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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. 1. I liked the bit about the logos of the original Eight franchises 2. Sakamoto being traded yet again was a surprise to me. 3. DJ is slacking in his production compared to the three previous seasons, but ultimately it is all about the team and there the confidence is still there. 4. All of them. Whichever is open at the moment he takes the shot. 5. Holy Yoda almost forgot about that. Maybe I will I have the original three as a DVD. 6. One of my favourites was HeroQuest / StarQuest. A tabletop RPG.
  2. I seriously read '... Leandro my brother had been brothering me...' had a laugh when I noticed my inability to properly read... My recruiting was way easier: Marcel (also a younger sibling) has seen me navigating the page and asked me what it was and if he could join as well. Bam! 16 free TPE for good old me. (Maybe I should recruit my sis, she is into hockey as well). My recommendation to look at art is Instant Rockstar's work (also the non-VHL related stuff he posts in the gfx in the discord), Triller, Ricer13, STZ and Steve as well as BOOM (in no particular order). Not shitting on the other contributors at all, these are just the ones whose style/vibe pleases me most (Leandro did some amazing commissioned work for me as well, but I guess you have seen his contributions already). Of course your mileage may vary.
  3. It appears that the talent flows strong in the Gonçalves family, really nice work Cátia... Showing off my ignorance as I am not as knowledgeable about the female hockey players... who did you use as render?
  4. @FrostBeard I think capping should be take a decent amount of effort. And one can have a solid career without capping. Also if too many players are TPE-addicted competitive earners, the VHL in the long run will have a salary cap issue. I agree, that activity often results in more TPE earned. I think we need to separate the idea that only max earner are an asset/contributor to a teams success, though. There are active people in the league who are fun to interact with but do not care to max earn every week (or at all) for various reasons and there are max earners who do not interact much outside of their contribution to forum content (aka PT). And then are those who do both. I think all of the aforementioned contribute in their own way to the VHL experience and the success of their respective team. Having said that, I appreciate that retention of players/members seems to be a cause close to your heart. It takes a village in my opinion, as I can say I mainly earned at the level I did, because I wanted the Wranglers to be a success (or at least not failing because they need to carry my sorry ass). Because GM's and other members took time of their day to help me earn more efficiently. In closing I wish to point out that retention in my humble opinion is not only about earning (though it can be an incentive for some), it is more about having an amazing community and having caring GMs in place (especially in the Minors, but not exclusively there), who find a way for their players to earn at a level they are comfortable with (and is sustainable for that individual).
  5. or everyone wants them... both interpretations can be true (much like Schrödinger's cat, we have just not opened the box yet to find out)
  6. Next project: crossing the Atlantic singlehandedly in a plane...
  7. the rod looks oddly familiar... Landon must have helped himself to some the limited KGW Signature Sticks of his Captain
  8. This is an attitude I cannot get behind (not yours, the 'haters'). I mean it is 'free' TPE and if I have to invent a topic to write my MS about or get one given (for double the TPE) I do not care, in fact, I prefer it that way. I mean if people do not like the theme, they do not have to participate, or even better, come up with better ideas themselves. I am sure such participation would be appreciated by the powers to be...
  9. It is actually based on a pen and paper RPG (there may or may not have been table top games). And as far as I know there is no magic existent in the Cyberpunk universe. However, in Shadowrun (another Cyberpunk-esque RPG), there are rules for magic. The lore for that system is, that in 2012 (i.e. the end of the Mayan calendar) magic came back into the world (and with it some people mutated to trolls, orcs, elves and dwarves). So 'Cyberpunk' is what our future really could look like, whereas 'Shadowrun' is more fantasy-based. Both have in common that the big corporations own and control everything and give off '1984' vibes.
  10. Hi Sadie, first off absolutely cool idea to make the PC a little more appealing. Second, and I hate to be the guy (although I cannot help myself being a grammar Nazi), but Phoenix is spelled wrongly.
  11. I heard in the Czech Republic the mullet is sometimes referred to as 'the Jagr'... Also, is Jakotic playing for the Marauders? Because I definitely get Miami Vice vibes here...
  12. I so want to see the uniforms... And I cannot decide which genre I would give the preference, but styles had amazing songs/tunes...
  13. Yeah Texaco thought the same...
  14. 1. We feel at home. Calgary is such a bunch of good people I want to see them (and by proxy me) thrive. 2. Everything is possible. After a rocky start it looks like the scales are tipped back in our favour again. 3. I have already acted on it (which reminds me I need to claim it as well). 4. I do not know. I feel that every team is capped out and just to shuffle depth player around does seem a waste of energy. 5. Is that even a question? It is known that the only way to do it is over. 6. Pouring rain (with intermittent hail) with considerable side gales on the German Autobahn. The swipers could not keep up with the water coming down.
  15. Dear VHLers, You probably ask yourself: 'What does he mean with that title? We can look up the HOF and check on the S62 cup winning Wranglers team and see for ourselves.' This is undeniable true, but please humour me on this one. I will attempt a completely subjective comparison on the roles/impact the S87 cup winners had and what their equivalent was in the S62 Wranglers. To that purpose I will only look at the playoff performance, as this is when champions are being made. This is also why Karl Pedersen @JeffD is only a honobra mention in this article, as CGY S62 did not have a human backup goalie (but then again Pedersen is a superhuman backup...). Sorry, bro. I still appreciate your contribution to our title, despite not being able to find your S62 'soulmate'. Let's start with Lindbergh @Doomsday the S87 Daisouke Kanou winner. The easy choice would be to say, that it is of course HOF netminder Norris Stopko @Bushito (who won the Kanou in S63). Alas a case can be made that Keaton Louth @Beaviss as the S62 Playoff-MVP is the equivalent to Lindy. But I will stick with the low-hanging fruit with Stopko and look forward for you banging on me for going for the easy kill. Next up, Phil Strasmore @Phil. I will go with HOFer Mats Johnsson @Quik. Both players showed grit as well as a scoring touch in the post season and are valued for their leadership skills. Lloyd Braun's @Toast equivalent would be Cayden Saint @Symmetrik, both being low scoring rookie defenders. AirRig GoodBrandSun @Rhynex Entertainment is paired with Jesper Stromberg @Tim. Both being the second highest scoring defender. Although this is where the similarities end, as Stromberg has retired with a mere 199 TPE to his name. A fate that we confidently deny for AG. Marcel Janser @Morcar80 by the rule of exclusion would be Peter Quill @OrbitingDeath . Both are low scoring defenders, both with very good +/- rating going for them. And both would not dress for Calgary after their respective cup win. Quill retired at the pinnacle of his career, Marcel moved on to Helsinki (Vancouver/London). Landon Wolanin @jacobcarson877 as the playoff top-scorer is matched up with Keaton Louth. Both exceptional scorer (Wolanin with a bit more balanced g/a ration), both leaders on and off the ice. Leandro Gonçalves @leandrofg is matched with Niko Bodganovic @TurnDaddy. Both forwards provided crucial secondary scoring outside of the first line, and hence contributed heavily to the respective cup win. Sax Justice @Eso, the reliable grinder in the second formation finds his opposite number in Evan R. Lawson @diamond_ace. Both rather on the light side in the goal scoring department but reliable, steady energy player who know how to shut down the opposition. Larry Abbas Jr. @RileyL is reflected in Oyorra Arroyo @omgitshim. This may appear far fetched, as the latter is a HOF player and Abbas has still some ways to go to reach that level. But both were winger in the top formation and that is reason enough for me. Vincent Laroche-Gagnier @vincentlg2007 is the S87 equivalent of Johannes Vihjalmsson, both adding some level of scoring to the squad. Vince was in his rookie season and the Iceland native was in his sophomore year.Alas, VLG has already double the TPE that Vihjalmsson retired with. Daniel Janser is then by exclusion the equivalent of Jasper Canmore @Bushito. Both leading the first line and providing a one-two punch with their respective wingers. Canmore is a hall of famer and Janser is 50 career points short in overtaking Jasper in the Calgary all time scoring list. So this is my absolutely biased RETROspective. I matched up as good as I could based on the stats only, as I was not nowhere near the VHL in S62. If veteran members have different opinions, I am open for input and would genuinely love to hear different point of views (affirmative action is of course equally welcome). Live long and prosper
  16. Yeah I think EA fell flat on their noses with their 'random loot box purchases' (I think EA named it 'surprise mechanics') in some of their games, as kids bought loot boxes and you do not know what is in them (which the courts apparently considered gambling).
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