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Everything posted by Aimee

  1. After Friday night’s VHL draft, many in London and in the London fanbase are scratching their heads wondering who on Earth Jesse Teno is exactly. A somewhat decent goalie who put up decent stats on a not-so-decent VHLM team landed themselves the 10th pick slot. So who is Jesse and why should London fans care about them? Well, we’ll tell you. Jesse Teno, who uses they/them pronouns, was born and raised in the small town of Chester, Vermont and came to hockey late in life. In college they blossomed and found a true passion for the sport. They had never considered playing professionally until the VHLM seemed to call them to it. It seemed a long shot until scouting reports noted the potential that Jesse had. They were drafted 30th overall by the Saskatoon Wild and for the first time, Jesse picked up and moved out of their home state. It was a big step for them personally and professionally. It seemed maybe they could make something out of themselves with hockey. In Saskatoon, Jesse proved themselves more than capable of handling high pressure situations. Their low win count couldn’t be helped when there was so little front of net presence to help them out. But Jesse enjoyed their time in Saskatoon despite the losing season. They even impressed themselves when they were able to get the Wild into the playoffs and stole a few games from the Las Vegas Aces. When the season ended, Jesse wondered where they would end up. The off season didn’t see them playing golf, but instead they headed home to reunite with their family for the first time since leaving for Saskatoon. Jesse spent the off season catching up with friends and family, heading out to local favorites, and trained both at the local ice rink and while playing roller hockey. It was an off season of fun and relaxation. So when the draft came around, the relaxation turned to apprehension. Jesse had heard from multiple teams who had shown interest in drafting them. Though Jesse didn’t necessarily care about how early they would be drafted, part of them still hoped that it would be high. They had worked so hard in the VHLM to gain the skills they had. It was a long day awaiting the broadcast. The first spot they had been told they were considered had come and gone but Jesse tried to keep faith that things would work out. And when London United had their pick at 10th, Jesse was elated to hear their name called out. It wasn’t a team they had heard from but a team who wanted them nonetheless. Minutes after their drafting, Jesse heard from the DM @Dil and was more than happy to accept a rookie contract on the spot. A few emails and digital signatures later and Jesse was officially a prospect goalie for London. “I honestly cannot thank everyone who has gotten me here enough. Being drafted to the VHL is really a dream I never thought I would have, let alone achieve.” Jesse commented on Twitter after being drafted. It was then followed up by, “I can’t wait to see what London holds for me in the future. See you all at the VHLE draft!” With their sights set on the next draft, Jesse is looking forward to once again spreading their proverbial wings by jumping into some metal ones to see what Europe has in store for them. 578 words for week ending 9/4/22
  2. 1. Being one of those prospects, and having had a few days to hover around in the locker room, I feel like this team would strap me down to the roof of a car and just drive around. 2. The clicking. Oh it's so hard on my fingers. 3. Can't say I know anyone well enough to have an educated answer but probably just the ones nearest to me at that time. 4. Spinning around in circles until I fall. Did you know that if you spin 3 times in one direction and then spin 1 time in the opposite direction, you can negate the dizziness? 5. I don't know him but maybe a clown car? 6. Definitely a chipmunk. Adorable on the outside, but much potential to be psychotic in the inside.
  3. Answer all 6 for 2 TPE! 1. With the JST ending and our run cut short, how are you feeling as we head into the season? 2. If you could have one super power what would it be? 3. Are you excited for the VHLM draft? 4. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? 5. What is the meaning of life? 6. If there was one thing in the whole world, what would it be?
  4. From their small home in Chester, Vermont, Jesse and their parents sat nervously watching the VHL draft and waiting for Jesse's name to be called. A few teams had reached out with the assertion that they planned to take them at specific spots given the chance. But when that first one went by and Jesse's name was nowhere to be heard, a pit formed in their stomach. Had something changed? Did their draft stock fall and they didn't realize? Some disappointment loomed as Jesse now knew that the next team that had expressed interest was not in the first round. A bit of hope was dashed until from left field, London United selected Jesse Teno 10th overall, securing their history in the draft as a top prospect. It wasn't what Jesse expected but maybe London would be what they needed. After a quick call with the GM, Jesse felt more secure about the draft and immediately accepted a rookie contract. Between now and the start of the season, Jesse is looking forward to getting to know their future teammates as they not only wait for their call up, but for the VHLE draft as well. 192 words for week ending 9/4/22
  5. Looks like I'll be heading to the E with 300 TPE!

  6. Sorry to disappoint. Hopefully you at least enjoyed the read.
  7. I'll be bookmarking this for when I recreate in a year or so
  8. Having been named one of the GMs for the Junior Showcase Tournament only two weeks ago, it saddens me to see it coming to an end so soon. We are already in the first round of the playoffs and it’s now hitting me, as someone who only just finished their first season, just how quickly everything really moves in the VHL. I haven’t even been here three months and somehow I have almost come full circle with an entire season and off-season. Damn that was fast. But I thought I would take this media spot to talk about my short and soon to be over time with the JST. I missed out on it when I initially joined, having become a member only a week before the VHLM draft which means I probably missed the JST by just a week or so. Realizing this, it is a bit of a shame that I held off checking that Reddit post. I wish I had had a week or so in the JST to learn how sims worked and had gotten a chance to be forced to interact with other players. I was slow to really engage with anyone just due to the nerves of coming in new to something that felt so established; like the discord server. Not to say that I kept completely to myself but I think it would have given me that extra bump to be more social. But this was about the experience that I did have with the JST so here it is: it’s been fun! As an intro for new players, a time killer for recreates, and a way for newer members like me to get some GM experience, it’s been great. I do wish I had a more social team though. Most of my team never joined the discord but I do really enjoy talking to the ones who did! Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if most of the new players on my team still haven’t logged in since joining the VHL. But that’s okay. The one downside to it that I find is a personal one. I don’t know how to talk to players like a GM without sounding like an actual coach. We all know realistically that none of us has any control as to how a game turns out and the most all of us can really do is earn TPE and apply it as best as we think we should. Everything else is up to the sim program. So I think that if I were to ever become AGM or GM of a team, that’s one thing I want to work on; my communication with my players. I want and need to figure out how to engage them more than just a daily “atta boy” after the results come through. But that could also be my social anxieties preventing me from wanting to look stupid. Who knows. Point is, I know it’s something I should work on and I’m going to spend the rest of the JST playoffs doing what I can to improve that skill. #BunsofSteel 516 words for week ending 8/28/2022
  9. 1. It's already JST playoff season and we're down 2-1. What do you think our odds are to move on? 2. If you're new to the VHL, what's one thing you still have questions about? If you're a returning player, did you choose the same position or did you switch it up this time? 3. What is your favorite snack for watching sports? 4. Have you joined the main VHL discord yet? If no, why not? 5. Have any pets? What kind and what are their name(s)? 6. Any thoughts on who the team MVP should be for the tournament?
  10. Last night we were able to catch Jesse Teno heading out of Saskatoon as they were shifted from member of the Wild into Free Agency. Jesse, how are you feeling? Must be bittersweet. It is. Being here and playing professional hockey in Saskatoon was definitely an amazing experience. It’s sad to leave but it feels good to be moving up. What will you do with your time before the draft? I’m going to just go home, take a few days to relax with friends and family that I haven’t seen since coming here, and then I’m going to get right back to work and practice my ass off. Any updates on the scouting interviews? Yea, actually. A few teams from both the VHL and the E have reached out and they were all good interviews. I just hope I made a good enough impression to end up on someone’s roster. I don’t think that will be a problem. As one of the top producing players in your draft class, we all think you’re going to go far. 177 words for week ending 8/28/22
  11. Transaction ID: 1NA45075YG272824X $1M Player Store Cash - claiming week ending 8/28 5 TPE Uncapped - claiming week ending 8/28 Doubles Week - claiming week ending 8/28
  12. 1. Warsaw! 2. Definitely an all around improvement. 3. Denver Doodles of Nashville. Iykyk 4. Air conditioning! And late sundown. 5. Just keep working and earning to be as ready as possible for the VHLE. 6. Slam Ball! Most people haven't even heard of it but I just got word that it's making a comeback.
  13. Hey @Elgyem, welcome to the VHL! The Junior Showcase Tournament is under way and is a great way to learn how the VHL works before your first draft into the VHLM! I’m the GM of the Steel and I would love to have you join us for the tournament! If you’re interested just reply with #BunsOfSteel and I’ll get you right into our locker room with the team. Glad to have you here and hope to hear from you!
  14. Hey @Vkobe-v , welcome back to the VHL! The Junior Showcase Tournament is under way! I’m the GM of the Steel and I would love to have you join us for the tournament! If you’re interested just reply with #BunsOfSteel and I’ll get you right into our locker room with the team. Glad to have you here and hope to hear from you!
  15. It’s locker clearing day here in Saskatoon and we’re catching up with Jesse Teno just before they head out. Jesse, sorry to see your season end like this. How are you feeling? Honestly? I’m okay. It wasn’t the season any of us wanted but I think it was great to make it to the playoffs and even better to get those two wins against Vegas. It wasn’t easy but it was fun. Do you think you’ll stick around Saskatoon or head into the VHLE draft? Oh I’m already in the draft. Saskatoon is a great place but I think it’s time for me to move onward and upward. Have any VHLE teams reached out and shown any interest? No, not yet at least. Hopefully someone will. But I have been contacted by a VHL team so we’ll see where that goes. Well, wherever you end up, know that you’ll always be welcome back here. Thanks. It’s going to be bittersweet leaving Saskatoon. But it’s the way this sport works. I’m just trying to look forward to the next part of my career. 182 words for week ending 8/21
  16. 1. We're a few games into the tournament. How are you feeling about your performance so far? 2. If you're new, what's one thing you're enjoying about the VHL? If you're a returning player, what's been your favorite moment over your tenure? 3. Do you play any sports for real? If not, what's one sport you wish you could play? 4. If you could rename any VHL/E/M team, which would you choose and what would the new name be? 5. What is your goal during the Junior Showcase? 6. Vegas just won the VHL Founder's Cup for a second year in a row and the VHL finals will be ending this week. How excited are you for the draft and which VHLM team are you hoping to be drafted by?
  17. Definitely plan on staying for the long term. This is just too much fun to give up.
  18. A VHL Review - From a Noob Hello hello! I just wrapped up my very first season in the VHL and I want to write about it! I want to share my experience for entertainment, as maybe a guide for other newbies, and possibly as a way to express any issues I had during the last two months. I joined the VHL a week before the S84 draft and had quite the steep learning curve prior to the draft. It seems I came in at a time that was both hectic and opportune. Not only did I dive into something while everyone around me was scrambling, but I also unknowingly chose the one position that was in high demand; goalie. Now, I’m a goalie girl. Give me a goalie any day. My favorite player is Marc-Andre Fleury. I was mad when the Wilkes-Barre Scranton Penguins (Pittsburgh’s farm team) traded goaltender John Curry because I truly believe that the trio of Fleury Curry and Murray could have been something amazing. But I digress if to only let you know that I chose to play a goalie for a reason. So luck had it that I chose to create my goalie Jesse Teno and I was thrown into a deep end so deep that I swear Nessi was lurking down there. Coming into the VHL with no one in real life to guide you or to explain how it works means learning a lot on the fly. Honestly I think if it hadn’t been for @Shindigs I think I would have been mediocre at best and inactive at worst. I know that the beginners guides are there but as someone who doesn’t usually do forum or site based activities like a simulation league, it is a serious learning curve. I was definitely lost and confused my first week and even to this day I still sometimes struggle to remember where to find things. But I suppose that’s part of the process, right? Sure. But I think the way newbies are taught could use a little tweaking. To continue that thought and one that comes to me as I’m writing is that I would have to assume that many members of the VHL do not have English as their first language. I am lucky in that it is for me. But I do think that certain things that I found confusing, must be even more so for non-English speakers. Now I won’t speak for others but for example, I think the one thing that maybe needs tweaking is the abbreviations. There are so many and it’s hard to always find where the dictionary for them is. Maybe if there was a dedicated dictionary somewhere to lay out all of the league, sim, site, and game abbreviations, that could help new players out even more. But to talk about the other side of that coin would be to hype up the incredible people in the discord servers. I’m not the most active but I do participate when I find a window of opportunity and I find myself able to ask questions and not feel like a moron. After I was drafted, I knew I wanted a cool signature like everyone else but I also knew that I had no artistic skills especially on a computer. So I asked in the Saskatoon discord and it was suggested that I just ask in the main server. I was so freaking nervous. I thought I was going to be told to go away, that I can’t just ask, or that I would even be ignored. But that’s not what happened and it honestly blew my mind. Out of nowhere, asking for nothing in return, was @Enorama offering to make me a sig and as you can see below, it’s incredible. I’ll be sad to see it go when I need an updated one after the upcoming draft. But all this to say that this has been one of the nicest communities I have ever participated in and I truly think that the kindness and willingness to help from veteran members is what makes the VHL so amazing. Take away the hockey and you still have a group of really good people. One thing that I have really enjoyed with the VHL is all the writing I have been doing. I used to write in high school and in college along with a lot of fanfiction. It’s been years since I have told a story but this sim league has given me a new perspective to write from. It’s been a seriously good exercise and because each week brings something new, I don’t feel like I run out of things to write about. I was concerned about the off season especially needing to hit five hundred words for a Media Spot but this thing just hit a thousand while I added this paragraph in so there we go, now I’m covered for this week and next! I had an incredible first season in the VHL and I have learned a lot and made a few friends over the last two months. It also blows my mind that it’s only been two months. It feels like so much longer than that. I want to thank everyone who has helped me along the way by just liking a post, answering my random questions on discord, or even posting words of encouragement when I was getting down at the beginning of the season in my writing. Also to those who have tagged me in posts and talked about my player, like most recently with @badcolethetitan. It seriously put such a smile on my face to read what you wrote about me; thank you. So if you’re new to the VHL and you find yourself lost or confused or both, my suggestion would be to take a deep breath, join the Discord, and just start asking questions. You’ll get some silly responses like a pickle gif or #BlameCole but you’ll learn to understand their weird ways and even come to enjoy them. And if you have any questions from a fellow newbie’s perspective, you can always reach out to me too. 1,022 words for weeks ending 8/14 and 8/21
  19. Welcome to the team! I'll be sending over a waiver and an invite to the discord server soon. Keep an eye out!
  20. Hey @MaterPawz , welcome to the VHL! The Junior Showcase Tournament is under way and is a great way to learn how the VHL works before your first draft into the VHLM! I’m the GM of the Steel and I would love to have you join us for the tournament! If you’re interested just reply with #BunsOfSteel and I’ll get you right into our locker room with the team. Glad to have you here and hope to hear from you!
  21. Hey @TheBeardedCowboy , welcome to the VHL! The Junior Showcase Tournament is under way and is a great way to learn how the VHL works before your first draft into the VHLM! I’m the GM of the Steel and I would love to have you join us for the tournament! If you’re interested just reply with #BunsOfSteel and I’ll get you right into our locker room with the team. Glad to have you here and hope to hear from you!
  22. Hey @Shmxcks , welcome to the VHL! The Junior Showcase Tournament is under way and is a great chance to learn how the VHL works and how to play! I’m the GM of the Steel and I would love to have you join us for the tournament! If you’re interested just reply with #BunsOfSteel and I’ll get you right into our locker room with the team. Glad to have you here and hope to hear from you!
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