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Everything posted by npuBeT

  1. Good afternoon! Why do people like to choose bright and "flashy" color solutions in their pictures. Everything merges into a solid cacophony of colors on a black background. We have to look closely to find the outlines of the player, while it turned out to be a goalkeeper at all. The inscription and the form merge, the black background, moreover solid black, generally attracts the eye more so that the eyes rest. And why pink? Why not add a little more colors, but at least just white. 7/10
  2. Good afternoon! Pretty good graphics, nice to look at, there are no bright color solutions, the initials of the player are quite pleasant to read, in general, the picture leaves a feeling as if it is drawn. The color scheme is low-key, but rather calm, although in dark tones. True, the shape and body differ in style. The only face of the player resembles "whose name cannot be called", but otherwise everything is fine, even there is an emblem on the chest) 8.5/10
  3. 1- The main thing is to believe and make every effort to continue winning! 2- I haven't familiarized myself with the commands yet 3- Not yet, but I'm going to them 4 - "Forward, only forward!" 5- WITH all players) Without them, I would miss even more) 6- I think he can try, but he will definitely be in the top 2! 7- I think we will win with any team) 8- We don't show it, and the replay is no longer interesting) 9- Not seen)
  4. 1- I think we have chances, and very big ones, to get into the playoffs, the main thing is not to lose hope! 2- I will try to develop it as much as possible in the shortest possible time The 3rd person in the team is new! But do not get upset, do not get depressed, the main thing is to try and not be discouraged! 4- Whatsapp 5- Sports shoes only) 6- I love tea) Anyone, both hot and cold, My wife drinks only warm water) 7- @jaredc7 I think he will still surprise) 8- Fanta 9- @16z
  5. To be honest, seeing this graphic gives me a twofold feeling. On the one hand, the Gothic style, the graphics are darkly intriguing, as if they came out from under the brush of an artist in the Gothic style, the more you look, the more you are attracted by the colors. On the other hand, nothing is clear) makes you strain and understand what is written there, who is drawn, why his face is blurry, what is there besides the player and the inscription at all. rating 7/10
  6. Nice picture. But as for me, a little bright, very vigorous pink color. The eyes get a little tired of looking at it for a long time, if you take a quick glance, then the picture is pretty good, it attracts the eye, I want to look at it more, small details, inscriptions on the sides. But because of the brightness, it really hits the eyes. Plus, the picture on the player itself is faded relative to the shorts. But I like minimalism) I would add an inscription with the player's number. Rating 8/10
  7. 1 first of all, I want to apologize to the whole team and the head coach for such a disastrous start! I will try to change and become a worthy goalkeeper! 2 Become worthy for the team! 3 Something related to food, so that I could be fed these goodies sometimes for free) 4 My wife and I are not celebrating Valentine's Day so much anymore) 5 I think it was not for nothing that they wanted to choose him as a captain! And he will show everyone what a wonderful player he is) 6 There are always goals, and dreams and desires. It is not always possible to come to them, both financially and physically 7 Spawn 8 To my wife and child, I would say how much I love them! After all, even if I call the rescuers, it's not a fact that they will have time) 9 When I was doing judo, I knocked out my toe, I couldn't walk for a month and a half (
  8. Good job. No bright "spots" Everything is clear and understandable. The pose of the player is interesting, I would say mysterious) Just did not immediately realize that in addition to the head, there are also shoulders. it merges with the background, and I didn't see the first letters of the player's name right away either) 10/10
  9. Great job! A beautiful transition from the player to the background, the colors are combined, everything is fine. The only thing, but this is my personal opinion, I would make the inscription of the player's name a little brighter. 10/10
  10. 1 WOW, we are finally back in the finals, does this surprise you? With such a team and such a coach, it was not surprising that we were in the final) 2 Our record against Vegas is at 2-2, who do you think will win? So we won) 3 Do you have any idea on how to turn around this situation? Do not change the course in which the team is going now 4 In the game 7 against San Diego, when we won, did you scream? I did lol and my mom yelled at me Unfortunately it's the middle of the night when the simulation game is on 5 What do you think is our biggest strenght? Our strength is in the coach and the team where everyone tries to support the other 6 Last week @Steve said that if we are going to win against vegas he was going to kiss every team mates of the Ottawa Lynx, but do you want that kiss to be with the tongue or with no tongue? I think I'll refrain, I'll have enough of the usual handshakes)
  11. 1- Of course we will win, with such a team only victory! 2- The beginning was not very good, but I think the ending is not bad) 3- We will win for sure, but I don't care about the rest yet) 4- a difficult question, the mascot must mean something not only for the team, but also for all the fans and the city) 5- Everyone has a chance to win, absolutely everyone, even you) 6- I would give them a trip to my hometown) And I would treat you with all sorts of goodies)
  12. The inscription of the name and surname merges with the main picture. The VHL icons are generally blurry. I don't say anything about the infinity sign at all, it's unclear what it's for here) For the effort I put 10, and according to the picture 6/10
  13. In terms of colors, although all colors are shades of red, black smoothes and the combination is not bad! An interesting idea, like a wolf and evil, but not scary) By the way, if you look at the burgundy part and finish it a little in your imagination, you get the NHL Cup))) 8/10 p/s/See you next season in the team)
  14. Thank you, it's very nice that I was at least good for my "family" Ottawa Lynx. I am very grateful to such a mentor and teacher!) Victories in the future and many many new victories!GO GO GO LYNX!!!
  15. 1 There is no championship without ups and downs 2 I would definitely not help in any way. We have a coach and assistants for this, I fully trust them and am confident in them! 3 Gates. But seriously, the coach is always on the rink and always in the game) Well, the goalkeeper) 4 Benches) 5 Kokoshnik)) 6 Difficult question, honestly, for me at least
  16. A simple and calm picture, nothing superfluous distracts from the player, everything is on the case. The color combination is very good. The only thing I didn't immediately understand is that the background is not just green)))) 9/10
  17. It is slightly visible that the player's surname differs from the whitest surface, that is, the background is slightly curved. And looking closely, you can see that the background is different. And in general, I really like the picture! 9/10
  18. Good afternoon, I would like to tell you about my hometown, about the city where Ed Nu began his rise as a VHLM player, with his new Ottawa Lynx family. The city of Shchelkovo is located 15 km northeast of Moscow, on both banks of the Klyazma River. On the southeastern outskirts of the city there is one of the largest military airfield in the country, Chkalovsky. Although the city is not very big, but still it is my native, I was born here, I grew up here and then I fell in love with hockey. I started my journey into the world of big sports from this very playground where adult guys and older men played. And then there was a hockey school, for a little boy it was a huge ice arena, where my path to a great future began. If it is interesting, I will continue to tell you a detailed story about the city)
  19. It's cute, even all the symbols of the team are made, the text has a nice font, but too bright green. And again the blurring of the player. Stop doing smearing, I beg you very much, it puts a strain on your eyes. The face is blurred, the inscriptions are clear, the body is half-covered. Stop bullying) For trying 7/10
  20. The idea is interesting, but the execution is lame. The plain text, moreover, is black, on a black picture, everything merges, it is difficult to read. The man apparently just started his journey) 5/10
  21. 1- why not?) 2- Halifax21st or Huston 3- it seems to me a little bit worse, and all because of me) 4- Someone from our team will definitely be in the top three) 5- We are olives and sausage 6- I've never tried pineapple pizza
  22. npuBeT

    Lynx JC

    Cute, simple, nothing superfluous, there is a player and a background that does not catch the eye, I would like to add inscriptions with the name of the player or team. 9/10
  23. Why do people like to make blurry pictures, well, it's impossible to focus, everything is floating. A beautiful picture, with a nice hockey player. But the fuzziness spoils it a little. 7/10
  24. 1. The first week of the season is underway and we have had a lot of new recruits join the site, what's one thing you would recommend to them or another player still learning the ropes? Listen to what the coach says) Develop yourself, even if someone thinks you're crazy, that's their business) You are a person) 2. Ottawa has a holiday charity event coming up and we need ideas to draw in a crowd to raise the most money possible, any ideas? Since I miss a lot, anyone can try to score for me) And who scores more out of 10 attempts will get a prize) 3. Did your player win any awards or achieve anything major before making it into the VHLM or If you could win an award now, which would it be? I haven't won anything yet) I think my prize is a leaky colander 4. You just scored an insane breakaway goal to win the game for your team (or huge glove save).. What would you throw into the crowd to celebrate and make a fan happy? gloves and helmet 5. If you could add, change or takeaway an attribute/rule in the league.. What would it be? Why?? (funny answers work :p) I like the size attribute of the goalkeeper, that would be along with his number in size (the goalkeeper himself) got to the maximum and that's it, the goalkeeper would close all the gates by himself 6. What's a talent your player has outside of hockey? A lover of cooking all sorts of delicious dishes
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