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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. how did you check so fast?
  2. 1. I am part of Team Scheme in the ProAm tournament. 2. He never left. At his advanced age he cannot afford to get rusty. There two more 100+ points seasons in him. 3. DJ got FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY. No seriously I did not follow too closely except for the Kanou, which honestly everyone of the three nominees could have made it. I think picking Lindy was the right choice though. 4. Just battling the wear and tear I suppose. 5. Pens are MID at the moment, but the New Jersey Swiss Devils are in the playoffs already. 6. sheesh where to start? I guess vacuum cleaning.
  3. go out with a bang, fellow Oslo Storm player
  4. In the finances tab you can see that Vidot bought a position switch in season 83. Just in case you need it for the S81 redraft
  5. Seattle, while outside Canada, is not in Europe, though.
  6. I wonder what will happen to this series if the wheel of fortune would stop at Scotty Campbell, as surely the question would be answered? Good read as always, I look forward to the next one.
  7. it is like saying 'a black afro-american' (or so I am being told)
  8. Was it already Overlord-Day? in which case happy Birthday Vic.
  9. McMuffin and Janser re-united after their S81 VHLM season they spent in HFX and MIS.
  10. that would have been interesting...
  11. And I never meant to 'criticize' any GM, let alone the 'GM-ship' as a whole. I merely shared my thoughts on that and observations I have made during the last two seasons specifically. Having said that, I would expect a GM to get in touch with the player in question and make them aware what options there are. I for example always talked to players before I traded them, because to me it was important that the players have a good experience in the VHL. If a player is traded 6-7 times in the span of two seasons, I have a hard time to believe that they are really wanted by the franchises who traded them away before they played a single game for said organisation.
  12. to be frank (pun not intended) I think it is foolish to promise success, especially if same is dependent on RNJesus being in your favour. I mean, I get it that a GM also has to look at the future/interest of the franchise. But as was mentioned in this thread before, we deal with players and not some AI. If I see how some players are traded and used as bargaining chips, with apparently no intention to really play them I struggle to believe that this helps with retention. BrutalBoost and Dusty retired their players (and while I have no empirical evidence that they retired their players because of the trades/contract situation, the timing at least suggests that this might have been the straw which broke the camel's back). Bob Vladovechsenkchushkin is an other player who looks like a traveler/hot potato at the moment. They were traded to Vancouver for the second time within the span of a season. In S87 they were traded from CGY to DAV who flipped them to VAN just to end up in MAL. This season they were traded from MAL to HSK and then passed on to VAN.
  13. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) After all the dust had settled on the cup win and Daniel's addition to his young family, GM Kris Ricer had to go to work, as the league raised the minimum wage for top tier players and the Wranglers' roster was no longer cap compliant. This ended with Marcel's signing rights being traded to Helsinki. The Swiss defender would be the top defender in a rebuilding team and could add some much needed stability to the Finnish blue line. The Rotkreuz native is still weighing his options as he will enter free agency going into the S88 saison, and he does not lack suitors for his service. He is a solid defender with a cup ring after all, and no-one ever doubted his work ethics. When approached by this newspaper to comment on the situation, he replied: 'I do understand the mechanics of the sport and our management was forced to make a move in order to comply with the rules. The alternative would have been to release Abbas Jr, who scored the cup winning goal. I could not let this happen. I am thankful to Calgary's management for the years they allowed me to play alongside my brother and to give me a trophy not many players of my calibre can achieve. We part on good terms and the Wranglers will always have a special place in my heart. I am considering Helsinki's offer, but will also have a close look at the other proposals I have received from other teams.' We will follow up on the matter as soon as news reach us. https://vhlforum.com/topic/133764-a-tale-of-two-brothers-sweepstakes/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/133877-a-tale-of-two-brothers-a-talk-with-the-captain/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/133955-a-tale-of-two-brothers-slaying-bears/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/134168-a-tale-of-two-brothers-we-are-the-champions/
  14. Dayum Torq did not waste no time to get inked Riga-style
  15. You may want to consult an expert on the matter then...
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