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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. seeing Leandro's wages, we need to talk about a raise @Ricer13
  2. At least now we do not mistake you for @McWolf anymore due to the pfp being the same... I was also quite stoked when I was elected 8th overall as a first gen in S81... that draft was loaded with recreates iirc... the compulsive dedicated max earner @Spartan amongst others...
  3. I can understand your excitement and impatience for the draft to finally happen. Alas with some VHLM GM ( @Shindigs and me, maybe more) being in the Central European Timezone, we had to find a compromise involving a weekend date. So for once I do not #blamecole but myself as I simply do not have the youth anymore to stay up till crazy o'clock to elect fictitious players in a fictitious sim-league and go to work the next day (and I do not mean to be disrespectful at all)...
  4. Every day is a #blamecole moment... but we could every now and then #blamecole for good things to happen (such as you being elected at 4th, congratulations btw), not only misfortunes...
  5. Bye Bye S83 RIG 2nd we will sorely miss your presence in the LR
  6. My potential line mate... @Phil is always stealing my thunder smh...
  7. Thanks for pointing out I missed that...
  8. and before and after for that matter #blamecole
  9. https://vhlforum.com/topic/117879-s82-off-season-s83-season-schedule/ April, 7th 8pm EST
  10. Sorry could not resist but with your last sentence you triggered this image which I wanted to share
  11. Has the competition for isotonic beverages/hockey accessories increased and a third competitor has entered the market after Clue Thirst/Clue Glue and Scrabble Grapple? Stay tuned as the story develops.
  12. 'Ersatz' is a German word and means 'Replacement' (for example the spare tyre is called 'Ersatzreifen'), but could also be used in the meaning of 'en lieu' or 'in stead'... so for example if a family took you in and raised you as their own you would call it a 'Ersatzfamilie'.
  13. 1. I hate to see established players go, but I do understand that a rebuild is unavoidable. 2. Same as always. Earn as much as I can to be ready for the season. 3. I already played all skater positions with this player (Left wing, right wing, center and defender). I did it due to positional need of the respective teams (I started as LW). 4. Neither (when I was younger the answer was 'Why or?'. Mars Almond was my favourite, now it is more Milkyway. But I do not eat choc-bars anymore (or very rarely). 5. 7th of the league which should be good enough to grasp a coveted playoff seed. 6. I do not think I have (which is not very surprising as I am not very outgoing, and celebrities do not have a habit of showing up at my place).
  14. Gives the term 'World Dominance' a whole new meaning
  15. Swiss Central Gazzette The regular season has not yet started for the Janser, but that does not mean there is nothing to report. Marcel spent his sommer in Ontario with his dad as they have enjoying the outdoors in common. They thought it would be a great idea to participate in a big fishing contest on Lake Ontario. They came near nowhere the top, but their haul was plenty for a week of salmon and steelheads, and hence they did not really feel like losers. They also took some fun cruise on Kurt's Allseas 92, a proper all-steel, full displacement explorer vessel. The old man was in the transport business and has the required captain's patent. For the expedition down St. Lawrence and further to Newfoundland for some whale watching. Unfortunately, the elusive sea mammals were not to be seen. But that did not bother the Janser boys and a lot of fun has been had anyway, with the siblings acting as deckhands for their old man and put hockey in the back of their mind for a brief few days. an AllSeas 92, similar to Kurt Janser's Calgary is in rebuild mode and some of the veterans have retired (Perry and Klamasteris) and enjoy their well deserved rest and/or after-hockey career. Others like Jokinen, Nasherov, Reinhart and Eagles have been traded to other franchises in exchange for prospects and draft picks. Funk's future is still open. At the moment the roster looks a tad depleted: In net, Dahl has being called up and veteran Vaughn will in all likelyhood fill the backup role. The only defender on the payroll at the moment is Funk, who will be a UFA in this offseason, and is probably looking for a contender for his final year. This may be the chance Marcel has been looking for to play in the big league. Thing look a bit better upfront. Johnson has agreed to stay in Calgary for a last hurrah as the physical forward he has always been. Kotkakoivu has extended his contract for an other three seasons and will be one of the centerpieces of the Wrangers for years to come. And last but not least, Swiss Center-turned-winger Janser has signed a five year contract extension with a non-trading-clause. Speaking of the young Rotkreuz native, he is also participating in the renowned ProAm tournament, where his Dekes of Hazard reign supreme. Daniel is leading some of the categories like FO% (61.69%), Hits (82) and points for a center (31 pts). In other stats, such as assists (26), PIM (39), power play goals (3), game winning goals (2) and hits received (70) he is still amongst the top ten. This certainly is a promising starting point and we keep our fingers crossed for more of the same. Here are his stats in the tournament so far: 17GP, 5g, 26a, 31pts, +2, 39 PIM, 82 hits, 8sb, 3ppg, 2 gwg, FO% 61.69 He also fought three times to a tie and was declared man of the match four times. We will keep our readers updated on the brothers' career. https://vhlforum.com/topic/116343-a-tale-of-two-brothers-thats-a-hatpick/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/116462-a-tale-of-two-brothers-quick-wrap-up/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/117076-a-tale-of-two-brothers-playoffs-in-sight/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/117330-a-tale-of-two-brothers-mixed-results/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/117475-a-tale-of-two-brothers-jekyll-and-hyde/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/117857-a-tale-of-two-brothers-off-season-once-more/ VIctory ProAM - Individual Leaders Pro (sths.ca) 506 Words
  16. Kurt was going through line ups in his log house on Lake Ontario, when the door bell rang. Swearing under his breath and grabbing his old trusty baseball bat in case it is one of them 'Your warranty of your car has expired, do you wish to extend it'-People. Not that he would ever use it, far from it. But he made the experience that it is easier to end a conversation if you look grumpy and have a 42 inch hickory in one of your hands. Alas, it was no mere door-to-door salesman, but Leandro Gonçalves, one of Kurt's former protegés. Kurt was surprised to see him but nevertheless asked him into the living room and offering a refreshment. Leandro accepted some OJ but declined the cookies offered. 'So what leads you to an old grumpy man like me, Leandro?' 'Coach', he still called Kurt 'Coach' despite having played the majority of the season in Mexico, 'I was named GM for Team Europe at the WJC. And I could use your experience and expertise, especially with the special teams.' 'Wow, that is quite the assignment for such a young lad like you, but certainly well deserved. And sure I will help you out.' Fast forward two weeks, Kurt is back in his log house, sipping some Whiskey. Team Europe just lost the game for Bronze to Team USA after being in the lead for most of the game. But William Groves with a hattrick in the third period (and one goal scored earlier) would have none of it. However, not all was bad for Gonçalves' merry men. They dominated the group stage with an impressive 7-1-0 record, scoring the most goals and allowing the fewest. The special teams were not the best, but improvements were made under the guiding hand of Kurt Janser. It was a real upset, when the underdog Team Asia kicked Europe out of the tournament in a 5-3 win. And then the game for Bronze was conceded to the US Team in a tight 6-5 game. Certainly nothing to be ashamed of. Kurt is never happy when his teams lose, but he has seen the future of the VHL and it is bright with all these ambitious youngsters full of spunk. There certainly is still a lot of work ahead of these kids, but they are talented and willing to go the extra mile to get to their goals. Is it fun to lose? Certainly not. But if you have given your all and it was just not good enough to beat the other team, you just have to accept that they were better (or luckier) that day. Which makes you work harder for the next competition because you don't want to lose ever again.
  17. Yeah but the longitude would imply it belongs to Nordic...
  18. Graphic by InstantRockstar Team World Leadership Group
  19. I was more referring to the non-existent, 'This dude is too big and scary, I better give him the puck before he bitch slaps me' -effect in STHS... I am happy with my career so far, and will not steer away from being a Two-way forward...
  20. As a player who prefers physical/two-way builds this makes me sad... on the other hand, maybe my next player will be a netminder... either that or a meme defender... anyway still too much live in Daniel Janser to start thinking about my next player I think...
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