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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. Enter Holiday season 2021... https://vhlforum.com/topic/5312-ban-thread/?do=findComment&comment=897879
  2. except Strength which you can bring above 100 (see my player for example) but caps at 99
  3. was going to comment that this did not age well
  4. If that is not dispelling any suspicions of foul play I do not know what will
  5. It certainly is a looker... if I take my own out of competition (because bias) I like Lavelle's best...
  6. A red/green stick would look Also I may lend you one of my spares to play
  7. *sad face* unless I am blocking 350+ shots in the next two season I won't be able to join the club then
  8. this is a very sneaky reference to the Geneva Motorshow, one of the most important events for automobile marketing (next to the Detroit Motorshow and the IAA in Frankfurt)
  9. what is the 500-1000-1000 club? @Advantage
  10. Denns has a player in Juan Sano III right now (though I am not sure about his active status)
  11. I just recently remembered the DM you sent me at the time and wondered how far that project has gone. I mean the render of my player is amazing enough as it is, but the stick... holy smokes... all of them look fantastic I would be hard pressed to name a winner in a contest. All of them are very thought through with personal twists. Exceedingly well done Triller, chapeau.
  12. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) After a long absence from reporting on our two intrepid heroes, we have a lot of catching up to do. So without any further ado, let's get this show on the road. Calgary has had ups and downs in the course of the 55 games they have played. They show a 33-15-7 record and are tied second in points in the NA conference and fourth in the league. Left winger Landon Wolanin has league wide the most markers to his name with 39, Daniel is hot in his trail with 37 on the second place. It is safe to say that both players would be happy for the other one, in case either takes home the Brooks. In the points race the positions are switched with Janser being tied first (together with Marner) at 84 points each with Wolanin on second with 77 points. The winger is also tied-first in game winning goals, sharing his place in the lime light with Latvian forward Sirdsvaldis Miglaskems with nine decisive goals. Gonçalves provides top ten goals (33) for the Albertan team's secondary scoring and is the most abused player in the league. Janser remains a menace on the draw, being the best of his trade at the moment when it comes to winning the puck. In the Stolzschweiger race, Abbas Jr is in a threeway tie with Prague's Kauppi and Riga's St-Louis with 40 points each, whereas Helsinki's Dixon fell behind (30). In net, the Wranglers are solid with a combined 6 shutouts between Pedersen and Lindbergh and both of them being north of the .920 saving rate mark. In the defense, AirRig GoodBrandSun is as usual in the top ten in terms of production, whereas to everybody's surprise, Bo Johansson was not able to repeat his stellar S86 season. Sax Justice is one of the best defensive forwards in the league with a +26 rating, good for second place. While he is not the deadly scorer (even though he has set new personal records in goals and points already), he certainly is a pain in the neck to score against. Exactly the role which GM Kris Rice has assigned to the winger turned center. He is the fail-safe for the Wolanin-Janser power train, and these two have repeatedly assured that they appreciate his defensive play and that he does not get enough love by supporters and media alike. He is the unsung hero, for years being one of the top ten player in the +/- rating. Taking hardly any penalties and defending with his gray matter rather than with brawn, doing the small but important things right. The rookies Abbas, VLG and Braun made a decent entry into the league and will develop into good players. They are soaking up any advice thrown their way by the veterans in the team and show steady improvement in their play, even dropping the gloves if the situation calls for it. Marcel will in all likelyhood stay south of 50 points, but sofar has never had a negative +/- rating and is the reliable stay at home defender. Strasmore keeps up with his physical play and trash talks his way under the opposing players' skin. Just recently he provoked his opposite number to a fight with 1:27 minutes into the game, which ended up for said player to be dismissed from the game. Yes, it took Strassy 87 seconds to annoy a professional hockey player to the point they snapped (he probably was still hung over from the stash of half full rum bottles he found in his bachelor pad). He is also the secondmost penalized player in the league, behind Brian Payne Train. Let's hope that this time CGY is going for a cup run. Here are the Jansers' stats for the season: Marcel: 55gp, 4g, 28a, 32pts, +19, 60 PIM, 66 hits, 102sb, 1gwg, 3ppg Daniel: 55gp, 37g, 47a, 87pts, +24, 82 PIM, 132 hits, 22sb, 5gwg, 6ppg, 1shg, 60.66FO%, 5 first star nominations https://vhlforum.com/topic/132607-a-tale-of-two-brothers-champions-of-the-world/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/132733-a-tale-of-two-brothers-change-of-pace/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/132890-vsn-presents-the-draft-that-built-the-future-a-calgary-wranglers-story/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/132924-a-tale-of-two-brothers-almost-a-third-done/
  13. all fake... Spartiates are born not recruited
  14. What also needs to be considered, not everyone of us is a native English speaker. For my usual Media spot, it takes me the better part of two hours to create same. One of the reasons is because I have to restructure my sentences as I still think in German and have to basically re-do the MS from head to paper (okay screen, but you get the point). And I am fluent in English, read English books and work in a company whose day-to-day language is English. This is time consuming and a barrier already for a lot of people in this fast paced world. The reward is also not immediate (and I am not even referring to getting the update approved) compared to social media where a 50 character statement renders immediate response in likes etc. I am honest here (and try not to be judgemental): whoever read Gustav's magnum opus about the best players of every fucking draft year (where Janser was FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY btw) is a hero to me. So I understand that people will not read my Media spot as it is mainly about my brother and me and tends to be lengthy. So I can deal with the lack of 'reward'. And finally, if I do not want to just spam written diarrhea but have a structured, well presented, reasonably acceptable styled and mostly grammatically correct piece of work, I need to put effort in it. Effort which not everybody is inclined (or able) to put in. If we combine it with the perceived 'we want max earners only' attitude (which again is not necessarily the case, but can easily come across like this) the cards are stacked against retention. If we now also allow that people tend to move on from hobbies for various reasons, it is to be expected. After all how many of your Highschool Football team mates are still playing football on a regular basis? And in five years? or ten?
  15. 1. You need to earn hate, sympathy comes for free. They are just envious that we are better and let's be honest, more handsome. 2. It certainly is a promising and it looks like we have a keeper as a backup (badum-ts). 3. I do not care what happens behind us. Our focus needs to be upwards not downwards. 4. Must be HOF Philadelphia forward Bobby Clarke for his gritty two-way play. 5. I did not really have any I could think of. 6. I am on the fence here, I would say StarWars as I loved the original three movies, but I think Disney is milking this cow too much (and as with BOOM Jar Jar turned me off tbh).
  16. Holy Defence, Batman... hope you find more success with this player, sorry Chiang's career did not pan out as his VHLE season would have promised...
  17. nooooo! My Oslo Storm buddy is gone... we were unstoppable when played together...
  18. The Captain making sure that Strassy is amped up before matches by 'hiding' half full bottles of spiced rum in the defenders bachelors pad.
  19. Welcome back in the VHL, Ace. I am sorry to say that the VHLM team Yukon Rush have been relocated to Geneva since you left and are now playing in the VHLE (also probably new to you). If you need an update on how to earn TPE please do not be shy to get in touch with me. Hope you will have a great time, Daniel
  20. 1. I like it, but I had to make up some rivalries to accommodate the narrative. Of course now after I wrote it some more ideas come up. 2. Vancouver is certainly a candidate, Toronto would be another (since they are the only other original Eight franchise without any rebranding/relocation), but they are just too non-competitive these past few seasons to be much of a rivalry. 3. If it just were that easy... Simon giveth and Simon taketh away... Overall I think we do not need to bother over single games, but see the bigger picture. We are still second in Conference and League, but yeah it is frustrating to lose against one of the weaker teams in the league. 4. DJ is a slot hog, going to where it hurts to score his goals. Nothing more rewarding to score at point blank range, while everybody and their mothers try to move you out of the danger zone. 5. At the moment I am binging 'Hogwarts Legacy' and have no spare time for TV shows. 6. That is a trick question. I think the right 'Texan' answer is rib eye steak (or maybe spare ribs) . I have no preference in the chicken department, it depends on the mood.
  21. The various rivalries of Daniel Janser Yeah you read it correctly, 'rivalries', plural. Because I had a hard time to really single out a specific one. Also, I used the term loosely, as I do not really have a beef with anyone. So here is a list with 'rivalries' that I think my player entertains to a certain extent. Sibling rivalry That is one which is maybe a no-brainer for all who do have (a) sibling(s). As most of you know my RL brother @Morcar80 has joined me with his player Marcel Janser in the same draft class. We even happened to have the same amount of penalty minutes in the S80-VHLM season, which we split between the Hounds and the Reapers. But that's where the similarities end. Marcel opted for a stay-at-home defender (and a rather relaxed earning rate) whereas I decided to go for a two-way winger (and a more competitive approach to the VHL). So not real a competition/rivalry on an eye-to-eye level if we look at the sheer numbers, but there is always a certain level of competitiveness between brothers. Draft class rivalry So during my time leading to the VHL/E draft, I had a discussion with @Spartan how unfair it is that recreates get so much bonus TPE and are likely to make it impossible for 1st Gens to become the coveted 1OA pick (plot twist: due to circumstances I will not mention here, Nico Pearce got drafted AFTER Daniel Janser). So I settled for becoming the earliest drafted first gen (another plot twist: @Vice player Cadmael Ixazaluoh beat me to it, but is not as active as he was when we both played for Philly). I still tried to catch up with Spartan in the earning department, but the man has no chink in his armour and is max earning like it gets out of fashion tomorrow (it won't). So I settled for being the second highest TPE player in my draft class. I have the consolation price as of yet though, that neither of us has won a cup yet, that Janser is higher scoring since he entered the VHL and that DJ was able to match Pearce's silverware (Brooks and Campbell Trophy in S84) in the last two seasons. Swedish-Swiss rivalry What do Sweden and Switzerland have in common? Well, for one they are the only countries to start with 'Sw' (as Eswatini decided in 2018 'fuck this shit'). Both countries are notoriously neutral and (used to) have a sizeable arms industry compared to the size/importance of their nation. Last but not necessarily the least, both countries enjoy a certain fame for their endemic food specialties ('Surströmming' in Sweden's case, stinky cheese in Switzerland's). No wonder, some people get confused about our two nations. So, the final rivalry I have is with @Shindigs Bo Johansson, as he has openly admitted to his endeavour to overtake me in the TPE race. I find it fitting that our alter egos have become arguably the best players in their position in the league, considering the motherlode of awards we were able to collect in the last few seasons. It is also interesting that we both play in the NA Conference and faced each other in the S86 World Cup final, with the better end for the Swiss Center. To be clear I wish all the best to all the players I mentioned and all the rivalry (at least from my side) is mainly friendly banter.
  22. Write about the Cologne/Istanbul rivalry then
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