the game for the first intermission. The second period was a rollercoaster where the teams took turns in scoring goals. Minnesota was again first to succeed. Daniel tied the game with a dirty mucker goal off Lamb's rebound to which AL assisted. With two minutes left in the second period, Jones equalized the game 3-3 with a power play goal with Ixazaluoh and Sanderson assisting him. The third period went entirely to the Storm with three unanswered goals. For the first time in this series, Grubauer (.906) had the better of Arpa (.860). The penalty kill was abysmal with 2/5 and the power play was not much better (1/8), with better special team performance, this game could go to the Reapers. The three stars were Pearce (2g/1a), Glove Dropper (1g/2a) and Delisle (1g/1a). Marcel reported 0g, 0a and -2 Daniel logged 1g, 0a, +1 and 7 shots (most of his team) In the final game the Reapers demanded all of the Storm's skills for the win. They took the Gopher State team to a triple OT before Minnesote won 5-4. The first goal was scored by the Storm but Philadelphia countered with two back-to-back goals. First Jp buried TheGreat's rebound after Daniel's shot off the post in power play. Then dokis scored with a helping hand from Bernier and Jp. The Storm pulled away though with two unanswered goals of their own before the first tea. Ixazaluoh scored after 46 seconds of power play, assisted by Sanderson and Jones. Unfortunately, in the next power play, the Reapers were scored against to tie the period and reinstate the Minnesotan one goal lead. Almost 6 minutes were played, when Jones, in Babe Ruth like fashion, swatted the puck in, which came off the crossbar from Marcel's near miss. Sudden death. As mentioned before it took three OT periods for the Storm to succeed and the Reapers gave them a run for their money. Arpa was bested with .884 vs .897. The penalty kill was suboptimal (4/6) while the power play was disappointing (2/13, plus one goal scored against). If the power play was more efficient in this encounter, we would have a game 6. Alas, it was not to be. The three stars were Glove Dropper (1g/2a), Nezuko (2g/0a) and Pearce (1g/1a). Marcel achieved 0g, 1a and +1 Daniel was noted with 0g, 1a and +0 The Jansers' final tallies are as follows: Marcel: 5gp, 0g, 1a, 1pt, -2, 2 PIM, 3 hits, 7sb Daniel: 5gp, 2g, 2a, 4pts, +0, 4 PIM, 12 his, 2sb, 1ppg The Reapers put up a fight and were never discouraged, regardless of the score. They were the underdog and were closer to a surprise than the bare numbers would let one believe. This may have been the end of an era, as the Janser brothers very well may part ways in the upcoming draft, as Daniel is not eligible for the VHLM next season and Marcel may need an other season to hone his skills. Never before have they played in different organisations. Marcel replied to our interview in that regards as follows: 'We always knew that this is a possibility with the draft system. Even if I had not suffered from a broken wrist for half of the season, which slowed down my progress, we would have in all likelihood ended up in different clubs anyway. It was cool as long as it lasted, and there is still a chance that I will be drafted by my brother's organisation next season. For the time being I will focus on the next season with the Reapers. In case they keep me around, that is. I think I have proven that I am willing and able to sacrifice my body in the interest of the team's success, if nothing else.' As with the regular season, we would like to mention some corner stones of the Reaper's short cut playoff run. First, we would be sorely amiss to not point out the outstanding performance of rookie goalkeeper Arpa, who gave the Reapers a fighting chance in every playoff game. He ranks second in the saving rate (.902) behind Red Menace and first in shutouts (1). Jp (7pts) is in the top ten when it comes to scoring defense men as well as in blocking shots (10). Ixazaluoh is in the top ten for PPG (2) as well as shots blocked (10) AL is also one of the top shot blockers in the league (14) We let for you to decide, who is the MVP for the Reapers, a case can be made for many of the players with the right arguments. Please use the premature season ending to read some of the related articles linked below. We will back with news of the Jansers before long. https://vhlforum.com/topic/110105-daniel-janser-scouting-report/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110113-a-tale-of-two-brothers-getting-there/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110141-a-tale-of-two-brothers-climbing-the-ladder/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110250-a-tale-of-two-brothers-payoffs-in-sight/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110314-a-tale-of-two-brothers-dirty-deeds-done-dirt-cheap/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110350-a-tale-of-two-brothers-final-countdown/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110417-a-tale-of-two-brothers-due-north/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/110476-a-tale-of-two-brothers-playoff-round-1/
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