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Everything posted by Aimee

  1. I promise I'm not falling off, I'm just stupid busy at work this week. 😩

    1. thadthrasher


      Don't stress, it happens to all of us. I joined during COVID, was incredibly active, reading and writing almost every day, and then life starting getting back to normal and my schedule got fuller and fuller. 

  2. 1. Personally rooting for Vegas but it seems Halifax might be a serious upset. 2. Getting the experience with this league was great. Happy to have started my first gen career here. 3. New York Americans. They're my home team. I know they have struggles but hopefully they'll turn it around soon. 4. Can I opt for spring instead? lol 5. NY Style cheesecake 6. Probably something to do with teaching or nature conservation.
  3. Thank you thank you for your kind words! I hope to keep it up and earn that ranking spot.
  4. We are inside the locker room after Game 5 between the Saskatoon Wild and Las Vegas Aces where goalie Jesse Teno has brought their team into an unimaginable situation. “Jesse, how are you feeling right now? Two wins in a row against the best team in the league.” “Honestly, I’m shocked. They’re still shooting like crazy but somehow, I’m managing to keep pucks out of the net. I really can’t explain it. Also the guys doing the scoring have finally found their footing right when we need it.” “The Ottawa Lynx have just moved to the next round, taking out the Hounds in a massive upset. Think there’s any room for a miracle in Saskatoon as well?” “I have no idea, but I guess it’s always possible. I suppose we’ll find out soon enough.” Jesse Teno and the Saskatoon Wild came into the playoffs with little more than pride that they even made it. Now there is a sliver of a chance that they might make it to the next round. 171 words for week ending 8/14
  5. Sure thing! How do I do that?
  6. 1. Mostly looking forward to getting some extra ice time to build up my stats before the next draft. 2. With it being my first season, I'm taking away a lot of just new knowledge and I have an idea of how to tackle next season. 3. Raycons for sure. It's my go to earbud for work and home and I'm always having to replace them becsuee I wear them out lol. 4. Derry Girls. Anxiously waiting for season 4 to hit Netflix. 5. Marc-Andre Fleury. Has been since I first got into hockey. 6. Strawberries. Especially with a little whipped cream.
  7. And with that last buzzer and a terrible shutout loss against the Ottawa Lynx, the regular season is over for Jesse Teno and the Saskatoon Wild. A long and hard season sees them clawing their way into the VHLM playoffs as they take 8th in the regular season standings. Mathematically, by the last few games, it was impossible for San Diego or Miami to jump the Wild in points. Now they face the literally impossible task of going up against the number one seed in the VHLM; the Las Vegas Aces. One would have to imagine it will be a sweep of a series. Honestly it’s not even fair how lopsided this battle will be. A full roster team going up one that barely has any on-ice presence. It’s going to get ugly. But enough of the Wild and their inevitable downfall, let’s see how Saskatoon’s go-to goalie fared this season. Jesse Teno has finished their first and only season in the VHLM with a 22-47-2 record including 5 shutouts, and 4 shoot-out wins. They also lead the league with a perfect shootout record, having not let in a single shootout goal from 13 shots. And on top of that, they finish the season with a respectable .904 save percentage. While Jesse does lead the league in shots against (2,386) and losses (47), it can’t all be blamed on them. Between Saskatoon severely lacking in any real shooting power, being the only goalie for the team up until the third to last day of games, and having a league leading 4,280 minutes of ice time among goalies, it’s easy for all of those aspects to have worked against them. So, after a career starting season like this, where does Jesse go from here? At this point in time, it could be anywhere. The VHLE is a whole new step and location for Jesse. Despite their win / loss ratio, Jesse is an incredibly active goalie with a long career ahead of them. They are talented, bright, and hard working with no signs of stopping. Numbers don’t always tell the full story. Sometimes the facts surrounding circumstances can have a major impact. Is Jesse the number one goalie in the VHLM? No. Is Jesse in the top 5 of VHLM goalies? Probably not. What Jesse does have is hard work and dedication to hockey and the VHL that will carry them further than most and we cannot wait to see what is next in store for this goalie. Jesse posted the below to their social media after the final game: I want to thank Saskatoon and the people here for standing behind me during my first season. I know we’re not where we want to be but I promise I tried to get us there. This whole season has been a time of real growth and learning. I left home for the first time, played on my first non-school based team, and I have doubled down on my love for the sport of hockey. I hope to make Saskatoon proud in the playoffs but I think we all know the odds we are facing. All I can promise the fans is that I’m going to give it my all. 539 words for week ending 8/7/22 [Pictured below, a sad goalie.]
  8. Applying! Would love to give this a shot.
  9. That would be 13 PS with 100% save rate lol
  10. With only a few more games to round out the season, Jesse Teno finds themselves sitting in the top 10 of their draft class. It’s not something they imagined themselves being but the numbers do not lie. Jesse Teno from the start has been a hard-working goalie who wishes to better themselves every day. Jesse comes into the final week of the season with a 21-41-2 record but a surprising 5 shutouts and a .902 save percentage. The one thing really on Jesse’s side numbers wise is the fact that they have been shot on so much yet have never let more than 7 goals through in a single game. Amazingly, Jesse has also led the Wild to a win in every single shoot out game of the season. If anything, this proves how great of a goalie Jesse Teno is turning out to be. Despite not having the best numbers overall, Jesse is still an impressive goalie who will be able to go far in the VHLE next season. 170 words for week ending 8/7/22
  11. 1. Some more wins would have been nice but 5 shutouts and a save percentage over .9 makes me feel good. 2. I think Vegas is going to repeat unless the Hounds manage to pull a fast one. 3. I like breakfast *for* dinner. 4. Spicy pork and broccoli 5. The Panic at the Disco version of "Into the Unknown" from Frozen. 6. Just simply not being good enough and having that hard fight end up in a loss.
  12. It was posted I want to say probably the first week in June and it was from the VHL account.
  13. Well this is a first for me. Writing a meta article isn't something I had planned on doing but as someone who just sticks to their player and is a bit quiet, I wanted to toot my horn just a little bit today. I have been in this league a little over a month and I gotta say it's been amazing. And I'm excited to say that with this article and these minimum 150 words, Jesse Teno will be the first First Gen of the s84 vhlm draft to hit 200 tpe. By nature, I'm not a highly competitive person outside of my friends and family. So when I started finding out where I was in the stats, how I was doing against others in my position, and how high up I was ranking, it lit a fire in me that I wanted to feed. And here we are. Last week I ranked in the top 5 of top weekly earners and top 10 of top monthly earners. So I'm just going to say thanks to whoever it was that posted in the Pittsburgh Penguins subreddit about this league and to @Shindigsfor being an amazing mentor and to everyone for being so welcoming and making this feel like a load of fun every day. 215 words for week ending July 31st
  14. Not that anyone would know this due to their hockey career but Jesse Teno was a history major at the University of Vermont. So when they were drafted by the Saskatoon Wild, the idea of going to a new place with lots of history and museums to explore made Jesse very happy. It took them a while into the season before they were able to go out and explore freely due to just trying to get their feet under them. But with a few days off here and there, Jesse was able to venture out and visit every museum they could. With each one, Jesse wrote about what they saw and what interested them the most. This publication was actually sent these blurbs as personal reviews from a new local favorite and we have compiled them into one article. All of the below was written and submitted by Jesse Teno: It’s not every day that I get to go into an oddities museum but when I looked at a map of Saskatoon and saw that there was one in town, I just knew it had to be the first one I went to. Early on in the season, when things were rough, I decided to step into Glitchy’s Oddities Museum. Between the two headed cow calf, the piano playing squirrel, and the Zoltar Machine, I was enamored. The charming and well lit room made the strange and unordinary seem like any other display. I will personally say that dolls are not my thing and do creep me out a little bit but otherwise I enjoyed my visit and I hope to come back in a few months and see something else totally new. Growing up in Vermont, there isn’t much room for airports and not a whole lot of planes flying around. So when I found out that there was an aviation museum in Saskatoon, I just knew I needed to go. The Saskatchewan Aviation Museum has recreation planes, military planes, a simulator and even a plane that I watched kids jump into; this place is amazing. Replicas, real and current reconstruction projects take over the tour as you walk through. It wasn’t a quiet visit given that there seemed to be a school trip but I think that made it all the more fun. Hearing kids ooh and ahh at the planes (me too, let’s be honest) brought a smile to my face. Given the current state of the world, especially in Ukraine, I decided to go to the Musee Ukraina Museum. What looks to be an old converted church - and I believe is still a working one - is also a museum to the history, culture, and religion of Ukraine. Gold artifacts and adornments fill the room and, despite not being religious myself, I found it quite awe inspiring and calming. Given the nature of the building it was quiet and serene inside, allowing everyone to just slowly take in the beauty of the building and the history of Ukraine. And with that, we end our little tour with Jesse Teno. Hopefully in the future they would be willing to contribute some more writing about our beautiful city. 529 words for week ending July 31 [Not included in word count] Author's Note: All places described in this article are real! So if you’re near or ever go to Saskatoon, check them out!
  15. 1. Night owl who needs to become an early bird. 2. By writing a ton and cashing in that TPE lol 3. Sad to see the two guys go but it's how these things go. 4. I don't know if we're going to make it out of the basement and into the playoffs but I think Jesse is doing really well considering the win loss ratio. 5. Channukah 6. Rocky Road. Love me some marshmallows in ice cream.
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