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Everything posted by BOOM

  1. Congratulations on the appointment. All the best.
  2. OP edited to clarify.
  3. Fair enough. I'll do that then. I'll take a season off from applying TPE instead. Apologies for the confusion/wording of the initial post. Thanks to @Dilas well for replying on discord.
  4. Thanks @dlamb All I'm saying is that he won't be any more developed then he is right now, no matter what attribute system is in place.
  5. Never mind, I'll sort it out myself.
  6. @Dil Seems funny to you, can you help me understand, or is that beyond your mod role?
  7. I have 344 with 199 applied. Are you saying that I have to apply the 145 banked?
  8. This isn't for TPE obviously but wasn't sure where to post it. As the VHL moves to introduce the new attribute/ratings system, I have made the decision to NOT apply any of the banked or future TPE while Voss is in the VHLE. I'm struggling to understand the new system and while I understand that players will be allowed a free re-roll at some point, I simply don't want to do that, so will remain at 0 TPE and continue to bank until I have decided how to approach the build I want for Voss, once he is VHL ready. I wanted to notify all VHLE GM's of this ASAP, considering that Voss might be a relatively high pick(other users words, not mine) and I'd like GM's to know that I won't be applying any TPE for the entirety of his VHLE career. Once he's been rerolled to 0, he will stay there until I have decided how to build him. That's not a reflection of my opinion of the VHLE or it's GM's. So, @FrostBeard @Shindigs @Baby Boomer @BarzalGoat @Minion @Lilpfigher @KaleebtheMighty @Spaz @JB123 @ctots @thadthrasher @Kisslinger @Dil @Azjha_59 Please take note and draft accordingly if Voss was ever going to be in your plans. I'm firm on this decision, so I wanted you to know well in advance to avoid a "WTF" moment post-draft. I apologize for an unnecessary ping if you had no interest anyway, but you know, inclusiveness.
  9. I wish votes were public.
  10. I expect better from a mod. Then again...
  11. My lifelong hate of the Wolves/Meute has finally been justified.
  12. 4 time TEOTY Commander Warsmoke was never HOF worthy. His stats couldn't hold up. FML.
  13. Hello, hello, hello right back Next to the boss? Fuck that. Yes, avoid your podcasts, they're the worst! Don't congratulate Vancou...fuck it, I can't even type their name without tasting vomit The VHL is too friendly now, let's embrace the hate again! I can contact NRL Supercoach developer if you want? Callum Murray still makes me giggle No, zero issues with the form Trivia has been refreshing since the change Your friend wasn't nerdy enough for the VHL You've got lots of ideas today! You're welcome @Berocka
  14. Thanks for explaining why you stepped down/the situation I'd enjoy hearing more draft media stuff from you if that happens S34 was so long ago! Who was outside your house? Anyway, +1 listen
  15. Nice one.
  16. Disappointed that no one else has said it yet, but commiserations Riga. Played a great series. Congrats Moscow.
  17. Of course...
  18. I'll listen later, if that provides any comfort
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