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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. Well I think Phil cannot Stressmore (badum-ts)...
  2. Feud between McDonald's BigMac and the McFleury on one side and the BK Whopper on the other side confirmed?
  3. I did not know that Börje Salming was a Sami... that is really a nice touch and it is really low key as you wanted it to be for the humble player that Salming was.
  4. 1. DJ likes the high stake games, so he is at peace and at the same time hyped up in the right amount. 2. Why not? We certainly have the goaltending capable of such feats. 3. I hope he can score some clutch goals and hoist the cup when everything is said and done. 4. Good question, As DJ and Landon both are slow starters, my bet is that Abbas will again be the first to score a hattrick. 5. Oh boy, I did use them when they still needed coins to operate (or this 10 buck pre-paid cards) but cannot put a date to it, probably mid- to late nineties. 6. The series of 'Gaunt's Ghosts' a WarHammer 40k series.
  5. Hi folks, As the title suggests, I am stepping down as Istanbul's GM with immediate effect. I will of course stick around for a clean and proper transition/handover. The main reason is that I see myself lacking in some aspects of the position and I think that the players have a right to a GM who gives it their all. At the moment, I do not have the energy for that and it would be unfair to the Red Wolves as well as to any aspiring GM to cling on to the position, which could be given to a more committed member. I wish the Red Wolves all the best and I am confident that the commissioners will appoint a GM which will do the Franchise justice. Live long and prosper, Daniel (aka Kurt Janser)
  6. Go on make my day. Welcome back into the vhl.
  7. yay something to listen to on my way back from work...
  8. It is almost a meme at this point that Istanbul during my tenure does better against Cologne under @leandrofg than we have any right to do... a pity it did not pan out in the final match of the season. Glad we could be of service to your team though
  9. Copyright strike incoming by @MubbleFubbles Cool idea nonetheless...
  10. Sorry to hog all these first line minutes, Leandro. You are doing well getting more and more points, scoring more and more goals from season to season and you doubled the GWG from last season as well. You would be the first line center in all but three franchises, unfortunately for you one of these three happens to be our beloved Wranglers. I knew I have a 'special one' individual joining our S82 Mississauga Hounds on that far off day and I was (and am) proven right.
  11. 1. I am ready to stem the cup once the fat lady sings. 2. Victory Cup - Shmictory Cup.... Let's Vancouver have it as a consolation to not win the CC as this ours. 3. Anyone he scores a hattrick in and where the fans hate him the most. 4. I knew that we did not have the cap space to make moves, so I have not really followed them tbh. 5. Only that Kane was going so cheap, but than again I did not know about his NMC/NTC and did he would only accept the Rangers as new home. 6. Yes, but not the 'OMG I am going to die' allergic. I stepped on a bee twice in consecutive summers as a child and could not wear any shoes for two weeks or so, despite having immediately removed the stinger.
  12. Funny as this is exactly how long he is in this league
  13. @Phil's long lost brother is back... welcome back Knight...
  14. Fun? Fact: I have been a tank commander for a while in the army (well technically it was a self-propelled gun).
  15. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) The Wranglers have played another ten games since we last reported and sit at second seed in the NA conference with the Playoffs already secured (unless we miscalculated). While the team is doing ok, Daniel has had something of a cold streak with only seven points in the last ten games and lost the lead in points to Marner. As a comparison his younger brother, who is anything but a prolific scorer, has also scored seven points in the same time span. This slump is highly unusual for the Swiss Center as in the past, he was clutch towards the end of the season and was able to catch up to his peers in the scoring race. Jean-Luc Lieuxperroux was able to speak to the Calgary Captain to fathom what the cause may be for this lack of form. JLL: 'Hi Daniel. First off, congratulations to a yet again fantastic season for the Wranglers.' DJ: 'Salut Jean-Luc. Thanks, much appreciated. The team put a lot of effort to get these results and especially our back up Karl Pedersen has had an amazing season so far.' JLL: 'Fans and pundits alike wonder what the reason for the atypical 'slump' in your production is.' DJ: 'We had a few low scoring games recently and were goalied a couple of times. Also, we need to be realistic: I think I reached peak last season and there is constantly new talent pushing forward into the limelight, and rightfully so. I mean alone in our organisation we have Gonçalves and Wolanin who are ripe to take over the torch from me. And from a leadership point of view, we have never had any shortage of same since I joined the franchise.' JLL: 'Are you saying that you are now scrap iron as they say in the old country?' DJ (laughs): 'I hope it is not that bad, but yeah I am in the autumn of my career and had two amazing seasons offensively with a lot of silverware in S85/S86 and even helped Team Europe to win a World Cup after a very long draught. As long as the Wranglers are winning, I have no issues not getting anymore Trophies to my collection, with the exception of the Continental Cup, of course.' JLL: 'People have also noticed a decline on your physical game. Do you wish to make a comment on that respect?' DJ: 'I wish I could say, that I wizened up. But the truth of the matter is that Bonnie and I are expecting our first child, and I was asked to be more careful with putting my health at risk. I try to comply with that very reasonable request without giving up too much of my gritty play.' JLL: 'Wow, that is great news indeed. Congratulations to the two of you and all the best for the mother-to-be from our side. Could that also be one of the reasons that you appear to not be as laser-focused when it comes to scoring, what do you think?' DJ (reflects): 'You know, it certainly is a possibility. Of course I do not want to put the blame on our child at all. However, becoming a parent takes up a lot of mental energy, at least in my case. Energy, which sofar was solely put on the ice. So, yes I think you could say that it has a ripple effect on my play, even if it is subconsciously.' JLL: Okay, Daniel that is it from my side. And again, congratulations on your new adventure of becoming a dad. Please pass on my regards to Bonnie, will you?' DJ: 'Of course. Thanks and take care.' And on that bombshell we present the Brothers' stats for the running campaign: Marcel: 65gp, 6g, 33a, 39pts, +21, 74 PIM, 92 hits, 117sb, 2gwg, 3ppg Daniel: 65gp, 42g, 52a, 94pts, +26, 99 PIM, 155 hits, 28sb, 6gwg, 7ppg, 2shg, 59.80FO%, 6 First Star nominations. https://vhlforum.com/topic/132733-a-tale-of-two-brothers-change-of-pace/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/132890-vsn-presents-the-draft-that-built-the-future-a-calgary-wranglers-story/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/132924-a-tale-of-two-brothers-almost-a-third-done/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/133423-a-tale-of-two-brothers-back-where-we-belong/
  16. And not to forget a zampony and the Juan ceson training facility.
  17. I mean that is one of these copy pasta messages you seemed to have been missing
  18. maybe if you stayed active for more than six weeks or so
  19. @twists is there a specific reason you use the 'Mondaine' watch which is omnipresent on Swiss Railway stations?
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