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Everything posted by Aimee

  1. To the VHL - Happy New Year! I just wanted to take this article and share how much I have enjoyed the last 6 months here. It’s been a lot of fun, I feel like I’ve made a bunch of friends, and I cannot wait to see what 2023 has in store for this sim league. The year has just started but with the end of the season right around the corner, I just wanted to say how happy I am to be on an amazing team, to be in the chats that I’m in and to be AGM’ing for the top team in the VHLM. I have learned a lot since coming to the VHL and I cannot wait to see what else is in store for me as my first player moves up to a starting goalie position next season. I also have a really solid hold of my build and I hope that it will produce as well as I want it to. I appreciate you all and I hope everyone else has a happy and healthy new year. Aimee 182 words for week ending 1/8/2023
  2. It's January which means busy season has begun! Hopefully I can keep up my TPE earnings.

  3. 1. Man I hope so! Barely been here 6 months and I'm planning to stick around. 2. I've got one recruit and I've been asking around but to no avail. 3. I guess I wouldn't be mad if he could get a veteran goalie to take over instead of an unproven Teno. 4. Earning as much TPE as possible to continue my build. 5. Not sure. Haven't been paying too much attention to that part of it. 6. Currently reaction time since that seems to be one of the most impactful skills for a goalie.
  4. Ya'll know the drill: 1. Happy New Year Marlins! It's 2023 and we're so close to winning. Do you think we'll have another sweep in the finals? 2. Does your player have any new years resolutions? 3. What is your favorite form of content you produced in 2022? 4. We found out the WJC GMs last week. Do you think you'll get picked to play? 5. What's one thing you want to work on personally in the VHL in 2023? 6. How did you ring in the new year?
  5. Happy New Year! Everyone have a safe night. 

    1. Triller


      Call for a ride!

  6. Can't wait to see you in the big leagues next season! Looking forward to going up against you.
  7. (Enjoy this dramatized version of the Life and Times of Jesse Teno) Born Jesse Bartholemew Teno on the 13th of June in the year 1998 to parents of unimportant name, age and origin, Jesse was a prodigy out of the womb. Holding their first hockey stick at the tender age of six months and scoring so hard on full grown men before their first birthday. People flocked from all corners of the world to see this baby hockey savant take to the ice on hands and knees. By the time they were walking, Jesse Bartholemew Teno was already facing foes of high school ages. No one could stop the wonder child from growing stronger with each passing day. When they approached the rink the ice itself would literally crack under the pressure of being witness to such strength and ability. Word of this child spread far and wide and every Vermont school was begging the child’s parents to let Jesse attend their school. It was with great pride that the unnamed parents selected Burr and Burton Academy in Manchester, Vermont for their gifted and deserving offspring. It was there, at Burr and Burton Academy that Jesse Bartholemew Teno was introduced to a new sport of less epic proportions but still just as interesting: skiing. When the physical education teacher brought the class up the Magic Carpet to the top of the bunny hill, the intrepid young child took off with no direction and no teachings; for they did not need them. Knowing of the child’s genius the teacher dared not stop them from taking off. Jesse Bartholemew Teno pizza pie’d and french fried their way down the slope with ease before taking off by themselves for the main chair lift. It was here that they fell in love with skiing. By the time Jesse Bartholemew Teno was in high school, they were undefeated in every sport they picked up. They had also transitioned from a center position to a goalie. It was here that they faced their first bit of adversity. A goal was scored on them and the rink went silent. Never had the child prodigy been beaten in any way shape or form as they were perfect as perfect could be. And yet it happened. But they shrugged it off, telling the crowd that they had simply blinked and missed the puck. Well… It would seem that Jesse Bartholemew Teno would blink four more times during a single game and their team would lose. Never in their life had they experienced such failure. The other players on their team did not know what to do or say. They had never lost a game playing with Jesse Bartholemew Teno and no one knew how to react or feel. As time passed and Jesse Bartholemew Teno’s perfection seemed to fade, their name recognition did as well. High school would end with the same fanfare as all their classmates. No tv reporters, no scouts, no pomp and circumstance beyond the song being played at graduation. Jesse’s fame would fade as fast as they used to down the mountain on skis. In college, life was…normal? At least, that’s what Jesse assumed. School was harder, sports were harder, and no one was their friend because of the fame. In fact, no one in their school recognized them. The fame was truly over. But if anything, this meant that Jesse wanted to prove themselves. They loved the attention and wanted more. So they tried out for the ice hockey team at the University of Vermont. Backup goalie. Relegated to sit on the bench after years of playing every minute of every game, Jesse spent their freshman year being humbled by the hard work around them. Their own natural talents and strength seemed to leave them, forcing them for the first time to really work to be good. Perfect was no longer an option but they could still be good. With time, Jesse proved themselves to be a good goalie and by the time senior year was ending, they had truly earned their way into the top elite of college hockey. They didn’t hold any records at UVM but they did make their way into a few top 10 record lists. Out of college, Jesse was a real no-name goalie from Vermont who wanted a shot to play professional hockey. The power and raw talent that they had been born with was completely gone, leaving them to their own abilities. Joining the VHLM draft late in the off-season left little expectation for the former gifted child, knowing that there were much better goalies to be chosen. Jesse went 30th overall to the Saskatoon Wild and had to struggle through due to team issues and having no back up goalie. A season later and Jesse had seemed to actually earn their place as they were drafted 21st overall by the Cologne Express and a stunning 10th overall by the London United. Jesse has since had ups and downs in their professional career but they are determined to keep getting better with every season. Even though their childhood had been forgotten by others, Jesse knew that they wanted to be as close to perfect as they could; though life had since taught them that perfection didn’t always bring happiness. 870 words for week ending 1/1/2023
  8. Well, that’s that I suppose. Jesse Teno’s rookie season ends in the wildcard round of the playoffs with the London United. Jesse did not get any ice time during the round but as a backup, playoff time is never guaranteed. Jesse’s rookie season ends with 11 games played and a 7-3-1 record, 0.923 save percentage, and 2.43 goals against average. “Honestly it’s hard seeing the team not make it past the wild card round. I wish I would have had the chance to play in the VHL playoffs but I guess it wasn’t in the cards for me. Rumor has it I’ll be the starter next season so I guess we’ll see if the coaches and admins still think I’m good enough to stay on that track. Hopefully the long off season will give me a chance to keep working on my strength and skills to be ready for next season.” After a much needed break over the weekend, Jesse returned home to Vermont to begin their training for next season. They have been spotted running through their home town in the mornings before heading to the local hockey rink. “Sometimes there’s a kids league there and I let them take shots at me to practice but it also gives me something new to try. Kids can be a lot more resourceful and sneakier than pro players so sometimes they do get one up on me.” Jesse has shared that they plan to change up their training in order to be ready for next season and they are hoping to hook up with other VHL players in the area in order to get in some real practice while they are away from London. But when not training, Jesse can also be found working on The Teno Foundation in the offices of the local rink. So far the foundation has raised about $20,000 to provide equipment and lessons to underprivileged kids in Vermont. As of the holiday weekend the foundation has supplied equipment to an additional 20 families on top of the previously reported 150. “I’m really proud of this foundation and I’m grateful to everyone who has donated not only money but time. Some of our workers who give lessons are doing so as volunteers and without them we wouldn’t be able to impact as many kids as we have.” Aside from all that, Jesse has also been spending time with their fiancé around Manchester shopping and meeting up with old friends. A lot of their down time seems to be spent at either the Northshire Bookstore or the pinball arcade across the street. And since it is quite snowy up in Vermont, Jesse has also returned to their first sport, skiing. “I haven’t been on the slopes at home in a long time and honestly I forgot just how much I love skiing Bromley. I know it’s not the fanciest or the biggest but it’s home and it's where I learned to ski.” Jesse’s fiancé also joined them on the slopes a few times, though she seems to be just as comfortable sitting in the lodge with a book and a hot chocolate. 527 words for week ending 1/1/2023
  9. Last presser of 2022! 1. We had sweeping success in the first round. What do you think our odds are this week? 2. How do you feel your performance was in the first round? Anything you hope changes? 3. Any new pre-game rituals created after the first round? 4. How have the few days off of games been? 5. New year, new start. How does your player plan to ring in the new year? 6. What was your favorite present that you received for the holiday this year?
  10. Jesse Teno’s rookie season is over and the impact they made on the VHL has been minimal. No breakout performances in their 11 games and no real accolades to speak of. Sure, just being trusted to play in the VHL is an honor in and of itself but Jesse felt like they didn’t get to really shine and prove their worth. But perhaps that is what being a backup goalie for a whole season is. In Saskatoon, Jesse was trusted to carry the Wild through both the regular season and the playoffs. In Cologne, Jesse had a short stint as the backup before taking over the role as starter a few weeks in. This has been Jesse’s quietest season on the ice since they were a freshman in college and the feeling is strange. They know they made an impact with their 7 wins but it doesn’t feel like a big enough one to them. Hopefully the next season will be their chance to really show everyone what they are made of. 172 words for 1/1/2022
  11. Yes! I'm very excited about the tv show. Paoilini himself is actually going to be involved and he's said that he basically agrees that the movie did not do the story justice. So he's going to be there from casting to the editing bay and I'm very excited to see what he is able to get them to do. I picked it up the year it was released and it's the book that got me to realize I actually do love reading.
  12. I miss when I had not only the time but the motivation to read. I have stopped and started so many books over the last year it's just sad. And will do!
  13. I'm struggling to stick with any one book and also struggling to find something to hold my attention long enough to read more than a chapter or two before setting and forgetting. (Thanks, ADHD) Currently have bookmarks and tissues and other household objects stuck in: Doctor Who: The Ruby’s Curse - Alex Kingston The Hobbit - J.R.R Tolkein (running the e-book and audio book at the same time because the writing style doesn't work with my brain when trying to read it) The Lost Apothecary - Sarah Penner Skandar and the Unicorn Thief - A.F. Steadman I might just give up and pick up Eragon to try and get my drive to read going.
  14. Hey this is a weird thought: would anyone be interested in a book club?

    1. jacobcarson877


      you should definitely check this out!


  15. I'm with @Triller on this; this is a must review and a 10/10 for sure. I think this might be one of the most professional looking graphics I have seen on this forum. I feel like I'm looking at a professional rendering during the off-season for an NHLer's new mask. The colors pop and the images are soft yet really stand out. The angles also of where the image warps to the shape of the mask is incredible. Amazing job and I'm definitely going to be checking out any other work you've done as well as keep an eye out for future work.
  16. This past weekend Jesse Teno and their fiance flew home to Vermont to celebrate Channuakah with their family. Sunday was the first night and Jesse was seen attending the chanukia lighting at their synagogue. They brought with them presents for friends and family in attendance as well as some surprise ones for the kids who attend the Hebrew school to bring home and open up with their families during the week. The synagogue provided Jesse and their family with a traditional oil based meal of potato latkes and jelly filled donuts called sufganiyot. Jesse surprised their fiance with a necklace that had a small pendant with a since diamond and she gave Jesse a new watch with the London United’s logo pressed into the leather band. This will be our last report on Jesse Teno’s whereabouts for the year so we are wishing everyone a Happy Channukah, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanza, and a Happy New Year. Or as a kids tv commercial once called it, Happy Christma-Channa-Kwanz-ika! 167 words for week ending 12/25/2022
  17. You know the drill! 1. It's the last day of the regular season and we're way out in 1st. How do you feel? 2. How do you think we're going to hold up in the playoffs? 3. Anything advice you want to give your teammates as we move on from the regular season? 4. Looks like we'll be crossing into January for the post season. Are you ready to ring in the new year with a cup win? 5. How many points do you think you'll have in the post season? 6. Are you home or away for the holiday season?
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