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Everything posted by BOOM

  1. Alright then...Team Marlboro wasn't a surprise but the failure of Canada after their very confident pre-tournament talk definitely was.
  2. Because you will get a ton of godly sigs from the real GFX guys here, I'm being a smartass.....
  3. Thank you Toucans for the last minute move from 4th->3rd. Thanks for the payout update Joseph.
  4. Just trade for one. Quebec hasn't traded in 3 days, give them a call.
  5. I am not a fair weather fan but I am growing tired of being let down
  6. I fucking love you guys.
  7. You used a big word that I had to look up. -1 for making me do homework.
  8. Good start.
  9. USA Gold wasn't a surprise but the failure of Canada after their very confident pre-tournament talk definitely was.
  10. Köenig is looking forward to being on the roster with you.
  11. Congrats man. Was a pleasure to be there for a small portion of your time on the Dynamo.
  12. Depends if AVB deems him "surplus to requirements"
  13. The Jersey shown will laichly be on the clearance rack this time next week. ShopChooChooMF.net.de for a real bargain.
  14. Fairytale Ending.
  15. That's the worst Denzel Washington cake decoration I've ever seen!
  16. Baffles me why the elite GFX guys keep making sigs for each other
  17. Hope you have a great day brother, you deserve it.
  18. BOOM


    That's quite pretty....no homo.
  19. #trendsetting
  20. It's preseason....enough said.
  21. Best announcement so far.
  22. How you kept a straight face while knowing that selected Blind, I'll never know. Good listen guys.
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