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Everything posted by JardyB10

  1. Indeed, I was objectively the best GM ever and I really carried the average around me. The statistics speak for themselves.
  2. Dese gitz are putt'n up a propa fight
  3. comment for proper game order
  4. david
  5. I #DidItForTheLore
  6. For the record, I'm inactive because I'm old and lazy, and not in any way because Kachur bamboozled me.
  7. I'll decide what come goes on which back or bum
  8. I like dicksed
  9. RIGged
  10. After this season I think? Or whenever he dies of natural causes.
  11. No better way to end BjorkaBjorn's VHLE career than to bury Vasteras
  12. Oh, and I love you all too!
  13. Took me nearly a week but I finally finished listening! If only I had been taking running commentary I vaguely recall things getting kind of sexy halfway through. Unintentionally so, but sexy all the same. I think Tommy Lee Jones did some heavy lifting in people thinking you were old. I wanna say Muffins was one such member who portrayed you as a senior, which is funny because you're probably the same age (maybe he's a year or two younger). Speaking of ages, when I was first joining forums and such, I was also someone who assumed everyone to be older than me, even though I was 18 and in first year of university. I eventually came to learn that I was pretty much the average, if not slightly above average. David Knight I recall being born the same year as me (1991), and folks like sterling, Scotty, and Brooks I think are only 1-3 years older. Then we had folks like you, Sandro, Tyler, and DGFX who I think were all in that 14-17 range when I joined. Slobo, Bushito, and the Funks were more of outliers, they were full on adults with families even in 2010, so they must be pushing retirement age by now So yeah, in conclusion, the VHL has historically been run by teenagers.
  14. Comeback for a seven game series?
  15. Would love to close the series tomorrow
  16. Then I'll be the one and only inactive former Commissioner! Wait...
  17. Thumbs down
  18. I'm going to assume that's @JB123
  19. Also, fuck Vasteras.
  20. Bjork shall be the one and only ! (citation needed)
  21. Ah yes, to be young and active. That's the stuff, Lionel!
  22. Any VHL member worth their salt will eventually become a washed up admin. Beketov is long overdue! Anyway: 1. Is alfie truly forever? 2. Estimate how many hours per day/week you were doing VHL related things during your peak activity. 3. What takes up most of your time these days? What is/are your primary hobby(ies)? 4. What are some of your biggest regrets during your time in the VHL? 5. What are some of your proudest moments? 6. Do you prefer a banger in the mouth or a sausage in the mouth? 7. Tell us something about yourself that most people wouldn't know. 8. Tell us something intimate or secretive about your personal life that you wouldn't be comfortable sharing with people you're closer to. 9. What's your favourite VHL franchise?
  23. Other than you of course. @Victor But also including you.
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