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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) The Wranglers are up in the series against the Bears 3-2 and have a first match point tonight. Our Canadian correspondent Jean-Luc Lieuxperroux met with Daniel to get a statement regarding the state of the Wrangler-nation. Jean-Luc Lieuxperroux (JLL): 'Good evening Daniel, how are you?' Daniel Janser (DJ): 'Hi Jean-Luc, fresh as a daisy, thanks.' JLL: 'Calgary made it past the first round since you joined the roster. Are you excited about this?' DJ: 'Definitely, in some of the previous post-season campaigns we had no reason to exit early but yet did anyway. This was kind of frustrating, but at the same time makes for a good underdog story. Everyone likes them, me included. It just stinks if you are in the supposedly superior team.' JLL: 'In game 73, you got into a physical altercation and were sent off after only seven minutes into the game. Care to share your perspective?' DJ: 'Sure. Hogan ran over Lindbergh after some chaos around the net. Wolanin then gently tapped him with the stick to remind the player that netminders are off limits, playoffs be damned. Lampi then checked Landon in the back and that is when Marcel, Larry and I dropped the gloves to draw a line in the sand. Abbas held his own against veteran Lamb and Marcel and I floored Stone and Nano respectively. The referees then came to the conclusion that I instigated the line brawl and sent my sorry ass packing.' JLL 'Do you feel that it was an unjust call?' DJ: 'I accept their decision. Their job is difficult and decisions need to be made in a split second. It was early in the game and they had to set a pace for the remainder of the match. I am not in a habit of criticizing the umpires' calls. We have to play in a way, that we do not give them a lot of opportunities to make a 'wrong' call. They are humans after all and make mistakes, as we all do.' JLL: 'You have three game winning goals in this post-season so far and are one of the more dominant players in these playoffs. Does that make you confident for tonight's game?' DJ: 'It certainly does not hold me back. However, the Bears have shown time and again that they are a clutch team and know to win when it counts. And with Blake Campbell, they have VHL's Scotty Bowman on the bench who knows all the tricks there are to be known. You know, no-one wants a game seven unless you are 3-something down. I hope we can get the decision for this series tonight, as wounded bears are the most dangerous ones, as my Canadian team mates told me. It certainly does not pay to sell the hide of a bear that you have yet to kill.' JLL: 'We will cross our fingers for you tonight for sure. Now to something completely different. How is Bonnie doing and would you mind to share how far into the pregnancy you guys are?' DJ: 'Bonnie is very well, thanks for asking. Our boy is due in the next couple of weeks, but Bonnie mentioned that her side of the family tends to be early, so it could be any day now.' JLL: 'Thanks Daniel for your time and good luck tonight and with the expected new addition to your family.' DJ: 'Thanks, Jean-Luc appreciate it.' We will report further on the matter in due course. Meanwhile, here are the stats of our Rotkreuz studs: Marcel: 9gp, 0g, 5a, 5pts, +8, 11 PIM, 12 hits, 10sb Daniel: 9gp, 8g, 8a, 16pts, +4, 27 PIM, 20 hits, 7sb, 54.52FO%, 3gwg, 4ppg, 2 First star nominations https://vhlforum.com/topic/133423-a-tale-of-two-brothers-back-where-we-belong/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/133490-a-tale-of-two-brothers-an-announcement/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/133747-a-tale-of-two-brothers-here-we-go-again/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/133764-a-tale-of-two-brothers-sweepstakes/
  2. Do you know by any chance whether Melodie is related to Dan Daoust? Just asking as a guy of this name played in the Swiss League when I was a lad and from the age gap he could be their father.
  3. Imagine a line with McMuffin, BigMac and the McFleury Siblings (Cousins?)... Promoting fast food while being a top shelf athlete...
  4. I jokingly said last week 'your' league in a different post. And while it is our league, I am convinced it would not be where it is now without your dedication and personal touch. May you have many more enjoyable years in this community. And thanks for your service.
  5. Canadians being all friendly and polite until hockey happens then all bets are off
  6. Unfortunately it is not Vancouver themed and hence does not stand a chance
  7. Hi Otis, First of all, I am sorry for your loss and I totally understand the decision you made regarding Sim-Leagues. Real life matters more than some virtual hockey league you have an imaginary player in. In regards whether you recreate or continue with Otis, that is entirely up to you. Earning permitted you can still cut out a solid (but maybe shorter) VHL career out of your S84 player. And I am sure @UnknownMinion will appreciate an additional active player in his roster. Whatever your decision is, I wish you best of luck. Daniel
  8. To be fair in the VHL there are only 16 teams (in the NHL 32) and there is only one less French-Canadian team in the VHL than there is in the NHL... There used to be a team Quebec Meute but due to the bad rep 'Meute' has nowadays it was moved and rebranded and became the Vancouver Wolves... (or so I understand)
  9. I smell BOOMism (refusing a job, due to the fact that one is BOOM)
  10. ah ok they do that for coal as well, as the moisture % is defining how valuable the coal is (amongst other stuff like calorific value and the size of the 'nuggets' or 'nodes')... obviously the less water the more valuable
  11. When I saw you have commented on this thread I knew what to expect and you did not disappoint...
  12. like for gravel/cement/building material where you test the resistance against heat/temperature changes? that sounds interesting...
  13. soft cap is three hundred for the VHLE (amazing I am teaching bek the rules of 'his' league).
  14. I mean I am aware that Canadians eat weird things like poutine and maple syrup, but frying rocks? or is this code for something (and if yes, do I want to know)...
  15. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) The Calgary Wranglers swept the Stars clean and are now looking with anticipation to the matchup Seattle-Vancouver, where an upset is looming as the WC-qualified Bears lead the series 3-1 and it is 'do or die' for the Wolves. However, without further ado, please find the summaries of the two matches the Albertan team has played in their series since last we reported of them. 4-1 The third match up between the Stars and the Wranglers ended in a 4-1 defeat for the Californian team. LA took an early lead though when Maloish took advantage of the minor penalty issued against Wolanin for for Holding the Stick. In the second frame the Wranglers came back with a vengeance and scored three consecutive goals by Strasmore, who beat up Detroit after a little more than two minutes played, Gonçalves with one of his trademark shorthanded goals and Wolanin, who was hellbent to make up for taking the penalty leading to a deficit. The Captain put the nail in the coffin in the third period during a man advantage. Strasmore digs out a lost puck when Janser missed the net and gives it a swing himself but is off target as well. Wolanin inherits the disc and shoots, Daniel with the screen and deflection in the slot, but a LA defender sacrifices his body and saves for his beaten netminder. The Swiss digs out the puck and misses the net, however, the biscuit bounces back from the boards and in his second attempt, the center finds the gap. This goal was more a product of persistence and pure power of will than skill and finesse, but we'll take it. Gonçalves (1g/1a), Wolanin (1g/1a) and Lindbergh (30 saves) were named three stars of the match. The latter (.968) was also a clear winner in the duel between the post against Vandelay (.882). Calgary's power play had room for improvement (1/5) but the penalty kill was decent (3/4) especially if we consider the short handed goal by the Portuguese Wonder. Marcel was credited with 0g, 0a, +1 and 1sb Daniel had 1g, 1a, 4 PIM (Hooking (which lead to Leandros SHG) and Holding (no effect on the score), 4 hits and 65.71FO% 3-1 The fourth and final match ended in a 3-1 win for the Wranglers. It was again LA with the better start and DB III scored on the man advantage. But that was all she wrote and it was Calgary's game after that initial shot across the bow. Wolanin evened the score in the second period and Gonçalves as well as Strasmore in power play found the back of the net in the third frame. The three stars went to Lindbergh (44 saves), Wolanin (1g/1a) and GoodBrandSun (0g/2a). Lindbergh (.978) showed once more superior form over Vandelay (.923). The Wranglers' power play was okay (1/4) and the box play units showed up as well (5/6). Marcel logged 0g, 1a, +1 and 1 hit Daniel left the ice with 0g, 2a, +1, 2 PIM (Hooking, lead to the goal against), 2 hits, 2sb and 53.70FO% The Wranglers not only displayed their wellknown, relentless offensive prowess, but also showcased very solid defensive play. With the exception of game two, which was a crapshoot from both teams, Calgary (and most of all, Lindbergh) only allowed one goal per match. With such shutting down abilities, we think that the Wranglers have a more than even chance for a deep playoff run. And here are the Jansers' playoff stats so far: Marcel: 4gp, 0g, 1a, 1pt, +4, 2 PIM, 2 hits, 4sb Daniel: 4gp, 5g, 6a, 11pts, +3, 8 PIM, 8 hits, 5sb, 1gwg, 3ppg, 54.97FO%, 1 first star distinction Hang tight for further updates on our intrepid heroes. https://vhlforum.com/topic/132924-a-tale-of-two-brothers-almost-a-third-done/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/133423-a-tale-of-two-brothers-back-where-we-belong/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/133490-a-tale-of-two-brothers-an-announcement/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/133747-a-tale-of-two-brothers-here-we-go-again/
  16. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) After the dust had settled, Calgary ended up in the second place in their Conference as well as the league. The Janser brothers showed the following final stats: Marcel: 72gp, 6g, 36a, 42pts, +23, 78 PIM, 112 hits, 123sb, 2gwg, 3ppg Daniel: 72gp, 48g, 61a, 109pts, +28, 111 PIM, 171 hits, 32sb, 6gwg, 7ppg, 2shg, 60.34FO%, 8 First Star nominations Daniel missed the Szatkowski by two measly points, Wolanin the Brooks by five goals. The latter also managed the feat to stop scoring on point before reaching a three digit figure for the second time in a row. But this is all water under the bridge now and the Wranglers are well advised to focus on the post-season games against LA. Which brings us to the match reports of the first two games of the series. 1-2 The first duel was a very tight one, with the shots fired bang even between the teams. Janser opened the score in the middle period on a power play. Wolanin moves into the Stars' zone after Lindbergh and GoodBrandSun retrieved a puck dump by the Californians to change lines. He rips, but the tell-tale sound of 'ding' gives away that the post saved on Vandelay's behalf. Justice is first on the disc and gives it a try and misses the net. The orphaned biscuit is then hoovered up by the Captain, who buries it in the five hole. In the final frame, it is again the Swiss veteran who finds the back of the net. Wolanin intercepts a pass and sees his center lurking on the offside line. He gives a saucer pass and plays catch up and moves to the hashmark. Daniel has circled the net in the meantime and dishes the puck to his line mate and moves into the slot to screen for Mr 99 Points. Wolanin shoots and the puck is deflected by Janser mid-air, which is enough to throw off Art in LA's crease. Vinny Detroit played spoilsport and deprived Lindbergh of his well deserved shutout. But it was too little, too late and Calgary takes the win. It is of interest that Sax Justice, who had all but 4 PIM over 72 regular season games, decided to grow a pair for the playoffs and challenged Detroit, of all players, to a round of fisticuffs, which ended in a tie. So in the first playoff game, Justice has more PIM then in the six dozen previous games together. To absolutely no-one's surprise Lindbergh (40 saves), Janser (2g/0) and Wolanin (0g/2a) were given the post game honours. Lindbergh was a rock with a .976 save percentage which must have been frustrating for Vanderlay with a very, very solid .951. Calgary' power play was on track (1/4) and the penaltykilling unit was immaculate (4/4). Marcel was credited with 0g, 0a, +1 and 1 hit Daniel logged 2g, 0a, +0, 1 hit, 1sb and 48.00FO% 4-6 The second match was more entertaining from a crowd's point of view, but certainly not to the taste of the coaches who will have word or two to say about defensive responsibility. Calgary's second line was on the board first with a Gonçalves marker after less than two minutes into the game. On that occasion rookie defender Braun got their feet wet with their first career playoff point. Barely forty seconds later, Wolanin raised the stakes by scoring the next goal for a 2-0 lead. But the Wranglers were not done scoring yet. Daniel wins the draw against Miglaskems in LA's zone and passes to Wolanin. The winger shoots and his Captain is once more at the right time right place to deflect the shot. Before the period ended, the Latvian center would score on the power play to cull Calgary's lead to two goals again. The second period was one goal a piece with former Wrangler Maloish scoring on the power play before Landon reinstated the two goal advantage for the Albertan team. Strasmore with a power play marker, which caused Vandelay to vacate the crease and make space for Minion, and the perennial scoring threat Janser with another goal on the man advantage sealed the deal for Calgary. The Rotkreuz native, picked up Abbas' blocked shot and just put it on the crossbar and into the net. LA scored two more late goals but the deficit was too big and they had to take the L. The three stars went to Janser (2g/3a), Wolanin (2g/2a) and Miglaskems (1g/2a). Lindbergh was not at his best (.895) and put himself between Vanderlay (.773) and Minion (.929). Calgary's power play was lethal (2/3) and the box play decent (6/8). Marcel had 0g, 0a, +1 and 3sb to his name. Daniel left the ice with 2g, 3a, +1, 2 PIM (Holding Stick, no effect on the score), 1 hit, 2sb, and a 54.72FO% Stay tuned for further updates. https://vhlforum.com/topic/132890-vsn-presents-the-draft-that-built-the-future-a-calgary-wranglers-story/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/132924-a-tale-of-two-brothers-almost-a-third-done/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/133423-a-tale-of-two-brothers-back-where-we-belong/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/133490-a-tale-of-two-brothers-an-announcement/
  17. That is the sweet thing in here, people like to do it and they get TPE for it... so technically the league pays for your sig. There are some insanely talented artists in our community and Sadie is one of them. So all the artists ask from you is your preferred render (the player you want to have depicted in the sig), your franchise, your jersey number and if you are a Captain/Alternate Captain...
  18. Berocka prefers the term 'teller of alternative truths' (probably)
  19. to be fair, Warsaw was eliminated in four so at least half of the prediction was correct.
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