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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. D - AirRig GoodBrandSun @VattghernCZ
  2. As a Cold War child, the city of Warsaw is associated with the Warsaw Pact...
  3. in German we call 'elk' also 'Wapiti'... the word 'Elch' (sounds in German similar to 'elk') is used for 'Moose' and the word 'Moos' (with an elongated 'o') is used for 'Moss'...
  4. F Saku kotkakoivu @VattghernCZ
  5. 1. The comradrie with his fellow Wranglers. 2. With Merome we have certainly locked down a replacement for Lindbergh/Pedersen (depending on the earning pattern of the latter). Ricer continues to include first gen players, which can only benefit the league as a whole. 3. Jardy @JardyB10 went 1st overall in the E draft, as to be expected. I find it interesting that he declared to be a VHLE lifer on the other hand it seems to be a very Jardy thing to do. 4. Hockey stick in one hand, the Devil's Horns formed with the others, so it looks like he is headbanging. 5. No. They are called 'pastelfiskar' which means 'Pastel Fish'. 6. Some days I do, others not so much. I should pay more attention to this.
  6. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) As some of our readers may know, Kurt Janser stepped down as a GM of the Istanbul Red Wolves and made space for up and coming GM Mason Jones. Our Turkish correspondent Sibel Kekiloglu spoke to Kurt about his retirement, his family and what the future will hold for him. Sibel Kekiloglu (SK): 'Kurt, thanks for your time. You announced early that you are going to retire from your GM position in Istanbul. Would you mind sharing your thought process leading to that decision?' Kurt Janser (KJ): 'Hi Sibel, you are very welcome. When Daniel decided to marry Bonnie, it was clear to me that it is only a matter of time that they will start their own family. I know, how time consuming Dan's job is, with all the away games and World Cups, let alone the functions he has or wants to attend to. Bonnie does not have family in Calgary and will need help with the little one. I am more than willing to assist her in any way she sees fit. Also, I felt that I lack the energy to be the GM that Istanbul and its players deserve. I hate to do a job half-assed and hence the decision to step down.' SK: 'It certainly speaks for you to put your family first and to be honest about your ability to do the GM job. You announced your retirement early in the season but only stepped down after the season finale. What was the reason for that?' KJ: 'Well, I wanted to have a clean transition and leave the club in a good position with some prospects as well as draft assets, so that my successor can shape the team as they please. Also I got an AGM in Gaming Ringleader in order to ensure as smooth a transition in power as possible. I dare say, so far it worked out and Mason and I had several conversations about potential picks and evaluating trade proposals. Of course the final decision is Mason's, but it appears he values my input and I am happy to share my thoughts with him.' SK: 'You became a first time Grandfather on this offseason. How do you feel about that?' KJ: 'It is a bliss and as mentioned before, one of the reasons I stepped down. I am looking forward to spend some quality time with my kids as well as Bonnie and Cal aboard the 'Chancer'. Nic, my daughter, will join us on our cruise to Helsinki. She wants to revisit Rovaniemi on the polar circle. Well, that is her version of the story. I think she loves her brothers and adores her nephew and wants to spend time with them.' SK: 'What else will the future hold for you?' KJ: 'Well, my sons will retire before too long and I hope to spend a lot of time with them fishing or cruising the seas. Maybe I will pick up a new hobby or eventually become a coach for Callum's team if he choses to play in any sports team. I will take it as it comes.' SK: 'Thanks for this interview and all the best going forward.' KJ: 'Thanks, Sibel, take care.' Daniel's stats from the ProAm sofar: 52gp, 33g, 37a, 70pts, -5, 105 PIM, 164 hits, 40sb, 1gwg, 6ppg, 1shg, 65.30FO%, 6 first star nominations https://vhlforum.com/topic/133955-a-tale-of-two-brothers-slaying-bears/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/134168-a-tale-of-two-brothers-we-are-the-champions/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/134337-a-tale-of-two-brothers-good-bye-janser/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/134635-a-tale-of-two-brothers-an-interseason-summary/ claim 1/2: 02.04.23
  7. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) Our Canadian correspondent Jean-Luc Lieuxperroux met the elder Janser brother during the ProAm tournament and caught up with the Swiss center's life after the win of the prestigious Continental Cup with the Wranglers. Jean-Luc Lieuxperroux (JLL): 'Hi Daniel. Thanks for meeting up with me. First of all, how is fatherhood treating you?' Daniel Janser (DJ): 'Anytime, Jean-Luc. It is a very exciting process to be sure. I feel bad for Bonnie though, as she is most often the first one to hear Callum to cry in the night. So she gets up without waking me up and takes care of the little man's needs. I think, being in the army has taught me to get sleep whenever I can and to subconsciously ignore any 'disturbance'.' JLL: 'I see. How would you rate your proficiency in changing diapers?' DJ: 'I am not going to lie. The first couple of times a made a big mess and I have peed on by Callum more than once. Which seems a common occurance when you have a baby boy. But I get better at it and learned to shield me with the diaper to avoid bigger spills. I'd say at the moment I am at four out of ten with an upwards tendency.' JLL: 'You are very honest about this and I appreciate that. Now, the VHL award event was held a couple of days ago. You have been absent from same. Did you avoid it because you were not awarded a trophy this time around?' DJ: 'This has some truth to it. I was on the fence of going there anyway, with the new born in the house. Seeing that I was not getting any of the statistical awards this season and considering that for the voted awards there were better candidates than me, tipped the scale in favour of spending time with my young family instead. Especially in view of the fact that I am also playing here in the ProAm, I try to get family time whenever I can.' JLL: 'Marcel has now signed with Helsinki. An era of two Brothers in Calgary ends. What is your take on that?' DJ: 'We both knew that going into a league where there is the draft system and a salary cap in place, could mean that we may end up playing for different teams. However, GMs of the VHLM like N0HBDY and Alex, as well as JB123 in the JST and last but not least Kris Rice of the Wranglers drafted us as a package. We are thankful for the trust put in us and the time we could spend on the same team together. Also in Helsinki Marcel has the chance to play a bigger role than as they were in need of some veteran presence on their blue line. In Calgary, he was more of a depth player, a role he was happy to accept. He won a cup and that is all he wanted of his career. Now he wants to explore whether he can take on a more prominent role in a team that was out of contention the last couple of seasons.' JLL: 'What is the plan for the remainder of the off-season?' DJ: 'After the ProAm, Bonnie, Callum, Marcel and I will get aboard the 'Chancer' and my dad will ferry us to Finland to drop off Marcel in Helsinki. We will stay a couple of days in Europe and then fly back to Calgary in time for the Training camp.' JLL: 'That sounds like a bliss. Hope you enjoy your cruise and thanks for your time.' DJ: 'My pleasure, stay safe.' Daniel is playing for Team Scheme in the ProAm and shows the following stats: 41gp, 29g, 32a, 61pts, +4, 61 PIM, 126 hits, 34 sb, 4ppg, 1shg, 1gwg, 64.30FO%, 5 first star nominations https://vhlforum.com/topic/133877-a-tale-of-two-brothers-a-talk-with-the-captain/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/133955-a-tale-of-two-brothers-slaying-bears/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/134168-a-tale-of-two-brothers-we-are-the-champions/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/134337-a-tale-of-two-brothers-good-bye-janser/
  8. cannot wait to see the Calgary one... was bothering Ricer for a while to do one, but the man is simply too busy
  9. how did you check so fast?
  10. 1. I am part of Team Scheme in the ProAm tournament. 2. He never left. At his advanced age he cannot afford to get rusty. There two more 100+ points seasons in him. 3. DJ got FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY. No seriously I did not follow too closely except for the Kanou, which honestly everyone of the three nominees could have made it. I think picking Lindy was the right choice though. 4. Just battling the wear and tear I suppose. 5. Pens are MID at the moment, but the New Jersey Swiss Devils are in the playoffs already. 6. sheesh where to start? I guess vacuum cleaning.
  11. go out with a bang, fellow Oslo Storm player
  12. In the finances tab you can see that Vidot bought a position switch in season 83. Just in case you need it for the S81 redraft
  13. Seattle, while outside Canada, is not in Europe, though.
  14. I wonder what will happen to this series if the wheel of fortune would stop at Scotty Campbell, as surely the question would be answered? Good read as always, I look forward to the next one.
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