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Everything posted by BOOM

  1. Me too.
  2. BOOM


  3. BOOM

    Games: 81-88

    Go Bratwurst.
  4. BOOM

    Games: 57-64

  5. I'm dead inside and have become numb to social causes. It's unfortunate.
  6. @AW13
  7. 1. What is your goal for the week? To continue to develop down in the VHLE with Bratislava, biding my time until I'm called up to the VHL. 2. Do you think its more important to receive individual or team awards? I think it's possible for both to be important. It takes a special individual to refuse individual awards, and I'm not that. 3. What is your player's number (or the number you usually wear) and how did you choose it? 59, and I didn't choose it. It chose me. 4. Would you rather wear only white or only black for the rest of your life? I think I'd prefer black. It's more slimming and when I die, I'm already wearing the appropriate color. 5. What is your favorite meal you ate over the last week? I haven't eaten a proper meal for while. I'm been quite ill, but when I feel better, maybe Chicken Kiev with extra Garlic Butter. 6. What is your greatest critique about the appearance of your country's currency? None. The Australian dollar is quite worthless, but with regards to appearance, it's quite nice.
  8. F- The Board Game Clue on Skates @KaleebtheMighty
  9. Emergency, I'll be on to pick soon but yes, feel free to pick kaleeb
  10. BOOM

    Games: 1-16

    Well done Bratislava.
  11. F - Anze Mikzlav @Scurvy
  12. D- Poopy Pee Pants @KaleebtheMighty
  13. Every swear word should contribute to a VHL swear jar, for the BOG to use for vacations, petty cash etc.
  14. 1. How do you feel about our roster going into S83, are we good enough to compete for the cup? I think it's looking very nice for this season and we can definitely challenge for glory. 2. GM John Frostbeard was caught sneaking into Geneva LR and leaving with a folder in his hands, he has refused to comment on this - what are your thoughts? I cannot condone theft of any kind. I hope his guilt gets the better of him and he returns their folder of love letters to each other. 3. Our team had a beautiful draft - how do you rate our draft picks, were there any mistakes? It was a well executed draft, although the choice of a scrub defenseman in round 6 may be regretted. 4. With great FA moves we have managed to attract 4 players - returning players Orion D H Chiester IX and Bradley Buzzer and two new players - Matty live and Napoleon Dynamite. What would you with them going into S83? I'd definitely give them the opportunity to play and succeed. 5. There has been a unique sponsorship offer from Pradislava brand of apparel that includes bonuses like 15% off all their merchandise and free flavoured water in their shops - do you think our team should go for this? Hey, that's a front office decision. I think the players should focus on their area of expertise and management handles the rest. 6. With the season around the corner, do you feel like you have done enough to progress and be ready for the upcoming season? I think so. I had a late start to building my attributes, but with the help of my GM, I feel pretty good.
  15. BOOM

    Aye Aye

  16. I'd like to share the Sullivan with my more defensive-minded colleagues who probably deserve it/more recognition. Thanks to whoever voted and it was a pleasure to be involved with the Houston Bulls. @Moon @Arce
  17. G- Xavier Booberry @Scurvy
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