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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. Kurt Janser nominated the following players to dress for Team World in the S82 World Cup: In net: Kunibuni Unguri David Davis in the defence, Janser relies on the following players to close the gate: Tui Sova Hari Singh Nalwa Ryan Vidot Cadmael Ixazaluoh last but not least, the below listed players are expected to keep the opposing defenders and netminder busy: Taro Tsujimoto Pistil Stamen Darth Kaprizov Zaza Colors Nezuko Yun Chiang To all of the players who did not make the cut I wanted to say that all the decisions made are not against you but for the players nominated. With a heavy heart I had to make some tough calls, but I am nonetheless convinced that this group can go the full nine yards. Go Team World.
  2. you might want to remove the Beardislava AGM signature from your profile at this point
  3. *stows away the pitchforks and torches*
  4. and add a shit ton of conditions, so that nobody can figure out what is applicable *cough* Dadonov and Vegas Golden Knights *cough*
  5. Congratulations to all of you. Well deserved promotions. I am excited to work with (against?) you in the next season and good luck with your teams.
  6. Swiss Central Gazzette Graphic by Ricer13 Kurt, the Janser Brothers' father, was sitting at his desk overlooking the Lake Ontario, sighting scout reports for the S83 dispersal draft, when his phone rang with an unknown caller at the other end. Reluctantly he answered the call, just to be surprised to have Minion, one of the World Cup of Hockey's executives, on the line. A little puzzled he said: 'How can I help you, Minion?' Minion cut to the chase immediately: 'We want you to coach Team World on this year's World Cup.' KJ: 'Don't get me wrong, this is a great honour, but are you sure you are talking to the right person? Have you seen the season records of the Hounds?' Minion: 'Absolutely. We have noted how the young players in your team developed. Further, no-one had anything bad to say about you. Plus, we know you speak three languages, which certainly is a bonus when coaching a multi-national team.' KJ: 'Consider me interested then. So when will it start?' Minion: 'Next week.' KJ: 'This does not give me an awful lot of time to nominate a team and to prepare for the tournament. I love it. I am all in.' Minion: 'Good. We will send you a list of eligible players asap, so you can start with your nominations and preparation.' KJ: 'Alright then, will see you there. Thanks for this opportunity.' Minion: 'It is our pleasure, meet you there.' And this how Kurt Janser unexpectedly landed one of the most coveted assignments in the VHL. To participate in the chase against well-known and experienced competitors for a World Cup title and undying glory. To be continued... https://vhlforum.com/topic/116301-a-tale-of-two-brothers-a-quarter-done/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/116343-a-tale-of-two-brothers-thats-a-hatpick/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/116462-a-tale-of-two-brothers-quick-wrap-up/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/117076-a-tale-of-two-brothers-playoffs-in-sight/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/117330-a-tale-of-two-brothers-mixed-results/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/117475-a-tale-of-two-brothers-jekyll-and-hyde/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/117857-a-tale-of-two-brothers-off-season-once-more/
  7. There are democracies who run the same racket *cough* Switzerland *cough*...
  8. Swiss Central Gazzette (DJ=Daniel Janser, MJ=Marcel Janser and JLL=Jean-Luc Lieuxperroux) As the more ardent fans of the Janser-brothers know, the curtain for both of them fell a while ago. Now that the dust has settled, we sent Jean-Luc Lieuxperroux to Calgary once again to get a hold off Marcel and Daniel for a summary of their season. Here are the interviews. JLL: 'Thanks for taking the time for us and to be at the same place at the same time. That saves us a lot of expenses *laughs*.' DJ: 'Anytime Jean-Luc. The Wranglers have a tradition of having a party in their clubhouse to say farewell to the past season. And since all the prospects and allumni are invited, Marcel flew over.' MJ: 'Yeap for four reasons: 1. to bond with the Wranglers I have not met yet, 2. I heard that there is some good fishing to be done in Ghost Lake not too far off from here, 3. To catch up with Dan and 4. You know which beer is the best in the world, Jean-Luc?' JLL: 'Free beer?' MJ, DJ: 'Exactly' DJ: 'And this year we not only said goodbye to the season but also to two players who are Wranglers legends Nate (Nathan Perry) and Klam (Sirkants Klamasteris). Since we could not get them the cup they so amply deserved, the least we could do was give them a farewell, they will never forget.' JLL: 'And did you?' MJ: 'What happens in the clubhouse, stays in the clubhouse. I am sure you understand, Jean-Luc.' JLL: 'Yes, yes I do. Changing topics. Marcel, how would you summarize your season?' MJ: 'Well, it was quite clear early on in the season that we need to do better if we want to have a seed for the playoffs. Unfortunately, despite some improvement in the second half of the season, we were just not good enough to make it there. For me personally it was an okay season. I lead the league in shots blocked and took very few penalties. My offensive production was also okay, considering playing in not very competitive team and my limited skills in that area. The only thing, which really vexes me, is my +/-. Too often wrong time, wrong place from my side, I suppose.' JLL: 'Thanks for that review. Daniel, what is your take on your season?' DJ: 'I suppose the Stolzschweiger will not bear my name, considering the talent that London alone was throwing into the deep end of the pool. Otherwise, I am quite happy with my season. I had a ppg average as a two-way forward. I brought physicality into the Wranglers' game and could take some of this burden off of Phil's shoulder. I could learn a lot from the battlehardened veterans in the team. The only thing I did not like, was not scoring many clutch goals. In the playoffs my game slumped a bit, but the one goal I scored was a game winner. So all in all not a bad season at all.' JLL: 'Calgary succumbed to the LA Stars in a nerve-wrecking seven game series. What is your analysis, why did the Wranglers not make it?' DJ: 'I mean we gave it our all and have nothing to be ashamed of. We gave the Stars a run for their money and if we did not have a collective defensive blackout in game four, I am convinced we could have bested them. But could have, should have, would have... didn't. We were not focussed enough in at least two games (game four and six) and in my opinion that is where we lost the series. We will just have to win the cup next season then to make Calgary great again.' JLL: 'Thanks for that summary. So, Marcel, what are your goals for next season?' MJ: 'I will stay one more season in Europe and help Vasteras to rebound from the last season and get to the post season this time. I also want to improve my skating and the way I treat the puck when in possession. I will never be a big scorer, but it does not hurt to be faster than the opponent and not dropping the puck as often as I still do.' JLL: 'And what about you, Daniel? What are your plans?' DJ: 'I hope for a phone call from Team Europe for the oncoming World Cup, I would like to dress for this team again. I want to become Captain of the Wranglers at one stage and hope my jersey will be retired after a succesful career and much silverware for the franchise.' JLL: 'Wow, you certainly set your sights high. Good luck in your endeavours to both of you and thanks for your time.' DJ/MJ: 'Thanks for having us.' Daniel's playoff stats are as follows: 7gp, 1g, 2a, 3pts, -6, 6 PIM, 10 hits, 8sb, 1gwg, FO% 44.98 We will follow up on the brothers as soon as possible. Stay tuned for further updates of their daring adventures. 'Forever Wranglers' by @tinafrombobsburgers https://vhlforum.com/topic/116301-a-tale-of-two-brothers-a-quarter-done/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/116343-a-tale-of-two-brothers-thats-a-hatpick/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/116462-a-tale-of-two-brothers-quick-wrap-up/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/117076-a-tale-of-two-brothers-playoffs-in-sight/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/117330-a-tale-of-two-brothers-mixed-results/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/117475-a-tale-of-two-brothers-jekyll-and-hyde/
  9. That is what I said from the start... However, apparently the skill level in the VHL was a problem (i.e. too many attributes were maxed, which STHS is not capable of handling. Hence the decision was made to make the most coveted attributes rather expensive to max (if at all possible)...
  10. I cannot argue with your explanations why you would put the teams where you put them (except the first thing that comes to my mind when I hear 'Steel' is Pittsburgh). Alas, I understand why they cannot be put on the East Coast and I love the argument for the Brigade being located in Boston. I find it intriguing that basically all land locked states of the US are ignored by the VHLM never thought of that until you put the teams on the map for us...
  11. Congrats to Mississauga Hound Adison Bond @adison for receiving the "Meow! Meow!! Meow!!! Ribbon" and being nominated for several others.
  12. Answer 6 for 2 TPE, Answer 3 for 1 TPE 1. Where do you see Team Europe in the standings and why? 2. What are your goals for your player? 3. Have you participated in WJC before? If no, what do you expect from the tournament? If yes, what was your most memorable moment? 4. Which players in your opinion should be in the team but did not make the cut? 5. How excited on a scale of 1-10 are you and why is it ten? 6. What snack if any does your player it in the intermission?
  13. I would have gone with 'if someone has such an awesome name TWICE they are born for greatness'... but to each their own
  14. I would never again exchange a word with this person... well, having said that you should not in the first place
  15. I did not know that lambs do wag their tail when feeling comfort/pleasure....
  16. I thought fighting and discipline cancel each other to a certain extent, but same, same I suppose.
  17. Don't forget the grit, so you not only can talk the talk, but also walk the walk
  18. DAVID!!!! (apparently this is compulsory) Congrats to these two outstanding players.
  19. Imagine getting a signature and cannot use it due to size issues... (it was not STZ)
  20. Give this man a break... fighting Romans for 2072 years certainly took its toll on him and I am not sure whether he will pass any performance enhancing substance test nowadays
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