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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. Good luck in the VHLE with reigning Champion Bratislava Beardislava Erik, @Erikkef.
  2. Okay maybe I do not get the bigger picture, but trading a prospect and some magic beans against two potential HOFer? Sounds like a reasonable trade for Davos, who is not short on prospect due to Alex' trading addiction longterm master plan.
  3. not atm, Daniel, Nicole and Marcel are staying with their old man...
  4. Mississauga, 12th June 2022, late afternoon. A stocky, elderly man sits on his front porch of the log house he inhabitates at the shores of Lake Ontario, sipping a cold one. The man's face is weathered from his time at sea and scared from battles past on the ice rink. We are looking at the GM of the Mississauga Hounds, Kurt Janser. 'So here we go again. Time to build yet another team with the veterans I have on my roster already with Cobberson and potentially Suzuki up front as well as Bob and Machine at the other side of the ice. We have all our picks which is good, and the draft is more shallow than the last two ones, which is kind of bad. And we do not have a netminder.' the old man talks to himself, as it helps him to think, when he hears himself saying his thoughts out loud. He sifts through the prospect coming up in the S84 draft. Luckily, there are some promising netminder talents available, and maybe last year's waiver Strasmore is still available as well, come the 2nd round. He would be a welcome reinforcement of the blueline. 'What to do, what to do? Lock down a franchise player like Strasmore or Eagles in the first round? Or going for a goaltender? So many questions, so few answers.' He observes his younger son Marcel trying to get a pike in the dinghy he has borrowed from Kurt. 'Kid is too impatient, I told him a gazillion times that he needs to wear the fish out, or the line will snap.' As if on cue, Marcel almost makes a backwards somersault, when the line gives. He barely manages to stay in the boat and starts cursing, which needs to be audible in Rochester, across the invisible line which is the US-Canadian boarder. Kurt chuckles 'Boy deserved to get his ass wet for ignoring my advice.' With a heavy sigh he goes back to his notes and works on his drafting plans again. Kurt's home.
  5. All expectations lined up for a perceived bust...
  6. there are some nice spots, alright. Just try to avoid the usual tourist traps which are even more expensive than Switzerland is already. If your plan comes to fruitition, I am more than happy to give you some hints.
  7. In principle I think that players who are inactive and reach fourhundred (or less) TPE should be 'relegated' to the appropriate league (regardless of whether they skipped a league or not). My logic behind it being that there is a glass ceiling on your way up, so it should swing both ways. Whether this is feasible I do not know but it is odd to see players in the VHL with less than 200 TPE actually playing... On an other note: Zurich is a dump, you want to visit Berne or Lucerne. Alas, that is my biased opinion as a non-Zurich Swiss... side note, the fountains in Zurich all carry potable water (unless specifically labeled otherwise), as the wells and fountains serve the purpose of a back up water supply, in case the sewage/water system breaks down. The wells are exclusively fed by gravity (and if that gives, water supply is probably not our main concern)... the potable water thing is true for most wells/fountains in Switzerland.
  8. I really like your out of the box artwork Steve, again a very well done graphic novel I am tempted to say. Thanks for sharing your talent with us.
  9. indeed... on an other note, I would like to see Gustav as a backup/potential starter down the line with Calgary... never bad to have to servicable goaltenders, and I heard so many good things but Gus as a person
  10. Snakehole has retired though @Gaikoku-hito EDIT: Oops sorry only noticed now that I missed the initial post and that same was published 10 days ago... mea culpa
  11. A pylon if I ever saw one and with a fitting stache as well...
  12. Well isn't that what the RL press does? Especially the tabloids...
  13. At least you have not thrown a tantrum (yet)...
  14. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg So after a remarkable 4-1 loss in the series against Bratislava, Marcel's season came to an abrupt end, and he would have more time to spend fishing on his dad's yacht 'Chancer'... or so the young Swiss thought. Alas both him and Kurt were called upon by Zef Gonçalves for Team Europe in the up and coming WJC. Our Canada correspondent Jean-Luc Lieuxperroux had a chance to talk to the whole Janser clan in the old man's loghouse at the Lake Ontario. JCC: 'Kurt, your record as a GM has improved compared to last season and some players have developed remarkably well under your guidance. Is that the reason, why Gonçalves called up on you for this WJC again?' KJ: 'Well, you best ask Zef for the real reasons. I think we had a real good run last time around and that there is no reason to change a successful team. Of course I have more to show than last season with at least making the playoffs and we had some players in Mississauga who will play in the VHLE, but I do not know whether this is the grounds on which Zef nominated me again for the AGM role with Team Europe.' JCC: 'Marcel, your season was cut short by a persistent Bratislava team. What do you think made Vasteras lose the final when almost everyone (with the exception of certain brass in Vegas), saw it as yours to lose?' MJ: 'First, we did not lose it but the Watchmen won it. I think Frostbeard just found a way to beat us, and maybe we became too used to winning and got complacent. Not unlike the Sbornaja in 1980. Congratulations to Bratislava to their great success.' JCC: 'You are nominated to play for Team Europe in the WJC. Since you have connections to both the GM and the AGM, do you think that voices calling 'Nepotism' will be abound?' MJ: 'I want to say what honour it is to dress for Europe and to continue a family tradition that Daniel has started. Everyone close to me knows that I take nothing for granted and that I do not want a position I did not deserve. I had a decent run in the VHLE and am in the Top Ten alltime for the Iron Eagles in several categories. While I am under no illusion about my limited offensive tools, I sure know how to block shots and even on an international levels, you need players who are willing and able to sacrifice their body. I am able to shut down the opposing offence, too.' JCC: 'Daniel, the Wranglers were swept by Toronto in the first round of the playoffs. Does this sting?' DJ: 'Not as much as you might think, Jean-Luc. Am I happy to lose? Of course not, nobody playing on that level is. But we gave the Legion a run for their money with three one-goal games. We did not expect to be in a direct playoff spot in the first place with a lot of experience traded away or retired in the last season, to start the rebuild. Our offence choked in the series which is exemplified by our regular season topscorer Sakukoivo who went from 1.5 points per game to 0.5 points per game. Imagine if he could have kept up his production in the post season... Alas, I am not blaming him at all, he was probably exhausted from carrying us offensively for 72 games. It would have been for the remaining players to pick up the slack, but somehow we did not manage to do that, including me. As an alternate it would have been my job to jump into the breach, but unfortunately my faceoffs left a lot to be desired. Hence, we had to chase the puck too often, which cost us a lot of energy.' JCC: 'You are not eligible anymore for the WJC and the WC is only due next season again. What do you do in the inter-season?' DJ: 'I signed up for the ProAm Tournament and will play with our netminder Dahl and former Wranglers team mate Perry for the Yorkshire Sissies. I hope to repeat the win of this renowned tournament. But mostly it is about meeting other players like Helsinki's Pearce, Toronto's Moreau and Warsaw's Nalwa as well as Vancouver legend Henry Tucker.' JCC: 'Okay, that is all the questions I had, thanks for your time.' All (in tune): 'Thanks for having us.' Stay tuned for further updates. https://vhlforum.com/topic/120943-a-tale-of-two-brothers-the-end-is-near/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/121119-a-tale-of-two-brothers-five-sixth-done/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/121157-a-tale-of-two-brothers-light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/121641-a-tale-of-two-brothers-season-end-season-end/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/121774-a-tale-of-two-brothers-quiet-in-calgary/
  15. Reply all six questions for two capped TPE (use whole sentences please as otherwise the claim may be rejected by updaters: 1. For people premiering in a WJC/WC: How do you feel being nominated for Team Europe? For returners: What did you like most in your last tournament? 2. How do you judge our chances to go the whole nine yard and bring the Cup to where it belongs (which is Europe, just for the record)? 3. Which team do you see to lose the final against us? 4. What is your favourite food and why is it BBQ'ed pork belly? 5. What LR (=locker room) did you experienced as the best and why? 6. Do you have any suggestions for the management team Leandro, Anthique and/or me?
  16. I am sure Spartan would be more than happy to interchange the two in the future....not.
  17. so send him a care package already, it seems that the Clue sources in Riga had dried up...
  18. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) Since Daniel's season is over, we have only the one game to report on, game one of the VHLE finals. Please find our summary of said match here below. 0-1 Goalwise this game was not exactly a treat for the crowd in the sold out stadium. The Vasteras Iron Eagles won 1-0. Gonçalves delivered the dagger already at 3:00 minutes in the first period, and this all she wrote. Despite Bratislava's best efforts, they were not able to tie the game and suffered a crushing defeat. The three stars were awarded to Gaming (23 saves), Chiester (35 saves) and Gonçalves (1g/0a). Chiester with a stellar .972 performance had to concede the field to Gaming's shutout. Vasteras was a disappointing 0/2 in the powerplay, but a flawless 4/4 in the penalty killing. Marcel left the ice with a 0g, 0a, +0 and 1 hit record. The above leaves the younger Janser brother at the following stats: 5gp, 0g, 3a, 3pts, +2, 5 hits and 5sb. The Iron Eagles will need to grab the chance to the Renaissance Cup this season as most of their players such as Gonçalves, Vladovechsenkchushkin, Retoslav, Chang, Janser, Snakehole and Gaming will leave the team for the big show. This will only leave Vasteras with a skeleton crew, reinforced by VHLM players Anttonen, Ferguson, Ivanovitch and Puk. And while these young players are certainly talented, we do not believe it will be enough to make the Swedes a contender next season. However, they still have two 1st round picks up their sleeves and players like Murray, Dynamite, Bouchard, Vandelay, Maloish, Marconi, Hoodie, Burns, Maple and Wallop are at least theoretically available, if they do not get sniped by anemic VHL franchises right off the bat. Each one of the aforementioned would be an immediate reinforcement and valuable asset for the Iron Eagles' depleted roster and time will tell which path the Dil-Master will take. Stay tuned for further stories on our intrepid icehockey heroes. https://vhlforum.com/topic/120906-a-tale-of-two-brothers-two-thirds-done/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/120943-a-tale-of-two-brothers-the-end-is-near/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/121119-a-tale-of-two-brothers-five-sixth-done/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/121157-a-tale-of-two-brothers-light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/121641-a-tale-of-two-brothers-season-end-season-end/ GM 15: Bratislava Watchmen vs. Vasteras Iron Eagles (vhlportal.com)
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