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Everything posted by Scurvy

  1. Crashing your PC 1. Training camp was good. Ninefingers is ready for the season 2. well we started out 0-2 but rebounded a bit. My player has been doing well. Needs to get better on PP 3. Sniping. Lead the league in shots but need more to go in. 4. I AM PHILLY!!! I want to crush Houston 5. it’s pissing down rain here in Washington State. Miserable 6. I like the fall colors and the start of hockey season
  2. Hello! Can I request one? player: Logan Ninefingers team Philadelphia Reapers render Stu Grimson
  3. Ok so were about 8 games into the season (finally) and there I plenty of news to chat about. In the big league, the Chicago Phoenix are on fire while the Wranglers struggle, and In the E Bratislava is unbeaten with two studs in net. VHL NEWS CHICAGO As I looked at doing my predictions at the start of the season I had not even thought about Chicago as a potential first place club. While they have lifelong Chicago presence, Scotty Sundin @fromtheinside in play and he is always dangerous I thought the club would be still considered a young club rebuilding. But man did they come out firing this season at 7-0-1 with 32 goals scored. Now it’s no surprise that Sundin is killing it with 7G 10A 17A in 8 games but what is great about this team is the team scoring. Looking down the roster every member of the club already has at least one goal. So, team scoring and a commitment to team defense seems to be working. Added that their young goalie, Ryan Artyomov @enorama is 6-0-1 with .0930 SV and 2.62 GAA he is showing why Chicago was wise to select the huge goalie with the #3 pick in the S90 draft. CALGARY WOES Since I came into the league and was a noob looking at the stats and standings day in and day out waiting to eventually progress the VHL there were certain things that stood out about a few clubs. Teams like Moscow, Vancouver, Calgary and others always seemed to be competing deep in the playoffs. Winning seemed to be the norm so it seems strange to see Calgary at the bottom of the standings and without a win yet. Now I know that all clubs eventually must rebuild and that is what makes the VHL so cool but after an off-season re-tool I expected Calgary to be fighting for a high playoff spot again. I mean they even re-tooled Rip Wheeler @ScottyP trying to make him a better teammate (good luck). What’s more shocking to me is that after 8 games the Wrangler have only managed 8 goals. This team has way too much talent for this so I am guessing it’s an anomaly and by the end of the season Calgary will have reversed its misfortune and will be competing in the playoffs. Prediction: 3rd in NA GOALIE DUE IN BRATISLAVA WRECKING TEAMS I don’t touch too much on the E until I am in the league usually, which is unfortunate. Right now, Bratislava is 6-0-4 after 10 games. But what is more amazing is they have only scored 29 goals (good for 2nd lowest) but have only allowed 24 goals (good for 2nd best). This low numbers can be attributed to the clubs two goalies Red panda @Lemorse7 and WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW @rory. Red Panda .919 Save Percentage and 3.14 GAA with 1 shutout and WWW--- is 3-0-3 with 1.44 GAA and 1 shutout as well. Both are tough in net and have some good defenders in front of them as well. Excited to see how this club fares as the season continues. Best of luck everyone
  4. Were at 8 games into the season and the Philiadelphia Reapers are coming into their own. After a rough first two games they have come alive and are clicking on all cylinders. At 5W and 3L they have started scoring in bunches and are working out the kinks as a club. Caring Bear @thecaringbearhas been anything but caring to the opposing defenses racking up 8G 11A 19 points. The VHLM veteran had 51 goals a season ago and is on pace to beat that this season. Next, rookie Logan Ninefingers has identical stats 19 points while playing a physical game with 35 hits. But what is truly keeping Phily competitive night in and night out is the lights out play by goaltender Amir Redzic @Slav_Sloth. He has a .911 save percentage and a 2.38 GAA with 1 shutout. There are some tough clubs this season in the VHLM so it will be interesting to see the matchups against clubs like Las Vegas and Houston as the season continues.
  5. 1. Yep, while PEB was amazing its time for FABCM to step and take the reins. He is a stud and fill the void and make a young Vancouver team battle every nights. 2. Yep. he's earned it. 3. FOR SURE. Liv had a solid season last year 12g 32a 44pts 100 hits and is only going to grow with more PP time I expect the numbers to double. 4, The Wolves are young and hungry playing in a very tough division. I expect them to be a dark horse though that nobody wants to play. Prediction is Wild Card playoff 5. Yes, like is said above they are young and hungry. If they keep earning TPE like crazy I believe that can get to the playoffs 6. FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY Analyst with 100 pts
  6. As the off-season drags on and on and on I do have a few things to chat about in this week’s Around the League. Topics like the VHLM draft, Rip Wheeler’s makeover in Calgary, some awards, and touch on my good friend Jake Thunder. VHLM Draft Each season we all look forward to the draft, regardless which league. It is an exciting time as teams try to re-build and re-tool for a winning season. Even as a VHLer on a re-create it is exciting to see where you will end up and if you can help that club make a difference. This year’s VHLM dispersal draft had some amazing prospects to pick from. Here is how the top 5 of the draft went: #1- Vlad Von Carstein @Dom (defense)- Ottawa – Bio: hulking defenseman who should score as well. #2- Venellope von Schweetz @Arce (defense)- Houston- Bio: small and speedy he put up decent numbers in a shortened season and playoffs. #3- Riley Martin (RW) @Smarch- Halifax- Bio: big winger played lights out for Miami last season and almost won a cup. He will be a force. #4- Nico Belique (RW) @Syzygy- Mexico- Bio- already established VHLM veteran he had 21g 42a 63 pts for Miami. He can only add to those numbers. #5- Logan Ninefingers (RW)- Philadelphia- Bio: big and mean he’s looking to add some offense to a gritty Philly team. RIP WHEELER UPDATE Ok so this weekend I was at a retirement dinner for a co-worker with old Rip @ScottyPScott (aka Jimmy) where Rip talked smack about newly improved VHL player. So, if we back up to the beginning of Rip’s career he said he was going to be the next Eric Lindros of the VHL. Fast forward a few seasons and he appears to be more like Brett Lindros. However, last season he came out hitting and had a whopping 325 hits but still struggled offensively. Now being in Calgary where winning is the norm and nothing less is accepted it was time for Rip to re-tool his game a bit. He reset his TPE and as of not has much better allocation of TPE. BUT, as of today he had 1 TPE in checking (15 now). This could go well for Calgary and might be the smart move with the addition of some good offseason additions. Only time will tell how it works for Rip but I think it’s safe to say he won’t be setting any hit records this season. JAKE THUNDER UPDATE So, my other recruit, Jake Thunder just cleaned house this season in awards. All VHL first team defense, Jake Wylde Trophy, and Sterling Labatte Trophy for best overall defenseman. Its Jake’s 5th overall trophy and my guess assured him a spot in the coveted Hall of Fame someday. Now my player, Brian Payne and Thunder battled and talked shit for numerous seasons competing for who was better. Sadly and gladly, I can say Thunder was the better of the two. I am happy for him as he worked hard week and week out to earn and be a good teammate. I spoke to Thunder tonight, and he hasn’t logged on in a bit, nor earned. I think a little burnout occurred and life stuff but I am desperately trying to get him back into the VHL fold someday. Life has a way of letting you know sometimes you need a break and that is ok. We miss you @Thunder. Your buddy, Brian Payne #9
  7. Crazy! I feel that those teams will be kicking themselves for missing out on you.
  8. The VHLM dispersal draft occurred last week and VHLM clubs tried to capitalize on the future talent ready to challenge for that elusive Founders Cup. I’m not going to lie I was excited to see where my player, Logan Ninefingers went. This would be my first ever VHLM draft since my first player joined after the draft was complete. I was a bit surprised not to see star centerman and proven producer, George Richmond going in the #1 spot, but team needs often dictate who gets drafted and Ottawa went with a stud dman, V.V Carstein. I watched as Ninefingers slipped in the draft a bit and was happy to see him go at the #5 spot to the Philadelphia Reapers. I was pumped to get picked up so high in the draft and excited to see what we can do as a club this year. While I felt this year’s draft class was low on numbers there was some huge talent from veteran VHLers so it should be a good race to the Founders Cup. Go Reapers
  9. Doubles week $1 Mil Player store cash 5 TPE Uncapped Transaction ID 9BN2024557402363D
  10. Hey...crashing your PC 1. Miserably slow off-season. I have been writing shitty articles for TPE to get Ninefingers some points to be worth a shit come this VHLM season. 2. Moscow has had winning ways since I've joined VHL. I give Moscow and A++++ for their picks. Going to be great for years to come. 3. Amazing. Hope he's enjoying it 4. Ireland 5. I love to read, workout, and recently, golf. 6. I live near Seattle so I root for them but my fav team has always been Edmonton, even through the shitty years
  11. The off-season ticks on but this week was a busy week Around the League with a pretty stacked VHL draft, World Juniors, upcoming World Cup, and VHLM dispersal draft is also right around the corner. I wanted to focus on the draft a bit as some teams really cleaned up. VHL Draft: This year’s draft featured a who’s who of established VHL players on re-creates who it was a crap shoot of team needs that would or could be the #1 pick in the draft. With so many great players to pick from there really wasn’t a miss in the first round. It was no surprise when C.G.Y Yannick Janser @Daniel Janser went at the #1 slot to the New York Americans. New York has a young group of forwards so the need for a solid #1 dman was a no brainer to grab the talented 604 dman who had an outstanding season in Saskatoon with 11 g 37a 48pts +27 and 260 hits. Janser, who comes from solid VHL stock will look to lead this club from the blue line for years to come. Moscow who had the 2,3, and 5th pick totally re-tooled their club I expect them to be formidable for years to come with the core players they selected. #2- Thor Reingaard @N0HBDY is already at 395 TPE! The big right winger spent last season in VHLE and didn’t show much on the box scores but was playing up with better talent. Had he done his first season in VHLM, he would have tore it up. He will be a beast in years to come. #3 spot for Moscow went with another Nordic stud in Leif Reingaard @Zetterberg (defense). Small in stature but fast as a lightening Leif tore his way through the VHLM leading a stacked San Diego team. 12 g 65 a 77 pts +56!!!! And finally, to cap out their first round Moscow selected goalie, Olober Syko @Spartan . Another San Diego star, Syko had a whopping 11 shutouts last season, a 1.67 GAA, and .920 save percentage. Those are amazing numbers. I think Moscow got an A+ for this draft and for a club used to winning the future is looking bright. DRAFT SURPRISE: I think the biggest surprise in the draft for me was to see LW Grimgor Ironhide @FrostBeard fall to the #7 spot to Helskini. With 55g 70a 125 pts and winning a cup in the M, I thought he would go top 5 for sure. Either way Helsinki got a steal with the gritty forward. 2nd/3rd Round Steals? I always look to the later rounds to see who the steal might be. Having just finished the partial season with him in Miami and losing in game 7 of the finals I pick goaltender, David Slezak @ShawnGladeShawn. Seattle grabbed a good one here that I think will go far in the VHL. In the 3rd round I have to go with monster right winger, Aanarsi Reingaard @Laine. Another Marlin who lit it up last year and will probably be in the VHLM again this year to develop a bit more. Added to his 26 goals AR had 144 hits to go along with them. I think Warsaw picked a hidden gem here. Congrats to all the draftees
  12. We caught up with VHLM draft prospect Logan Ninefingers this week and asked a few important questions regarding his place in the draft and the type of player he thinks he will become. Reporter: “Logan, you got a taste of some post season in your free agent signing but struggled offensively. How are you going to adjust to the faster play of the VHLM?” Logan: “Well. I learned a lot in Miami and had great teammates and management. As the season went on and the post season progressed, I felt my game did too. I am confident my game will come together regardless of where I go in the draft.” Reporter: “You are picked to be a top 5 pick. What makes your game valuable to the club that picks you?” Logan: “For starters I care less where I go in the draft I just want to compete with a fun team. Next, I play a heavy game, have a good release, and feel like I can score ugly goals and pretty ones. Most of all I just want to play hockey and win. I am grateful just to be here and have the opportunity.” Reporter: “Well there you have it. VHLM prospect Logan NInefingers is preparing for the draft (I think occurs this week) and we all look forward to see where he will land.”
  13. Ninefingers is stayin in the M ! Great post
  14. Gonna miss you fools!! Thanks for making it so much fun in Vancouver. Great post too, although best defender is PEB for sure. That being said Brian Payne's cousin, Logan Ninefingers is coming!!!
  15. 1. PEB. Close battle with Payne but PEB is more consistent in playoffs and better offensively. 2. Oreo McFluery ir Girts. Both are studs come playoffs. Quiet assassins. 3. wann Kerr. Active in Lr and always buzzing on the ice 4.Wann Kerr. Consistent and always seems to be on score board. 5. No. Great post 6. well. I’m one of them. I’m sad leaving such a great club. Gonna miss y’all and hope that someday i end up playing with at least some of you again. Logan Ninefingers is working hard so who knows. Maybe end up a Wolf again.
  16. Oh wow! Good news for Moscow for sure.
  17. The VHLM dispersal draft is coming, and this is my first time that I will have been drafted into the VHLM. My first gen player, Brian Payne joined San Diego as a free agent too late to be drafted so I am a little excited to see where old Logan Ninefingers ends up. Dinking around with the draft page today I see the player list. In the #1 spot is Phillip Rave with 225 TPE (25 banked) so not sure if he’s playing in M or E next season. Number 2 spot is George Richmond @badcolethetitan. Badcole is a TPE earning beast so I am sure Richmond will be in the #1 or 2 spot if he decides to stay in the M. #2 spot for TPE is my player with 172. Vanellope von Schweetz @Arce is # 4 with 163. Now I am not sure if that will reflect that exact position in the draft as some most of the top 15 in TPE will be at max toward the beginning of the season so they would all be quality picks. Plus, there is a lot of veteran talent VHL wise in the S92 so it’s anyone’s guess who can go in certain spots of the draft. Anyway I am pumped to see how it shakes out.
  18. Another week has passed and teams have been crowned champions. The dreaded off season is upon us so for this weeks Around the League in 500 words I want to chat about those champs, some off season blues, and maybe some random stuff. VHL Champs: Prague Phantoms Congrats to the Continental Champions, Prague Phantoms. They defeated a very good LA Stars team, 4 games to 0. Led by center, John Jameson @Frank 11-13-24 points in 16 games. The team scored a whopping 54 goals in the playoffs and won 7 straight games to secure their first ever Continental Cup. The team had it all this playoffs, great defense led by Faith Hope Love @MMFLEXand Velociraptor Greg @samx, dominant scoring with Jameson, Hampton @TownBizness, and Perry Laperriere @KaleebtheMighty, and a brick wall in net, Matt Murdock @Acydburn who only lost 2 games all playoffs with 2 overtime losses. Congrats to y’all for a great playoff! VHLM Champs: Mississauga Hounds In the VHLM the Miami Marauders faced off against a deep and seasoned Mississauga Hound club. A commitment to Team defense by the Hounds is what separated the two clubs. Miami was up early in the series and after a few adjustments by Mississauga they were able to take the Founders Cup in 7 games. Grimgor Ironhide @FrostBeard was unstoppable in the playoffs scoring 12 goals 12 assists 24 points in 17 games. And despite being outshot some games the Hound’s goalie, Red Panda @lemorse proved up to the task and stopped everything the Marauders threw his way. A special shoutout to Marauder players Sebastaian Thunder @Matt thunder 12-13-25, defenseman Lionel Collberg 7-17-24 @Masu Chan, and Oden Bell @WhiskyJack 10-14-24pts who were amazing all season. VHLE Champs: Cologne Express. In Europe, the Cologne Express defeated the Rome Gladiators 4 games to 3 in a great battle. Led by their star center, Sjin @Sjin 8g-12-20pts they wrecked Vasteras Iron Eagles in round 1 4 games to 1 before moving on to Rome. Cologne was the #4 seed going into the playoffs, with the toughest schedule. Knocking off the #1 seed Vasteras and then #2 seed in Rome was a huge achievement. Congrats! DRAFT HYPE I was surfing the forum and stat page today and saw the draft rankings and TPE of some upcoming draft eligible players. New York and Warsaw pick 1 and 2 most likely so I was curious to see who would go in top 5. I also see some exceptional veteran talent available for draft. Thor Reingaard @N0HBDY, Callum Gary Yannick Janser @Daniel JanserDaniel, Spanish Moon Moth @Renomitsu, Grimgor Ironhide @FrostBeard, Leif Reingaard @Zetterberg, goalie Red Panda @Lemorse7, Mina @Baozi, Olober Syko @Spartan , and Roby Kadachi @ROOKIE745 are just a few names available. All are over 330 TPE and and are TPE earning machines. Each will be a game changer for any organization that picks them in the draft. Looking over the draft picks available to teams I see Calgary has two picks in first round, NY two picks, and Warsaw has 7 total picks (3 in second round). It looks like NY, Calgary, and Warsaw are poised to get back to some winning with some great picks available. See ya next week
  19. For this weeks Around the League in 500 words I wanted to chat about the playoffs, off-season blues, where is Jake Thunder, and some other random shit to get me some TPE. VHLM Finals vs To everyone’s surprise the gritty Miami Marauders defeated the San Diego Marlins in 7 games shocking the VHLM universe. The top team all season, the Marlins were stacked from front to back and favored to win. During the season the Marlins were 57-13-2 and had won every game they faced versus the Marauders. Miami took it personal apparently and committed to team defense and shocked the Marlins in the semi-finals. Miami is off to face the Mississauga Hounds who are led by Grimgor Ironhide @frostbeard. After the first two games the teams are tied at 1-1, with both games being low scoring and close. Hopefully (selfishly) Miami can stay hot and knock off another Giant of club and win it all. JAKE THUNDER WHERE ARE YOU? So my good pal Jake Thunder @Thunderis again having an award winning season and is helping Davos try to win another Continental Cup. Davos is currently in the EU finals against an elite Prague Phantoms team. A proven playoff performer, Thunder currently has 1 goal 8 assists for 9 points in 8 games. Not shabby but not the numbers we saw last year when he was lighting the lamp, blocking shots, and being a damn pest all over the ice. While stalking his stats I discovered one very, very shocking stat in his update log!!!!! He hasn’t earned any TPE since September Tenth!!!. What is going on! Thunder, a typical maxed out TPE earning beast has stopped made me wonder if he was, ok??? Has he hit burnout? We have talked about just how hard it is to do media spots every week since we both suck at graphics, and he hates his voice on a podcast. Is he alive? Injured? Now Thunder lives only about 20 minutes from my house so I decided reached out. I exchanged a few text messages from him, and we spoke about my daughter’s hockey practices and getting together for a Everett Silvertips game since he has season tickets. We didn’t talk much VHL other than he did mention he liked not having to do a media spot lately. So, I am guessing a bit of burnout from earning (I hope) and I hope to see my pal back in the game soon. Best of luck in EU finals Thunder. Off Season So the offseason is upon some of us and I find this time of year to be the hardest to stay motivated to earn. Now I do have my re-create in the VHLM finals so it makes it a bit easier this season. But having been on a team that has not made the playoffs or been bounced early it is hard and seems to drag forever. Is there any remedy for this? I know VHL admin might need the break and I can appreciate that for sure. Junior showcase, Pro Am, and other tourneys do help and also offer new players to try their hand at GMing. Is there anything else that can be added? Im curious to hear views? I did hear one I liked once that all players get 12TP automatic during offseason instead of having to do point tasks for that week? See ya next week
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