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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. Hi @Noah92, Welcome to the VHL. I am the GM of the Mississauga Hounds and @Ente2997 is my AGM. We would love you to join us and can offer you top minutes and special team time. The Hounds encourage locker room activity and the management and the Alumni are always willing to help to develop your player. We encourage you to build the player as you imagine him to be, but also offer assistance if you are at a loss how to achieve your preferred build. If you want to be part of our team and we could attract your interest, please quote this message and add #releasethehounds. We will send you an invitation to our discord channel (this is not mandatory but helps enormously with communication) and a contract which kindly accept in order to join us. Whatever team you decide to join, we wish you best of luck and more importantly lots of fun with Noah Melanson.
  2. D Erlantz Jokinen F Reylynn Reinhart @DollarAndADream
  3. And that is your opinion. Apparently 20-30% of the American public (depending on sources) share the opinion you do obviously not like. And who gets to decide what is right and wrong? A higher being, if yes which one? The majority, if yes regular or qualified? A group of select people, if yes by which criteria are they selected? A holy book, if yes which one? You mean statements like the below, issued by a mod? The above to me seems to be a crass violation of the COC: Do we need to change the COC to the following? The VHL aims to curate a welcoming, inclusive community intended to provide enjoyment for all its members, regardless of ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or disability, provided they share the same opinions as the moderators. Or maybe we could add in the title of threads which have an inherent risk of controversial dispute a tag 'contrary opinion not welcome' or something to that extent. I do not share Jack Johnson's opinions on the matter at all, but I understand that not everyone has the same view point and that from another person's perspective, my opinion might very well be the 'wrong one'.
  4. Hi @Gage2, Welcome to the VHL. I am the GM of the Mississauga Hounds and @Ente2997 is my AGM. We would love you to join us and can offer you top minutes and special team time. The Hounds encourage locker room activity and the management and the Alumni are always willing to help to develop your player. We encourage you to build the player as you imagine him to be, but also offer assistance if you are at a loss how to achieve your preferred build. If you want to be part of our team and we could attract your interest, please quote this message and add #releasethehounds. We will send you an invitation to our discord channel (this is not mandatory but helps enormously with communication) and a contract which kindly accept in order to join us. Whatever team you decide to join, we wish you best of luck and more importantly lots of fun with Brayden Albrecht.
  5. Hi @Sabredabre834 Welcome to the VHL. I am the GM of the Mississauga Hounds and @Ente2997 is my AGM. We would love you to join us and can offer you top minutes and special team time. The Hounds encourage locker room activity and the management and the Alumni are always willing to help to develop your player. We encourage you to build the player as you imagine him to be, but also offer assistance if you are at a loss how to achieve your preferred build. If you want to be part of our team and we could attract your interest, please quote this message and add #releasethehounds. We will send you an invitation to our discord channel (this is not mandatory but helps enormously with communication) and a contract which kindly accept in order to join us. Whatever team you decide to join, we wish you best of luck and more importantly lots of fun with Evan.
  6. Yeah in this case my mind is too limited to make up any half-way reasonable grounds for people to tell other people what to do with their body.
  7. Yeah I meant actual pro-life not the hippocrytes who are against abortions but get a hard one if some poor soul is sentenced to death...
  8. I did not know that it is paid by the individual to undergo this procedure and I apologize for my ignorance. As I stated before, in Switzerland abortions are covered in the health insurance every individual pays from their own pocket, so the argument cannot be made in the first place (not that it is a good one at all). I think a lot of these pro life people are under the misconception that women will use abortions as an alternative to birth control (which I am pretty sure no reasonable woman would ever consider).
  9. While I stand by my initial statement that I despise the SCOTUS' back pedalling of their former decisions I would enter some other points of view in here as well, playing devil's advocate so to speak. Just because something is not considered a right under the constitution, does not outlaw it by definition, correct? I mean there is no right to own a Rolls-Royce, but you can legally buy them in most states. I agree it is 'your body, your choice'... but if it is your choice, shouldn't it be your wallet as well? I can see that people with a more conservative moral compass do not want to see their tax dollars spent on what they perceive as murder (much like people demonstrated against the Vietnam war for the same or at least similar reasons). I mean gun enthusiasts could argue that the 2nd Amendment grants them the right 'to keep and bear arms' but they have to pay the guns they wish to keep and bear. The caveat I see here is that two fundamental rights (1st amendment Freedom of Religion and whatever article covers the control over your body) clash with each other, I can understand (though do not agree with) that conservative pro-life people do not like to be involuntary complicit on something they believe to be murder if the costs for abortions are footed by the public. Having said that, apparently 70-80% of the American public does not like the decision of the SCOTUS. It would be prudent if the House and the Senate would agree to explicitely insert the right to abortion as an addition/amendment to the constitution, which would render the SCOTUS finding irrelevant. I do not know whether the American public has the possibility to force a poll on such subjects, in Switzerland we do.
  10. I think you are wrong here... this was a human who died. Offering condolences is absolutely in line with pro-life imo
  11. This reminds me of a skit by the late George Carlin here is a link to it:
  12. Scotsman Hill, Calgary, Alberta The view from Scotsman Hill Daniel seeks out this location about halfway from his home and the Saddledome whenever he needs to be reminded, that he does not dream. He is playing for an Original Eight franchise, whose retired Jerseys read like the who's who of the HOF. Slobodzian, Boulet, Virkkunen and Labatte even had awards in their respective fields named after them. Marlow-Marta lent his name for the winner of the North American conference. The older Janser is always humbled whenever he looks up to the Jerseys hanging in the rafters of those who came before him and he still feels like a rookie at times. But he is no rookie anymore. He is not the 'new kid' anymore but a respected player, favourite of the connaisseurs of solid two-way play and he cannot go grocery shopping without being asked to pose for selfies. What a change since he arrived in Calgary. He was only known to the hardcore fans, but latest since his first hattrick in his first season, he became a household name in the province of Alberta. And his play had further improved, as he does pick his fights more wisely, spends less time in the sinbin and has found a way to score clutch goals, while not sacrificing his physical play. He got smarter and took advantage of the mentorship expanded to him of the likes like Perry and Johnson. In his sophomore year he was given responsibilities as an alternate Captain and was re-elected this off-season for this role. He is committed to guide the latest crop of very talented players like Chicoine, Wolanin, Maloish and Gonçalves. When the management announced that their planned accommodation had a fire and that is was inhabitable in the foreseeable future, Daniel immediately volunteered to take them in. GM Ricer did not hesitate for a second as he trusts the hardworking Swiss to keep the curfew as well as his protegés in check and even if they should be missing their bedtime, it will be in a responsible manner and nothing ontowards would be happening. So the rookies got a room each in Daniel's abode and moved in. To get them shipshape he had them jog to the Saddledome at the crack of dawn while he rode his bike alongside them and cheered them on to go faster. It was of course a practical joke, a kind of a initiation ritual as well as to draw a line in the sand. He is their friend and team mate but he is one of their Captains as well. He made it very clear that this is just a taste of what they could expect if they abused his trust and do not adhere to the Wranglers' rules and Code of Conduct. Should that happen it would be the same procedure but with the goal being Chestermere Lake and back, a roundtrip of 46 kilometres, carrying the full kit on their backs. Chestermere Lake And Daniel looks the part to be good for his word, as the Rotkreuz native has not only grown mentally but also physically and filled out his bulk since he started to work out under Phil's guidance. Which gives him an advantage in the in-fights in front of the net and along the boards. What does the future hold for Daniel? Will his Jersey be hoisted to the rafters, after everything is said and done? Will he be memorized as one of the Wranglers legends or just be one of many? Will the VHL one day give him a call to prepare a speech for his induction ceremony to the Hall of Fame? He is ambitious and works hard on himself, yet sometimes he wonders if that will be good enough to make his dreams come true.
  13. and yet the murderer as well as the mother are human beings. is it not going against the 'sanctity of life' principle if people are put to death?
  14. This system is thwarted and to me reeks of nepotism... the judges appointed by the president 'owe' him and with such debt (whether only perceived or real) undermines the impartiality a judge (especially the 2nd highest one) should have...
  15. It is funny to observe that a lot of 'pro-life'-ists have no issues whatsoever with the death penalty though
  16. G Papa Emeritus F Paul Atreides @DollarAndADream
  17. not doubting your statement, but would you care to explain an impartial individual (me) what they said to be guilty of perjury? Also stuff the SCOTUS passed: -cops may lie to you in order to bait you into admission of guilt -cops are not obliged to care about your safety (best demonstrated in the Texan school shooting, where cops did NOTHING for 45 minutes) -cops are not required to know the laws (the rational is that no-one can possibly know all the laws), while for citizen the rule 'ignorance of the law is no excuse' does apply...
  18. Sounds like a recipe for asphyxation, considering the aforementioned slow moving BOG
  19. Kurt sits on his office desk in the Hounds HQ and goes through his draft notes and the roster which remained from last season. The core was set with the S83 team topscorer in the Regular Season as well as playoffs Center Akio Suzuki @Erik and Two-way Center Lorenzo Cobberson @Hendrix Cobberson. During the draft he could secure the rights on Right Wing Tristan Rangel @Viperar who will serve as a Jack of all trades and Defensive Center and Face-off specialist Luke Glendenning @ColeMrtz who played last season as waivers for the Mississauga franchise. With Shawn Roe @DInodudeNc an other promising and very disciplined Center joined the Hounds' forward group. In the back, veteran (and physical) defenders Mean Machine @stevo and Big Bob @M0XI are joined by Kaiden BoBaden Actually Active @Kmatt, who is more of a set-up guy. Big Bob holds the franchise records for PIM, Hits and shots blocked and is a legend amongst the Hounds' supporters. The probably most important pick though was the netminder as the S84 draft was particular shallow in that position and Kurt was able to secure the Calgary prospect Odette Boudreaux @Odette.Boudreaux. (uncapped package 2/5)
  20. I was surprised that the supreme court felt the need to overturn their own previous decision. It just does not make sense to me. I like the regulations we have in Switzerland where abortions are legal (and covered by your health insurance which in Switzerland is mandatory to have) until the 12th week with prior consultation of a doctor. It is possible to abort after the 13th week but then there need to be medical reasons (danger for the pregnant woman if she keeps the child (physically or mentally) or if the child would be disabled or suffering under irreversible, severe conditions). I think that is a fair approach, but of course I do not have a uterus and hence my perception is of limited relevance. All that the SCOTUS did with its decision is to give rise to shadow clinics and to criminalize women who are already in despair and/or medical personnel trying to help such women. If they thought they are preventing any abortion they are mistaken. They will just deny women the access to safe, hygienic abortions. I could imagine that desperate pregnant women will resort to pre-1973 methods to get control over their body and the prices of wire coat hangers will increase (sorry for the black humour, this is my way to deal with this bullshit, if I gave anyone offence with this statement, I sincerely do apologize, this was not my intention). I understand your frustration that some old farts (who are well-to-do) decide what a woman faced with an unplanned pregnancy can or cannot do with her own body (six of them being men any way). My personal opinion is, that one can do with their body what they please, as long as it does not hurt me. Again, in Switzerland the regulation is good imo as the public does not have to pay for the abortion. Which rules out the argument 'Why should I pay for the consequences of someone else's sex life?', i.e. if the public has not to pay for it, they cannot reasonably argue that it should not be allowed. If you want to vent your anger, I am happy to 'listen' to your justified ranting via DM.
  21. I see... unfortunately my reflexes are not what they used to be (and they were not stellar to start with) so I have to give it a pass for now Plus me shouting at my screen in the middle of the night European time does not sound like a thrilling experience for the rest of the Janser household
  22. What is Apex (I mean obviously it is a computer game of some sort)?
  23. you'll be doing fine, I am sure of it
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