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Everything posted by Scurvy

  1. D- Pierre Emile Bouchard G- Brandt Fuhr @leafsman
  2. Crashing your PC 29. Seattle is off to a great start (as expected). Were nipping at your heals tho and I am excited for our games today. 30. Payne started off with a bang this season. Pretty lucky really since he usually shits the bed for the first 20 games or so. 31. Lots of practice...or he's paying opposing goalies?? LOL 33. A team wants to leave???? This is news to me. I think that would be stupid really 34. Las Vegas Aces because IRL Vegas just won a cup. And they have cool uniforms 35. Grit 99, CHK 99, Fighting 85 with all other points in SCR. Could work when he's not in penalty box??
  3. As teams battling for the top spots. After 5 games, The Wolves of Vancouver are in 2nd place with Calgary in first having played two more games. The Wolves are firing too, scoring 21 goals in those 5 games and only allowing 13. This speaks to a commitment to team defense and a brick wall of a goalie in Brant Fuhr. Now I get its early in the season and a lot can change. There are some deadly clubs in the NA with Calgary, LA, and Seattle and some beasts in the EU as well in Davos, Moscow (the team always battling for the top it seems), Riga, and Prague. But early on this Vancouver club Is looking solid and built to win. The Wolves move in today with a 4 game win streak that they want to keep going. Vancouver plays a back to back with a very tough and 1st place Seattle club today so we will get an early sense as to how this rivalry will play out.
  4. Sorry. F- Landon Wolanin @leafsman
  5. F-Henry Eagles @leafsman
  6. It’s ok @Gaikoku-hito you get used to his tired old insults that never change. Pretty soon you just ignore it. @Thunderhas never been very creative Just humor him and he will eventually go back to licking windows.
  7. If you scored as much as you talk you'd be MVP every season! Go back to coloring you My Little Pony book and leave the rest to adults.
  8. Payne will slow down @Gaikoku-hito. He usually shits the bed for the first 20 or so games. Got lucky game 1-2. I did one TPA Recall for 10 grit but seeing his PIMS in the first game I might need to do a second 10 recall.
  9. Well, S89 started off with a bang for former Warsaw Defenseman Brian Payne. Signed as a free agent in VHLM, drafted 26th overall by Warsaw in S82, Payne has always wanted to prove people wrong. A solid TPE earner and gritty defenseman won a cup with Warsaw in S84 and won a few defensive awards. However, all things come to an end and a re-building Warsaw club traded the dman to a very, very good Vancouver Wolves club for some draft picks. We caught up and had a sit down with the new Wolves Dman and he filled us in on the emotions of being traded: Reporter: Brian, you have always been an underdog and have found success along the way. How did it feel to be traded by the team you gave your heart and soul for? Payne: “It was tough. I love the fans, teammates, and GM. They have all been great to me. But after missing the playoffs for the first time in my career, at any level, I knew the team had to do what’s best for their future. I have no hard feelings. @N0HBDY was always up front with me and I understand completely. I wish them all the success in the world…..after the next two season of course. Lol Reporter: “How has it been with your new club? What changes if anything do you want to bring to such a storied franchise in Vancouver? Payne: “Its intimidating for sure being around such professionals. The club is active and invested in each other. They want total success, and they brought me here to help win another cup. That is all I am concerned with. I don’t care about personal stats or awards of any kind for me. I want to help the Wolves hoist the cup and feel that cold steel in my hands once more.” Reporter: “ Brian, your known for playing a physical and nasty game in front of your net. You fight, hit, and sometimes that means an abundance of PIMS. I have heard a rumor where with Vancouver, you plan to scale that back a bit?” Payne: “You heard right. I need to have a bit more disciple. I had 250 PIMS last year and only 40 minutes were from fights. Make no mistake, I love to fight and let my presence be known if needed but I took way too many minors with the Preds that cost the club in close games. I’ve matured and I don’t want to hurt the Wolves by being stupid. I can still be physical and hit and fight, but I am looking to curb the minors for @Frank. As of today, I’ve dropped 10 TPE in grit in an attempt to curb the minors with maybe more to come.” Reporter: “How do you feel about the current roster in Vancouver?” Payne: “Just wow. The team is full of true professionals and amazing talent. I mean just look at the roster. Dogwood Maple @dogwoodmaple, (future scoring champ) Henry Eagles @Greg_Di, Nico Pearce @Spartan , Oreo McFleury @JB123, FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY Analfist @STZ, and Wann Kerr @VattghernCZup front. There are some future Hall of Famers in that mix and more importantly some great people and teammates. On defense, look no further that Pierre Emile Bouchard @Gaikoku-hito. I mean between him and Jake Thunder @Thunder we're looking at the two best Dmen in the game. The new addition of Reinhard von Kongming @Kylrad and goalie, Brandt Fuht @Tate the wolves have a lot to be proud of. I will bust my ass to make them proud that they traded for me.” Reporter: Thank you 603 words
  10. D-Brian Payne @leafsman
  11. Scurvy

    TPA Recall

    Sorry - Player Brian Payne
  12. Scurvy

    TPA Recall

    TPA Recall 1 Grit 69 - 59
  13. Oh shit! That is awesome!!!! Thank you!!!
  14. Congrats everyone! Great job @Thunder
  15. Crashing y'all pc this week 1. Payne is unique in that he's a stay at home Dman who plays with a big bag of knuckles 2. I want to win the cup. 3. Well, In my draft I was upset that I fell to 26th. I wanted to prove all the teams that passed me wrong 4. Media spot, PC, articles, and trivia 5. hmmmm. Not sure. Lots of high TPE players that might skip E and go right to VHL 6. Well I'm not in there but an active locker room makes VHL fun and VHLM no different
  16. Scurvy

    VAN/LAS/WAR; S89

    Thank you Girts! Gonna miss ya buddy
  17. Not sure how busy you are but can you change my Warsaw uniform on my Sig with a Vancouver Wolves uniform? No need for any other changes other than uniform?
  18. My bad!! Too many Pearce’s to keep track of !
  19. The off-season is here (still) and I am glued to Pro AM and World Cup of hockey now. So for this weeks Around the League in 500 words I figured I’d talk about a few trades, potential free agents, and some other random shit. TRADES: There has been some serious movement as of late. Seattle has been particularily busy this offseason after narrowly missing a win on the Continental Cup. It looks like they are going for a Win now mentality and I Love to see it. Here is a quick breakdown of some moves. Seattle Acquires: S89 3rd and Cole Pearce @N0HBDY for S891 to Warsaw. Big trade to Seattle with an all-star goalie in Pearce. Warsaw looking for re-build looks like. Vancouver Acquires: Nico Pearce @Moon for draft picks to Prague. Huge addition to an amazing offensive talent in Pearce. 41 goals last year, the potential Hall of Famer is looking to make his final season count. Helsinki acquires Chip Stone @DoktorFunk for S891 S902 from Seattle. Again, Seattle in the headlines moving a very talented Stone to Helsinki. Helsinki is lucky to have this point per game player. Stone looks to have come into his offensive talent last year notching 35 goals. Rip Wheeler @ScottyP to Calgary from Riga for Larry Abass Jr. Well, if I saw this trade happening last season, I would have said Calgary won this trade with a hungry upstart in Rip. But looking at his update log compared to Abass they may have missed the mark. I’ve been trying to get Rip motivated but it’s falling on deaf ears. FREE AGENT SIGNINGS Some big names have made some signings recently and I’ve been watching a few. The biggest name this year would have to be The Board Game Clue on Skates (BGCOS) @MubbleFubbles. The TPE earning beast has been a constant in Chicago and I am sure the offers were coming in droves for him. He ended up signing with defending champs, London. With the roster they have now I expect them to right back in the title talk for next season. Some other notable signings include: Vasile Lamb @dlamb- Riga Biggie Cheese- NY AK92 Wit da Hoodie- WAR RE-CREATE NAME IDEAS I have two season left with Brian Payne and I am looking forward to watching his career be completed. However, I have begun thinking of names for my next player and was looking for some feedback. I still don’t know what kind of player I want to make (other than a TPE earning beast). I played Defense in hockey growing up so I am aways partial to Dmen but I might try a forward just to see. Any I am thinking of a Duncan Idaho style player so bear that in mind when I give some name examples below: Logan Ninefingers Ogie Oglethorpe Annomander Rake Carl Racki (best hockey movie ever) Anyway, not sure if any of these are in the running but if you like one (or more) of them let me know. Best of luck
  20. The Warsaw Predators have been making some moves as of late. After a playoff miss last year the Preds appear to be looking to re-build. They have stocked some draft picks for next year but have brought in some great talent in some trades and FA. First, Mkhail Kovalchuk @Banackock was added to shore up some offense. The Dman turned forward was the #8 pick in the S82 draft and has been as solid performer for Seattle, Prague, and London. He’s won at the highest level and should hit and score his way to some success. Next, AK92 Wit da Hookie @hedgehog337 was added to the defensive core. AK is a stud defender who gives offense and plays with some grit. A necessary trait in a Warsaw Defender. The dude earns massive TPE and should quarterback the powerplay well for the club. Jani Karppinen @ShawnGladeShawn- Anotehr defender from Seattle, the 6 foot, 165lb defender scored 15 goals last year. He was a point a game guy in the VHLM and puts up steady consistent numbers. He will compliment Payne or AK92 well on defense. I am sure there is more trades and signings coming so excited to see what happens next.
  21. 1. Seattle 2. Fighting 3 I don't play for them but Jake Thunder would my reason why 4. Seattle Bears 5. Brian Payne 6. He's a southpaw.
  22. For this week Around the League in 500 words I want everyone to know one thing. @Thunder put it best in his post this week. It gets so hard to write an article each week that people want to read and that you enjoy writing. The off season even makes it tougher to find topics that someone might click on. I figure nobody reads this anyway and probably only read what is said about the players I ping to an article. That’s fine, I totally get it. It does make it hard some weeks to earn my precious TPE but I forge on. For my next build, I plan to try podcasting even though I will probably be shit. Bo Johanson Well, it’s been a long time since we’ve been graced with the presence of such a great VHL contributor, @Shindigs. A TPE earning machine his goal to #1 in the S82 draft. A feat he would have easily accomplished. Such a great ambassador of the VHL and a truly great defenseman. So great, that even now as an inactive player we still se BoJO in the top 2 in assists for Defensive players. 10 goals 73 assists for 83 points this season. Overall, BOJO has 516 points in 432 games, 888 SB, and 47 PPG. Such a tragedy that Shindigs just disappeared one day. I truly hope everything is ok in his life away from SIM hockey. Wish him all the best! And As always Payne thanks you. RECENT TRADES Had I not been surfing around I would have missed a bunch of trades in the last few days. Seattle seems to be trending hot to win now with the addition of goalie, Cole Pearce from Warsaw for a 1st round pick. Pearce is a high earning goalie who will fit in nice with an great Seattle club. Seattle also added G Ilya Brysgalov, D- Rex Wolffe Gregor for Ash Sparks and a bunch of draft picks. And added stud Dman Scoish Velociraptor Maloish from LA for a 3rd rounder. Seattle just missed hoisting the Continental Cup this season and it looks like there going for it again. WARSAW The beauty of the VHL is the parody among clubs. It seems like just yesterday I was hoisting the Continental Cup with the Preds and then this season we didn’t make the playoffs. It stings! The Preds look to be in a re-build after the retirements of Brendan Marner and Zach Kisslinger and the recent trade of goalie Cole Pearce. The club has some returning veterans in Girts “the silent assassin” Galvins @Girts, Johnny Xavier @Johnny_HX, Biggie Cheese @a_Ferk, and Brian Payne. With some upcoming talent in Tim Riggins @Jayhawk and Tom Creeg @Creegan610 up front they look to make some additions long term through the draft, free agency, and/or trades, I’m sure. We have our work cut out for this season but the Preds are used to being underestimated. It’s a really good group of people (albeit quiet in Discord lately) so I am excited to see some younger guys step up this season.
  23. Well, another season is over and the dreaded off season is here. My player, Brian Payne is entering is 7thseason in VHL and with only 1 year remaining after to cement himself as a solid teammate and capable dman. I know come tmrw I will grow somewhat depressed as I view my upcoming depreciation. I was told early on to start banking before last season and when the depreciation monster arrived, I was not prepared. So anyone entering their sixth or so season in VHL start banking to cover the costs cuz I am playing catch up. That being said I am looking forward to more Pro-AM games while waiting for the season to begin . Who knows what lays in store for Payner this season. Warsaw is in a re-build but we still have some amazing teammates and a great GM always looking to make moves. Whatever happens, Payne is ready to hit, score, and play solid D for his teammates.
  24. Transaction ID: 03G02796388929717 Doubles Week 5 Uncapped TPE $1 mil player store cash
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